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Name of ship as recorded on the record

Ship name

Rotokino ( Plan of Elevation for Rotokino, 9th August 1889 1889, Plan of Boiler for Rotokino, 26th September 1889 1889, Plan of Pumping Arrangement for Rotokino, 25th October 1889 1889, Plan of Rigging for Rotokino, 2nd October 1889 1889, Main Deck Plan for Rotokino, 25th September 1889 1889, Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 22nd November 1889 1889, Plan of Poop, Quarter Deck Bridge & Forecastle for Rotokino, 20th September 1889 1889, Half Midship Section Plan for Rotokino, 13th August 1889 1889, Steel Ship Report for Rotokino, 17th May 1890 1890, Report on Machinery for Rotokino, 16th May 1890 1890, Letter from Thomas W Douglas, pro Surveyors, to The Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register of Shipping, London, regarding Rotokino, 19th May 1890 1890, Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 21st February 1890 1890, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rotokino, 1893 1893, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rotokino, 29th March 1893 1893, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, William Thompson, Dunedin, acquainting that the owners have proposed to have the Special Survey No 2 done on Rotokino, next time the vessel docks Dunedin port, 27th September 1898 1898, Memo submitted for the approval of the Committee regarding Special Survey No 2 to be held at Dunedin for Rotokino, 27th September 1898 1898, Letter from Lloyd's Surveyor, William Thomson, to Lloyd's Register Secretary, A G Dryhurst, London, informing that the owners of Rotokino have promised that the Special Survey No 2 will be made next time the vessel docks the Dunedin port, 15th August 1898 1898, Extract from a letter dated 22nd December 1899 from Auckland Surveyor, regarding survey of coal bunkers for Rotokino 1899, Extract from a letter dated 26th October 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino 1899, Letter from Lloyds Surveyor R Pollock, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of having received a letter from the Lloyds Surveyors at Dunedin & enclosing the correspondence to be referred back to Dunedin for Rotokino, 2nd September 1899 1899, Letter from Robert A Bell, Manager of the Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd to Lloyds Surveyor, Robert Pollock, Sydney, informing of having referred the matter of the Survey for Rotokino to the Dunedin Office, 30th August 1899 1899, Press Copy of letter from Lloyd\'s Surveyor, Robert Pollock to the Manager of the Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd regarding the No 2 Survey for Rotokino, 9th August 1899 1899, Copy of letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, R Pollock, Sydney, enclosing a copy of a letter sent to the Owners of Rotokino, asking to take steps for an overdue Survey to be held on the vessel once arrived in the port, 8th Septemb 1899, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, W Thomson, Dunedin, regarding classification for Rotokino, & including a letter sent to the Owners about the overdue Survey in the case of the same & other vessels under the ownership 1899, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to the Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd, Managing Director, Dunedin, reminding him of the overdue survey on Rotokino & the classification matter of the same vessel & others under their ownership, 8 1899, Memo regarding an overdue Special Survey No 2 to be carried out by the Lloyds Surveyors & deferred in consequence of business pressure from the Owners for Rotokino, 7th September 1899 1899, Letter from William Thomson, Surveyor of Lloyds Register to A G Dryhurst Esq, Secretary, Lloyds, London, explaining the reasons behind the completion of the overdue survey for Rotokino, 4th August 1899 1899, Copy of letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor R Pollock, Sydney, communicating that the owners of the vessel, Rotokino, have arranged for the Special Survey No 2 to take place at the Sydney port, 14th July 1899 1899, Extract from a letter dated 8th June 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino, 8th June 1899 1899, Letter from the Lloyds Register pro Secretary to Lloyds Register surveyor William Thomson, Dunedin, asking to be informed of the action taken for the Classification regarding the Special Survey No 2 for Rotokino, 16th June 1899 1899, Memo related to the Special Survey No 2 for Rotokino & the reason behind the delays in completing it & for the owners not to be pressed in order to do so, 16th June 1899 1899, Extract from a letter dated 11th May 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino 1899, Letter from Lloyd's surveyor William Thomson, to Lloyd's Register Secretary A G Dryhurst Esq, London, informing that Rotokino was docked in November but no time was given by the owners to make Special Survey No 2, 14th February 1899 1899, Letter from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, informing of the survey on the Chain Cables & sending in the List for the Quarter ending in March 1900 for Rotokino, 12th April 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor about Deferring a No 2 Survey Partly Held pending reply to a letter from Auckland surveyor for Rotokino, 12th March 1900 1900, Extract from a Letter dated 13th March 1900 from Auckland Surveyor, regarding all copies of surveys for Rotokino 1900, Letter from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton, Auckland to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a Telegram that was omitted in the last letter & another Record of Ownership for Rotokino, 27th January 1900 1900, Telegram from Engineering surveyor, Henry Wietherilt to the Lloyds Surveyor Capt Clayton informing of the examination of the Coal Bunkers for Rotokino, 9th January 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor, submitting that action needs taking for a deferred No 2 Survey Partly Held for Rotokino, pending a reply to a letter addressed to the Auckland surveyor, 26th February 1900 1900, Letter from M T Clayton Surveyor to Lloyd's Register Auckland, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, including a copy of a Telegram received from the Engineer Surveyor regarding Coal Bunkers & list of fees for the Quarter ending December 1899 for 1900, Extract from a letter dated 18th January 1900 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding repairs without Surveyor for Rotokino 1900, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor submitting action for a No 2 Survey Partly Held to be deferred until further information from Auckland Lloyd\'s surveyor for Rotokino, 3rd February 1900 1900, Telegram from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton, Auckland to the Classing Committee, London, asking to wait for a letter before doing anything regarding Rotokino, 3rd February 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding S S No 2 due, partially held & subsequent class of Rotokino, 30th January 1900 1900, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to the Union Steamship Co of New Zealand Managing Director, Dunedin, stating that in virtue of the long overdue Special Survey No 2 not being completed, the Committee have given instruction for the Chara 1900, Press Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, R Pollock, Sydney, informing him that a new Rudder has been made for Rotokino, 23rd March 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Rotokino, 23rd March 1900 1900, Letter from M T Clayton, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register, Auckland, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acquainting him on the fact that the vessel, Rotokino, has returned to port with the Weld of the Rudder broken, 17th February 1900 1900, Letter from Lloyds surveyor M T Clayton to Collection, H M Custom, Auckland, informing that the Engineer surveyor reported that the Rudder of the SS Rotokino, has been welded again & it's seaworthy, 9th February 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Rotokino, 20th March 1900 1900, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding Rotokino, 20th April 1900 1900, Memo regarding a Partly Held SS No 2 Special survey on Rotokino & the decision of the Committee to deal with the vessel Classing if not completed soon, 25th April 1900 1900, Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 2nd March 1900 1900, Rudder Plan with details of Arm & Elevation of Scarph for Rotokino, 2nd February 1900 1900, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rotokino, 17th March 1900 1900, Memo from a Copy of a Classing letter dated 2nd February 1900 & addressed to Auckland regarding a Deferred, pending Completion, of No 2 Survey for Rotokino, undated no date )

The process of transferring a vessel to water, but not necessarily her completion.

Launch Date

02/04/1890 ( Plan of Elevation for Rotokino, 9th August 1889 1889, Plan of Boiler for Rotokino, 26th September 1889 1889, Plan of Pumping Arrangement for Rotokino, 25th October 1889 1889, Plan of Rigging for Rotokino, 2nd October 1889 1889, Main Deck Plan for Rotokino, 25th September 1889 1889, Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 22nd November 1889 1889, Plan of Poop, Quarter Deck Bridge & Forecastle for Rotokino, 20th September 1889 1889, Half Midship Section Plan for Rotokino, 13th August 1889 1889, Steel Ship Report for Rotokino, 17th May 1890 1890, Report on Machinery for Rotokino, 16th May 1890 1890, Letter from Thomas W Douglas, pro Surveyors, to The Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register of Shipping, London, regarding Rotokino, 19th May 1890 1890, Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 21st February 1890 1890, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rotokino, 1893 1893, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rotokino, 29th March 1893 1893, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, William Thompson, Dunedin, acquainting that the owners have proposed to have the Special Survey No 2 done on Rotokino, next time the vessel docks Dunedin port, 27th September 1898 1898, Memo submitted for the approval of the Committee regarding Special Survey No 2 to be held at Dunedin for Rotokino, 27th September 1898 1898, Letter from Lloyd's Surveyor, William Thomson, to Lloyd's Register Secretary, A G Dryhurst, London, informing that the owners of Rotokino have promised that the Special Survey No 2 will be made next time the vessel docks the Dunedin port, 15th August 1898 1898, Extract from a letter dated 22nd December 1899 from Auckland Surveyor, regarding survey of coal bunkers for Rotokino 1899, Extract from a letter dated 26th October 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino 1899, Letter from Lloyds Surveyor R Pollock, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of having received a letter from the Lloyds Surveyors at Dunedin & enclosing the correspondence to be referred back to Dunedin for Rotokino, 2nd September 1899 1899, Letter from Robert A Bell, Manager of the Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd to Lloyds Surveyor, Robert Pollock, Sydney, informing of having referred the matter of the Survey for Rotokino to the Dunedin Office, 30th August 1899 1899, Press Copy of letter from Lloyd\'s Surveyor, Robert Pollock to the Manager of the Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd regarding the No 2 Survey for Rotokino, 9th August 1899 1899, Copy of letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, R Pollock, Sydney, enclosing a copy of a letter sent to the Owners of Rotokino, asking to take steps for an overdue Survey to be held on the vessel once arrived in the port, 8th Septemb 1899, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, W Thomson, Dunedin, regarding classification for Rotokino, & including a letter sent to the Owners about the overdue Survey in the case of the same & other vessels under the ownership 1899, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to the Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd, Managing Director, Dunedin, reminding him of the overdue survey on Rotokino & the classification matter of the same vessel & others under their ownership, 8 1899, Memo regarding an overdue Special Survey No 2 to be carried out by the Lloyds Surveyors & deferred in consequence of business pressure from the Owners for Rotokino, 7th September 1899 1899, Letter from William Thomson, Surveyor of Lloyds Register to A G Dryhurst Esq, Secretary, Lloyds, London, explaining the reasons behind the completion of the overdue survey for Rotokino, 4th August 1899 1899, Copy of letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor R Pollock, Sydney, communicating that the owners of the vessel, Rotokino, have arranged for the Special Survey No 2 to take place at the Sydney port, 14th July 1899 1899, Extract from a letter dated 8th June 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino, 8th June 1899 1899, Letter from the Lloyds Register pro Secretary to Lloyds Register surveyor William Thomson, Dunedin, asking to be informed of the action taken for the Classification regarding the Special Survey No 2 for Rotokino, 16th June 1899 1899, Memo related to the Special Survey No 2 for Rotokino & the reason behind the delays in completing it & for the owners not to be pressed in order to do so, 16th June 1899 1899, Extract from a letter dated 11th May 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino 1899, Letter from Lloyd's surveyor William Thomson, to Lloyd's Register Secretary A G Dryhurst Esq, London, informing that Rotokino was docked in November but no time was given by the owners to make Special Survey No 2, 14th February 1899 1899, Letter from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, informing of the survey on the Chain Cables & sending in the List for the Quarter ending in March 1900 for Rotokino, 12th April 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor about Deferring a No 2 Survey Partly Held pending reply to a letter from Auckland surveyor for Rotokino, 12th March 1900 1900, Extract from a Letter dated 13th March 1900 from Auckland Surveyor, regarding all copies of surveys for Rotokino 1900, Letter from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton, Auckland to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a Telegram that was omitted in the last letter & another Record of Ownership for Rotokino, 27th January 1900 1900, Telegram from Engineering surveyor, Henry Wietherilt to the Lloyds Surveyor Capt Clayton informing of the examination of the Coal Bunkers for Rotokino, 9th January 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor, submitting that action needs taking for a deferred No 2 Survey Partly Held for Rotokino, pending a reply to a letter addressed to the Auckland surveyor, 26th February 1900 1900, Letter from M T Clayton Surveyor to Lloyd's Register Auckland, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, including a copy of a Telegram received from the Engineer Surveyor regarding Coal Bunkers & list of fees for the Quarter ending December 1899 for 1900, Extract from a letter dated 18th January 1900 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding repairs without Surveyor for Rotokino 1900, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor submitting action for a No 2 Survey Partly Held to be deferred until further information from Auckland Lloyd\'s surveyor for Rotokino, 3rd February 1900 1900, Telegram from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton, Auckland to the Classing Committee, London, asking to wait for a letter before doing anything regarding Rotokino, 3rd February 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding S S No 2 due, partially held & subsequent class of Rotokino, 30th January 1900 1900, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to the Union Steamship Co of New Zealand Managing Director, Dunedin, stating that in virtue of the long overdue Special Survey No 2 not being completed, the Committee have given instruction for the Chara 1900, Letter from Lloyds Register surveyor, M T Clayton, Auckland to the Lloyds Register Secretary, London including Survey Report & documentation for various vessels, 17th March 1900 1900, Press Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, R Pollock, Sydney, informing him that a new Rudder has been made for Rotokino, 23rd March 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Rotokino, 23rd March 1900 1900, Letter from M T Clayton, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register, Auckland, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acquainting him on the fact that the vessel, Rotokino, has returned to port with the Weld of the Rudder broken, 17th February 1900 1900, Letter from Lloyds surveyor M T Clayton to Collection, H M Custom, Auckland, informing that the Engineer surveyor reported that the Rudder of the SS Rotokino, has been welded again & it's seaworthy, 9th February 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Rotokino, 20th March 1900 1900, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding Rotokino, 20th April 1900 1900, Memo regarding a Partly Held SS No 2 Special survey on Rotokino & the decision of the Committee to deal with the vessel Classing if not completed soon, 25th April 1900 1900, Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 2nd March 1900 1900, Rudder Plan with details of Arm & Elevation of Scarph for Rotokino, 2nd February 1900 1900, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rotokino, 17th March 1900 1900, Memo from a Copy of a Classing letter dated 2nd February 1900 & addressed to Auckland regarding a Deferred, pending Completion, of No 2 Survey for Rotokino, undated no date )

Unique identifier for a given ship, it is assigned by a builder.

Yard no

435 ( Plan of Elevation for Rotokino, 9th August 1889 1889, Plan of Boiler for Rotokino, 26th September 1889 1889, Plan of Pumping Arrangement for Rotokino, 25th October 1889 1889, Plan of Rigging for Rotokino, 2nd October 1889 1889, Main Deck Plan for Rotokino, 25th September 1889 1889, Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 22nd November 1889 1889, Plan of Poop, Quarter Deck Bridge & Forecastle for Rotokino, 20th September 1889 1889, Half Midship Section Plan for Rotokino, 13th August 1889 1889, Steel Ship Report for Rotokino, 17th May 1890 1890, Report on Machinery for Rotokino, 16th May 1890 1890, Letter from Thomas W Douglas, pro Surveyors, to The Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register of Shipping, London, regarding Rotokino, 19th May 1890 1890, Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 21st February 1890 1890, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rotokino, 1893 1893, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rotokino, 29th March 1893 1893, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, William Thompson, Dunedin, acquainting that the owners have proposed to have the Special Survey No 2 done on Rotokino, next time the vessel docks Dunedin port, 27th September 1898 1898, Memo submitted for the approval of the Committee regarding Special Survey No 2 to be held at Dunedin for Rotokino, 27th September 1898 1898, Letter from Lloyd's Surveyor, William Thomson, to Lloyd's Register Secretary, A G Dryhurst, London, informing that the owners of Rotokino have promised that the Special Survey No 2 will be made next time the vessel docks the Dunedin port, 15th August 1898 1898, Extract from a letter dated 22nd December 1899 from Auckland Surveyor, regarding survey of coal bunkers for Rotokino 1899, Extract from a letter dated 26th October 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino 1899, Letter from Lloyds Surveyor R Pollock, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of having received a letter from the Lloyds Surveyors at Dunedin & enclosing the correspondence to be referred back to Dunedin for Rotokino, 2nd September 1899 1899, Letter from Robert A Bell, Manager of the Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd to Lloyds Surveyor, Robert Pollock, Sydney, informing of having referred the matter of the Survey for Rotokino to the Dunedin Office, 30th August 1899 1899, Press Copy of letter from Lloyd\'s Surveyor, Robert Pollock to the Manager of the Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd regarding the No 2 Survey for Rotokino, 9th August 1899 1899, Copy of letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, R Pollock, Sydney, enclosing a copy of a letter sent to the Owners of Rotokino, asking to take steps for an overdue Survey to be held on the vessel once arrived in the port, 8th Septemb 1899, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, W Thomson, Dunedin, regarding classification for Rotokino, & including a letter sent to the Owners about the overdue Survey in the case of the same & other vessels under the ownership 1899, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to the Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd, Managing Director, Dunedin, reminding him of the overdue survey on Rotokino & the classification matter of the same vessel & others under their ownership, 8 1899, Memo regarding an overdue Special Survey No 2 to be carried out by the Lloyds Surveyors & deferred in consequence of business pressure from the Owners for Rotokino, 7th September 1899 1899, Letter from William Thomson, Surveyor of Lloyds Register to A G Dryhurst Esq, Secretary, Lloyds, London, explaining the reasons behind the completion of the overdue survey for Rotokino, 4th August 1899 1899, Copy of letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor R Pollock, Sydney, communicating that the owners of the vessel, Rotokino, have arranged for the Special Survey No 2 to take place at the Sydney port, 14th July 1899 1899, Extract from a letter dated 8th June 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino, 8th June 1899 1899, Letter from the Lloyds Register pro Secretary to Lloyds Register surveyor William Thomson, Dunedin, asking to be informed of the action taken for the Classification regarding the Special Survey No 2 for Rotokino, 16th June 1899 1899, Memo related to the Special Survey No 2 for Rotokino & the reason behind the delays in completing it & for the owners not to be pressed in order to do so, 16th June 1899 1899, Extract from a letter dated 11th May 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino 1899, Letter from Lloyd's surveyor William Thomson, to Lloyd's Register Secretary A G Dryhurst Esq, London, informing that Rotokino was docked in November but no time was given by the owners to make Special Survey No 2, 14th February 1899 1899, Letter from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, informing of the survey on the Chain Cables & sending in the List for the Quarter ending in March 1900 for Rotokino, 12th April 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor about Deferring a No 2 Survey Partly Held pending reply to a letter from Auckland surveyor for Rotokino, 12th March 1900 1900, Extract from a Letter dated 13th March 1900 from Auckland Surveyor, regarding all copies of surveys for Rotokino 1900, Letter from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton, Auckland to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a Telegram that was omitted in the last letter & another Record of Ownership for Rotokino, 27th January 1900 1900, Telegram from Engineering surveyor, Henry Wietherilt to the Lloyds Surveyor Capt Clayton informing of the examination of the Coal Bunkers for Rotokino, 9th January 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor, submitting that action needs taking for a deferred No 2 Survey Partly Held for Rotokino, pending a reply to a letter addressed to the Auckland surveyor, 26th February 1900 1900, Letter from M T Clayton Surveyor to Lloyd's Register Auckland, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, including a copy of a Telegram received from the Engineer Surveyor regarding Coal Bunkers & list of fees for the Quarter ending December 1899 for 1900, Extract from a letter dated 18th January 1900 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding repairs without Surveyor for Rotokino 1900, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor submitting action for a No 2 Survey Partly Held to be deferred until further information from Auckland Lloyd\'s surveyor for Rotokino, 3rd February 1900 1900, Telegram from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton, Auckland to the Classing Committee, London, asking to wait for a letter before doing anything regarding Rotokino, 3rd February 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding S S No 2 due, partially held & subsequent class of Rotokino, 30th January 1900 1900, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to the Union Steamship Co of New Zealand Managing Director, Dunedin, stating that in virtue of the long overdue Special Survey No 2 not being completed, the Committee have given instruction for the Chara 1900, Letter from Lloyds Register surveyor, M T Clayton, Auckland to the Lloyds Register Secretary, London including Survey Report & documentation for various vessels, 17th March 1900 1900, Press Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, R Pollock, Sydney, informing him that a new Rudder has been made for Rotokino, 23rd March 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Rotokino, 23rd March 1900 1900, Letter from M T Clayton, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register, Auckland, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acquainting him on the fact that the vessel, Rotokino, has returned to port with the Weld of the Rudder broken, 17th February 1900 1900, Letter from Lloyds surveyor M T Clayton to Collection, H M Custom, Auckland, informing that the Engineer surveyor reported that the Rudder of the SS Rotokino, has been welded again & it's seaworthy, 9th February 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Rotokino, 20th March 1900 1900, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding Rotokino, 20th April 1900 1900, Memo regarding a Partly Held SS No 2 Special survey on Rotokino & the decision of the Committee to deal with the vessel Classing if not completed soon, 25th April 1900 1900, Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 2nd March 1900 1900, Rudder Plan with details of Arm & Elevation of Scarph for Rotokino, 2nd February 1900 1900, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rotokino, 17th March 1900 1900, Memo from a Copy of a Classing letter dated 2nd February 1900 & addressed to Auckland regarding a Deferred, pending Completion, of No 2 Survey for Rotokino, undated no date )

Location where a vessel’s survey was undertaken.

Location of Survey

Dumbarton ( Plan of Elevation for Rotokino, 9th August 1889 1889, Plan of Boiler for Rotokino, 26th September 1889 1889, Plan of Pumping Arrangement for Rotokino, 25th October 1889 1889, Plan of Rigging for Rotokino, 2nd October 1889 1889, Main Deck Plan for Rotokino, 25th September 1889 1889, Plan of Poop, Quarter Deck Bridge & Forecastle for Rotokino, 20th September 1889 1889, Half Midship Section Plan for Rotokino, 13th August 1889 1889 )

Glasgow ( Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 22nd November 1889 1889, Letter from Thomas W Douglas, pro Surveyors, to The Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register of Shipping, London, regarding Rotokino, 19th May 1890 1890, Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 21st February 1890 1890, Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 2nd March 1900 1900, Rudder Plan with details of Arm & Elevation of Scarph for Rotokino, 2nd February 1900 1900 )

Dumbarton; Glasgow ( Steel Ship Report for Rotokino, 17th May 1890 1890, Report on Machinery for Rotokino, 16th May 1890 1890, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rotokino, 17th March 1900 1900 )

London ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rotokino, 1893 1893, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rotokino, 29th March 1893 1893, Letter from the Lloyds Register pro Secretary to Lloyds Register surveyor William Thomson, Dunedin, asking to be informed of the action taken for the Classification regarding the Special Survey No 2 for Rotokino, 16th June 1899 1899 )

Dunedin, N Z ( Letter from Lloyd's Surveyor, William Thomson, to Lloyd's Register Secretary, A G Dryhurst, London, informing that the owners of Rotokino have promised that the Special Survey No 2 will be made next time the vessel docks the Dunedin port, 15th August 1898 1898, Letter from Lloyd's surveyor William Thomson, to Lloyd's Register Secretary A G Dryhurst Esq, London, informing that Rotokino was docked in November but no time was given by the owners to make Special Survey No 2, 14th February 1899 1899 )

Auckland ( Extract from a letter dated 22nd December 1899 from Auckland Surveyor, regarding survey of coal bunkers for Rotokino 1899, Letter from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, informing of the survey on the Chain Cables & sending in the List for the Quarter ending in March 1900 for Rotokino, 12th April 1900 1900, Extract from a Letter dated 13th March 1900 from Auckland Surveyor, regarding all copies of surveys for Rotokino 1900, Letter from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton, Auckland to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a Telegram that was omitted in the last letter & another Record of Ownership for Rotokino, 27th January 1900 1900, Telegram from Engineering surveyor, Henry Wietherilt to the Lloyds Surveyor Capt Clayton informing of the examination of the Coal Bunkers for Rotokino, 9th January 1900 1900, Letter from M T Clayton Surveyor to Lloyd's Register Auckland, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, including a copy of a Telegram received from the Engineer Surveyor regarding Coal Bunkers & list of fees for the Quarter ending December 1899 for 1900, Telegram from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton, Auckland to the Classing Committee, London, asking to wait for a letter before doing anything regarding Rotokino, 3rd February 1900 1900, Letter from Lloyds Register surveyor, M T Clayton, Auckland to the Lloyds Register Secretary, London including Survey Report & documentation for various vessels, 17th March 1900 1900, Letter from M T Clayton, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register, Auckland, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acquainting him on the fact that the vessel, Rotokino, has returned to port with the Weld of the Rudder broken, 17th February 1900 1900, Letter from Lloyds surveyor M T Clayton to Collection, H M Custom, Auckland, informing that the Engineer surveyor reported that the Rudder of the SS Rotokino, has been welded again & it's seaworthy, 9th February 1900 1900 )

Dunedin ( Extract from a letter dated 26th October 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino 1899, Extract from a letter dated 8th June 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino, 8th June 1899 1899, Extract from a letter dated 11th May 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino 1899, Extract from a letter dated 18th January 1900 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding repairs without Surveyor for Rotokino 1900 )

Sydney ( Letter from Lloyds Surveyor R Pollock, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of having received a letter from the Lloyds Surveyors at Dunedin & enclosing the correspondence to be referred back to Dunedin for Rotokino, 2nd September 1899 1899, Letter from Robert A Bell, Manager of the Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd to Lloyds Surveyor, Robert Pollock, Sydney, informing of having referred the matter of the Survey for Rotokino to the Dunedin Office, 30th August 1899 1899 )

Dunedin, New Zealand ( Letter from William Thomson, Surveyor of Lloyds Register to A G Dryhurst Esq, Secretary, Lloyds, London, explaining the reasons behind the completion of the overdue survey for Rotokino, 4th August 1899 1899 )

A vessel’s means of propulsion.


Steam ( Plan of Elevation for Rotokino, 9th August 1889 1889, Plan of Boiler for Rotokino, 26th September 1889 1889, Plan of Pumping Arrangement for Rotokino, 25th October 1889 1889, Plan of Rigging for Rotokino, 2nd October 1889 1889, Main Deck Plan for Rotokino, 25th September 1889 1889, Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 22nd November 1889 1889, Plan of Poop, Quarter Deck Bridge & Forecastle for Rotokino, 20th September 1889 1889, Half Midship Section Plan for Rotokino, 13th August 1889 1889, Report on Machinery for Rotokino, 16th May 1890 1890, Letter from Thomas W Douglas, pro Surveyors, to The Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register of Shipping, London, regarding Rotokino, 19th May 1890 1890, Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 21st February 1890 1890, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rotokino, 1893 1893, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rotokino, 29th March 1893 1893, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, William Thompson, Dunedin, acquainting that the owners have proposed to have the Special Survey No 2 done on Rotokino, next time the vessel docks Dunedin port, 27th September 1898 1898, Memo submitted for the approval of the Committee regarding Special Survey No 2 to be held at Dunedin for Rotokino, 27th September 1898 1898, Letter from Lloyd's Surveyor, William Thomson, to Lloyd's Register Secretary, A G Dryhurst, London, informing that the owners of Rotokino have promised that the Special Survey No 2 will be made next time the vessel docks the Dunedin port, 15th August 1898 1898, Extract from a letter dated 22nd December 1899 from Auckland Surveyor, regarding survey of coal bunkers for Rotokino 1899, Extract from a letter dated 26th October 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino 1899, Letter from Lloyds Surveyor R Pollock, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of having received a letter from the Lloyds Surveyors at Dunedin & enclosing the correspondence to be referred back to Dunedin for Rotokino, 2nd September 1899 1899, Press Copy of letter from Lloyd\'s Surveyor, Robert Pollock to the Manager of the Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd regarding the No 2 Survey for Rotokino, 9th August 1899 1899, Copy of letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, R Pollock, Sydney, enclosing a copy of a letter sent to the Owners of Rotokino, asking to take steps for an overdue Survey to be held on the vessel once arrived in the port, 8th Septemb 1899, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, W Thomson, Dunedin, regarding classification for Rotokino, & including a letter sent to the Owners about the overdue Survey in the case of the same & other vessels under the ownership 1899, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to the Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd, Managing Director, Dunedin, reminding him of the overdue survey on Rotokino & the classification matter of the same vessel & others under their ownership, 8 1899, Memo regarding an overdue Special Survey No 2 to be carried out by the Lloyds Surveyors & deferred in consequence of business pressure from the Owners for Rotokino, 7th September 1899 1899, Letter from William Thomson, Surveyor of Lloyds Register to A G Dryhurst Esq, Secretary, Lloyds, London, explaining the reasons behind the completion of the overdue survey for Rotokino, 4th August 1899 1899, Copy of letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor R Pollock, Sydney, communicating that the owners of the vessel, Rotokino, have arranged for the Special Survey No 2 to take place at the Sydney port, 14th July 1899 1899, Extract from a letter dated 8th June 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino, 8th June 1899 1899, Letter from the Lloyds Register pro Secretary to Lloyds Register surveyor William Thomson, Dunedin, asking to be informed of the action taken for the Classification regarding the Special Survey No 2 for Rotokino, 16th June 1899 1899, Memo related to the Special Survey No 2 for Rotokino & the reason behind the delays in completing it & for the owners not to be pressed in order to do so, 16th June 1899 1899, Extract from a letter dated 11th May 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino 1899, Letter from Lloyd's surveyor William Thomson, to Lloyd's Register Secretary A G Dryhurst Esq, London, informing that Rotokino was docked in November but no time was given by the owners to make Special Survey No 2, 14th February 1899 1899, Letter from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, informing of the survey on the Chain Cables & sending in the List for the Quarter ending in March 1900 for Rotokino, 12th April 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor about Deferring a No 2 Survey Partly Held pending reply to a letter from Auckland surveyor for Rotokino, 12th March 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor, submitting that action needs taking for a deferred No 2 Survey Partly Held for Rotokino, pending a reply to a letter addressed to the Auckland surveyor, 26th February 1900 1900, Letter from M T Clayton Surveyor to Lloyd's Register Auckland, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, including a copy of a Telegram received from the Engineer Surveyor regarding Coal Bunkers & list of fees for the Quarter ending December 1899 for 1900, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor submitting action for a No 2 Survey Partly Held to be deferred until further information from Auckland Lloyd\'s surveyor for Rotokino, 3rd February 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding S S No 2 due, partially held & subsequent class of Rotokino, 30th January 1900 1900, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to the Union Steamship Co of New Zealand Managing Director, Dunedin, stating that in virtue of the long overdue Special Survey No 2 not being completed, the Committee have given instruction for the Chara 1900, Press Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, R Pollock, Sydney, informing him that a new Rudder has been made for Rotokino, 23rd March 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Rotokino, 23rd March 1900 1900, Letter from M T Clayton, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register, Auckland, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acquainting him on the fact that the vessel, Rotokino, has returned to port with the Weld of the Rudder broken, 17th February 1900 1900, Letter from Lloyds surveyor M T Clayton to Collection, H M Custom, Auckland, informing that the Engineer surveyor reported that the Rudder of the SS Rotokino, has been welded again & it's seaworthy, 9th February 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Rotokino, 20th March 1900 1900, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding Rotokino, 20th April 1900 1900, Memo regarding a Partly Held SS No 2 Special survey on Rotokino & the decision of the Committee to deal with the vessel Classing if not completed soon, 25th April 1900 1900, Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 2nd March 1900 1900, Rudder Plan with details of Arm & Elevation of Scarph for Rotokino, 2nd February 1900 1900, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rotokino, 17th March 1900 1900 )

Sail ( Steel Ship Report for Rotokino, 17th May 1890 1890 )

undefined ( Letter from Robert A Bell, Manager of the Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd to Lloyds Surveyor, Robert Pollock, Sydney, informing of having referred the matter of the Survey for Rotokino to the Dunedin Office, 30th August 1899 1899, Extract from a Letter dated 13th March 1900 from Auckland Surveyor, regarding all copies of surveys for Rotokino 1900, Letter from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton, Auckland to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a Telegram that was omitted in the last letter & another Record of Ownership for Rotokino, 27th January 1900 1900, Telegram from Engineering surveyor, Henry Wietherilt to the Lloyds Surveyor Capt Clayton informing of the examination of the Coal Bunkers for Rotokino, 9th January 1900 1900, Extract from a letter dated 18th January 1900 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding repairs without Surveyor for Rotokino 1900, Telegram from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton, Auckland to the Classing Committee, London, asking to wait for a letter before doing anything regarding Rotokino, 3rd February 1900 1900, Letter from Lloyds Register surveyor, M T Clayton, Auckland to the Lloyds Register Secretary, London including Survey Report & documentation for various vessels, 17th March 1900 1900, Memo from a Copy of a Classing letter dated 2nd February 1900 & addressed to Auckland regarding a Deferred, pending Completion, of No 2 Survey for Rotokino, undated no date )

Is the steamer assisted by sail?

Sail assisted steamer

No ( Plan of Elevation for Rotokino, 9th August 1889 1889, Plan of Boiler for Rotokino, 26th September 1889 1889, Plan of Pumping Arrangement for Rotokino, 25th October 1889 1889, Plan of Rigging for Rotokino, 2nd October 1889 1889, Main Deck Plan for Rotokino, 25th September 1889 1889, Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 22nd November 1889 1889, Plan of Poop, Quarter Deck Bridge & Forecastle for Rotokino, 20th September 1889 1889, Half Midship Section Plan for Rotokino, 13th August 1889 1889, Steel Ship Report for Rotokino, 17th May 1890 1890, Report on Machinery for Rotokino, 16th May 1890 1890, Letter from Thomas W Douglas, pro Surveyors, to The Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register of Shipping, London, regarding Rotokino, 19th May 1890 1890, Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 21st February 1890 1890, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rotokino, 1893 1893, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rotokino, 29th March 1893 1893, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, William Thompson, Dunedin, acquainting that the owners have proposed to have the Special Survey No 2 done on Rotokino, next time the vessel docks Dunedin port, 27th September 1898 1898, Memo submitted for the approval of the Committee regarding Special Survey No 2 to be held at Dunedin for Rotokino, 27th September 1898 1898, Letter from Lloyd's Surveyor, William Thomson, to Lloyd's Register Secretary, A G Dryhurst, London, informing that the owners of Rotokino have promised that the Special Survey No 2 will be made next time the vessel docks the Dunedin port, 15th August 1898 1898, Extract from a letter dated 22nd December 1899 from Auckland Surveyor, regarding survey of coal bunkers for Rotokino 1899, Extract from a letter dated 26th October 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino 1899, Letter from Lloyds Surveyor R Pollock, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of having received a letter from the Lloyds Surveyors at Dunedin & enclosing the correspondence to be referred back to Dunedin for Rotokino, 2nd September 1899 1899, Letter from Robert A Bell, Manager of the Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd to Lloyds Surveyor, Robert Pollock, Sydney, informing of having referred the matter of the Survey for Rotokino to the Dunedin Office, 30th August 1899 1899, Press Copy of letter from Lloyd\'s Surveyor, Robert Pollock to the Manager of the Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd regarding the No 2 Survey for Rotokino, 9th August 1899 1899, Copy of letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, R Pollock, Sydney, enclosing a copy of a letter sent to the Owners of Rotokino, asking to take steps for an overdue Survey to be held on the vessel once arrived in the port, 8th Septemb 1899, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, W Thomson, Dunedin, regarding classification for Rotokino, & including a letter sent to the Owners about the overdue Survey in the case of the same & other vessels under the ownership 1899, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to the Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd, Managing Director, Dunedin, reminding him of the overdue survey on Rotokino & the classification matter of the same vessel & others under their ownership, 8 1899, Memo regarding an overdue Special Survey No 2 to be carried out by the Lloyds Surveyors & deferred in consequence of business pressure from the Owners for Rotokino, 7th September 1899 1899, Letter from William Thomson, Surveyor of Lloyds Register to A G Dryhurst Esq, Secretary, Lloyds, London, explaining the reasons behind the completion of the overdue survey for Rotokino, 4th August 1899 1899, Copy of letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor R Pollock, Sydney, communicating that the owners of the vessel, Rotokino, have arranged for the Special Survey No 2 to take place at the Sydney port, 14th July 1899 1899, Extract from a letter dated 8th June 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino, 8th June 1899 1899, Letter from the Lloyds Register pro Secretary to Lloyds Register surveyor William Thomson, Dunedin, asking to be informed of the action taken for the Classification regarding the Special Survey No 2 for Rotokino, 16th June 1899 1899, Memo related to the Special Survey No 2 for Rotokino & the reason behind the delays in completing it & for the owners not to be pressed in order to do so, 16th June 1899 1899, Extract from a letter dated 11th May 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino 1899, Letter from Lloyd's surveyor William Thomson, to Lloyd's Register Secretary A G Dryhurst Esq, London, informing that Rotokino was docked in November but no time was given by the owners to make Special Survey No 2, 14th February 1899 1899, Letter from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, informing of the survey on the Chain Cables & sending in the List for the Quarter ending in March 1900 for Rotokino, 12th April 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor about Deferring a No 2 Survey Partly Held pending reply to a letter from Auckland surveyor for Rotokino, 12th March 1900 1900, Extract from a Letter dated 13th March 1900 from Auckland Surveyor, regarding all copies of surveys for Rotokino 1900, Letter from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton, Auckland to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a Telegram that was omitted in the last letter & another Record of Ownership for Rotokino, 27th January 1900 1900, Telegram from Engineering surveyor, Henry Wietherilt to the Lloyds Surveyor Capt Clayton informing of the examination of the Coal Bunkers for Rotokino, 9th January 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor, submitting that action needs taking for a deferred No 2 Survey Partly Held for Rotokino, pending a reply to a letter addressed to the Auckland surveyor, 26th February 1900 1900, Letter from M T Clayton Surveyor to Lloyd's Register Auckland, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, including a copy of a Telegram received from the Engineer Surveyor regarding Coal Bunkers & list of fees for the Quarter ending December 1899 for 1900, Extract from a letter dated 18th January 1900 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding repairs without Surveyor for Rotokino 1900, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor submitting action for a No 2 Survey Partly Held to be deferred until further information from Auckland Lloyd\'s surveyor for Rotokino, 3rd February 1900 1900, Telegram from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton, Auckland to the Classing Committee, London, asking to wait for a letter before doing anything regarding Rotokino, 3rd February 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding S S No 2 due, partially held & subsequent class of Rotokino, 30th January 1900 1900, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to the Union Steamship Co of New Zealand Managing Director, Dunedin, stating that in virtue of the long overdue Special Survey No 2 not being completed, the Committee have given instruction for the Chara 1900, Letter from Lloyds Register surveyor, M T Clayton, Auckland to the Lloyds Register Secretary, London including Survey Report & documentation for various vessels, 17th March 1900 1900, Press Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, R Pollock, Sydney, informing him that a new Rudder has been made for Rotokino, 23rd March 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Rotokino, 23rd March 1900 1900, Letter from M T Clayton, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register, Auckland, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acquainting him on the fact that the vessel, Rotokino, has returned to port with the Weld of the Rudder broken, 17th February 1900 1900, Letter from Lloyds surveyor M T Clayton to Collection, H M Custom, Auckland, informing that the Engineer surveyor reported that the Rudder of the SS Rotokino, has been welded again & it's seaworthy, 9th February 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Rotokino, 20th March 1900 1900, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding Rotokino, 20th April 1900 1900, Memo regarding a Partly Held SS No 2 Special survey on Rotokino & the decision of the Committee to deal with the vessel Classing if not completed soon, 25th April 1900 1900, Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 2nd March 1900 1900, Rudder Plan with details of Arm & Elevation of Scarph for Rotokino, 2nd February 1900 1900, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rotokino, 17th March 1900 1900, Memo from a Copy of a Classing letter dated 2nd February 1900 & addressed to Auckland regarding a Deferred, pending Completion, of No 2 Survey for Rotokino, undated no date )

Is machinery fitted at the aft of the vessel?

Machinery aft?

No ( Plan of Elevation for Rotokino, 9th August 1889 1889, Plan of Boiler for Rotokino, 26th September 1889 1889, Plan of Pumping Arrangement for Rotokino, 25th October 1889 1889, Plan of Rigging for Rotokino, 2nd October 1889 1889, Main Deck Plan for Rotokino, 25th September 1889 1889, Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 22nd November 1889 1889, Plan of Poop, Quarter Deck Bridge & Forecastle for Rotokino, 20th September 1889 1889, Half Midship Section Plan for Rotokino, 13th August 1889 1889, Steel Ship Report for Rotokino, 17th May 1890 1890, Report on Machinery for Rotokino, 16th May 1890 1890, Letter from Thomas W Douglas, pro Surveyors, to The Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register of Shipping, London, regarding Rotokino, 19th May 1890 1890, Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 21st February 1890 1890, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rotokino, 1893 1893, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rotokino, 29th March 1893 1893, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, William Thompson, Dunedin, acquainting that the owners have proposed to have the Special Survey No 2 done on Rotokino, next time the vessel docks Dunedin port, 27th September 1898 1898, Memo submitted for the approval of the Committee regarding Special Survey No 2 to be held at Dunedin for Rotokino, 27th September 1898 1898, Letter from Lloyd's Surveyor, William Thomson, to Lloyd's Register Secretary, A G Dryhurst, London, informing that the owners of Rotokino have promised that the Special Survey No 2 will be made next time the vessel docks the Dunedin port, 15th August 1898 1898, Extract from a letter dated 22nd December 1899 from Auckland Surveyor, regarding survey of coal bunkers for Rotokino 1899, Extract from a letter dated 26th October 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino 1899, Letter from Lloyds Surveyor R Pollock, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of having received a letter from the Lloyds Surveyors at Dunedin & enclosing the correspondence to be referred back to Dunedin for Rotokino, 2nd September 1899 1899, Letter from Robert A Bell, Manager of the Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd to Lloyds Surveyor, Robert Pollock, Sydney, informing of having referred the matter of the Survey for Rotokino to the Dunedin Office, 30th August 1899 1899, Press Copy of letter from Lloyd\'s Surveyor, Robert Pollock to the Manager of the Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd regarding the No 2 Survey for Rotokino, 9th August 1899 1899, Copy of letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, R Pollock, Sydney, enclosing a copy of a letter sent to the Owners of Rotokino, asking to take steps for an overdue Survey to be held on the vessel once arrived in the port, 8th Septemb 1899, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, W Thomson, Dunedin, regarding classification for Rotokino, & including a letter sent to the Owners about the overdue Survey in the case of the same & other vessels under the ownership 1899, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to the Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd, Managing Director, Dunedin, reminding him of the overdue survey on Rotokino & the classification matter of the same vessel & others under their ownership, 8 1899, Memo regarding an overdue Special Survey No 2 to be carried out by the Lloyds Surveyors & deferred in consequence of business pressure from the Owners for Rotokino, 7th September 1899 1899, Letter from William Thomson, Surveyor of Lloyds Register to A G Dryhurst Esq, Secretary, Lloyds, London, explaining the reasons behind the completion of the overdue survey for Rotokino, 4th August 1899 1899, Copy of letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor R Pollock, Sydney, communicating that the owners of the vessel, Rotokino, have arranged for the Special Survey No 2 to take place at the Sydney port, 14th July 1899 1899, Extract from a letter dated 8th June 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino, 8th June 1899 1899, Letter from the Lloyds Register pro Secretary to Lloyds Register surveyor William Thomson, Dunedin, asking to be informed of the action taken for the Classification regarding the Special Survey No 2 for Rotokino, 16th June 1899 1899, Memo related to the Special Survey No 2 for Rotokino & the reason behind the delays in completing it & for the owners not to be pressed in order to do so, 16th June 1899 1899, Extract from a letter dated 11th May 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino 1899, Letter from Lloyd's surveyor William Thomson, to Lloyd's Register Secretary A G Dryhurst Esq, London, informing that Rotokino was docked in November but no time was given by the owners to make Special Survey No 2, 14th February 1899 1899, Letter from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, informing of the survey on the Chain Cables & sending in the List for the Quarter ending in March 1900 for Rotokino, 12th April 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor about Deferring a No 2 Survey Partly Held pending reply to a letter from Auckland surveyor for Rotokino, 12th March 1900 1900, Extract from a Letter dated 13th March 1900 from Auckland Surveyor, regarding all copies of surveys for Rotokino 1900, Letter from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton, Auckland to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a Telegram that was omitted in the last letter & another Record of Ownership for Rotokino, 27th January 1900 1900, Telegram from Engineering surveyor, Henry Wietherilt to the Lloyds Surveyor Capt Clayton informing of the examination of the Coal Bunkers for Rotokino, 9th January 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor, submitting that action needs taking for a deferred No 2 Survey Partly Held for Rotokino, pending a reply to a letter addressed to the Auckland surveyor, 26th February 1900 1900, Letter from M T Clayton Surveyor to Lloyd's Register Auckland, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, including a copy of a Telegram received from the Engineer Surveyor regarding Coal Bunkers & list of fees for the Quarter ending December 1899 for 1900, Extract from a letter dated 18th January 1900 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding repairs without Surveyor for Rotokino 1900, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor submitting action for a No 2 Survey Partly Held to be deferred until further information from Auckland Lloyd\'s surveyor for Rotokino, 3rd February 1900 1900, Telegram from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton, Auckland to the Classing Committee, London, asking to wait for a letter before doing anything regarding Rotokino, 3rd February 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding S S No 2 due, partially held & subsequent class of Rotokino, 30th January 1900 1900, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to the Union Steamship Co of New Zealand Managing Director, Dunedin, stating that in virtue of the long overdue Special Survey No 2 not being completed, the Committee have given instruction for the Chara 1900, Letter from Lloyds Register surveyor, M T Clayton, Auckland to the Lloyds Register Secretary, London including Survey Report & documentation for various vessels, 17th March 1900 1900, Press Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, R Pollock, Sydney, informing him that a new Rudder has been made for Rotokino, 23rd March 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Rotokino, 23rd March 1900 1900, Letter from M T Clayton, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register, Auckland, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acquainting him on the fact that the vessel, Rotokino, has returned to port with the Weld of the Rudder broken, 17th February 1900 1900, Letter from Lloyds surveyor M T Clayton to Collection, H M Custom, Auckland, informing that the Engineer surveyor reported that the Rudder of the SS Rotokino, has been welded again & it's seaworthy, 9th February 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Rotokino, 20th March 1900 1900, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding Rotokino, 20th April 1900 1900, Memo regarding a Partly Held SS No 2 Special survey on Rotokino & the decision of the Committee to deal with the vessel Classing if not completed soon, 25th April 1900 1900, Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 2nd March 1900 1900, Rudder Plan with details of Arm & Elevation of Scarph for Rotokino, 2nd February 1900 1900, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rotokino, 17th March 1900 1900, Memo from a Copy of a Classing letter dated 2nd February 1900 & addressed to Auckland regarding a Deferred, pending Completion, of No 2 Survey for Rotokino, undated no date )

Generally a smaller additional auxiliary boiler (often used while the vessel is at port).

Is a donkey boiler fitted?

No ( Plan of Elevation for Rotokino, 9th August 1889 1889, Plan of Boiler for Rotokino, 26th September 1889 1889, Plan of Pumping Arrangement for Rotokino, 25th October 1889 1889, Plan of Rigging for Rotokino, 2nd October 1889 1889, Main Deck Plan for Rotokino, 25th September 1889 1889, Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 22nd November 1889 1889, Plan of Poop, Quarter Deck Bridge & Forecastle for Rotokino, 20th September 1889 1889, Half Midship Section Plan for Rotokino, 13th August 1889 1889, Steel Ship Report for Rotokino, 17th May 1890 1890, Report on Machinery for Rotokino, 16th May 1890 1890, Letter from Thomas W Douglas, pro Surveyors, to The Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register of Shipping, London, regarding Rotokino, 19th May 1890 1890, Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 21st February 1890 1890, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rotokino, 1893 1893, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rotokino, 29th March 1893 1893, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, William Thompson, Dunedin, acquainting that the owners have proposed to have the Special Survey No 2 done on Rotokino, next time the vessel docks Dunedin port, 27th September 1898 1898, Memo submitted for the approval of the Committee regarding Special Survey No 2 to be held at Dunedin for Rotokino, 27th September 1898 1898, Letter from Lloyd's Surveyor, William Thomson, to Lloyd's Register Secretary, A G Dryhurst, London, informing that the owners of Rotokino have promised that the Special Survey No 2 will be made next time the vessel docks the Dunedin port, 15th August 1898 1898, Extract from a letter dated 22nd December 1899 from Auckland Surveyor, regarding survey of coal bunkers for Rotokino 1899, Extract from a letter dated 26th October 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino 1899, Letter from Lloyds Surveyor R Pollock, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of having received a letter from the Lloyds Surveyors at Dunedin & enclosing the correspondence to be referred back to Dunedin for Rotokino, 2nd September 1899 1899, Letter from Robert A Bell, Manager of the Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd to Lloyds Surveyor, Robert Pollock, Sydney, informing of having referred the matter of the Survey for Rotokino to the Dunedin Office, 30th August 1899 1899, Press Copy of letter from Lloyd\'s Surveyor, Robert Pollock to the Manager of the Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd regarding the No 2 Survey for Rotokino, 9th August 1899 1899, Copy of letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, R Pollock, Sydney, enclosing a copy of a letter sent to the Owners of Rotokino, asking to take steps for an overdue Survey to be held on the vessel once arrived in the port, 8th Septemb 1899, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, W Thomson, Dunedin, regarding classification for Rotokino, & including a letter sent to the Owners about the overdue Survey in the case of the same & other vessels under the ownership 1899, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to the Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd, Managing Director, Dunedin, reminding him of the overdue survey on Rotokino & the classification matter of the same vessel & others under their ownership, 8 1899, Memo regarding an overdue Special Survey No 2 to be carried out by the Lloyds Surveyors & deferred in consequence of business pressure from the Owners for Rotokino, 7th September 1899 1899, Letter from William Thomson, Surveyor of Lloyds Register to A G Dryhurst Esq, Secretary, Lloyds, London, explaining the reasons behind the completion of the overdue survey for Rotokino, 4th August 1899 1899, Copy of letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor R Pollock, Sydney, communicating that the owners of the vessel, Rotokino, have arranged for the Special Survey No 2 to take place at the Sydney port, 14th July 1899 1899, Extract from a letter dated 8th June 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino, 8th June 1899 1899, Letter from the Lloyds Register pro Secretary to Lloyds Register surveyor William Thomson, Dunedin, asking to be informed of the action taken for the Classification regarding the Special Survey No 2 for Rotokino, 16th June 1899 1899, Memo related to the Special Survey No 2 for Rotokino & the reason behind the delays in completing it & for the owners not to be pressed in order to do so, 16th June 1899 1899, Extract from a letter dated 11th May 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino 1899, Letter from Lloyd's surveyor William Thomson, to Lloyd's Register Secretary A G Dryhurst Esq, London, informing that Rotokino was docked in November but no time was given by the owners to make Special Survey No 2, 14th February 1899 1899, Letter from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, informing of the survey on the Chain Cables & sending in the List for the Quarter ending in March 1900 for Rotokino, 12th April 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor about Deferring a No 2 Survey Partly Held pending reply to a letter from Auckland surveyor for Rotokino, 12th March 1900 1900, Extract from a Letter dated 13th March 1900 from Auckland Surveyor, regarding all copies of surveys for Rotokino 1900, Letter from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton, Auckland to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a Telegram that was omitted in the last letter & another Record of Ownership for Rotokino, 27th January 1900 1900, Telegram from Engineering surveyor, Henry Wietherilt to the Lloyds Surveyor Capt Clayton informing of the examination of the Coal Bunkers for Rotokino, 9th January 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor, submitting that action needs taking for a deferred No 2 Survey Partly Held for Rotokino, pending a reply to a letter addressed to the Auckland surveyor, 26th February 1900 1900, Letter from M T Clayton Surveyor to Lloyd's Register Auckland, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, including a copy of a Telegram received from the Engineer Surveyor regarding Coal Bunkers & list of fees for the Quarter ending December 1899 for 1900, Extract from a letter dated 18th January 1900 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding repairs without Surveyor for Rotokino 1900, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor submitting action for a No 2 Survey Partly Held to be deferred until further information from Auckland Lloyd\'s surveyor for Rotokino, 3rd February 1900 1900, Telegram from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton, Auckland to the Classing Committee, London, asking to wait for a letter before doing anything regarding Rotokino, 3rd February 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding S S No 2 due, partially held & subsequent class of Rotokino, 30th January 1900 1900, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to the Union Steamship Co of New Zealand Managing Director, Dunedin, stating that in virtue of the long overdue Special Survey No 2 not being completed, the Committee have given instruction for the Chara 1900, Letter from Lloyds Register surveyor, M T Clayton, Auckland to the Lloyds Register Secretary, London including Survey Report & documentation for various vessels, 17th March 1900 1900, Press Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, R Pollock, Sydney, informing him that a new Rudder has been made for Rotokino, 23rd March 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Rotokino, 23rd March 1900 1900, Letter from M T Clayton, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register, Auckland, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acquainting him on the fact that the vessel, Rotokino, has returned to port with the Weld of the Rudder broken, 17th February 1900 1900, Letter from Lloyds surveyor M T Clayton to Collection, H M Custom, Auckland, informing that the Engineer surveyor reported that the Rudder of the SS Rotokino, has been welded again & it's seaworthy, 9th February 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Rotokino, 20th March 1900 1900, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding Rotokino, 20th April 1900 1900, Memo regarding a Partly Held SS No 2 Special survey on Rotokino & the decision of the Committee to deal with the vessel Classing if not completed soon, 25th April 1900 1900, Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 2nd March 1900 1900, Rudder Plan with details of Arm & Elevation of Scarph for Rotokino, 2nd February 1900 1900, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rotokino, 17th March 1900 1900, Memo from a Copy of a Classing letter dated 2nd February 1900 & addressed to Auckland regarding a Deferred, pending Completion, of No 2 Survey for Rotokino, undated no date )

Name of the Proving House responsible for the public testing and certification of a vessel’s anchors and/or chain cables.

Lloyd's Proving House?

No ( Plan of Elevation for Rotokino, 9th August 1889 1889, Plan of Boiler for Rotokino, 26th September 1889 1889, Plan of Pumping Arrangement for Rotokino, 25th October 1889 1889, Plan of Rigging for Rotokino, 2nd October 1889 1889, Main Deck Plan for Rotokino, 25th September 1889 1889, Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 22nd November 1889 1889, Plan of Poop, Quarter Deck Bridge & Forecastle for Rotokino, 20th September 1889 1889, Half Midship Section Plan for Rotokino, 13th August 1889 1889, Steel Ship Report for Rotokino, 17th May 1890 1890, Report on Machinery for Rotokino, 16th May 1890 1890, Letter from Thomas W Douglas, pro Surveyors, to The Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register of Shipping, London, regarding Rotokino, 19th May 1890 1890, Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 21st February 1890 1890, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rotokino, 1893 1893, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rotokino, 29th March 1893 1893, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, William Thompson, Dunedin, acquainting that the owners have proposed to have the Special Survey No 2 done on Rotokino, next time the vessel docks Dunedin port, 27th September 1898 1898, Memo submitted for the approval of the Committee regarding Special Survey No 2 to be held at Dunedin for Rotokino, 27th September 1898 1898, Letter from Lloyd's Surveyor, William Thomson, to Lloyd's Register Secretary, A G Dryhurst, London, informing that the owners of Rotokino have promised that the Special Survey No 2 will be made next time the vessel docks the Dunedin port, 15th August 1898 1898, Extract from a letter dated 22nd December 1899 from Auckland Surveyor, regarding survey of coal bunkers for Rotokino 1899, Extract from a letter dated 26th October 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino 1899, Letter from Lloyds Surveyor R Pollock, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of having received a letter from the Lloyds Surveyors at Dunedin & enclosing the correspondence to be referred back to Dunedin for Rotokino, 2nd September 1899 1899, Letter from Robert A Bell, Manager of the Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd to Lloyds Surveyor, Robert Pollock, Sydney, informing of having referred the matter of the Survey for Rotokino to the Dunedin Office, 30th August 1899 1899, Press Copy of letter from Lloyd\'s Surveyor, Robert Pollock to the Manager of the Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd regarding the No 2 Survey for Rotokino, 9th August 1899 1899, Copy of letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, R Pollock, Sydney, enclosing a copy of a letter sent to the Owners of Rotokino, asking to take steps for an overdue Survey to be held on the vessel once arrived in the port, 8th Septemb 1899, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, W Thomson, Dunedin, regarding classification for Rotokino, & including a letter sent to the Owners about the overdue Survey in the case of the same & other vessels under the ownership 1899, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to the Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd, Managing Director, Dunedin, reminding him of the overdue survey on Rotokino & the classification matter of the same vessel & others under their ownership, 8 1899, Memo regarding an overdue Special Survey No 2 to be carried out by the Lloyds Surveyors & deferred in consequence of business pressure from the Owners for Rotokino, 7th September 1899 1899, Letter from William Thomson, Surveyor of Lloyds Register to A G Dryhurst Esq, Secretary, Lloyds, London, explaining the reasons behind the completion of the overdue survey for Rotokino, 4th August 1899 1899, Copy of letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor R Pollock, Sydney, communicating that the owners of the vessel, Rotokino, have arranged for the Special Survey No 2 to take place at the Sydney port, 14th July 1899 1899, Extract from a letter dated 8th June 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino, 8th June 1899 1899, Letter from the Lloyds Register pro Secretary to Lloyds Register surveyor William Thomson, Dunedin, asking to be informed of the action taken for the Classification regarding the Special Survey No 2 for Rotokino, 16th June 1899 1899, Memo related to the Special Survey No 2 for Rotokino & the reason behind the delays in completing it & for the owners not to be pressed in order to do so, 16th June 1899 1899, Extract from a letter dated 11th May 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino 1899, Letter from Lloyd's surveyor William Thomson, to Lloyd's Register Secretary A G Dryhurst Esq, London, informing that Rotokino was docked in November but no time was given by the owners to make Special Survey No 2, 14th February 1899 1899, Letter from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, informing of the survey on the Chain Cables & sending in the List for the Quarter ending in March 1900 for Rotokino, 12th April 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor about Deferring a No 2 Survey Partly Held pending reply to a letter from Auckland surveyor for Rotokino, 12th March 1900 1900, Extract from a Letter dated 13th March 1900 from Auckland Surveyor, regarding all copies of surveys for Rotokino 1900, Letter from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton, Auckland to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a Telegram that was omitted in the last letter & another Record of Ownership for Rotokino, 27th January 1900 1900, Telegram from Engineering surveyor, Henry Wietherilt to the Lloyds Surveyor Capt Clayton informing of the examination of the Coal Bunkers for Rotokino, 9th January 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor, submitting that action needs taking for a deferred No 2 Survey Partly Held for Rotokino, pending a reply to a letter addressed to the Auckland surveyor, 26th February 1900 1900, Letter from M T Clayton Surveyor to Lloyd's Register Auckland, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, including a copy of a Telegram received from the Engineer Surveyor regarding Coal Bunkers & list of fees for the Quarter ending December 1899 for 1900, Extract from a letter dated 18th January 1900 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding repairs without Surveyor for Rotokino 1900, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor submitting action for a No 2 Survey Partly Held to be deferred until further information from Auckland Lloyd\'s surveyor for Rotokino, 3rd February 1900 1900, Telegram from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton, Auckland to the Classing Committee, London, asking to wait for a letter before doing anything regarding Rotokino, 3rd February 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding S S No 2 due, partially held & subsequent class of Rotokino, 30th January 1900 1900, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to the Union Steamship Co of New Zealand Managing Director, Dunedin, stating that in virtue of the long overdue Special Survey No 2 not being completed, the Committee have given instruction for the Chara 1900, Letter from Lloyds Register surveyor, M T Clayton, Auckland to the Lloyds Register Secretary, London including Survey Report & documentation for various vessels, 17th March 1900 1900, Press Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, R Pollock, Sydney, informing him that a new Rudder has been made for Rotokino, 23rd March 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Rotokino, 23rd March 1900 1900, Letter from M T Clayton, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register, Auckland, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acquainting him on the fact that the vessel, Rotokino, has returned to port with the Weld of the Rudder broken, 17th February 1900 1900, Letter from Lloyds surveyor M T Clayton to Collection, H M Custom, Auckland, informing that the Engineer surveyor reported that the Rudder of the SS Rotokino, has been welded again & it's seaworthy, 9th February 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Rotokino, 20th March 1900 1900, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding Rotokino, 20th April 1900 1900, Memo regarding a Partly Held SS No 2 Special survey on Rotokino & the decision of the Committee to deal with the vessel Classing if not completed soon, 25th April 1900 1900, Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 2nd March 1900 1900, Rudder Plan with details of Arm & Elevation of Scarph for Rotokino, 2nd February 1900 1900, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rotokino, 17th March 1900 1900, Memo from a Copy of a Classing letter dated 2nd February 1900 & addressed to Auckland regarding a Deferred, pending Completion, of No 2 Survey for Rotokino, undated no date )

Recorded information related to a vessel’s movements.

Physical arrangement of a ship’s masts, sails and rigging.

The year in which a vessel’s construction is completed.

Year of ship completion

1890 ( Plan of Elevation for Rotokino, 9th August 1889 1889, Plan of Boiler for Rotokino, 26th September 1889 1889, Plan of Pumping Arrangement for Rotokino, 25th October 1889 1889, Plan of Rigging for Rotokino, 2nd October 1889 1889, Main Deck Plan for Rotokino, 25th September 1889 1889, Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 22nd November 1889 1889, Plan of Poop, Quarter Deck Bridge & Forecastle for Rotokino, 20th September 1889 1889, Half Midship Section Plan for Rotokino, 13th August 1889 1889, Steel Ship Report for Rotokino, 17th May 1890 1890, Report on Machinery for Rotokino, 16th May 1890 1890, Letter from Thomas W Douglas, pro Surveyors, to The Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register of Shipping, London, regarding Rotokino, 19th May 1890 1890, Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 21st February 1890 1890, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rotokino, 1893 1893, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rotokino, 29th March 1893 1893, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, William Thompson, Dunedin, acquainting that the owners have proposed to have the Special Survey No 2 done on Rotokino, next time the vessel docks Dunedin port, 27th September 1898 1898, Memo submitted for the approval of the Committee regarding Special Survey No 2 to be held at Dunedin for Rotokino, 27th September 1898 1898, Letter from Lloyd's Surveyor, William Thomson, to Lloyd's Register Secretary, A G Dryhurst, London, informing that the owners of Rotokino have promised that the Special Survey No 2 will be made next time the vessel docks the Dunedin port, 15th August 1898 1898, Extract from a letter dated 22nd December 1899 from Auckland Surveyor, regarding survey of coal bunkers for Rotokino 1899, Extract from a letter dated 26th October 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino 1899, Letter from Lloyds Surveyor R Pollock, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of having received a letter from the Lloyds Surveyors at Dunedin & enclosing the correspondence to be referred back to Dunedin for Rotokino, 2nd September 1899 1899, Letter from Robert A Bell, Manager of the Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd to Lloyds Surveyor, Robert Pollock, Sydney, informing of having referred the matter of the Survey for Rotokino to the Dunedin Office, 30th August 1899 1899, Press Copy of letter from Lloyd\'s Surveyor, Robert Pollock to the Manager of the Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd regarding the No 2 Survey for Rotokino, 9th August 1899 1899, Copy of letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, R Pollock, Sydney, enclosing a copy of a letter sent to the Owners of Rotokino, asking to take steps for an overdue Survey to be held on the vessel once arrived in the port, 8th Septemb 1899, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, W Thomson, Dunedin, regarding classification for Rotokino, & including a letter sent to the Owners about the overdue Survey in the case of the same & other vessels under the ownership 1899, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to the Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd, Managing Director, Dunedin, reminding him of the overdue survey on Rotokino & the classification matter of the same vessel & others under their ownership, 8 1899, Memo regarding an overdue Special Survey No 2 to be carried out by the Lloyds Surveyors & deferred in consequence of business pressure from the Owners for Rotokino, 7th September 1899 1899, Letter from William Thomson, Surveyor of Lloyds Register to A G Dryhurst Esq, Secretary, Lloyds, London, explaining the reasons behind the completion of the overdue survey for Rotokino, 4th August 1899 1899, Copy of letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor R Pollock, Sydney, communicating that the owners of the vessel, Rotokino, have arranged for the Special Survey No 2 to take place at the Sydney port, 14th July 1899 1899, Extract from a letter dated 8th June 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino, 8th June 1899 1899, Letter from the Lloyds Register pro Secretary to Lloyds Register surveyor William Thomson, Dunedin, asking to be informed of the action taken for the Classification regarding the Special Survey No 2 for Rotokino, 16th June 1899 1899, Memo related to the Special Survey No 2 for Rotokino & the reason behind the delays in completing it & for the owners not to be pressed in order to do so, 16th June 1899 1899, Extract from a letter dated 11th May 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino 1899, Letter from Lloyd's surveyor William Thomson, to Lloyd's Register Secretary A G Dryhurst Esq, London, informing that Rotokino was docked in November but no time was given by the owners to make Special Survey No 2, 14th February 1899 1899, Letter from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, informing of the survey on the Chain Cables & sending in the List for the Quarter ending in March 1900 for Rotokino, 12th April 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor about Deferring a No 2 Survey Partly Held pending reply to a letter from Auckland surveyor for Rotokino, 12th March 1900 1900, Extract from a Letter dated 13th March 1900 from Auckland Surveyor, regarding all copies of surveys for Rotokino 1900, Letter from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton, Auckland to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a Telegram that was omitted in the last letter & another Record of Ownership for Rotokino, 27th January 1900 1900, Telegram from Engineering surveyor, Henry Wietherilt to the Lloyds Surveyor Capt Clayton informing of the examination of the Coal Bunkers for Rotokino, 9th January 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor, submitting that action needs taking for a deferred No 2 Survey Partly Held for Rotokino, pending a reply to a letter addressed to the Auckland surveyor, 26th February 1900 1900, Letter from M T Clayton Surveyor to Lloyd's Register Auckland, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, including a copy of a Telegram received from the Engineer Surveyor regarding Coal Bunkers & list of fees for the Quarter ending December 1899 for 1900, Extract from a letter dated 18th January 1900 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding repairs without Surveyor for Rotokino 1900, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor submitting action for a No 2 Survey Partly Held to be deferred until further information from Auckland Lloyd\'s surveyor for Rotokino, 3rd February 1900 1900, Telegram from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton, Auckland to the Classing Committee, London, asking to wait for a letter before doing anything regarding Rotokino, 3rd February 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding S S No 2 due, partially held & subsequent class of Rotokino, 30th January 1900 1900, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to the Union Steamship Co of New Zealand Managing Director, Dunedin, stating that in virtue of the long overdue Special Survey No 2 not being completed, the Committee have given instruction for the Chara 1900, Letter from Lloyds Register surveyor, M T Clayton, Auckland to the Lloyds Register Secretary, London including Survey Report & documentation for various vessels, 17th March 1900 1900, Press Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, R Pollock, Sydney, informing him that a new Rudder has been made for Rotokino, 23rd March 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Rotokino, 23rd March 1900 1900, Letter from M T Clayton, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register, Auckland, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acquainting him on the fact that the vessel, Rotokino, has returned to port with the Weld of the Rudder broken, 17th February 1900 1900, Letter from Lloyds surveyor M T Clayton to Collection, H M Custom, Auckland, informing that the Engineer surveyor reported that the Rudder of the SS Rotokino, has been welded again & it's seaworthy, 9th February 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Rotokino, 20th March 1900 1900, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding Rotokino, 20th April 1900 1900, Memo regarding a Partly Held SS No 2 Special survey on Rotokino & the decision of the Committee to deal with the vessel Classing if not completed soon, 25th April 1900 1900, Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 2nd March 1900 1900, Rudder Plan with details of Arm & Elevation of Scarph for Rotokino, 2nd February 1900 1900, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rotokino, 17th March 1900 1900, Memo from a Copy of a Classing letter dated 2nd February 1900 & addressed to Auckland regarding a Deferred, pending Completion, of No 2 Survey for Rotokino, undated no date )

The individual and/or organisation listed as having been responsible for constructing the vessel. This can/may be the same as the owner and/or manager.


William Denny & Co ( Plan of Elevation for Rotokino, 9th August 1889 1889, Plan of Boiler for Rotokino, 26th September 1889 1889, Plan of Pumping Arrangement for Rotokino, 25th October 1889 1889, Plan of Rigging for Rotokino, 2nd October 1889 1889, Main Deck Plan for Rotokino, 25th September 1889 1889, Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 22nd November 1889 1889, Plan of Poop, Quarter Deck Bridge & Forecastle for Rotokino, 20th September 1889 1889, Half Midship Section Plan for Rotokino, 13th August 1889 1889, Steel Ship Report for Rotokino, 17th May 1890 1890, Report on Machinery for Rotokino, 16th May 1890 1890, Letter from Thomas W Douglas, pro Surveyors, to The Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register of Shipping, London, regarding Rotokino, 19th May 1890 1890, Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 21st February 1890 1890, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rotokino, 1893 1893, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rotokino, 29th March 1893 1893, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, William Thompson, Dunedin, acquainting that the owners have proposed to have the Special Survey No 2 done on Rotokino, next time the vessel docks Dunedin port, 27th September 1898 1898, Memo submitted for the approval of the Committee regarding Special Survey No 2 to be held at Dunedin for Rotokino, 27th September 1898 1898, Letter from Lloyd's Surveyor, William Thomson, to Lloyd's Register Secretary, A G Dryhurst, London, informing that the owners of Rotokino have promised that the Special Survey No 2 will be made next time the vessel docks the Dunedin port, 15th August 1898 1898, Extract from a letter dated 22nd December 1899 from Auckland Surveyor, regarding survey of coal bunkers for Rotokino 1899, Extract from a letter dated 26th October 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino 1899, Letter from Lloyds Surveyor R Pollock, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of having received a letter from the Lloyds Surveyors at Dunedin & enclosing the correspondence to be referred back to Dunedin for Rotokino, 2nd September 1899 1899, Letter from Robert A Bell, Manager of the Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd to Lloyds Surveyor, Robert Pollock, Sydney, informing of having referred the matter of the Survey for Rotokino to the Dunedin Office, 30th August 1899 1899, Press Copy of letter from Lloyd\'s Surveyor, Robert Pollock to the Manager of the Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd regarding the No 2 Survey for Rotokino, 9th August 1899 1899, Copy of letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, R Pollock, Sydney, enclosing a copy of a letter sent to the Owners of Rotokino, asking to take steps for an overdue Survey to be held on the vessel once arrived in the port, 8th Septemb 1899, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, W Thomson, Dunedin, regarding classification for Rotokino, & including a letter sent to the Owners about the overdue Survey in the case of the same & other vessels under the ownership 1899, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to the Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd, Managing Director, Dunedin, reminding him of the overdue survey on Rotokino & the classification matter of the same vessel & others under their ownership, 8 1899, Memo regarding an overdue Special Survey No 2 to be carried out by the Lloyds Surveyors & deferred in consequence of business pressure from the Owners for Rotokino, 7th September 1899 1899, Letter from William Thomson, Surveyor of Lloyds Register to A G Dryhurst Esq, Secretary, Lloyds, London, explaining the reasons behind the completion of the overdue survey for Rotokino, 4th August 1899 1899, Copy of letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor R Pollock, Sydney, communicating that the owners of the vessel, Rotokino, have arranged for the Special Survey No 2 to take place at the Sydney port, 14th July 1899 1899, Extract from a letter dated 8th June 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino, 8th June 1899 1899, Letter from the Lloyds Register pro Secretary to Lloyds Register surveyor William Thomson, Dunedin, asking to be informed of the action taken for the Classification regarding the Special Survey No 2 for Rotokino, 16th June 1899 1899, Memo related to the Special Survey No 2 for Rotokino & the reason behind the delays in completing it & for the owners not to be pressed in order to do so, 16th June 1899 1899, Extract from a letter dated 11th May 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino 1899, Letter from Lloyd's surveyor William Thomson, to Lloyd's Register Secretary A G Dryhurst Esq, London, informing that Rotokino was docked in November but no time was given by the owners to make Special Survey No 2, 14th February 1899 1899, Letter from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, informing of the survey on the Chain Cables & sending in the List for the Quarter ending in March 1900 for Rotokino, 12th April 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor about Deferring a No 2 Survey Partly Held pending reply to a letter from Auckland surveyor for Rotokino, 12th March 1900 1900, Extract from a Letter dated 13th March 1900 from Auckland Surveyor, regarding all copies of surveys for Rotokino 1900, Letter from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton, Auckland to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a Telegram that was omitted in the last letter & another Record of Ownership for Rotokino, 27th January 1900 1900, Telegram from Engineering surveyor, Henry Wietherilt to the Lloyds Surveyor Capt Clayton informing of the examination of the Coal Bunkers for Rotokino, 9th January 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor, submitting that action needs taking for a deferred No 2 Survey Partly Held for Rotokino, pending a reply to a letter addressed to the Auckland surveyor, 26th February 1900 1900, Letter from M T Clayton Surveyor to Lloyd's Register Auckland, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, including a copy of a Telegram received from the Engineer Surveyor regarding Coal Bunkers & list of fees for the Quarter ending December 1899 for 1900, Extract from a letter dated 18th January 1900 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding repairs without Surveyor for Rotokino 1900, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor submitting action for a No 2 Survey Partly Held to be deferred until further information from Auckland Lloyd\'s surveyor for Rotokino, 3rd February 1900 1900, Telegram from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton, Auckland to the Classing Committee, London, asking to wait for a letter before doing anything regarding Rotokino, 3rd February 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding S S No 2 due, partially held & subsequent class of Rotokino, 30th January 1900 1900, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to the Union Steamship Co of New Zealand Managing Director, Dunedin, stating that in virtue of the long overdue Special Survey No 2 not being completed, the Committee have given instruction for the Chara 1900, Letter from Lloyds Register surveyor, M T Clayton, Auckland to the Lloyds Register Secretary, London including Survey Report & documentation for various vessels, 17th March 1900 1900, Press Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, R Pollock, Sydney, informing him that a new Rudder has been made for Rotokino, 23rd March 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Rotokino, 23rd March 1900 1900, Letter from M T Clayton, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register, Auckland, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acquainting him on the fact that the vessel, Rotokino, has returned to port with the Weld of the Rudder broken, 17th February 1900 1900, Letter from Lloyds surveyor M T Clayton to Collection, H M Custom, Auckland, informing that the Engineer surveyor reported that the Rudder of the SS Rotokino, has been welded again & it's seaworthy, 9th February 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Rotokino, 20th March 1900 1900, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding Rotokino, 20th April 1900 1900, Memo regarding a Partly Held SS No 2 Special survey on Rotokino & the decision of the Committee to deal with the vessel Classing if not completed soon, 25th April 1900 1900, Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 2nd March 1900 1900, Rudder Plan with details of Arm & Elevation of Scarph for Rotokino, 2nd February 1900 1900, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rotokino, 17th March 1900 1900, Memo from a Copy of a Classing letter dated 2nd February 1900 & addressed to Auckland regarding a Deferred, pending Completion, of No 2 Survey for Rotokino, undated no date )

The port or place in which the vessel’s construction took place, at the time of writing.

Place of build

Dumbarton ( Plan of Elevation for Rotokino, 9th August 1889 1889, Plan of Boiler for Rotokino, 26th September 1889 1889, Plan of Pumping Arrangement for Rotokino, 25th October 1889 1889, Plan of Rigging for Rotokino, 2nd October 1889 1889, Main Deck Plan for Rotokino, 25th September 1889 1889, Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 22nd November 1889 1889, Plan of Poop, Quarter Deck Bridge & Forecastle for Rotokino, 20th September 1889 1889, Half Midship Section Plan for Rotokino, 13th August 1889 1889, Steel Ship Report for Rotokino, 17th May 1890 1890, Report on Machinery for Rotokino, 16th May 1890 1890, Letter from Thomas W Douglas, pro Surveyors, to The Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register of Shipping, London, regarding Rotokino, 19th May 1890 1890, Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 21st February 1890 1890, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rotokino, 1893 1893, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rotokino, 29th March 1893 1893, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, William Thompson, Dunedin, acquainting that the owners have proposed to have the Special Survey No 2 done on Rotokino, next time the vessel docks Dunedin port, 27th September 1898 1898, Memo submitted for the approval of the Committee regarding Special Survey No 2 to be held at Dunedin for Rotokino, 27th September 1898 1898, Letter from Lloyd's Surveyor, William Thomson, to Lloyd's Register Secretary, A G Dryhurst, London, informing that the owners of Rotokino have promised that the Special Survey No 2 will be made next time the vessel docks the Dunedin port, 15th August 1898 1898, Extract from a letter dated 22nd December 1899 from Auckland Surveyor, regarding survey of coal bunkers for Rotokino 1899, Extract from a letter dated 26th October 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino 1899, Letter from Lloyds Surveyor R Pollock, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of having received a letter from the Lloyds Surveyors at Dunedin & enclosing the correspondence to be referred back to Dunedin for Rotokino, 2nd September 1899 1899, Letter from Robert A Bell, Manager of the Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd to Lloyds Surveyor, Robert Pollock, Sydney, informing of having referred the matter of the Survey for Rotokino to the Dunedin Office, 30th August 1899 1899, Press Copy of letter from Lloyd\'s Surveyor, Robert Pollock to the Manager of the Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd regarding the No 2 Survey for Rotokino, 9th August 1899 1899, Copy of letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, R Pollock, Sydney, enclosing a copy of a letter sent to the Owners of Rotokino, asking to take steps for an overdue Survey to be held on the vessel once arrived in the port, 8th Septemb 1899, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, W Thomson, Dunedin, regarding classification for Rotokino, & including a letter sent to the Owners about the overdue Survey in the case of the same & other vessels under the ownership 1899, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to the Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd, Managing Director, Dunedin, reminding him of the overdue survey on Rotokino & the classification matter of the same vessel & others under their ownership, 8 1899, Memo regarding an overdue Special Survey No 2 to be carried out by the Lloyds Surveyors & deferred in consequence of business pressure from the Owners for Rotokino, 7th September 1899 1899, Letter from William Thomson, Surveyor of Lloyds Register to A G Dryhurst Esq, Secretary, Lloyds, London, explaining the reasons behind the completion of the overdue survey for Rotokino, 4th August 1899 1899, Copy of letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor R Pollock, Sydney, communicating that the owners of the vessel, Rotokino, have arranged for the Special Survey No 2 to take place at the Sydney port, 14th July 1899 1899, Extract from a letter dated 8th June 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino, 8th June 1899 1899, Letter from the Lloyds Register pro Secretary to Lloyds Register surveyor William Thomson, Dunedin, asking to be informed of the action taken for the Classification regarding the Special Survey No 2 for Rotokino, 16th June 1899 1899, Memo related to the Special Survey No 2 for Rotokino & the reason behind the delays in completing it & for the owners not to be pressed in order to do so, 16th June 1899 1899, Extract from a letter dated 11th May 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino 1899, Letter from Lloyd's surveyor William Thomson, to Lloyd's Register Secretary A G Dryhurst Esq, London, informing that Rotokino was docked in November but no time was given by the owners to make Special Survey No 2, 14th February 1899 1899, Letter from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, informing of the survey on the Chain Cables & sending in the List for the Quarter ending in March 1900 for Rotokino, 12th April 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor about Deferring a No 2 Survey Partly Held pending reply to a letter from Auckland surveyor for Rotokino, 12th March 1900 1900, Extract from a Letter dated 13th March 1900 from Auckland Surveyor, regarding all copies of surveys for Rotokino 1900, Letter from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton, Auckland to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a Telegram that was omitted in the last letter & another Record of Ownership for Rotokino, 27th January 1900 1900, Telegram from Engineering surveyor, Henry Wietherilt to the Lloyds Surveyor Capt Clayton informing of the examination of the Coal Bunkers for Rotokino, 9th January 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor, submitting that action needs taking for a deferred No 2 Survey Partly Held for Rotokino, pending a reply to a letter addressed to the Auckland surveyor, 26th February 1900 1900, Letter from M T Clayton Surveyor to Lloyd's Register Auckland, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, including a copy of a Telegram received from the Engineer Surveyor regarding Coal Bunkers & list of fees for the Quarter ending December 1899 for 1900, Extract from a letter dated 18th January 1900 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding repairs without Surveyor for Rotokino 1900, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor submitting action for a No 2 Survey Partly Held to be deferred until further information from Auckland Lloyd\'s surveyor for Rotokino, 3rd February 1900 1900, Telegram from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton, Auckland to the Classing Committee, London, asking to wait for a letter before doing anything regarding Rotokino, 3rd February 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding S S No 2 due, partially held & subsequent class of Rotokino, 30th January 1900 1900, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to the Union Steamship Co of New Zealand Managing Director, Dunedin, stating that in virtue of the long overdue Special Survey No 2 not being completed, the Committee have given instruction for the Chara 1900, Letter from Lloyds Register surveyor, M T Clayton, Auckland to the Lloyds Register Secretary, London including Survey Report & documentation for various vessels, 17th March 1900 1900, Press Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, R Pollock, Sydney, informing him that a new Rudder has been made for Rotokino, 23rd March 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Rotokino, 23rd March 1900 1900, Letter from M T Clayton, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register, Auckland, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acquainting him on the fact that the vessel, Rotokino, has returned to port with the Weld of the Rudder broken, 17th February 1900 1900, Letter from Lloyds surveyor M T Clayton to Collection, H M Custom, Auckland, informing that the Engineer surveyor reported that the Rudder of the SS Rotokino, has been welded again & it's seaworthy, 9th February 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Rotokino, 20th March 1900 1900, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding Rotokino, 20th April 1900 1900, Memo regarding a Partly Held SS No 2 Special survey on Rotokino & the decision of the Committee to deal with the vessel Classing if not completed soon, 25th April 1900 1900, Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 2nd March 1900 1900, Rudder Plan with details of Arm & Elevation of Scarph for Rotokino, 2nd February 1900 1900, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rotokino, 17th March 1900 1900, Memo from a Copy of a Classing letter dated 2nd February 1900 & addressed to Auckland regarding a Deferred, pending Completion, of No 2 Survey for Rotokino, undated no date )

Predominant material(s) utilised in a vessel’s construction.

Material of construction

Steel ( Plan of Elevation for Rotokino, 9th August 1889 1889, Plan of Boiler for Rotokino, 26th September 1889 1889, Plan of Pumping Arrangement for Rotokino, 25th October 1889 1889, Plan of Rigging for Rotokino, 2nd October 1889 1889, Main Deck Plan for Rotokino, 25th September 1889 1889, Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 22nd November 1889 1889, Plan of Poop, Quarter Deck Bridge & Forecastle for Rotokino, 20th September 1889 1889, Half Midship Section Plan for Rotokino, 13th August 1889 1889, Steel Ship Report for Rotokino, 17th May 1890 1890, Report on Machinery for Rotokino, 16th May 1890 1890, Letter from Thomas W Douglas, pro Surveyors, to The Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register of Shipping, London, regarding Rotokino, 19th May 1890 1890, Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 21st February 1890 1890, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rotokino, 1893 1893, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rotokino, 29th March 1893 1893, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, William Thompson, Dunedin, acquainting that the owners have proposed to have the Special Survey No 2 done on Rotokino, next time the vessel docks Dunedin port, 27th September 1898 1898, Memo submitted for the approval of the Committee regarding Special Survey No 2 to be held at Dunedin for Rotokino, 27th September 1898 1898, Letter from Lloyd's Surveyor, William Thomson, to Lloyd's Register Secretary, A G Dryhurst, London, informing that the owners of Rotokino have promised that the Special Survey No 2 will be made next time the vessel docks the Dunedin port, 15th August 1898 1898, Extract from a letter dated 22nd December 1899 from Auckland Surveyor, regarding survey of coal bunkers for Rotokino 1899, Extract from a letter dated 26th October 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino 1899, Letter from Lloyds Surveyor R Pollock, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of having received a letter from the Lloyds Surveyors at Dunedin & enclosing the correspondence to be referred back to Dunedin for Rotokino, 2nd September 1899 1899, Letter from Robert A Bell, Manager of the Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd to Lloyds Surveyor, Robert Pollock, Sydney, informing of having referred the matter of the Survey for Rotokino to the Dunedin Office, 30th August 1899 1899, Press Copy of letter from Lloyd\'s Surveyor, Robert Pollock to the Manager of the Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd regarding the No 2 Survey for Rotokino, 9th August 1899 1899, Copy of letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, R Pollock, Sydney, enclosing a copy of a letter sent to the Owners of Rotokino, asking to take steps for an overdue Survey to be held on the vessel once arrived in the port, 8th Septemb 1899, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, W Thomson, Dunedin, regarding classification for Rotokino, & including a letter sent to the Owners about the overdue Survey in the case of the same & other vessels under the ownership 1899, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to the Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd, Managing Director, Dunedin, reminding him of the overdue survey on Rotokino & the classification matter of the same vessel & others under their ownership, 8 1899, Memo regarding an overdue Special Survey No 2 to be carried out by the Lloyds Surveyors & deferred in consequence of business pressure from the Owners for Rotokino, 7th September 1899 1899, Letter from William Thomson, Surveyor of Lloyds Register to A G Dryhurst Esq, Secretary, Lloyds, London, explaining the reasons behind the completion of the overdue survey for Rotokino, 4th August 1899 1899, Copy of letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor R Pollock, Sydney, communicating that the owners of the vessel, Rotokino, have arranged for the Special Survey No 2 to take place at the Sydney port, 14th July 1899 1899, Extract from a letter dated 8th June 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino, 8th June 1899 1899, Letter from the Lloyds Register pro Secretary to Lloyds Register surveyor William Thomson, Dunedin, asking to be informed of the action taken for the Classification regarding the Special Survey No 2 for Rotokino, 16th June 1899 1899, Memo related to the Special Survey No 2 for Rotokino & the reason behind the delays in completing it & for the owners not to be pressed in order to do so, 16th June 1899 1899, Extract from a letter dated 11th May 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino 1899, Letter from Lloyd's surveyor William Thomson, to Lloyd's Register Secretary A G Dryhurst Esq, London, informing that Rotokino was docked in November but no time was given by the owners to make Special Survey No 2, 14th February 1899 1899, Letter from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, informing of the survey on the Chain Cables & sending in the List for the Quarter ending in March 1900 for Rotokino, 12th April 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor about Deferring a No 2 Survey Partly Held pending reply to a letter from Auckland surveyor for Rotokino, 12th March 1900 1900, Extract from a Letter dated 13th March 1900 from Auckland Surveyor, regarding all copies of surveys for Rotokino 1900, Letter from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton, Auckland to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a Telegram that was omitted in the last letter & another Record of Ownership for Rotokino, 27th January 1900 1900, Telegram from Engineering surveyor, Henry Wietherilt to the Lloyds Surveyor Capt Clayton informing of the examination of the Coal Bunkers for Rotokino, 9th January 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor, submitting that action needs taking for a deferred No 2 Survey Partly Held for Rotokino, pending a reply to a letter addressed to the Auckland surveyor, 26th February 1900 1900, Letter from M T Clayton Surveyor to Lloyd's Register Auckland, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, including a copy of a Telegram received from the Engineer Surveyor regarding Coal Bunkers & list of fees for the Quarter ending December 1899 for 1900, Extract from a letter dated 18th January 1900 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding repairs without Surveyor for Rotokino 1900, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor submitting action for a No 2 Survey Partly Held to be deferred until further information from Auckland Lloyd\'s surveyor for Rotokino, 3rd February 1900 1900, Telegram from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton, Auckland to the Classing Committee, London, asking to wait for a letter before doing anything regarding Rotokino, 3rd February 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding S S No 2 due, partially held & subsequent class of Rotokino, 30th January 1900 1900, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to the Union Steamship Co of New Zealand Managing Director, Dunedin, stating that in virtue of the long overdue Special Survey No 2 not being completed, the Committee have given instruction for the Chara 1900, Letter from Lloyds Register surveyor, M T Clayton, Auckland to the Lloyds Register Secretary, London including Survey Report & documentation for various vessels, 17th March 1900 1900, Press Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, R Pollock, Sydney, informing him that a new Rudder has been made for Rotokino, 23rd March 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Rotokino, 23rd March 1900 1900, Letter from M T Clayton, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register, Auckland, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acquainting him on the fact that the vessel, Rotokino, has returned to port with the Weld of the Rudder broken, 17th February 1900 1900, Letter from Lloyds surveyor M T Clayton to Collection, H M Custom, Auckland, informing that the Engineer surveyor reported that the Rudder of the SS Rotokino, has been welded again & it's seaworthy, 9th February 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Rotokino, 20th March 1900 1900, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding Rotokino, 20th April 1900 1900, Memo regarding a Partly Held SS No 2 Special survey on Rotokino & the decision of the Committee to deal with the vessel Classing if not completed soon, 25th April 1900 1900, Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 2nd March 1900 1900, Rudder Plan with details of Arm & Elevation of Scarph for Rotokino, 2nd February 1900 1900, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rotokino, 17th March 1900 1900, Memo from a Copy of a Classing letter dated 2nd February 1900 & addressed to Auckland regarding a Deferred, pending Completion, of No 2 Survey for Rotokino, undated no date )

Confirmation as to whether the vessel was equipped with refrigeration machinery to aid in the transport of frozen or chilled cargo/goods.

Refrigeration machinery fitted for cargo purposes?

No ( Plan of Elevation for Rotokino, 9th August 1889 1889, Plan of Boiler for Rotokino, 26th September 1889 1889, Plan of Pumping Arrangement for Rotokino, 25th October 1889 1889, Plan of Rigging for Rotokino, 2nd October 1889 1889, Main Deck Plan for Rotokino, 25th September 1889 1889, Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 22nd November 1889 1889, Plan of Poop, Quarter Deck Bridge & Forecastle for Rotokino, 20th September 1889 1889, Half Midship Section Plan for Rotokino, 13th August 1889 1889, Steel Ship Report for Rotokino, 17th May 1890 1890, Report on Machinery for Rotokino, 16th May 1890 1890, Letter from Thomas W Douglas, pro Surveyors, to The Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register of Shipping, London, regarding Rotokino, 19th May 1890 1890, Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 21st February 1890 1890, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rotokino, 1893 1893, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rotokino, 29th March 1893 1893, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, William Thompson, Dunedin, acquainting that the owners have proposed to have the Special Survey No 2 done on Rotokino, next time the vessel docks Dunedin port, 27th September 1898 1898, Memo submitted for the approval of the Committee regarding Special Survey No 2 to be held at Dunedin for Rotokino, 27th September 1898 1898, Letter from Lloyd's Surveyor, William Thomson, to Lloyd's Register Secretary, A G Dryhurst, London, informing that the owners of Rotokino have promised that the Special Survey No 2 will be made next time the vessel docks the Dunedin port, 15th August 1898 1898, Extract from a letter dated 22nd December 1899 from Auckland Surveyor, regarding survey of coal bunkers for Rotokino 1899, Extract from a letter dated 26th October 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino 1899, Letter from Lloyds Surveyor R Pollock, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of having received a letter from the Lloyds Surveyors at Dunedin & enclosing the correspondence to be referred back to Dunedin for Rotokino, 2nd September 1899 1899, Letter from Robert A Bell, Manager of the Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd to Lloyds Surveyor, Robert Pollock, Sydney, informing of having referred the matter of the Survey for Rotokino to the Dunedin Office, 30th August 1899 1899, Press Copy of letter from Lloyd\'s Surveyor, Robert Pollock to the Manager of the Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd regarding the No 2 Survey for Rotokino, 9th August 1899 1899, Copy of letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, R Pollock, Sydney, enclosing a copy of a letter sent to the Owners of Rotokino, asking to take steps for an overdue Survey to be held on the vessel once arrived in the port, 8th Septemb 1899, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, W Thomson, Dunedin, regarding classification for Rotokino, & including a letter sent to the Owners about the overdue Survey in the case of the same & other vessels under the ownership 1899, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to the Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd, Managing Director, Dunedin, reminding him of the overdue survey on Rotokino & the classification matter of the same vessel & others under their ownership, 8 1899, Memo regarding an overdue Special Survey No 2 to be carried out by the Lloyds Surveyors & deferred in consequence of business pressure from the Owners for Rotokino, 7th September 1899 1899, Letter from William Thomson, Surveyor of Lloyds Register to A G Dryhurst Esq, Secretary, Lloyds, London, explaining the reasons behind the completion of the overdue survey for Rotokino, 4th August 1899 1899, Copy of letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor R Pollock, Sydney, communicating that the owners of the vessel, Rotokino, have arranged for the Special Survey No 2 to take place at the Sydney port, 14th July 1899 1899, Extract from a letter dated 8th June 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino, 8th June 1899 1899, Letter from the Lloyds Register pro Secretary to Lloyds Register surveyor William Thomson, Dunedin, asking to be informed of the action taken for the Classification regarding the Special Survey No 2 for Rotokino, 16th June 1899 1899, Memo related to the Special Survey No 2 for Rotokino & the reason behind the delays in completing it & for the owners not to be pressed in order to do so, 16th June 1899 1899, Extract from a letter dated 11th May 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino 1899, Letter from Lloyd's surveyor William Thomson, to Lloyd's Register Secretary A G Dryhurst Esq, London, informing that Rotokino was docked in November but no time was given by the owners to make Special Survey No 2, 14th February 1899 1899, Letter from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, informing of the survey on the Chain Cables & sending in the List for the Quarter ending in March 1900 for Rotokino, 12th April 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor about Deferring a No 2 Survey Partly Held pending reply to a letter from Auckland surveyor for Rotokino, 12th March 1900 1900, Extract from a Letter dated 13th March 1900 from Auckland Surveyor, regarding all copies of surveys for Rotokino 1900, Letter from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton, Auckland to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a Telegram that was omitted in the last letter & another Record of Ownership for Rotokino, 27th January 1900 1900, Telegram from Engineering surveyor, Henry Wietherilt to the Lloyds Surveyor Capt Clayton informing of the examination of the Coal Bunkers for Rotokino, 9th January 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor, submitting that action needs taking for a deferred No 2 Survey Partly Held for Rotokino, pending a reply to a letter addressed to the Auckland surveyor, 26th February 1900 1900, Letter from M T Clayton Surveyor to Lloyd's Register Auckland, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, including a copy of a Telegram received from the Engineer Surveyor regarding Coal Bunkers & list of fees for the Quarter ending December 1899 for 1900, Extract from a letter dated 18th January 1900 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding repairs without Surveyor for Rotokino 1900, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor submitting action for a No 2 Survey Partly Held to be deferred until further information from Auckland Lloyd\'s surveyor for Rotokino, 3rd February 1900 1900, Telegram from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton, Auckland to the Classing Committee, London, asking to wait for a letter before doing anything regarding Rotokino, 3rd February 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding S S No 2 due, partially held & subsequent class of Rotokino, 30th January 1900 1900, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to the Union Steamship Co of New Zealand Managing Director, Dunedin, stating that in virtue of the long overdue Special Survey No 2 not being completed, the Committee have given instruction for the Chara 1900, Letter from Lloyds Register surveyor, M T Clayton, Auckland to the Lloyds Register Secretary, London including Survey Report & documentation for various vessels, 17th March 1900 1900, Press Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, R Pollock, Sydney, informing him that a new Rudder has been made for Rotokino, 23rd March 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Rotokino, 23rd March 1900 1900, Letter from M T Clayton, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register, Auckland, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acquainting him on the fact that the vessel, Rotokino, has returned to port with the Weld of the Rudder broken, 17th February 1900 1900, Letter from Lloyds surveyor M T Clayton to Collection, H M Custom, Auckland, informing that the Engineer surveyor reported that the Rudder of the SS Rotokino, has been welded again & it's seaworthy, 9th February 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Rotokino, 20th March 1900 1900, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding Rotokino, 20th April 1900 1900, Memo regarding a Partly Held SS No 2 Special survey on Rotokino & the decision of the Committee to deal with the vessel Classing if not completed soon, 25th April 1900 1900, Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 2nd March 1900 1900, Rudder Plan with details of Arm & Elevation of Scarph for Rotokino, 2nd February 1900 1900, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rotokino, 17th March 1900 1900, Memo from a Copy of a Classing letter dated 2nd February 1900 & addressed to Auckland regarding a Deferred, pending Completion, of No 2 Survey for Rotokino, undated no date )

Does the vessel possess an auxiliary power source?


No ( Plan of Elevation for Rotokino, 9th August 1889 1889, Plan of Boiler for Rotokino, 26th September 1889 1889, Plan of Pumping Arrangement for Rotokino, 25th October 1889 1889, Plan of Rigging for Rotokino, 2nd October 1889 1889, Main Deck Plan for Rotokino, 25th September 1889 1889, Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 22nd November 1889 1889, Plan of Poop, Quarter Deck Bridge & Forecastle for Rotokino, 20th September 1889 1889, Half Midship Section Plan for Rotokino, 13th August 1889 1889, Steel Ship Report for Rotokino, 17th May 1890 1890, Report on Machinery for Rotokino, 16th May 1890 1890, Letter from Thomas W Douglas, pro Surveyors, to The Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register of Shipping, London, regarding Rotokino, 19th May 1890 1890, Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 21st February 1890 1890, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rotokino, 1893 1893, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rotokino, 29th March 1893 1893, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, William Thompson, Dunedin, acquainting that the owners have proposed to have the Special Survey No 2 done on Rotokino, next time the vessel docks Dunedin port, 27th September 1898 1898, Memo submitted for the approval of the Committee regarding Special Survey No 2 to be held at Dunedin for Rotokino, 27th September 1898 1898, Letter from Lloyd's Surveyor, William Thomson, to Lloyd's Register Secretary, A G Dryhurst, London, informing that the owners of Rotokino have promised that the Special Survey No 2 will be made next time the vessel docks the Dunedin port, 15th August 1898 1898, Extract from a letter dated 22nd December 1899 from Auckland Surveyor, regarding survey of coal bunkers for Rotokino 1899, Extract from a letter dated 26th October 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino 1899, Letter from Lloyds Surveyor R Pollock, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of having received a letter from the Lloyds Surveyors at Dunedin & enclosing the correspondence to be referred back to Dunedin for Rotokino, 2nd September 1899 1899, Letter from Robert A Bell, Manager of the Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd to Lloyds Surveyor, Robert Pollock, Sydney, informing of having referred the matter of the Survey for Rotokino to the Dunedin Office, 30th August 1899 1899, Press Copy of letter from Lloyd\'s Surveyor, Robert Pollock to the Manager of the Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd regarding the No 2 Survey for Rotokino, 9th August 1899 1899, Copy of letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, R Pollock, Sydney, enclosing a copy of a letter sent to the Owners of Rotokino, asking to take steps for an overdue Survey to be held on the vessel once arrived in the port, 8th Septemb 1899, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, W Thomson, Dunedin, regarding classification for Rotokino, & including a letter sent to the Owners about the overdue Survey in the case of the same & other vessels under the ownership 1899, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to the Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd, Managing Director, Dunedin, reminding him of the overdue survey on Rotokino & the classification matter of the same vessel & others under their ownership, 8 1899, Memo regarding an overdue Special Survey No 2 to be carried out by the Lloyds Surveyors & deferred in consequence of business pressure from the Owners for Rotokino, 7th September 1899 1899, Letter from William Thomson, Surveyor of Lloyds Register to A G Dryhurst Esq, Secretary, Lloyds, London, explaining the reasons behind the completion of the overdue survey for Rotokino, 4th August 1899 1899, Copy of letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor R Pollock, Sydney, communicating that the owners of the vessel, Rotokino, have arranged for the Special Survey No 2 to take place at the Sydney port, 14th July 1899 1899, Extract from a letter dated 8th June 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino, 8th June 1899 1899, Letter from the Lloyds Register pro Secretary to Lloyds Register surveyor William Thomson, Dunedin, asking to be informed of the action taken for the Classification regarding the Special Survey No 2 for Rotokino, 16th June 1899 1899, Memo related to the Special Survey No 2 for Rotokino & the reason behind the delays in completing it & for the owners not to be pressed in order to do so, 16th June 1899 1899, Extract from a letter dated 11th May 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino 1899, Letter from Lloyd's surveyor William Thomson, to Lloyd's Register Secretary A G Dryhurst Esq, London, informing that Rotokino was docked in November but no time was given by the owners to make Special Survey No 2, 14th February 1899 1899, Letter from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, informing of the survey on the Chain Cables & sending in the List for the Quarter ending in March 1900 for Rotokino, 12th April 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor about Deferring a No 2 Survey Partly Held pending reply to a letter from Auckland surveyor for Rotokino, 12th March 1900 1900, Extract from a Letter dated 13th March 1900 from Auckland Surveyor, regarding all copies of surveys for Rotokino 1900, Letter from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton, Auckland to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a Telegram that was omitted in the last letter & another Record of Ownership for Rotokino, 27th January 1900 1900, Telegram from Engineering surveyor, Henry Wietherilt to the Lloyds Surveyor Capt Clayton informing of the examination of the Coal Bunkers for Rotokino, 9th January 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor, submitting that action needs taking for a deferred No 2 Survey Partly Held for Rotokino, pending a reply to a letter addressed to the Auckland surveyor, 26th February 1900 1900, Letter from M T Clayton Surveyor to Lloyd's Register Auckland, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, including a copy of a Telegram received from the Engineer Surveyor regarding Coal Bunkers & list of fees for the Quarter ending December 1899 for 1900, Extract from a letter dated 18th January 1900 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding repairs without Surveyor for Rotokino 1900, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor submitting action for a No 2 Survey Partly Held to be deferred until further information from Auckland Lloyd\'s surveyor for Rotokino, 3rd February 1900 1900, Telegram from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton, Auckland to the Classing Committee, London, asking to wait for a letter before doing anything regarding Rotokino, 3rd February 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding S S No 2 due, partially held & subsequent class of Rotokino, 30th January 1900 1900, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to the Union Steamship Co of New Zealand Managing Director, Dunedin, stating that in virtue of the long overdue Special Survey No 2 not being completed, the Committee have given instruction for the Chara 1900, Letter from Lloyds Register surveyor, M T Clayton, Auckland to the Lloyds Register Secretary, London including Survey Report & documentation for various vessels, 17th March 1900 1900, Press Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, R Pollock, Sydney, informing him that a new Rudder has been made for Rotokino, 23rd March 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Rotokino, 23rd March 1900 1900, Letter from M T Clayton, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register, Auckland, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acquainting him on the fact that the vessel, Rotokino, has returned to port with the Weld of the Rudder broken, 17th February 1900 1900, Letter from Lloyds surveyor M T Clayton to Collection, H M Custom, Auckland, informing that the Engineer surveyor reported that the Rudder of the SS Rotokino, has been welded again & it's seaworthy, 9th February 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Rotokino, 20th March 1900 1900, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding Rotokino, 20th April 1900 1900, Memo regarding a Partly Held SS No 2 Special survey on Rotokino & the decision of the Committee to deal with the vessel Classing if not completed soon, 25th April 1900 1900, Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 2nd March 1900 1900, Rudder Plan with details of Arm & Elevation of Scarph for Rotokino, 2nd February 1900 1900, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rotokino, 17th March 1900 1900, Memo from a Copy of a Classing letter dated 2nd February 1900 & addressed to Auckland regarding a Deferred, pending Completion, of No 2 Survey for Rotokino, undated no date )

Is electric lighting fitted to the vessel?

Electric light fitted?

No ( Plan of Elevation for Rotokino, 9th August 1889 1889, Plan of Boiler for Rotokino, 26th September 1889 1889, Plan of Pumping Arrangement for Rotokino, 25th October 1889 1889, Plan of Rigging for Rotokino, 2nd October 1889 1889, Main Deck Plan for Rotokino, 25th September 1889 1889, Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 22nd November 1889 1889, Plan of Poop, Quarter Deck Bridge & Forecastle for Rotokino, 20th September 1889 1889, Half Midship Section Plan for Rotokino, 13th August 1889 1889, Steel Ship Report for Rotokino, 17th May 1890 1890, Report on Machinery for Rotokino, 16th May 1890 1890, Letter from Thomas W Douglas, pro Surveyors, to The Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register of Shipping, London, regarding Rotokino, 19th May 1890 1890, Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 21st February 1890 1890, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rotokino, 1893 1893, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rotokino, 29th March 1893 1893, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, William Thompson, Dunedin, acquainting that the owners have proposed to have the Special Survey No 2 done on Rotokino, next time the vessel docks Dunedin port, 27th September 1898 1898, Memo submitted for the approval of the Committee regarding Special Survey No 2 to be held at Dunedin for Rotokino, 27th September 1898 1898, Letter from Lloyd's Surveyor, William Thomson, to Lloyd's Register Secretary, A G Dryhurst, London, informing that the owners of Rotokino have promised that the Special Survey No 2 will be made next time the vessel docks the Dunedin port, 15th August 1898 1898, Extract from a letter dated 22nd December 1899 from Auckland Surveyor, regarding survey of coal bunkers for Rotokino 1899, Extract from a letter dated 26th October 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino 1899, Letter from Lloyds Surveyor R Pollock, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of having received a letter from the Lloyds Surveyors at Dunedin & enclosing the correspondence to be referred back to Dunedin for Rotokino, 2nd September 1899 1899, Letter from Robert A Bell, Manager of the Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd to Lloyds Surveyor, Robert Pollock, Sydney, informing of having referred the matter of the Survey for Rotokino to the Dunedin Office, 30th August 1899 1899, Press Copy of letter from Lloyd\'s Surveyor, Robert Pollock to the Manager of the Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd regarding the No 2 Survey for Rotokino, 9th August 1899 1899, Copy of letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, R Pollock, Sydney, enclosing a copy of a letter sent to the Owners of Rotokino, asking to take steps for an overdue Survey to be held on the vessel once arrived in the port, 8th Septemb 1899, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, W Thomson, Dunedin, regarding classification for Rotokino, & including a letter sent to the Owners about the overdue Survey in the case of the same & other vessels under the ownership 1899, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to the Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd, Managing Director, Dunedin, reminding him of the overdue survey on Rotokino & the classification matter of the same vessel & others under their ownership, 8 1899, Memo regarding an overdue Special Survey No 2 to be carried out by the Lloyds Surveyors & deferred in consequence of business pressure from the Owners for Rotokino, 7th September 1899 1899, Letter from William Thomson, Surveyor of Lloyds Register to A G Dryhurst Esq, Secretary, Lloyds, London, explaining the reasons behind the completion of the overdue survey for Rotokino, 4th August 1899 1899, Copy of letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor R Pollock, Sydney, communicating that the owners of the vessel, Rotokino, have arranged for the Special Survey No 2 to take place at the Sydney port, 14th July 1899 1899, Extract from a letter dated 8th June 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino, 8th June 1899 1899, Letter from the Lloyds Register pro Secretary to Lloyds Register surveyor William Thomson, Dunedin, asking to be informed of the action taken for the Classification regarding the Special Survey No 2 for Rotokino, 16th June 1899 1899, Memo related to the Special Survey No 2 for Rotokino & the reason behind the delays in completing it & for the owners not to be pressed in order to do so, 16th June 1899 1899, Extract from a letter dated 11th May 1899 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding Rotokino 1899, Letter from Lloyd's surveyor William Thomson, to Lloyd's Register Secretary A G Dryhurst Esq, London, informing that Rotokino was docked in November but no time was given by the owners to make Special Survey No 2, 14th February 1899 1899, Letter from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, informing of the survey on the Chain Cables & sending in the List for the Quarter ending in March 1900 for Rotokino, 12th April 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor about Deferring a No 2 Survey Partly Held pending reply to a letter from Auckland surveyor for Rotokino, 12th March 1900 1900, Extract from a Letter dated 13th March 1900 from Auckland Surveyor, regarding all copies of surveys for Rotokino 1900, Letter from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton, Auckland to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a Telegram that was omitted in the last letter & another Record of Ownership for Rotokino, 27th January 1900 1900, Telegram from Engineering surveyor, Henry Wietherilt to the Lloyds Surveyor Capt Clayton informing of the examination of the Coal Bunkers for Rotokino, 9th January 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor, submitting that action needs taking for a deferred No 2 Survey Partly Held for Rotokino, pending a reply to a letter addressed to the Auckland surveyor, 26th February 1900 1900, Letter from M T Clayton Surveyor to Lloyd's Register Auckland, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, including a copy of a Telegram received from the Engineer Surveyor regarding Coal Bunkers & list of fees for the Quarter ending December 1899 for 1900, Extract from a letter dated 18th January 1900 from Dunedin Surveyor, regarding repairs without Surveyor for Rotokino 1900, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor submitting action for a No 2 Survey Partly Held to be deferred until further information from Auckland Lloyd\'s surveyor for Rotokino, 3rd February 1900 1900, Telegram from Lloyds Surveyor M T Clayton, Auckland to the Classing Committee, London, asking to wait for a letter before doing anything regarding Rotokino, 3rd February 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding S S No 2 due, partially held & subsequent class of Rotokino, 30th January 1900 1900, Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to the Union Steamship Co of New Zealand Managing Director, Dunedin, stating that in virtue of the long overdue Special Survey No 2 not being completed, the Committee have given instruction for the Chara 1900, Letter from Lloyds Register surveyor, M T Clayton, Auckland to the Lloyds Register Secretary, London including Survey Report & documentation for various vessels, 17th March 1900 1900, Press Copy of a letter from the Lloyds Register Secretary to Lloyds surveyor, R Pollock, Sydney, informing him that a new Rudder has been made for Rotokino, 23rd March 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Rotokino, 23rd March 1900 1900, Letter from M T Clayton, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register, Auckland, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acquainting him on the fact that the vessel, Rotokino, has returned to port with the Weld of the Rudder broken, 17th February 1900 1900, Letter from Lloyds surveyor M T Clayton to Collection, H M Custom, Auckland, informing that the Engineer surveyor reported that the Rudder of the SS Rotokino, has been welded again & it's seaworthy, 9th February 1900 1900, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Rotokino, 20th March 1900 1900, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding Rotokino, 20th April 1900 1900, Memo regarding a Partly Held SS No 2 Special survey on Rotokino & the decision of the Committee to deal with the vessel Classing if not completed soon, 25th April 1900 1900, Ship Forgings Form for Rotokino, 2nd March 1900 1900, Rudder Plan with details of Arm & Elevation of Scarph for Rotokino, 2nd February 1900 1900, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rotokino, 17th March 1900 1900, Memo from a Copy of a Classing letter dated 2nd February 1900 & addressed to Auckland regarding a Deferred, pending Completion, of No 2 Survey for Rotokino, undated no date )

Classification symbol assigned to a vessel by Lloyd’s Register’s Classing Committee denoting the quality of construction and maintenance.


100A1 Steel; 1 Dk Stl & Web Frames Well Dk; +LMC 5/90; LA & CP ( Steel Ship Report for Rotokino, 17th May 1890 1890 )

+LMC 5/90 ( Report on Machinery for Rotokino, 16th May 1890 1890 )

+100A1 Steel; pt Awn Dk with Freebd S 8,10; 1 Dk (Steel) & Web Frames & pt Awng Dk; Note Erections ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rotokino, 1893 1893 )

+100A1 5,90; +LMC 5,90 ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rotokino, 29th March 1893 1893 )

Expunge Class with Red Line ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rotokino, 17th March 1900 1900 )

The port in which a vessel is registered or permanently based.

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