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Mauretania ( Letter from E W De Rusett enclosing diagrams of Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic for comment by H J Cornish, 9 June 1903 1903, Letter from H J Cornish to De Rusett on Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic, 23 June 1903 1903, Letter from E W De Rusett on diagrams of Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic for comment by H J Cornish, 4 July 1903 1903, Lloyd's British testing calculations for Mauretania, 8 March 1904 1904, Suggested equipment for Cunard's Lusitania and Mauritania, 1904 1904, Letter to Hunter including ammendments to plans for Cunard Steamers, 8 March 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H J Cornish on rivets for Mauretania, 3 May 1904 1904, Calculations on tonnage for Mauretania, 9 May 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 11 May 1904 1904, Statement re Stress Calculations for Cunard Liner Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing plans for Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Notes on changes to Mauretania plans, 21 June 1904 1904, Diagram of Mauretania, 24 June 1904 1904, Note on reply to telegram regarding Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram to Hunter on boilers for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from London Committee on approval of Mauretania boilers, 27 June 1904 1904, Two telegrams to London Committee on Cunard boiler plans for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Memo on confidentiality of Cunard plans for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on the building of the Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to T J Dodd on the building of the Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register on Mauretania plan errors, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from Lloyd's Register Committee to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania plan errors, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania photo print, 28 June 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania photo print, 2 July 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania plans, 4 July 1904 1904, Letter from H J Cornish to De Rusett on Cunard LinerMauretania, 2 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 5 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on plans for Mauretania, 5 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 7 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 7 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing designs for steel part of the steam for the Mauretania, 14 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing designs for steel part of the steam for the Mauretania, 15 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 19 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 18 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 19 July 1904 1904, Note on sketches for Mauretania, 20 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 22 August 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania and interview notes with Cornish, 3 September 1904 1904, Notes of interview with the representatives of Lloyd's and John Brown & Company in London, 25 August 1904 1904, Memo stating that De Rusett's notes agree with J Bruhn's except on the following points, 5 September 1904 1904, Copy of letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania and interview notes with Cornish, 3 September 1904 1904, Copy of memo stating that De Rusett's notes agree with J Bruhn's except on the following points, 5 September 1904 1904, Calculations related to design of Mauretania, 8 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 8 September 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle to London Committeee on Cunard plans for Mauretania, September 1904 1904, Telegram send from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson on Cunard plans, 8 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania plans, 12 September 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment calculations for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing corrections for notes on Mauretania design meeting, 12 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E W De Rusett on the building of the Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on bending moment for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the bending moment calculations for the Mauretania, 14 September 1904 1904, Letter from E G Champness to H Cornish, 16 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the bending moment calculations for the Mauretania, 22 September 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania, 22 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Letter to De Russett, likely from Lloyd's Register Secretary on designs for Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Notes on web frames for Mauretania, 26 September 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania web frames, 27 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the Mauretania, 27 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on curve bending moments for Mauretania, 29 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 30 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 3 October 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, High Tensile Steel note for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, Notes on designs for Mauretania, 5 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on curve bending moments for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on experimental tests for Mauretania designs, 6 October 1904 1904, Memo on high tensile steel for Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Memo on design of web frames for Mauretania, 8 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on bulkheads for Mauretania, 7 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on testing for Mauretania designs, 10 October 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Receipt of telegram from London to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle surveyors to London committee on Mauretania steel, 8 October 1904 1904, Letter on steel tests for Mauretania from the Lloyd's Register Secretary to Champness, 14 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment calculations for Mauretania, 17 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania bending moments, 15 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment for steel in Mauretania, 19 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment for steel in Mauretania, 24 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania, 20 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to E C Champness on Mauretania, 20 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on Mauretania, 21 October 1904 1904, Letter to E C Champness on Mauretania, 24 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Letter to E C Champness on Mauretania, 26 October 1904 1904, Memo on testing of steel for Mauretania, 27 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 27 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 28 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on rivetting for Mauretania, 28 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 3 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Cornish on Mauretania, 1 November 1904 1904, Letter to Mr De Rusett on Mauretania, 2 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 3 November 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Memo on thickness of plates for Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Calculations of diagonal connection relating to the Mauretania, 5 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H J Cornish on Mauretania bulkheads, 7 November 1904 1904, Letter pro the Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary relating to forwarded builder's sections of Mauretania, 7 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Newcastle's Chief Surveyor on Mauretania bulkheads, 7 November 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania designs, 9 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 9 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 11 November 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania designs, 16 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 16 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on steel test pieces for Mauretania, 17 November 1904 1904, Letter from H Cornish to E C Champness on steel testing for the Mauretania, 19 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania prints, 22 November 1904 1904, Memo on openings in plans for Mauretania, 22 November 1904 1904, Memo on design of Mauretania, 24 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 24 November 1904 1904, Memo on builder's plans for Mauretania, 28 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 25 November 1904 1904, Telegram from London Committee to Hunter, Wallsend on Mauretania, 26 November 1904 1904, Telegram received from London committee on Mauretania correspondence, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania design, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from Works Manager and Secretary of British Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd to Lloyd's Register Swansea on stamping tubes before they are cut for the Mauretania, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to G C Vaux and Swansea Surveyors on testing of tubes from British Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from G C Vaux to London Secretary on Mauretania tubes, 26 November 1904 1904, Memo on tubuar pillows to Swansea surveyors, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania design modification, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania sketch, 28 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 1 December 1904 1904, Memo on approved plans for Mauretania, 1 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 2 December 1904 1904, Memo on builder's proposal for Mauretania design, 2 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 6 December 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania plans, 6 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania designs, 6 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania telegram, 7 December 1904 1904, Copy of telegrams between London Committee and Hunter Wallsend on Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania planning proposal, 7 December 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle to London Committeee on Cunard plans for Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania sketch, 9 December 1904 1904, Memo relating to sketch of Mauretania design, 9 December 1904 1904, Conditions under which bending moment was calculated for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Stress calculation for Mauretania, 15 September 1904 1904, Confirmation of telegram to Hunter Wallsend from London Committee on Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plan, 8 December 1904 1904, Plan of stress diagram for Mauretania, 14 April 1904 1904, Midship Section plan for Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Midship Section plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Profile plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Shelter deck plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Upper Deck Plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Main deck plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Plan of curve on bending moments, vessel on wave crest, at end of voyage, for Mauretania, September 1904 1904, Plan of ship on wave crest for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Calculations of rudder relating to Mauretania, 11 January 1905 1905, Topside plating calculations for Mauretania, 21 February 1905 1905, Doubling calculations for Mauretania, 24 February 1905 1905, Calculations for Mauretania around, 24 February 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 27 February 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 27 February 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 23 March 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 23 March 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 4 April 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 4 April 1905 1905, Notes on Mauretania plans, 22 May 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 29 May 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 6 June 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 15 August 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 15 August 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 28 December 1905 1905, Boiler plan for Mauretania, 6 April 1905 1905, Boiler plan for Mauretania, 6 April 1905 1905, Shafting plan for Mauretania, 30 May 1905 1905, Plan of proposed arrangement of shell and deck plating and doublings for Mauretania, 8 July 1905 1905, Calculations for steel testing for Mauretania, 10 April 1906 1906, Letter from P F Morton to London Secretary on Mauretania, 27 January 1906 1906, Memo on anchors for Mauretania, 27 January 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Sheffield Surveyor on Mauretania, 30 January 1906 1906, Memo on Mauretania anchors, 9 February 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 9 February 1906 1906, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register Secretary, 12 February 1906 1906, Notes on Mauretania, 5 March 1906 1906, Anchors, Cables and wire and Manila Ropes for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Anchors, Cables and wire and Manila Ropes for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Proposed equipment for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on anchors and cables for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 18 April 1906 1906, Proposed equipment for Mauretania around, April 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania equipment, 12 April 1906 1906, Letter from Brown, Lenox & Co pro Jas B Richardson on cable testing for Cunard, 12 June 1906 1906, Telegram from Bate Dks Cardiff to London Committee on cable testing, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Cardiff office to London Committee on cable tests, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Cardiff office to London Committee on cable tests, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegram from Redman to Scott on cable testing, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter to Andrew Scott on cable testing telegrams, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary on proving house telegrams, 13 June 1906 1906, Memo on proving houses, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Stenoch Rt Glasgow, Scott to Redman & London Committee on telegram on Mauretania, 14 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from London Committee to Cardiff proving house on cable testing for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from Andrew K Hamilton pro Cardiff surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on cable testing for Cunard, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to G W Penn, Cardiff proving house on steel tests for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Cardiff surveyors on chain cable for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 15 June 1906 1906, Letter from James Richardson to G W Penn to G W Penn on swivel pieces for Mauretania, 18 July 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 20 July 1906 1906, Memo on cable testing for Mauretania at Cardiff Proving House, 21 July 1906 1906, Memo to inform surveyors that W Hamilton's report on chain testing has come in, 21 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Peter Samson, Board of Trade on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 21 July 1906 1906, Letter from Peter Samson, Board of Trade to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 23 July 1906 1906, Memo on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania with information from Board of Trade, 24 July 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to George W Penn on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 25 July 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Peter Samson, Board of Trade on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 25 July 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing swivel pieces for Mauretania, 26 July 1906 1906, Letter from Andrew K Hamilton to Lloyd's Register Secretary on results of cable testing for Mauretania, 25 August 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Cardiff surveyors on results from testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 30 August 1906 1906, Profile plan for Mauretania, 3 March 1906 1906, Particulars of Boilers for Mauretania, 18 September 1907 1907, Letter from H Green to H J Cornish on interests of Cornish during his visit to Netherton proving house, 25 September 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to H Green on visit to Netherton proving house, 26 September 1907 1907, Query Formon official registration of Mauretania, 28 October 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register secretary on registered dimensions of Mauretania, 25 October 1907 1907, Registered dimensions of Lusitania and Mauretania, 24 October 1907 1907, Request for registered depths for the Mauretania from Registrar General of Shipping, 28 October 1907 1907, Memo on date of build and date of launch for Mauretania, 9 November 1907 1907, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor on class of Mauretania, 8 November 1907 1907, Letter from Newcastle Surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania first entry report, 7 November 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania first entry report, 6 November 1907 1907, First entry report "Iron or Steel Steamer" for Mauretania, 22 October 1907 1907, Letter from J T Findlay on Mauretania's sea cock, 13 November 1907 1907, Memo requesting shafting plans from Newccastle surveyors, 8 November 1907 1907, Report on Machinery for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Report on boilers for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Note accompanying Mauretania documents, 12 November 1907 1907, Particulars of passenger certificate for Mauretania, 15 November 1907 1907, Form for vessels of 100 tons and upwards for Mauretania, 14 November 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 31 October 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs of engines and boilers for Mauretania, 1 November 1907 1907, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 4 September 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champess on Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Memo on Freeboard Form for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Application for Certificate of Approval of disc and lines used in connection with the Provisions of the International Load Line Conention 1930 for Mauretania, 24 April 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania, 24 April 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania plans, 2 April 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 28 March 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 28 March 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard, 26 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E C Champness on freeboard survey for Mauretania, 23 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E W DeRusset on diagram mistake for Mauretania, 7 March 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to H J Cornish on Mauretania freeboard, 6 March 1907 1907, Letter from Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd to H J Cornish on Mauretania, 27 February 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to G Hunter, Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 25 February 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 20 February 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard, 19 February 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on freeboard report for Mauretania, 23 April 1907 1907, Memo on measurements of Mauretania, 22 April 1907 1907, Note of measurements relating to Mauretania, 13 May 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 19 April 1907 1907, Plan of midship section showing thicknesses of shell for Mauretania, 5 November 1907 1907, Midship section plan for Mauretania, 7 November 1907 1907, Midship section plan for Mauretania, 3 December 1907 1907, The Electrical Equipment of the Cunard Express Turbine Steamship “Mauretania”, 1908 1908, Plan of general arrangement for Mauretania, 19 January 1915 1915, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to the Liverpool Secretary on Mauretania, 3 February 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 3 February 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to the Liverpool Secretary on Mauretania, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from W L Clark, Liverpool Committee Secretary to Lloyd's Register Secretary on freeboard certificate for Mauretania, 19 January 1921 1921, Letter from R Bruce, Cunard to Liverpool Office on Load Line Certificate for Mauretania, 19 January 1921 1921, List of dimensions for Mauretania, 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Freeboard Verification Form on Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Fresh Water Line for Mauretania, 24 September 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard for Mauretania, 23 September 1931 1931, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Freeboard for Mauretania, 22 September 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on marking of Fresh Water for Mauretania, 21 September 1931 1931, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 20 May 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancelling old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 3 January 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancelling old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 9 July 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancellation of old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 8 July 1932 1932, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 10 June 1932 1932, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Mauretania, 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 13 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 11 June 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Assistant Secretary of Mercantile Marine Deoartment in Board of Trade on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 9 June 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Assistant Secretary of Mercantile Marine Deoartment in Board of Trade on endorsement for Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Memo on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Letter from S R Davies pro Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania shelter deck, 1 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing applications for Freeboard Certificates for Mauretania and Aquitania, 16 April 1932 1932, Application for Certificate of Approval of disc and lines used in connection with the Provisions of the International Load Line Conention 1930 for Mauretania, 11 April 1932 1932, Telegram from Newcastle office to London Committee on shelter deck of Mauretania, 1 June 1932 1932, Telegram from Newcastle office to London Committee on shelter deck of Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Telegram from London Committee to Newcastle office on shelter deck of Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Memo on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Translation of Telegram from London Office to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania shelter deck, 30 May 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 27 May 1932 1932, List of dimensions for Mauretania, 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard of Mauretania, 12 April 1932 1932, Plan of freeboard deck for Mauretania, 7 April 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Convention Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 22 June 1933 1933, Memo on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 22 June 1933 1933, Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard certificate, 21 June 1933 1933, Record of renewal survey for Mauretania freeboard, 21 June 1933 1933, Letter from W Watt to McMillan on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 11 May 1933 1933, Letter from McMillan to W Watt on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 9 May 1933 1933, Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Mauretania old freeboard certificate, 2 January 1933 1933, Record of annual survey for Mauretania freeboard, 30 June 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to Classification Committee to Southampton Surveyors on Mauretania boiler survey, 18 December 1934 1934, Notification of postponed survey for Mauretania, 17 October 1934 1934, Information on Mauretania from surveyors at Southampton, 12 December 1934 1934, Remarks of Chief Ship Surveyor on Mauretania, 17 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 10 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 19 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 19 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 1934 1934, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 7 July 1934 1934, Report of sale and breaking up of Mauretania, 24 September 1935 1935, Information on Mauretania, 6 September 1935 1935, Information on Mauretania from surveyors at Southampton, 21 March 1935 1935, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo and/or Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 28 February 1937 1937, Letter from S R Davies pro Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboards, 30 May 1932 30, Letter from Henry Hogben Chief Ship Surveyor at Board of Trade on endorsement for Load Line Certificate of Mauretania, 8 June 1932 8, Letter on plans of Cunard liners no date, Lloyd's British testing information on Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Historical background on Mauretania no date )
The process of transferring a vessel to water, but not necessarily her completion.
09/08/1907 ( Letter from E W De Rusett enclosing diagrams of Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic for comment by H J Cornish, 9 June 1903 1903, Letter from H J Cornish to De Rusett on Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic, 23 June 1903 1903, Letter from E W De Rusett on diagrams of Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic for comment by H J Cornish, 4 July 1903 1903, Lloyd's British testing calculations for Mauretania, 8 March 1904 1904, Suggested equipment for Cunard's Lusitania and Mauritania, 1904 1904, Letter to Hunter including ammendments to plans for Cunard Steamers, 8 March 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H J Cornish on rivets for Mauretania, 3 May 1904 1904, Calculations on tonnage for Mauretania, 9 May 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 11 May 1904 1904, Statement re Stress Calculations for Cunard Liner Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing plans for Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Notes on changes to Mauretania plans, 21 June 1904 1904, Diagram of Mauretania, 24 June 1904 1904, Note on reply to telegram regarding Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram to Hunter on boilers for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from London Committee on approval of Mauretania boilers, 27 June 1904 1904, Two telegrams to London Committee on Cunard boiler plans for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Memo on confidentiality of Cunard plans for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on the building of the Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to T J Dodd on the building of the Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register on Mauretania plan errors, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from Lloyd's Register Committee to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania plan errors, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania photo print, 28 June 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania photo print, 2 July 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania plans, 4 July 1904 1904, Letter from H J Cornish to De Rusett on Cunard LinerMauretania, 2 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 5 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on plans for Mauretania, 5 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 7 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 7 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing designs for steel part of the steam for the Mauretania, 14 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing designs for steel part of the steam for the Mauretania, 15 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 19 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 18 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 19 July 1904 1904, Note on sketches for Mauretania, 20 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 22 August 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania and interview notes with Cornish, 3 September 1904 1904, Notes of interview with the representatives of Lloyd's and John Brown & Company in London, 25 August 1904 1904, Memo stating that De Rusett's notes agree with J Bruhn's except on the following points, 5 September 1904 1904, Copy of letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania and interview notes with Cornish, 3 September 1904 1904, Copy of memo stating that De Rusett's notes agree with J Bruhn's except on the following points, 5 September 1904 1904, Calculations related to design of Mauretania, 8 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 8 September 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle to London Committeee on Cunard plans for Mauretania, September 1904 1904, Telegram send from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson on Cunard plans, 8 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania plans, 12 September 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment calculations for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing corrections for notes on Mauretania design meeting, 12 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E W De Rusett on the building of the Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on bending moment for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the bending moment calculations for the Mauretania, 14 September 1904 1904, Letter from E G Champness to H Cornish, 16 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the bending moment calculations for the Mauretania, 22 September 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania, 22 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Letter to De Russett, likely from Lloyd's Register Secretary on designs for Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Notes on web frames for Mauretania, 26 September 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania web frames, 27 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the Mauretania, 27 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on curve bending moments for Mauretania, 29 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 30 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 3 October 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, High Tensile Steel note for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, Notes on designs for Mauretania, 5 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on curve bending moments for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on experimental tests for Mauretania designs, 6 October 1904 1904, Memo on high tensile steel for Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Memo on design of web frames for Mauretania, 8 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on bulkheads for Mauretania, 7 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on testing for Mauretania designs, 10 October 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Receipt of telegram from London to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle surveyors to London committee on Mauretania steel, 8 October 1904 1904, Letter on steel tests for Mauretania from the Lloyd's Register Secretary to Champness, 14 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment calculations for Mauretania, 17 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania bending moments, 15 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment for steel in Mauretania, 19 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment for steel in Mauretania, 24 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania, 20 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to E C Champness on Mauretania, 20 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on Mauretania, 21 October 1904 1904, Letter to E C Champness on Mauretania, 24 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Letter to E C Champness on Mauretania, 26 October 1904 1904, Memo on testing of steel for Mauretania, 27 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 27 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 28 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on rivetting for Mauretania, 28 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 3 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Cornish on Mauretania, 1 November 1904 1904, Letter to Mr De Rusett on Mauretania, 2 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 3 November 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Memo on thickness of plates for Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Calculations of diagonal connection relating to the Mauretania, 5 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H J Cornish on Mauretania bulkheads, 7 November 1904 1904, Letter pro the Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary relating to forwarded builder's sections of Mauretania, 7 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Newcastle's Chief Surveyor on Mauretania bulkheads, 7 November 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania designs, 9 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 9 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 11 November 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania designs, 16 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 16 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on steel test pieces for Mauretania, 17 November 1904 1904, Letter from H Cornish to E C Champness on steel testing for the Mauretania, 19 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania prints, 22 November 1904 1904, Memo on openings in plans for Mauretania, 22 November 1904 1904, Memo on design of Mauretania, 24 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 24 November 1904 1904, Memo on builder's plans for Mauretania, 28 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 25 November 1904 1904, Telegram from London Committee to Hunter, Wallsend on Mauretania, 26 November 1904 1904, Telegram received from London committee on Mauretania correspondence, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania design, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from Works Manager and Secretary of British Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd to Lloyd's Register Swansea on stamping tubes before they are cut for the Mauretania, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to G C Vaux and Swansea Surveyors on testing of tubes from British Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from G C Vaux to London Secretary on Mauretania tubes, 26 November 1904 1904, Memo on tubuar pillows to Swansea surveyors, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania design modification, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania sketch, 28 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 1 December 1904 1904, Memo on approved plans for Mauretania, 1 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 2 December 1904 1904, Memo on builder's proposal for Mauretania design, 2 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 6 December 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania plans, 6 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania designs, 6 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania telegram, 7 December 1904 1904, Copy of telegrams between London Committee and Hunter Wallsend on Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania planning proposal, 7 December 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle to London Committeee on Cunard plans for Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania sketch, 9 December 1904 1904, Memo relating to sketch of Mauretania design, 9 December 1904 1904, Conditions under which bending moment was calculated for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Stress calculation for Mauretania, 15 September 1904 1904, Confirmation of telegram to Hunter Wallsend from London Committee on Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plan, 8 December 1904 1904, Plan of stress diagram for Mauretania, 14 April 1904 1904, Midship Section plan for Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Midship Section plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Profile plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Shelter deck plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Upper Deck Plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Main deck plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Plan of curve on bending moments, vessel on wave crest, at end of voyage, for Mauretania, September 1904 1904, Plan of ship on wave crest for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Calculations of rudder relating to Mauretania, 11 January 1905 1905, Topside plating calculations for Mauretania, 21 February 1905 1905, Doubling calculations for Mauretania, 24 February 1905 1905, Calculations for Mauretania around, 24 February 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 27 February 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 27 February 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 23 March 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 23 March 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 4 April 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 4 April 1905 1905, Notes on Mauretania plans, 22 May 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 29 May 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 6 June 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 15 August 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 15 August 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 28 December 1905 1905, Boiler plan for Mauretania, 6 April 1905 1905, Boiler plan for Mauretania, 6 April 1905 1905, Shafting plan for Mauretania, 30 May 1905 1905, Plan of proposed arrangement of shell and deck plating and doublings for Mauretania, 8 July 1905 1905, Calculations for steel testing for Mauretania, 10 April 1906 1906, Letter from P F Morton to London Secretary on Mauretania, 27 January 1906 1906, Memo on anchors for Mauretania, 27 January 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Sheffield Surveyor on Mauretania, 30 January 1906 1906, Memo on Mauretania anchors, 9 February 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 9 February 1906 1906, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register Secretary, 12 February 1906 1906, Notes on Mauretania, 5 March 1906 1906, Anchors, Cables and wire and Manila Ropes for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Anchors, Cables and wire and Manila Ropes for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Proposed equipment for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on anchors and cables for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 18 April 1906 1906, Proposed equipment for Mauretania around, April 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania equipment, 12 April 1906 1906, Letter from Brown, Lenox & Co pro Jas B Richardson on cable testing for Cunard, 12 June 1906 1906, Telegram from Bate Dks Cardiff to London Committee on cable testing, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Cardiff office to London Committee on cable tests, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Cardiff office to London Committee on cable tests, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegram from Redman to Scott on cable testing, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter to Andrew Scott on cable testing telegrams, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary on proving house telegrams, 13 June 1906 1906, Memo on proving houses, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Stenoch Rt Glasgow, Scott to Redman & London Committee on telegram on Mauretania, 14 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from London Committee to Cardiff proving house on cable testing for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from Andrew K Hamilton pro Cardiff surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on cable testing for Cunard, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to G W Penn, Cardiff proving house on steel tests for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Cardiff surveyors on chain cable for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 15 June 1906 1906, Letter from James Richardson to G W Penn to G W Penn on swivel pieces for Mauretania, 18 July 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 20 July 1906 1906, Memo on cable testing for Mauretania at Cardiff Proving House, 21 July 1906 1906, Memo to inform surveyors that W Hamilton's report on chain testing has come in, 21 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Peter Samson, Board of Trade on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 21 July 1906 1906, Letter from Peter Samson, Board of Trade to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 23 July 1906 1906, Memo on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania with information from Board of Trade, 24 July 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to George W Penn on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 25 July 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Peter Samson, Board of Trade on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 25 July 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing swivel pieces for Mauretania, 26 July 1906 1906, Letter from Andrew K Hamilton to Lloyd's Register Secretary on results of cable testing for Mauretania, 25 August 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Cardiff surveyors on results from testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 30 August 1906 1906, Profile plan for Mauretania, 3 March 1906 1906, Particulars of Boilers for Mauretania, 18 September 1907 1907, Letter from H Green to H J Cornish on interests of Cornish during his visit to Netherton proving house, 25 September 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to H Green on visit to Netherton proving house, 26 September 1907 1907, Query Formon official registration of Mauretania, 28 October 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register secretary on registered dimensions of Mauretania, 25 October 1907 1907, Registered dimensions of Lusitania and Mauretania, 24 October 1907 1907, Request for registered depths for the Mauretania from Registrar General of Shipping, 28 October 1907 1907, Memo on date of build and date of launch for Mauretania, 9 November 1907 1907, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor on class of Mauretania, 8 November 1907 1907, Letter from Newcastle Surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania first entry report, 7 November 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania first entry report, 6 November 1907 1907, First entry report "Iron or Steel Steamer" for Mauretania, 22 October 1907 1907, Letter from J T Findlay on Mauretania's sea cock, 13 November 1907 1907, Memo requesting shafting plans from Newccastle surveyors, 8 November 1907 1907, Report on Machinery for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Report on boilers for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Note accompanying Mauretania documents, 12 November 1907 1907, Particulars of passenger certificate for Mauretania, 15 November 1907 1907, Form for vessels of 100 tons and upwards for Mauretania, 14 November 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 31 October 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs of engines and boilers for Mauretania, 1 November 1907 1907, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 4 September 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champess on Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Memo on Freeboard Form for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Application for Certificate of Approval of disc and lines used in connection with the Provisions of the International Load Line Conention 1930 for Mauretania, 24 April 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania, 24 April 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania plans, 2 April 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 28 March 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 28 March 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard, 26 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E C Champness on freeboard survey for Mauretania, 23 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E W DeRusset on diagram mistake for Mauretania, 7 March 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to H J Cornish on Mauretania freeboard, 6 March 1907 1907, Letter from Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd to H J Cornish on Mauretania, 27 February 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to G Hunter, Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 25 February 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 20 February 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard, 19 February 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on freeboard report for Mauretania, 23 April 1907 1907, Memo on measurements of Mauretania, 22 April 1907 1907, Note of measurements relating to Mauretania, 13 May 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 19 April 1907 1907, Plan of midship section showing thicknesses of shell for Mauretania, 5 November 1907 1907, Midship section plan for Mauretania, 7 November 1907 1907, Midship section plan for Mauretania, 3 December 1907 1907, The Electrical Equipment of the Cunard Express Turbine Steamship “Mauretania”, 1908 1908, Plan of general arrangement for Mauretania, 19 January 1915 1915, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to the Liverpool Secretary on Mauretania, 3 February 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 3 February 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to the Liverpool Secretary on Mauretania, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from W L Clark, Liverpool Committee Secretary to Lloyd's Register Secretary on freeboard certificate for Mauretania, 19 January 1921 1921, Letter from R Bruce, Cunard to Liverpool Office on Load Line Certificate for Mauretania, 19 January 1921 1921, List of dimensions for Mauretania, 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Freeboard Verification Form on Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Fresh Water Line for Mauretania, 24 September 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard for Mauretania, 23 September 1931 1931, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Freeboard for Mauretania, 22 September 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on marking of Fresh Water for Mauretania, 21 September 1931 1931, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 20 May 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancelling old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 3 January 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancelling old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 9 July 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancellation of old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 8 July 1932 1932, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 10 June 1932 1932, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Mauretania, 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 13 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 11 June 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Assistant Secretary of Mercantile Marine Deoartment in Board of Trade on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 9 June 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Assistant Secretary of Mercantile Marine Deoartment in Board of Trade on endorsement for Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Memo on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Letter from S R Davies pro Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania shelter deck, 1 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing applications for Freeboard Certificates for Mauretania and Aquitania, 16 April 1932 1932, Application for Certificate of Approval of disc and lines used in connection with the Provisions of the International Load Line Conention 1930 for Mauretania, 11 April 1932 1932, Telegram from Newcastle office to London Committee on shelter deck of Mauretania, 1 June 1932 1932, Telegram from Newcastle office to London Committee on shelter deck of Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Telegram from London Committee to Newcastle office on shelter deck of Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Memo on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Translation of Telegram from London Office to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania shelter deck, 30 May 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 27 May 1932 1932, List of dimensions for Mauretania, 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard of Mauretania, 12 April 1932 1932, Plan of freeboard deck for Mauretania, 7 April 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Convention Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 22 June 1933 1933, Memo on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 22 June 1933 1933, Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard certificate, 21 June 1933 1933, Record of renewal survey for Mauretania freeboard, 21 June 1933 1933, Letter from W Watt to McMillan on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 11 May 1933 1933, Letter from McMillan to W Watt on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 9 May 1933 1933, Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Mauretania old freeboard certificate, 2 January 1933 1933, Record of annual survey for Mauretania freeboard, 30 June 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to Classification Committee to Southampton Surveyors on Mauretania boiler survey, 18 December 1934 1934, Notification of postponed survey for Mauretania, 17 October 1934 1934, Information on Mauretania from surveyors at Southampton, 12 December 1934 1934, Remarks of Chief Ship Surveyor on Mauretania, 17 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 10 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 19 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 19 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 1934 1934, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 7 July 1934 1934, Report of sale and breaking up of Mauretania, 24 September 1935 1935, Information on Mauretania, 6 September 1935 1935, Information on Mauretania from surveyors at Southampton, 21 March 1935 1935, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo and/or Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 28 February 1937 1937, Letter on plans of Cunard liners no date, Lloyd's British testing information on Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Historical background on Mauretania no date )
1907/08/09 ( Letter from S R Davies pro Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboards, 30 May 1932 30, Letter from Henry Hogben Chief Ship Surveyor at Board of Trade on endorsement for Load Line Certificate of Mauretania, 8 June 1932 8 )
Unique identifier for a given ship, it is assigned by a builder.
735 ( Letter from E W De Rusett enclosing diagrams of Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic for comment by H J Cornish, 9 June 1903 1903, Letter from H J Cornish to De Rusett on Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic, 23 June 1903 1903, Letter from E W De Rusett on diagrams of Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic for comment by H J Cornish, 4 July 1903 1903, Lloyd's British testing calculations for Mauretania, 8 March 1904 1904, Suggested equipment for Cunard's Lusitania and Mauritania, 1904 1904, Letter to Hunter including ammendments to plans for Cunard Steamers, 8 March 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H J Cornish on rivets for Mauretania, 3 May 1904 1904, Calculations on tonnage for Mauretania, 9 May 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 11 May 1904 1904, Statement re Stress Calculations for Cunard Liner Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing plans for Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Notes on changes to Mauretania plans, 21 June 1904 1904, Diagram of Mauretania, 24 June 1904 1904, Note on reply to telegram regarding Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram to Hunter on boilers for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from London Committee on approval of Mauretania boilers, 27 June 1904 1904, Two telegrams to London Committee on Cunard boiler plans for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Memo on confidentiality of Cunard plans for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on the building of the Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to T J Dodd on the building of the Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register on Mauretania plan errors, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from Lloyd's Register Committee to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania plan errors, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania photo print, 28 June 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania photo print, 2 July 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania plans, 4 July 1904 1904, Letter from H J Cornish to De Rusett on Cunard LinerMauretania, 2 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 5 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on plans for Mauretania, 5 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 7 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 7 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing designs for steel part of the steam for the Mauretania, 14 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing designs for steel part of the steam for the Mauretania, 15 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 19 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 18 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 19 July 1904 1904, Note on sketches for Mauretania, 20 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 22 August 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania and interview notes with Cornish, 3 September 1904 1904, Notes of interview with the representatives of Lloyd's and John Brown & Company in London, 25 August 1904 1904, Memo stating that De Rusett's notes agree with J Bruhn's except on the following points, 5 September 1904 1904, Copy of letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania and interview notes with Cornish, 3 September 1904 1904, Copy of memo stating that De Rusett's notes agree with J Bruhn's except on the following points, 5 September 1904 1904, Calculations related to design of Mauretania, 8 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 8 September 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle to London Committeee on Cunard plans for Mauretania, September 1904 1904, Telegram send from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson on Cunard plans, 8 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania plans, 12 September 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment calculations for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing corrections for notes on Mauretania design meeting, 12 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E W De Rusett on the building of the Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on bending moment for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the bending moment calculations for the Mauretania, 14 September 1904 1904, Letter from E G Champness to H Cornish, 16 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the bending moment calculations for the Mauretania, 22 September 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania, 22 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Letter to De Russett, likely from Lloyd's Register Secretary on designs for Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Notes on web frames for Mauretania, 26 September 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania web frames, 27 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the Mauretania, 27 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on curve bending moments for Mauretania, 29 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 30 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 3 October 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, High Tensile Steel note for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, Notes on designs for Mauretania, 5 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on curve bending moments for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on experimental tests for Mauretania designs, 6 October 1904 1904, Memo on high tensile steel for Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Memo on design of web frames for Mauretania, 8 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on bulkheads for Mauretania, 7 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on testing for Mauretania designs, 10 October 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Receipt of telegram from London to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle surveyors to London committee on Mauretania steel, 8 October 1904 1904, Letter on steel tests for Mauretania from the Lloyd's Register Secretary to Champness, 14 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment calculations for Mauretania, 17 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania bending moments, 15 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment for steel in Mauretania, 19 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment for steel in Mauretania, 24 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania, 20 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to E C Champness on Mauretania, 20 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on Mauretania, 21 October 1904 1904, Letter to E C Champness on Mauretania, 24 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Letter to E C Champness on Mauretania, 26 October 1904 1904, Memo on testing of steel for Mauretania, 27 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 27 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 28 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on rivetting for Mauretania, 28 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 3 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Cornish on Mauretania, 1 November 1904 1904, Letter to Mr De Rusett on Mauretania, 2 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 3 November 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Memo on thickness of plates for Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Calculations of diagonal connection relating to the Mauretania, 5 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H J Cornish on Mauretania bulkheads, 7 November 1904 1904, Letter pro the Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary relating to forwarded builder's sections of Mauretania, 7 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Newcastle's Chief Surveyor on Mauretania bulkheads, 7 November 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania designs, 9 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 9 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 11 November 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania designs, 16 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 16 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on steel test pieces for Mauretania, 17 November 1904 1904, Letter from H Cornish to E C Champness on steel testing for the Mauretania, 19 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania prints, 22 November 1904 1904, Memo on openings in plans for Mauretania, 22 November 1904 1904, Memo on design of Mauretania, 24 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 24 November 1904 1904, Memo on builder's plans for Mauretania, 28 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 25 November 1904 1904, Telegram from London Committee to Hunter, Wallsend on Mauretania, 26 November 1904 1904, Telegram received from London committee on Mauretania correspondence, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania design, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from Works Manager and Secretary of British Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd to Lloyd's Register Swansea on stamping tubes before they are cut for the Mauretania, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to G C Vaux and Swansea Surveyors on testing of tubes from British Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from G C Vaux to London Secretary on Mauretania tubes, 26 November 1904 1904, Memo on tubuar pillows to Swansea surveyors, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania design modification, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania sketch, 28 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 1 December 1904 1904, Memo on approved plans for Mauretania, 1 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 2 December 1904 1904, Memo on builder's proposal for Mauretania design, 2 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 6 December 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania plans, 6 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania designs, 6 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania telegram, 7 December 1904 1904, Copy of telegrams between London Committee and Hunter Wallsend on Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania planning proposal, 7 December 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle to London Committeee on Cunard plans for Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania sketch, 9 December 1904 1904, Memo relating to sketch of Mauretania design, 9 December 1904 1904, Conditions under which bending moment was calculated for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Stress calculation for Mauretania, 15 September 1904 1904, Confirmation of telegram to Hunter Wallsend from London Committee on Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plan, 8 December 1904 1904, Plan of stress diagram for Mauretania, 14 April 1904 1904, Midship Section plan for Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Midship Section plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Profile plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Shelter deck plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Upper Deck Plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Main deck plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Plan of curve on bending moments, vessel on wave crest, at end of voyage, for Mauretania, September 1904 1904, Plan of ship on wave crest for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Calculations of rudder relating to Mauretania, 11 January 1905 1905, Topside plating calculations for Mauretania, 21 February 1905 1905, Doubling calculations for Mauretania, 24 February 1905 1905, Calculations for Mauretania around, 24 February 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 27 February 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 27 February 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 23 March 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 23 March 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 4 April 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 4 April 1905 1905, Notes on Mauretania plans, 22 May 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 29 May 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 6 June 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 15 August 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 15 August 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 28 December 1905 1905, Boiler plan for Mauretania, 6 April 1905 1905, Boiler plan for Mauretania, 6 April 1905 1905, Shafting plan for Mauretania, 30 May 1905 1905, Plan of proposed arrangement of shell and deck plating and doublings for Mauretania, 8 July 1905 1905, Calculations for steel testing for Mauretania, 10 April 1906 1906, Letter from P F Morton to London Secretary on Mauretania, 27 January 1906 1906, Memo on anchors for Mauretania, 27 January 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Sheffield Surveyor on Mauretania, 30 January 1906 1906, Memo on Mauretania anchors, 9 February 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 9 February 1906 1906, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register Secretary, 12 February 1906 1906, Notes on Mauretania, 5 March 1906 1906, Anchors, Cables and wire and Manila Ropes for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Anchors, Cables and wire and Manila Ropes for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Proposed equipment for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on anchors and cables for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 18 April 1906 1906, Proposed equipment for Mauretania around, April 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania equipment, 12 April 1906 1906, Letter from Brown, Lenox & Co pro Jas B Richardson on cable testing for Cunard, 12 June 1906 1906, Telegram from Bate Dks Cardiff to London Committee on cable testing, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Cardiff office to London Committee on cable tests, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Cardiff office to London Committee on cable tests, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegram from Redman to Scott on cable testing, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter to Andrew Scott on cable testing telegrams, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary on proving house telegrams, 13 June 1906 1906, Memo on proving houses, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Stenoch Rt Glasgow, Scott to Redman & London Committee on telegram on Mauretania, 14 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from London Committee to Cardiff proving house on cable testing for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from Andrew K Hamilton pro Cardiff surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on cable testing for Cunard, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to G W Penn, Cardiff proving house on steel tests for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Cardiff surveyors on chain cable for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 15 June 1906 1906, Letter from James Richardson to G W Penn to G W Penn on swivel pieces for Mauretania, 18 July 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 20 July 1906 1906, Memo on cable testing for Mauretania at Cardiff Proving House, 21 July 1906 1906, Memo to inform surveyors that W Hamilton's report on chain testing has come in, 21 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Peter Samson, Board of Trade on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 21 July 1906 1906, Letter from Peter Samson, Board of Trade to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 23 July 1906 1906, Memo on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania with information from Board of Trade, 24 July 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to George W Penn on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 25 July 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Peter Samson, Board of Trade on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 25 July 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing swivel pieces for Mauretania, 26 July 1906 1906, Letter from Andrew K Hamilton to Lloyd's Register Secretary on results of cable testing for Mauretania, 25 August 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Cardiff surveyors on results from testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 30 August 1906 1906, Profile plan for Mauretania, 3 March 1906 1906, Particulars of Boilers for Mauretania, 18 September 1907 1907, Letter from H Green to H J Cornish on interests of Cornish during his visit to Netherton proving house, 25 September 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to H Green on visit to Netherton proving house, 26 September 1907 1907, Query Formon official registration of Mauretania, 28 October 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register secretary on registered dimensions of Mauretania, 25 October 1907 1907, Registered dimensions of Lusitania and Mauretania, 24 October 1907 1907, Request for registered depths for the Mauretania from Registrar General of Shipping, 28 October 1907 1907, Memo on date of build and date of launch for Mauretania, 9 November 1907 1907, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor on class of Mauretania, 8 November 1907 1907, Letter from Newcastle Surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania first entry report, 7 November 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania first entry report, 6 November 1907 1907, First entry report "Iron or Steel Steamer" for Mauretania, 22 October 1907 1907, Letter from J T Findlay on Mauretania's sea cock, 13 November 1907 1907, Memo requesting shafting plans from Newccastle surveyors, 8 November 1907 1907, Report on Machinery for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Report on boilers for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Note accompanying Mauretania documents, 12 November 1907 1907, Particulars of passenger certificate for Mauretania, 15 November 1907 1907, Form for vessels of 100 tons and upwards for Mauretania, 14 November 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 31 October 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs of engines and boilers for Mauretania, 1 November 1907 1907, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 4 September 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champess on Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Memo on Freeboard Form for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Application for Certificate of Approval of disc and lines used in connection with the Provisions of the International Load Line Conention 1930 for Mauretania, 24 April 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania, 24 April 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania plans, 2 April 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 28 March 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 28 March 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard, 26 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E C Champness on freeboard survey for Mauretania, 23 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E W DeRusset on diagram mistake for Mauretania, 7 March 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to H J Cornish on Mauretania freeboard, 6 March 1907 1907, Letter from Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd to H J Cornish on Mauretania, 27 February 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to G Hunter, Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 25 February 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 20 February 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard, 19 February 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on freeboard report for Mauretania, 23 April 1907 1907, Memo on measurements of Mauretania, 22 April 1907 1907, Note of measurements relating to Mauretania, 13 May 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 19 April 1907 1907, Plan of midship section showing thicknesses of shell for Mauretania, 5 November 1907 1907, Midship section plan for Mauretania, 7 November 1907 1907, Midship section plan for Mauretania, 3 December 1907 1907, The Electrical Equipment of the Cunard Express Turbine Steamship “Mauretania”, 1908 1908, Plan of general arrangement for Mauretania, 19 January 1915 1915, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to the Liverpool Secretary on Mauretania, 3 February 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 3 February 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to the Liverpool Secretary on Mauretania, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from W L Clark, Liverpool Committee Secretary to Lloyd's Register Secretary on freeboard certificate for Mauretania, 19 January 1921 1921, Letter from R Bruce, Cunard to Liverpool Office on Load Line Certificate for Mauretania, 19 January 1921 1921, List of dimensions for Mauretania, 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Freeboard Verification Form on Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Fresh Water Line for Mauretania, 24 September 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard for Mauretania, 23 September 1931 1931, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Freeboard for Mauretania, 22 September 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on marking of Fresh Water for Mauretania, 21 September 1931 1931, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 20 May 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancelling old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 3 January 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancelling old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 9 July 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancellation of old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 8 July 1932 1932, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 10 June 1932 1932, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Mauretania, 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 13 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 11 June 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Assistant Secretary of Mercantile Marine Deoartment in Board of Trade on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 9 June 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Assistant Secretary of Mercantile Marine Deoartment in Board of Trade on endorsement for Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Memo on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Letter from S R Davies pro Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania shelter deck, 1 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing applications for Freeboard Certificates for Mauretania and Aquitania, 16 April 1932 1932, Application for Certificate of Approval of disc and lines used in connection with the Provisions of the International Load Line Conention 1930 for Mauretania, 11 April 1932 1932, Telegram from Newcastle office to London Committee on shelter deck of Mauretania, 1 June 1932 1932, Telegram from Newcastle office to London Committee on shelter deck of Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Telegram from London Committee to Newcastle office on shelter deck of Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Memo on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Translation of Telegram from London Office to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania shelter deck, 30 May 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 27 May 1932 1932, List of dimensions for Mauretania, 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard of Mauretania, 12 April 1932 1932, Plan of freeboard deck for Mauretania, 7 April 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Convention Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 22 June 1933 1933, Memo on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 22 June 1933 1933, Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard certificate, 21 June 1933 1933, Record of renewal survey for Mauretania freeboard, 21 June 1933 1933, Letter from W Watt to McMillan on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 11 May 1933 1933, Letter from McMillan to W Watt on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 9 May 1933 1933, Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Mauretania old freeboard certificate, 2 January 1933 1933, Record of annual survey for Mauretania freeboard, 30 June 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to Classification Committee to Southampton Surveyors on Mauretania boiler survey, 18 December 1934 1934, Notification of postponed survey for Mauretania, 17 October 1934 1934, Information on Mauretania from surveyors at Southampton, 12 December 1934 1934, Remarks of Chief Ship Surveyor on Mauretania, 17 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 10 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 19 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 19 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 1934 1934, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 7 July 1934 1934, Report of sale and breaking up of Mauretania, 24 September 1935 1935, Information on Mauretania, 6 September 1935 1935, Information on Mauretania from surveyors at Southampton, 21 March 1935 1935, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo and/or Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 28 February 1937 1937, Letter from S R Davies pro Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboards, 30 May 1932 30, Letter from Henry Hogben Chief Ship Surveyor at Board of Trade on endorsement for Load Line Certificate of Mauretania, 8 June 1932 8, Letter on plans of Cunard liners no date, Lloyd's British testing information on Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Historical background on Mauretania no date )
The country in which the vessel’s construction took place, at the time of writing.
United Kingdom ( Letter from E W De Rusett enclosing diagrams of Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic for comment by H J Cornish, 9 June 1903 1903, Letter from H J Cornish to De Rusett on Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic, 23 June 1903 1903, Letter from E W De Rusett on diagrams of Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic for comment by H J Cornish, 4 July 1903 1903, Lloyd's British testing calculations for Mauretania, 8 March 1904 1904, Suggested equipment for Cunard's Lusitania and Mauritania, 1904 1904, Letter to Hunter including ammendments to plans for Cunard Steamers, 8 March 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H J Cornish on rivets for Mauretania, 3 May 1904 1904, Calculations on tonnage for Mauretania, 9 May 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 11 May 1904 1904, Statement re Stress Calculations for Cunard Liner Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing plans for Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Notes on changes to Mauretania plans, 21 June 1904 1904, Diagram of Mauretania, 24 June 1904 1904, Note on reply to telegram regarding Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram to Hunter on boilers for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from London Committee on approval of Mauretania boilers, 27 June 1904 1904, Two telegrams to London Committee on Cunard boiler plans for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Memo on confidentiality of Cunard plans for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on the building of the Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to T J Dodd on the building of the Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register on Mauretania plan errors, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from Lloyd's Register Committee to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania plan errors, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania photo print, 28 June 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania photo print, 2 July 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania plans, 4 July 1904 1904, Letter from H J Cornish to De Rusett on Cunard LinerMauretania, 2 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 5 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on plans for Mauretania, 5 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 7 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 7 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing designs for steel part of the steam for the Mauretania, 14 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing designs for steel part of the steam for the Mauretania, 15 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 19 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 18 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 19 July 1904 1904, Note on sketches for Mauretania, 20 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 22 August 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania and interview notes with Cornish, 3 September 1904 1904, Notes of interview with the representatives of Lloyd's and John Brown & Company in London, 25 August 1904 1904, Memo stating that De Rusett's notes agree with J Bruhn's except on the following points, 5 September 1904 1904, Copy of letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania and interview notes with Cornish, 3 September 1904 1904, Copy of memo stating that De Rusett's notes agree with J Bruhn's except on the following points, 5 September 1904 1904, Calculations related to design of Mauretania, 8 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 8 September 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle to London Committeee on Cunard plans for Mauretania, September 1904 1904, Telegram send from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson on Cunard plans, 8 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania plans, 12 September 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment calculations for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing corrections for notes on Mauretania design meeting, 12 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E W De Rusett on the building of the Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on bending moment for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the bending moment calculations for the Mauretania, 14 September 1904 1904, Letter from E G Champness to H Cornish, 16 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the bending moment calculations for the Mauretania, 22 September 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania, 22 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Letter to De Russett, likely from Lloyd's Register Secretary on designs for Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Notes on web frames for Mauretania, 26 September 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania web frames, 27 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the Mauretania, 27 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on curve bending moments for Mauretania, 29 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 30 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 3 October 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, High Tensile Steel note for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, Notes on designs for Mauretania, 5 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on curve bending moments for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on experimental tests for Mauretania designs, 6 October 1904 1904, Memo on high tensile steel for Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Memo on design of web frames for Mauretania, 8 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on bulkheads for Mauretania, 7 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on testing for Mauretania designs, 10 October 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Receipt of telegram from London to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle surveyors to London committee on Mauretania steel, 8 October 1904 1904, Letter on steel tests for Mauretania from the Lloyd's Register Secretary to Champness, 14 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment calculations for Mauretania, 17 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania bending moments, 15 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment for steel in Mauretania, 19 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment for steel in Mauretania, 24 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania, 20 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to E C Champness on Mauretania, 20 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on Mauretania, 21 October 1904 1904, Letter to E C Champness on Mauretania, 24 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Letter to E C Champness on Mauretania, 26 October 1904 1904, Memo on testing of steel for Mauretania, 27 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 27 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 28 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on rivetting for Mauretania, 28 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 3 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Cornish on Mauretania, 1 November 1904 1904, Letter to Mr De Rusett on Mauretania, 2 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 3 November 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Memo on thickness of plates for Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Calculations of diagonal connection relating to the Mauretania, 5 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H J Cornish on Mauretania bulkheads, 7 November 1904 1904, Letter pro the Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary relating to forwarded builder's sections of Mauretania, 7 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Newcastle's Chief Surveyor on Mauretania bulkheads, 7 November 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania designs, 9 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 9 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 11 November 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania designs, 16 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 16 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on steel test pieces for Mauretania, 17 November 1904 1904, Letter from H Cornish to E C Champness on steel testing for the Mauretania, 19 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania prints, 22 November 1904 1904, Memo on openings in plans for Mauretania, 22 November 1904 1904, Memo on design of Mauretania, 24 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 24 November 1904 1904, Memo on builder's plans for Mauretania, 28 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 25 November 1904 1904, Telegram from London Committee to Hunter, Wallsend on Mauretania, 26 November 1904 1904, Telegram received from London committee on Mauretania correspondence, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania design, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from Works Manager and Secretary of British Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd to Lloyd's Register Swansea on stamping tubes before they are cut for the Mauretania, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to G C Vaux and Swansea Surveyors on testing of tubes from British Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from G C Vaux to London Secretary on Mauretania tubes, 26 November 1904 1904, Memo on tubuar pillows to Swansea surveyors, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania design modification, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania sketch, 28 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 1 December 1904 1904, Memo on approved plans for Mauretania, 1 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 2 December 1904 1904, Memo on builder's proposal for Mauretania design, 2 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 6 December 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania plans, 6 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania designs, 6 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania telegram, 7 December 1904 1904, Copy of telegrams between London Committee and Hunter Wallsend on Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania planning proposal, 7 December 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle to London Committeee on Cunard plans for Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania sketch, 9 December 1904 1904, Memo relating to sketch of Mauretania design, 9 December 1904 1904, Conditions under which bending moment was calculated for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Stress calculation for Mauretania, 15 September 1904 1904, Confirmation of telegram to Hunter Wallsend from London Committee on Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plan, 8 December 1904 1904, Plan of stress diagram for Mauretania, 14 April 1904 1904, Midship Section plan for Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Midship Section plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Profile plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Shelter deck plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Upper Deck Plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Main deck plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Plan of curve on bending moments, vessel on wave crest, at end of voyage, for Mauretania, September 1904 1904, Plan of ship on wave crest for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Calculations of rudder relating to Mauretania, 11 January 1905 1905, Topside plating calculations for Mauretania, 21 February 1905 1905, Doubling calculations for Mauretania, 24 February 1905 1905, Calculations for Mauretania around, 24 February 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 27 February 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 27 February 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 23 March 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 23 March 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 4 April 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 4 April 1905 1905, Notes on Mauretania plans, 22 May 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 29 May 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 6 June 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 15 August 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 15 August 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 28 December 1905 1905, Boiler plan for Mauretania, 6 April 1905 1905, Boiler plan for Mauretania, 6 April 1905 1905, Shafting plan for Mauretania, 30 May 1905 1905, Plan of proposed arrangement of shell and deck plating and doublings for Mauretania, 8 July 1905 1905, Calculations for steel testing for Mauretania, 10 April 1906 1906, Letter from P F Morton to London Secretary on Mauretania, 27 January 1906 1906, Memo on anchors for Mauretania, 27 January 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Sheffield Surveyor on Mauretania, 30 January 1906 1906, Memo on Mauretania anchors, 9 February 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 9 February 1906 1906, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register Secretary, 12 February 1906 1906, Notes on Mauretania, 5 March 1906 1906, Anchors, Cables and wire and Manila Ropes for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Anchors, Cables and wire and Manila Ropes for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Proposed equipment for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on anchors and cables for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 18 April 1906 1906, Proposed equipment for Mauretania around, April 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania equipment, 12 April 1906 1906, Letter from Brown, Lenox & Co pro Jas B Richardson on cable testing for Cunard, 12 June 1906 1906, Telegram from Bate Dks Cardiff to London Committee on cable testing, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Cardiff office to London Committee on cable tests, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Cardiff office to London Committee on cable tests, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegram from Redman to Scott on cable testing, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter to Andrew Scott on cable testing telegrams, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary on proving house telegrams, 13 June 1906 1906, Memo on proving houses, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Stenoch Rt Glasgow, Scott to Redman & London Committee on telegram on Mauretania, 14 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from London Committee to Cardiff proving house on cable testing for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from Andrew K Hamilton pro Cardiff surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on cable testing for Cunard, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to G W Penn, Cardiff proving house on steel tests for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Cardiff surveyors on chain cable for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 15 June 1906 1906, Letter from James Richardson to G W Penn to G W Penn on swivel pieces for Mauretania, 18 July 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 20 July 1906 1906, Memo on cable testing for Mauretania at Cardiff Proving House, 21 July 1906 1906, Memo to inform surveyors that W Hamilton's report on chain testing has come in, 21 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Peter Samson, Board of Trade on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 21 July 1906 1906, Letter from Peter Samson, Board of Trade to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 23 July 1906 1906, Memo on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania with information from Board of Trade, 24 July 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to George W Penn on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 25 July 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Peter Samson, Board of Trade on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 25 July 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing swivel pieces for Mauretania, 26 July 1906 1906, Letter from Andrew K Hamilton to Lloyd's Register Secretary on results of cable testing for Mauretania, 25 August 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Cardiff surveyors on results from testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 30 August 1906 1906, Profile plan for Mauretania, 3 March 1906 1906, Particulars of Boilers for Mauretania, 18 September 1907 1907, Letter from H Green to H J Cornish on interests of Cornish during his visit to Netherton proving house, 25 September 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to H Green on visit to Netherton proving house, 26 September 1907 1907, Query Formon official registration of Mauretania, 28 October 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register secretary on registered dimensions of Mauretania, 25 October 1907 1907, Registered dimensions of Lusitania and Mauretania, 24 October 1907 1907, Request for registered depths for the Mauretania from Registrar General of Shipping, 28 October 1907 1907, Memo on date of build and date of launch for Mauretania, 9 November 1907 1907, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor on class of Mauretania, 8 November 1907 1907, Letter from Newcastle Surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania first entry report, 7 November 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania first entry report, 6 November 1907 1907, First entry report "Iron or Steel Steamer" for Mauretania, 22 October 1907 1907, Letter from J T Findlay on Mauretania's sea cock, 13 November 1907 1907, Memo requesting shafting plans from Newccastle surveyors, 8 November 1907 1907, Report on Machinery for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Report on boilers for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Note accompanying Mauretania documents, 12 November 1907 1907, Particulars of passenger certificate for Mauretania, 15 November 1907 1907, Form for vessels of 100 tons and upwards for Mauretania, 14 November 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 31 October 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs of engines and boilers for Mauretania, 1 November 1907 1907, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 4 September 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champess on Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Memo on Freeboard Form for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Application for Certificate of Approval of disc and lines used in connection with the Provisions of the International Load Line Conention 1930 for Mauretania, 24 April 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania, 24 April 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania plans, 2 April 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 28 March 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 28 March 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard, 26 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E C Champness on freeboard survey for Mauretania, 23 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E W DeRusset on diagram mistake for Mauretania, 7 March 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to H J Cornish on Mauretania freeboard, 6 March 1907 1907, Letter from Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd to H J Cornish on Mauretania, 27 February 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to G Hunter, Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 25 February 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 20 February 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard, 19 February 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on freeboard report for Mauretania, 23 April 1907 1907, Memo on measurements of Mauretania, 22 April 1907 1907, Note of measurements relating to Mauretania, 13 May 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 19 April 1907 1907, Plan of midship section showing thicknesses of shell for Mauretania, 5 November 1907 1907, Midship section plan for Mauretania, 7 November 1907 1907, Midship section plan for Mauretania, 3 December 1907 1907, The Electrical Equipment of the Cunard Express Turbine Steamship “Mauretania”, 1908 1908, Plan of general arrangement for Mauretania, 19 January 1915 1915, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to the Liverpool Secretary on Mauretania, 3 February 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 3 February 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to the Liverpool Secretary on Mauretania, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from W L Clark, Liverpool Committee Secretary to Lloyd's Register Secretary on freeboard certificate for Mauretania, 19 January 1921 1921, Letter from R Bruce, Cunard to Liverpool Office on Load Line Certificate for Mauretania, 19 January 1921 1921, List of dimensions for Mauretania, 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Freeboard Verification Form on Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Fresh Water Line for Mauretania, 24 September 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard for Mauretania, 23 September 1931 1931, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Freeboard for Mauretania, 22 September 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on marking of Fresh Water for Mauretania, 21 September 1931 1931, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 20 May 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancelling old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 3 January 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancelling old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 9 July 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancellation of old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 8 July 1932 1932, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 10 June 1932 1932, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Mauretania, 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 13 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 11 June 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Assistant Secretary of Mercantile Marine Deoartment in Board of Trade on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 9 June 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Assistant Secretary of Mercantile Marine Deoartment in Board of Trade on endorsement for Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Memo on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Letter from S R Davies pro Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania shelter deck, 1 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing applications for Freeboard Certificates for Mauretania and Aquitania, 16 April 1932 1932, Application for Certificate of Approval of disc and lines used in connection with the Provisions of the International Load Line Conention 1930 for Mauretania, 11 April 1932 1932, Telegram from Newcastle office to London Committee on shelter deck of Mauretania, 1 June 1932 1932, Telegram from Newcastle office to London Committee on shelter deck of Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Telegram from London Committee to Newcastle office on shelter deck of Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Memo on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Translation of Telegram from London Office to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania shelter deck, 30 May 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 27 May 1932 1932, List of dimensions for Mauretania, 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard of Mauretania, 12 April 1932 1932, Plan of freeboard deck for Mauretania, 7 April 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Convention Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 22 June 1933 1933, Memo on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 22 June 1933 1933, Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard certificate, 21 June 1933 1933, Record of renewal survey for Mauretania freeboard, 21 June 1933 1933, Letter from W Watt to McMillan on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 11 May 1933 1933, Letter from McMillan to W Watt on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 9 May 1933 1933, Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Mauretania old freeboard certificate, 2 January 1933 1933, Record of annual survey for Mauretania freeboard, 30 June 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to Classification Committee to Southampton Surveyors on Mauretania boiler survey, 18 December 1934 1934, Notification of postponed survey for Mauretania, 17 October 1934 1934, Information on Mauretania from surveyors at Southampton, 12 December 1934 1934, Remarks of Chief Ship Surveyor on Mauretania, 17 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 10 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 19 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 19 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 1934 1934, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 7 July 1934 1934, Report of sale and breaking up of Mauretania, 24 September 1935 1935, Information on Mauretania, 6 September 1935 1935, Information on Mauretania from surveyors at Southampton, 21 March 1935 1935, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo and/or Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 28 February 1937 1937, Letter from S R Davies pro Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboards, 30 May 1932 30, Letter from Henry Hogben Chief Ship Surveyor at Board of Trade on endorsement for Load Line Certificate of Mauretania, 8 June 1932 8, Letter on plans of Cunard liners no date, Lloyd's British testing information on Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Historical background on Mauretania no date )
The listed port to which a given vessel belongs.
Liverpool ( Letter from E W De Rusett enclosing diagrams of Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic for comment by H J Cornish, 9 June 1903 1903, Letter from H J Cornish to De Rusett on Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic, 23 June 1903 1903, Letter from E W De Rusett on diagrams of Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic for comment by H J Cornish, 4 July 1903 1903, Lloyd's British testing calculations for Mauretania, 8 March 1904 1904, Suggested equipment for Cunard's Lusitania and Mauritania, 1904 1904, Letter to Hunter including ammendments to plans for Cunard Steamers, 8 March 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H J Cornish on rivets for Mauretania, 3 May 1904 1904, Calculations on tonnage for Mauretania, 9 May 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 11 May 1904 1904, Statement re Stress Calculations for Cunard Liner Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing plans for Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Notes on changes to Mauretania plans, 21 June 1904 1904, Diagram of Mauretania, 24 June 1904 1904, Note on reply to telegram regarding Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram to Hunter on boilers for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from London Committee on approval of Mauretania boilers, 27 June 1904 1904, Two telegrams to London Committee on Cunard boiler plans for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Memo on confidentiality of Cunard plans for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on the building of the Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to T J Dodd on the building of the Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register on Mauretania plan errors, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from Lloyd's Register Committee to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania plan errors, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania photo print, 28 June 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania photo print, 2 July 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania plans, 4 July 1904 1904, Letter from H J Cornish to De Rusett on Cunard LinerMauretania, 2 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 5 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on plans for Mauretania, 5 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 7 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 7 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing designs for steel part of the steam for the Mauretania, 14 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing designs for steel part of the steam for the Mauretania, 15 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 19 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 18 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 19 July 1904 1904, Note on sketches for Mauretania, 20 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 22 August 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania and interview notes with Cornish, 3 September 1904 1904, Notes of interview with the representatives of Lloyd's and John Brown & Company in London, 25 August 1904 1904, Memo stating that De Rusett's notes agree with J Bruhn's except on the following points, 5 September 1904 1904, Copy of letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania and interview notes with Cornish, 3 September 1904 1904, Copy of memo stating that De Rusett's notes agree with J Bruhn's except on the following points, 5 September 1904 1904, Calculations related to design of Mauretania, 8 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 8 September 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle to London Committeee on Cunard plans for Mauretania, September 1904 1904, Telegram send from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson on Cunard plans, 8 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania plans, 12 September 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment calculations for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing corrections for notes on Mauretania design meeting, 12 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E W De Rusett on the building of the Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on bending moment for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the bending moment calculations for the Mauretania, 14 September 1904 1904, Letter from E G Champness to H Cornish, 16 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the bending moment calculations for the Mauretania, 22 September 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania, 22 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Letter to De Russett, likely from Lloyd's Register Secretary on designs for Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Notes on web frames for Mauretania, 26 September 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania web frames, 27 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the Mauretania, 27 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on curve bending moments for Mauretania, 29 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 30 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 3 October 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, High Tensile Steel note for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, Notes on designs for Mauretania, 5 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on curve bending moments for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on experimental tests for Mauretania designs, 6 October 1904 1904, Memo on high tensile steel for Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Memo on design of web frames for Mauretania, 8 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on bulkheads for Mauretania, 7 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on testing for Mauretania designs, 10 October 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Receipt of telegram from London to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle surveyors to London committee on Mauretania steel, 8 October 1904 1904, Letter on steel tests for Mauretania from the Lloyd's Register Secretary to Champness, 14 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment calculations for Mauretania, 17 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania bending moments, 15 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment for steel in Mauretania, 19 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment for steel in Mauretania, 24 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania, 20 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to E C Champness on Mauretania, 20 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on Mauretania, 21 October 1904 1904, Letter to E C Champness on Mauretania, 24 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Letter to E C Champness on Mauretania, 26 October 1904 1904, Memo on testing of steel for Mauretania, 27 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 27 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 28 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on rivetting for Mauretania, 28 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 3 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Cornish on Mauretania, 1 November 1904 1904, Letter to Mr De Rusett on Mauretania, 2 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 3 November 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Memo on thickness of plates for Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Calculations of diagonal connection relating to the Mauretania, 5 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H J Cornish on Mauretania bulkheads, 7 November 1904 1904, Letter pro the Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary relating to forwarded builder's sections of Mauretania, 7 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Newcastle's Chief Surveyor on Mauretania bulkheads, 7 November 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania designs, 9 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 9 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 11 November 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania designs, 16 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 16 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on steel test pieces for Mauretania, 17 November 1904 1904, Letter from H Cornish to E C Champness on steel testing for the Mauretania, 19 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania prints, 22 November 1904 1904, Memo on openings in plans for Mauretania, 22 November 1904 1904, Memo on design of Mauretania, 24 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 24 November 1904 1904, Memo on builder's plans for Mauretania, 28 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 25 November 1904 1904, Telegram from London Committee to Hunter, Wallsend on Mauretania, 26 November 1904 1904, Telegram received from London committee on Mauretania correspondence, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania design, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from Works Manager and Secretary of British Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd to Lloyd's Register Swansea on stamping tubes before they are cut for the Mauretania, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to G C Vaux and Swansea Surveyors on testing of tubes from British Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from G C Vaux to London Secretary on Mauretania tubes, 26 November 1904 1904, Memo on tubuar pillows to Swansea surveyors, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania design modification, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania sketch, 28 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 1 December 1904 1904, Memo on approved plans for Mauretania, 1 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 2 December 1904 1904, Memo on builder's proposal for Mauretania design, 2 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 6 December 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania plans, 6 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania designs, 6 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania telegram, 7 December 1904 1904, Copy of telegrams between London Committee and Hunter Wallsend on Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania planning proposal, 7 December 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle to London Committeee on Cunard plans for Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania sketch, 9 December 1904 1904, Memo relating to sketch of Mauretania design, 9 December 1904 1904, Conditions under which bending moment was calculated for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Stress calculation for Mauretania, 15 September 1904 1904, Confirmation of telegram to Hunter Wallsend from London Committee on Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plan, 8 December 1904 1904, Plan of stress diagram for Mauretania, 14 April 1904 1904, Midship Section plan for Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Midship Section plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Profile plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Shelter deck plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Upper Deck Plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Main deck plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Plan of curve on bending moments, vessel on wave crest, at end of voyage, for Mauretania, September 1904 1904, Plan of ship on wave crest for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Calculations of rudder relating to Mauretania, 11 January 1905 1905, Topside plating calculations for Mauretania, 21 February 1905 1905, Doubling calculations for Mauretania, 24 February 1905 1905, Calculations for Mauretania around, 24 February 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 27 February 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 27 February 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 23 March 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 23 March 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 4 April 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 4 April 1905 1905, Notes on Mauretania plans, 22 May 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 29 May 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 6 June 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 15 August 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 15 August 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 28 December 1905 1905, Boiler plan for Mauretania, 6 April 1905 1905, Boiler plan for Mauretania, 6 April 1905 1905, Shafting plan for Mauretania, 30 May 1905 1905, Plan of proposed arrangement of shell and deck plating and doublings for Mauretania, 8 July 1905 1905, Calculations for steel testing for Mauretania, 10 April 1906 1906, Letter from P F Morton to London Secretary on Mauretania, 27 January 1906 1906, Memo on anchors for Mauretania, 27 January 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Sheffield Surveyor on Mauretania, 30 January 1906 1906, Memo on Mauretania anchors, 9 February 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 9 February 1906 1906, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register Secretary, 12 February 1906 1906, Notes on Mauretania, 5 March 1906 1906, Anchors, Cables and wire and Manila Ropes for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Anchors, Cables and wire and Manila Ropes for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Proposed equipment for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on anchors and cables for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 18 April 1906 1906, Proposed equipment for Mauretania around, April 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania equipment, 12 April 1906 1906, Letter from Brown, Lenox & Co pro Jas B Richardson on cable testing for Cunard, 12 June 1906 1906, Telegram from Bate Dks Cardiff to London Committee on cable testing, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Cardiff office to London Committee on cable tests, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Cardiff office to London Committee on cable tests, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegram from Redman to Scott on cable testing, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter to Andrew Scott on cable testing telegrams, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary on proving house telegrams, 13 June 1906 1906, Memo on proving houses, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Stenoch Rt Glasgow, Scott to Redman & London Committee on telegram on Mauretania, 14 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from London Committee to Cardiff proving house on cable testing for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from Andrew K Hamilton pro Cardiff surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on cable testing for Cunard, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to G W Penn, Cardiff proving house on steel tests for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Cardiff surveyors on chain cable for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 15 June 1906 1906, Letter from James Richardson to G W Penn to G W Penn on swivel pieces for Mauretania, 18 July 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 20 July 1906 1906, Memo on cable testing for Mauretania at Cardiff Proving House, 21 July 1906 1906, Memo to inform surveyors that W Hamilton's report on chain testing has come in, 21 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Peter Samson, Board of Trade on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 21 July 1906 1906, Letter from Peter Samson, Board of Trade to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 23 July 1906 1906, Memo on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania with information from Board of Trade, 24 July 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to George W Penn on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 25 July 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Peter Samson, Board of Trade on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 25 July 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing swivel pieces for Mauretania, 26 July 1906 1906, Letter from Andrew K Hamilton to Lloyd's Register Secretary on results of cable testing for Mauretania, 25 August 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Cardiff surveyors on results from testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 30 August 1906 1906, Profile plan for Mauretania, 3 March 1906 1906, Particulars of Boilers for Mauretania, 18 September 1907 1907, Letter from H Green to H J Cornish on interests of Cornish during his visit to Netherton proving house, 25 September 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to H Green on visit to Netherton proving house, 26 September 1907 1907, Query Formon official registration of Mauretania, 28 October 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register secretary on registered dimensions of Mauretania, 25 October 1907 1907, Registered dimensions of Lusitania and Mauretania, 24 October 1907 1907, Request for registered depths for the Mauretania from Registrar General of Shipping, 28 October 1907 1907, Memo on date of build and date of launch for Mauretania, 9 November 1907 1907, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor on class of Mauretania, 8 November 1907 1907, Letter from Newcastle Surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania first entry report, 7 November 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania first entry report, 6 November 1907 1907, First entry report "Iron or Steel Steamer" for Mauretania, 22 October 1907 1907, Letter from J T Findlay on Mauretania's sea cock, 13 November 1907 1907, Memo requesting shafting plans from Newccastle surveyors, 8 November 1907 1907, Report on Machinery for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Report on boilers for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Note accompanying Mauretania documents, 12 November 1907 1907, Particulars of passenger certificate for Mauretania, 15 November 1907 1907, Form for vessels of 100 tons and upwards for Mauretania, 14 November 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 31 October 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs of engines and boilers for Mauretania, 1 November 1907 1907, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 4 September 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champess on Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Memo on Freeboard Form for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Application for Certificate of Approval of disc and lines used in connection with the Provisions of the International Load Line Conention 1930 for Mauretania, 24 April 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania, 24 April 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania plans, 2 April 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 28 March 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 28 March 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard, 26 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E C Champness on freeboard survey for Mauretania, 23 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E W DeRusset on diagram mistake for Mauretania, 7 March 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to H J Cornish on Mauretania freeboard, 6 March 1907 1907, Letter from Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd to H J Cornish on Mauretania, 27 February 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to G Hunter, Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 25 February 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 20 February 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard, 19 February 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on freeboard report for Mauretania, 23 April 1907 1907, Memo on measurements of Mauretania, 22 April 1907 1907, Note of measurements relating to Mauretania, 13 May 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 19 April 1907 1907, Plan of midship section showing thicknesses of shell for Mauretania, 5 November 1907 1907, Midship section plan for Mauretania, 7 November 1907 1907, Midship section plan for Mauretania, 3 December 1907 1907, The Electrical Equipment of the Cunard Express Turbine Steamship “Mauretania”, 1908 1908, Plan of general arrangement for Mauretania, 19 January 1915 1915, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to the Liverpool Secretary on Mauretania, 3 February 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 3 February 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to the Liverpool Secretary on Mauretania, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from W L Clark, Liverpool Committee Secretary to Lloyd's Register Secretary on freeboard certificate for Mauretania, 19 January 1921 1921, Letter from R Bruce, Cunard to Liverpool Office on Load Line Certificate for Mauretania, 19 January 1921 1921, List of dimensions for Mauretania, 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Freeboard Verification Form on Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Fresh Water Line for Mauretania, 24 September 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard for Mauretania, 23 September 1931 1931, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Freeboard for Mauretania, 22 September 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on marking of Fresh Water for Mauretania, 21 September 1931 1931, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 20 May 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancelling old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 3 January 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancelling old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 9 July 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancellation of old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 8 July 1932 1932, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 10 June 1932 1932, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Mauretania, 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 13 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 11 June 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Assistant Secretary of Mercantile Marine Deoartment in Board of Trade on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 9 June 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Assistant Secretary of Mercantile Marine Deoartment in Board of Trade on endorsement for Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Memo on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Letter from S R Davies pro Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania shelter deck, 1 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing applications for Freeboard Certificates for Mauretania and Aquitania, 16 April 1932 1932, Application for Certificate of Approval of disc and lines used in connection with the Provisions of the International Load Line Conention 1930 for Mauretania, 11 April 1932 1932, Telegram from Newcastle office to London Committee on shelter deck of Mauretania, 1 June 1932 1932, Telegram from Newcastle office to London Committee on shelter deck of Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Telegram from London Committee to Newcastle office on shelter deck of Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Memo on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Translation of Telegram from London Office to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania shelter deck, 30 May 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 27 May 1932 1932, List of dimensions for Mauretania, 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard of Mauretania, 12 April 1932 1932, Plan of freeboard deck for Mauretania, 7 April 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Convention Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 22 June 1933 1933, Memo on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 22 June 1933 1933, Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard certificate, 21 June 1933 1933, Record of renewal survey for Mauretania freeboard, 21 June 1933 1933, Letter from W Watt to McMillan on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 11 May 1933 1933, Letter from McMillan to W Watt on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 9 May 1933 1933, Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Mauretania old freeboard certificate, 2 January 1933 1933, Record of annual survey for Mauretania freeboard, 30 June 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to Classification Committee to Southampton Surveyors on Mauretania boiler survey, 18 December 1934 1934, Notification of postponed survey for Mauretania, 17 October 1934 1934, Information on Mauretania from surveyors at Southampton, 12 December 1934 1934, Remarks of Chief Ship Surveyor on Mauretania, 17 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 10 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 19 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 19 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 1934 1934, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 7 July 1934 1934, Report of sale and breaking up of Mauretania, 24 September 1935 1935, Information on Mauretania, 6 September 1935 1935, Information on Mauretania from surveyors at Southampton, 21 March 1935 1935, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo and/or Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 28 February 1937 1937, Letter from S R Davies pro Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboards, 30 May 1932 30, Letter from Henry Hogben Chief Ship Surveyor at Board of Trade on endorsement for Load Line Certificate of Mauretania, 8 June 1932 8, Letter on plans of Cunard liners no date, Lloyd's British testing information on Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Historical background on Mauretania no date )
Location where a vessel’s survey was undertaken.
Newcastle upon Tyne ( Letter from E W De Rusett enclosing diagrams of Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic for comment by H J Cornish, 9 June 1903 1903, Letter from E W De Rusett on diagrams of Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic for comment by H J Cornish, 4 July 1903 1903, Telegram from Newcastle to London Committeee on Cunard plans for Mauretania, September 1904 1904, Letter from E G Champness to H Cornish, 16 September 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on experimental tests for Mauretania designs, 6 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on testing for Mauretania designs, 10 October 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle surveyors to London committee on Mauretania steel, 8 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on Mauretania, 21 October 1904 1904, Letter to E C Champness on Mauretania, 26 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 27 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 28 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 3 November 1904 1904, Letter pro the Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary relating to forwarded builder's sections of Mauretania, 7 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 9 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 11 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on steel test pieces for Mauretania, 17 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to G C Vaux and Swansea Surveyors on testing of tubes from British Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd, 26 November 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle to London Committeee on Cunard plans for Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Boiler plan for Mauretania, 6 April 1905 1905, Boiler plan for Mauretania, 6 April 1905 1905, Shafting plan for Mauretania, 30 May 1905 1905, Particulars of Boilers for Mauretania, 18 September 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register secretary on registered dimensions of Mauretania, 25 October 1907 1907, Letter from Newcastle Surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania first entry report, 7 November 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania first entry report, 6 November 1907 1907, Letter from J T Findlay on Mauretania's sea cock, 13 November 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania, 24 April 1907 1907, Letter from S R Davies pro Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania shelter deck, 1 June 1932 1932, Telegram from Newcastle office to London Committee on shelter deck of Mauretania, 1 June 1932 1932, Telegram from Newcastle office to London Committee on shelter deck of Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Letter from S R Davies pro Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboards, 30 May 1932 30 )
London ( Letter from H J Cornish to De Rusett on Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic, 23 June 1903 1903, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on the building of the Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to T J Dodd on the building of the Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania photo print, 28 June 1904 1904, Letter from H J Cornish to De Rusett on Cunard LinerMauretania, 2 July 1904 1904, Memo stating that De Rusett's notes agree with J Bruhn's except on the following points, 5 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania plans, 12 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E W De Rusett on the building of the Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the bending moment calculations for the Mauretania, 14 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the bending moment calculations for the Mauretania, 22 September 1904 1904, Letter to De Russett, likely from Lloyd's Register Secretary on designs for Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the Mauretania, 27 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Receipt of telegram from London to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Letter on steel tests for Mauretania from the Lloyd's Register Secretary to Champness, 14 October 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Letter from H Cornish to E C Champness on steel testing for the Mauretania, 19 November 1904 1904, Telegram from London Committee to Hunter, Wallsend on Mauretania, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from Works Manager and Secretary of British Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd to Lloyd's Register Swansea on stamping tubes before they are cut for the Mauretania, 23 November 1904 1904, Memo on tubuar pillows to Swansea surveyors, 26 November 1904 1904, Memo on builder's proposal for Mauretania design, 2 December 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania plans, 6 December 1904 1904, Confirmation of telegram to Hunter Wallsend from London Committee on Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary on proving house telegrams, 13 June 1906 1906, Memo on proving houses, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from London Committee to Cardiff proving house on cable testing for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to G W Penn, Cardiff proving house on steel tests for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Cardiff surveyors on chain cable for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Peter Samson, Board of Trade on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 21 July 1906 1906, Letter from Peter Samson, Board of Trade to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 23 July 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to George W Penn on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 25 July 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Peter Samson, Board of Trade on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 25 July 1906 1906, Letter from H J Cornish to H Green on visit to Netherton proving house, 26 September 1907 1907, Query Formon official registration of Mauretania, 28 October 1907 1907, Request for registered depths for the Mauretania from Registrar General of Shipping, 28 October 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champess on Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 28 March 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 28 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E C Champness on freeboard survey for Mauretania, 23 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E W DeRusset on diagram mistake for Mauretania, 7 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to G Hunter, Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 25 February 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 20 February 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on freeboard report for Mauretania, 23 April 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to the Liverpool Secretary on Mauretania, 3 February 1921 1921, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to the Liverpool Secretary on Mauretania, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Fresh Water Line for Mauretania, 24 September 1931 1931, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Freeboard for Mauretania, 22 September 1931 1931, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancelling old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 3 January 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancelling old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 9 July 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 13 June 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Assistant Secretary of Mercantile Marine Deoartment in Board of Trade on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 9 June 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Assistant Secretary of Mercantile Marine Deoartment in Board of Trade on endorsement for Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Telegram from London Committee to Newcastle office on shelter deck of Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Translation of Telegram from London Office to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania shelter deck, 30 May 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Convention Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 22 June 1933 1933, Letter from W Watt to McMillan on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 11 May 1933 1933, Letter from Clerk to Classification Committee to Southampton Surveyors on Mauretania boiler survey, 18 December 1934 1934, Information on Mauretania from surveyors at Southampton, 12 December 1934 1934, Information on Mauretania, 6 September 1935 1935, Information on Mauretania from surveyors at Southampton, 21 March 1935 1935, Letter from Henry Hogben Chief Ship Surveyor at Board of Trade on endorsement for Load Line Certificate of Mauretania, 8 June 1932 8 )
Wallsend-on-Tyne ( Letter from E W De Rusett to H J Cornish on rivets for Mauretania, 3 May 1904 1904, Statement re Stress Calculations for Cunard Liner Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing plans for Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania photo print, 2 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 5 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on plans for Mauretania, 5 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing designs for steel part of the steam for the Mauretania, 14 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing designs for steel part of the steam for the Mauretania, 15 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 18 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania and interview notes with Cornish, 3 September 1904 1904, Notes of interview with the representatives of Lloyd's and John Brown & Company in London, 25 August 1904 1904, Copy of letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania and interview notes with Cornish, 3 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 8 September 1904 1904, Telegram send from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson on Cunard plans, 8 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing corrections for notes on Mauretania design meeting, 12 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on bending moment for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on curve bending moments for Mauretania, 29 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on curve bending moments for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on bulkheads for Mauretania, 7 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania bending moments, 15 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania, 20 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to E C Champness on Mauretania, 20 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on rivetting for Mauretania, 28 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 3 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Cornish on Mauretania, 1 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H J Cornish on Mauretania bulkheads, 7 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Newcastle's Chief Surveyor on Mauretania bulkheads, 7 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 16 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania prints, 22 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 24 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 25 November 1904 1904, Telegram received from London committee on Mauretania correspondence, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania design, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania design modification, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania sketch, 28 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 1 December 1904 1904, Memo on approved plans for Mauretania, 1 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 2 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 6 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania designs, 6 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania telegram, 7 December 1904 1904, Copy of telegrams between London Committee and Hunter Wallsend on Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania sketch, 9 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plan, 8 December 1904 1904, Plan of stress diagram for Mauretania, 14 April 1904 1904, Midship Section plan for Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Midship Section plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Profile plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Shelter deck plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Upper Deck Plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Main deck plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Plan of ship on wave crest for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Plan of proposed arrangement of shell and deck plating and doublings for Mauretania, 8 July 1905 1905, Profile plan for Mauretania, 3 March 1906 1906, Application for Certificate of Approval of disc and lines used in connection with the Provisions of the International Load Line Conention 1930 for Mauretania, 24 April 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania plans, 2 April 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard, 26 March 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to H J Cornish on Mauretania freeboard, 6 March 1907 1907, Letter from Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd to H J Cornish on Mauretania, 27 February 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard, 19 February 1907 1907, Plan of midship section showing thicknesses of shell for Mauretania, 5 November 1907 1907, Midship section plan for Mauretania, 7 November 1907 1907, Midship section plan for Mauretania, 3 December 1907 1907 )
Swansea ( Letter from G C Vaux to London Secretary on Mauretania tubes, 26 November 1904 1904 )
Cardiff ( Telegram from Bate Dks Cardiff to London Committee on cable testing, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Cardiff office to London Committee on cable tests, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Cardiff office to London Committee on cable tests, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter from Andrew K Hamilton pro Cardiff surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on cable testing for Cunard, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 15 June 1906 1906, Letter from James Richardson to G W Penn to G W Penn on swivel pieces for Mauretania, 18 July 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 20 July 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing swivel pieces for Mauretania, 26 July 1906 1906, Letter from Andrew K Hamilton to Lloyd's Register Secretary on results of cable testing for Mauretania, 25 August 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Cardiff surveyors on results from testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 30 August 1906 1906 )
Glasgow ( Telegraph from Stenoch Rt Glasgow, Scott to Redman & London Committee on telegram on Mauretania, 14 June 1906 1906, The Electrical Equipment of the Cunard Express Turbine Steamship “Mauretania”, 1908 1908 )
Netherton ( Letter from H Green to H J Cornish on interests of Cornish during his visit to Netherton proving house, 25 September 1907 1907 )
Newcastle upon Tyne; Newcastle ( First entry report "Iron or Steel Steamer" for Mauretania, 22 October 1907 1907, Report on Machinery for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Report on boilers for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 19 April 1907 1907 )
Liverpool; North Shield; North Shields ( Particulars of passenger certificate for Mauretania, 15 November 1907 1907 )
Liverpool ( Form for vessels of 100 tons and upwards for Mauretania, 14 November 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 31 October 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs of engines and boilers for Mauretania, 1 November 1907 1907, Plan of general arrangement for Mauretania, 19 January 1915 1915, Letter from W L Clark, Liverpool Committee Secretary to Lloyd's Register Secretary on freeboard certificate for Mauretania, 19 January 1921 1921, Letter from R Bruce, Cunard to Liverpool Office on Load Line Certificate for Mauretania, 19 January 1921 1921 )
Southampton ( 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 3 February 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Freeboard Verification Form on Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard for Mauretania, 23 September 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on marking of Fresh Water for Mauretania, 21 September 1931 1931, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 20 May 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancellation of old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 8 July 1932 1932, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 10 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 11 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing applications for Freeboard Certificates for Mauretania and Aquitania, 16 April 1932 1932, Application for Certificate of Approval of disc and lines used in connection with the Provisions of the International Load Line Conention 1930 for Mauretania, 11 April 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 27 May 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard of Mauretania, 12 April 1932 1932, Plan of freeboard deck for Mauretania, 7 April 1932 1932, Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard certificate, 21 June 1933 1933, Record of renewal survey for Mauretania freeboard, 21 June 1933 1933, Letter from McMillan to W Watt on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 9 May 1933 1933, Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Mauretania old freeboard certificate, 2 January 1933 1933, Record of annual survey for Mauretania freeboard, 30 June 1934 1934, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 7 July 1934 1934, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo and/or Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 28 February 1937 1937 )
A vessel’s means of propulsion.
Steam ( Letter from E W De Rusett enclosing diagrams of Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic for comment by H J Cornish, 9 June 1903 1903, Letter from H J Cornish to De Rusett on Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic, 23 June 1903 1903, Letter from E W De Rusett on diagrams of Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic for comment by H J Cornish, 4 July 1903 1903, Lloyd's British testing calculations for Mauretania, 8 March 1904 1904, Suggested equipment for Cunard's Lusitania and Mauritania, 1904 1904, Letter to Hunter including ammendments to plans for Cunard Steamers, 8 March 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H J Cornish on rivets for Mauretania, 3 May 1904 1904, Calculations on tonnage for Mauretania, 9 May 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 11 May 1904 1904, Statement re Stress Calculations for Cunard Liner Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing plans for Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Notes on changes to Mauretania plans, 21 June 1904 1904, Diagram of Mauretania, 24 June 1904 1904, Note on reply to telegram regarding Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram to Hunter on boilers for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from London Committee on approval of Mauretania boilers, 27 June 1904 1904, Two telegrams to London Committee on Cunard boiler plans for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Memo on confidentiality of Cunard plans for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on the building of the Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to T J Dodd on the building of the Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register on Mauretania plan errors, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from Lloyd's Register Committee to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania plan errors, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania photo print, 28 June 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania photo print, 2 July 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania plans, 4 July 1904 1904, Letter from H J Cornish to De Rusett on Cunard LinerMauretania, 2 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 5 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on plans for Mauretania, 5 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 7 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 7 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing designs for steel part of the steam for the Mauretania, 14 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing designs for steel part of the steam for the Mauretania, 15 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 19 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 18 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 19 July 1904 1904, Note on sketches for Mauretania, 20 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania and interview notes with Cornish, 3 September 1904 1904, Notes of interview with the representatives of Lloyd's and John Brown & Company in London, 25 August 1904 1904, Memo stating that De Rusett's notes agree with J Bruhn's except on the following points, 5 September 1904 1904, Copy of letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania and interview notes with Cornish, 3 September 1904 1904, Copy of memo stating that De Rusett's notes agree with J Bruhn's except on the following points, 5 September 1904 1904, Calculations related to design of Mauretania, 8 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 8 September 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle to London Committeee on Cunard plans for Mauretania, September 1904 1904, Telegram send from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson on Cunard plans, 8 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania plans, 12 September 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment calculations for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing corrections for notes on Mauretania design meeting, 12 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E W De Rusett on the building of the Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on bending moment for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the bending moment calculations for the Mauretania, 14 September 1904 1904, Letter from E G Champness to H Cornish, 16 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the bending moment calculations for the Mauretania, 22 September 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania, 22 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Letter to De Russett, likely from Lloyd's Register Secretary on designs for Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Notes on web frames for Mauretania, 26 September 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania web frames, 27 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the Mauretania, 27 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on curve bending moments for Mauretania, 29 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 30 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 3 October 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, High Tensile Steel note for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, Notes on designs for Mauretania, 5 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on curve bending moments for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on experimental tests for Mauretania designs, 6 October 1904 1904, Memo on high tensile steel for Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Memo on design of web frames for Mauretania, 8 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on bulkheads for Mauretania, 7 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on testing for Mauretania designs, 10 October 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Receipt of telegram from London to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle surveyors to London committee on Mauretania steel, 8 October 1904 1904, Letter on steel tests for Mauretania from the Lloyd's Register Secretary to Champness, 14 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment calculations for Mauretania, 17 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania bending moments, 15 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment for steel in Mauretania, 19 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment for steel in Mauretania, 24 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania, 20 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to E C Champness on Mauretania, 20 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on Mauretania, 21 October 1904 1904, Letter to E C Champness on Mauretania, 24 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Letter to E C Champness on Mauretania, 26 October 1904 1904, Memo on testing of steel for Mauretania, 27 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 27 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 28 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on rivetting for Mauretania, 28 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 3 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Cornish on Mauretania, 1 November 1904 1904, Letter to Mr De Rusett on Mauretania, 2 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 3 November 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Memo on thickness of plates for Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Calculations of diagonal connection relating to the Mauretania, 5 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H J Cornish on Mauretania bulkheads, 7 November 1904 1904, Letter pro the Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary relating to forwarded builder's sections of Mauretania, 7 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Newcastle's Chief Surveyor on Mauretania bulkheads, 7 November 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania designs, 9 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 9 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 11 November 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania designs, 16 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 16 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on steel test pieces for Mauretania, 17 November 1904 1904, Letter from H Cornish to E C Champness on steel testing for the Mauretania, 19 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania prints, 22 November 1904 1904, Memo on openings in plans for Mauretania, 22 November 1904 1904, Memo on design of Mauretania, 24 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 24 November 1904 1904, Memo on builder's plans for Mauretania, 28 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 25 November 1904 1904, Telegram from London Committee to Hunter, Wallsend on Mauretania, 26 November 1904 1904, Telegram received from London committee on Mauretania correspondence, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania design, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from Works Manager and Secretary of British Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd to Lloyd's Register Swansea on stamping tubes before they are cut for the Mauretania, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to G C Vaux and Swansea Surveyors on testing of tubes from British Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from G C Vaux to London Secretary on Mauretania tubes, 26 November 1904 1904, Memo on tubuar pillows to Swansea surveyors, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania design modification, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania sketch, 28 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 1 December 1904 1904, Memo on approved plans for Mauretania, 1 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 2 December 1904 1904, Memo on builder's proposal for Mauretania design, 2 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 6 December 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania plans, 6 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania designs, 6 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania telegram, 7 December 1904 1904, Copy of telegrams between London Committee and Hunter Wallsend on Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania planning proposal, 7 December 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle to London Committeee on Cunard plans for Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania sketch, 9 December 1904 1904, Memo relating to sketch of Mauretania design, 9 December 1904 1904, Conditions under which bending moment was calculated for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Stress calculation for Mauretania, 15 September 1904 1904, Confirmation of telegram to Hunter Wallsend from London Committee on Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plan, 8 December 1904 1904, Plan of stress diagram for Mauretania, 14 April 1904 1904, Midship Section plan for Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Midship Section plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Profile plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Shelter deck plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Upper Deck Plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Main deck plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Plan of curve on bending moments, vessel on wave crest, at end of voyage, for Mauretania, September 1904 1904, Plan of ship on wave crest for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Calculations of rudder relating to Mauretania, 11 January 1905 1905, Topside plating calculations for Mauretania, 21 February 1905 1905, Doubling calculations for Mauretania, 24 February 1905 1905, Calculations for Mauretania around, 24 February 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 27 February 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 27 February 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 23 March 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 23 March 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 4 April 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 4 April 1905 1905, Notes on Mauretania plans, 22 May 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 29 May 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 6 June 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 15 August 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 15 August 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 28 December 1905 1905, Boiler plan for Mauretania, 6 April 1905 1905, Boiler plan for Mauretania, 6 April 1905 1905, Shafting plan for Mauretania, 30 May 1905 1905, Plan of proposed arrangement of shell and deck plating and doublings for Mauretania, 8 July 1905 1905, Calculations for steel testing for Mauretania, 10 April 1906 1906, Letter from P F Morton to London Secretary on Mauretania, 27 January 1906 1906, Memo on anchors for Mauretania, 27 January 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Sheffield Surveyor on Mauretania, 30 January 1906 1906, Memo on Mauretania anchors, 9 February 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 9 February 1906 1906, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register Secretary, 12 February 1906 1906, Notes on Mauretania, 5 March 1906 1906, Anchors, Cables and wire and Manila Ropes for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Anchors, Cables and wire and Manila Ropes for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Proposed equipment for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on anchors and cables for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 18 April 1906 1906, Proposed equipment for Mauretania around, April 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania equipment, 12 April 1906 1906, Letter from Brown, Lenox & Co pro Jas B Richardson on cable testing for Cunard, 12 June 1906 1906, Telegram from Bate Dks Cardiff to London Committee on cable testing, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Cardiff office to London Committee on cable tests, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Cardiff office to London Committee on cable tests, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegram from Redman to Scott on cable testing, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter to Andrew Scott on cable testing telegrams, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary on proving house telegrams, 13 June 1906 1906, Memo on proving houses, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Stenoch Rt Glasgow, Scott to Redman & London Committee on telegram on Mauretania, 14 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from London Committee to Cardiff proving house on cable testing for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from Andrew K Hamilton pro Cardiff surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on cable testing for Cunard, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to G W Penn, Cardiff proving house on steel tests for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Cardiff surveyors on chain cable for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 15 June 1906 1906, Letter from James Richardson to G W Penn to G W Penn on swivel pieces for Mauretania, 18 July 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 20 July 1906 1906, Memo on cable testing for Mauretania at Cardiff Proving House, 21 July 1906 1906, Memo to inform surveyors that W Hamilton's report on chain testing has come in, 21 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Peter Samson, Board of Trade on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 21 July 1906 1906, Letter from Peter Samson, Board of Trade to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 23 July 1906 1906, Memo on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania with information from Board of Trade, 24 July 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to George W Penn on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 25 July 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Peter Samson, Board of Trade on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 25 July 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing swivel pieces for Mauretania, 26 July 1906 1906, Letter from Andrew K Hamilton to Lloyd's Register Secretary on results of cable testing for Mauretania, 25 August 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Cardiff surveyors on results from testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 30 August 1906 1906, Profile plan for Mauretania, 3 March 1906 1906, Particulars of Boilers for Mauretania, 18 September 1907 1907, Letter from H Green to H J Cornish on interests of Cornish during his visit to Netherton proving house, 25 September 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to H Green on visit to Netherton proving house, 26 September 1907 1907, Query Formon official registration of Mauretania, 28 October 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register secretary on registered dimensions of Mauretania, 25 October 1907 1907, Registered dimensions of Lusitania and Mauretania, 24 October 1907 1907, Request for registered depths for the Mauretania from Registrar General of Shipping, 28 October 1907 1907, Memo on date of build and date of launch for Mauretania, 9 November 1907 1907, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor on class of Mauretania, 8 November 1907 1907, Letter from Newcastle Surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania first entry report, 7 November 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania first entry report, 6 November 1907 1907, First entry report "Iron or Steel Steamer" for Mauretania, 22 October 1907 1907, Letter from J T Findlay on Mauretania's sea cock, 13 November 1907 1907, Memo requesting shafting plans from Newccastle surveyors, 8 November 1907 1907, Report on Machinery for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Report on boilers for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Note accompanying Mauretania documents, 12 November 1907 1907, Particulars of passenger certificate for Mauretania, 15 November 1907 1907, Form for vessels of 100 tons and upwards for Mauretania, 14 November 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 31 October 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs of engines and boilers for Mauretania, 1 November 1907 1907, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 4 September 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champess on Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Memo on Freeboard Form for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Application for Certificate of Approval of disc and lines used in connection with the Provisions of the International Load Line Conention 1930 for Mauretania, 24 April 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania, 24 April 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania plans, 2 April 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 28 March 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 28 March 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard, 26 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E C Champness on freeboard survey for Mauretania, 23 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E W DeRusset on diagram mistake for Mauretania, 7 March 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to H J Cornish on Mauretania freeboard, 6 March 1907 1907, Letter from Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd to H J Cornish on Mauretania, 27 February 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to G Hunter, Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 25 February 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 20 February 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard, 19 February 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on freeboard report for Mauretania, 23 April 1907 1907, Memo on measurements of Mauretania, 22 April 1907 1907, Note of measurements relating to Mauretania, 13 May 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 19 April 1907 1907, Plan of midship section showing thicknesses of shell for Mauretania, 5 November 1907 1907, Midship section plan for Mauretania, 7 November 1907 1907, Midship section plan for Mauretania, 3 December 1907 1907, The Electrical Equipment of the Cunard Express Turbine Steamship “Mauretania”, 1908 1908, Plan of general arrangement for Mauretania, 19 January 1915 1915, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to the Liverpool Secretary on Mauretania, 3 February 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 3 February 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to the Liverpool Secretary on Mauretania, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from W L Clark, Liverpool Committee Secretary to Lloyd's Register Secretary on freeboard certificate for Mauretania, 19 January 1921 1921, Letter from R Bruce, Cunard to Liverpool Office on Load Line Certificate for Mauretania, 19 January 1921 1921, List of dimensions for Mauretania, 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Freeboard Verification Form on Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Fresh Water Line for Mauretania, 24 September 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard for Mauretania, 23 September 1931 1931, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Freeboard for Mauretania, 22 September 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on marking of Fresh Water for Mauretania, 21 September 1931 1931, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 20 May 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancelling old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 3 January 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancelling old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 9 July 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancellation of old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 8 July 1932 1932, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 10 June 1932 1932, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Mauretania, 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 13 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 11 June 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Assistant Secretary of Mercantile Marine Deoartment in Board of Trade on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 9 June 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Assistant Secretary of Mercantile Marine Deoartment in Board of Trade on endorsement for Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Memo on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Letter from S R Davies pro Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania shelter deck, 1 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing applications for Freeboard Certificates for Mauretania and Aquitania, 16 April 1932 1932, Application for Certificate of Approval of disc and lines used in connection with the Provisions of the International Load Line Conention 1930 for Mauretania, 11 April 1932 1932, Telegram from Newcastle office to London Committee on shelter deck of Mauretania, 1 June 1932 1932, Telegram from Newcastle office to London Committee on shelter deck of Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Telegram from London Committee to Newcastle office on shelter deck of Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Memo on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Translation of Telegram from London Office to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania shelter deck, 30 May 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 27 May 1932 1932, List of dimensions for Mauretania, 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard of Mauretania, 12 April 1932 1932, Plan of freeboard deck for Mauretania, 7 April 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Convention Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 22 June 1933 1933, Memo on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 22 June 1933 1933, Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard certificate, 21 June 1933 1933, Record of renewal survey for Mauretania freeboard, 21 June 1933 1933, Letter from W Watt to McMillan on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 11 May 1933 1933, Letter from McMillan to W Watt on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 9 May 1933 1933, Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Mauretania old freeboard certificate, 2 January 1933 1933, Record of annual survey for Mauretania freeboard, 30 June 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to Classification Committee to Southampton Surveyors on Mauretania boiler survey, 18 December 1934 1934, Notification of postponed survey for Mauretania, 17 October 1934 1934, Information on Mauretania from surveyors at Southampton, 12 December 1934 1934, Remarks of Chief Ship Surveyor on Mauretania, 17 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 10 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 19 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 19 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 1934 1934, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 7 July 1934 1934, Report of sale and breaking up of Mauretania, 24 September 1935 1935, Information on Mauretania, 6 September 1935 1935, Information on Mauretania from surveyors at Southampton, 21 March 1935 1935, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo and/or Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 28 February 1937 1937, Letter from S R Davies pro Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboards, 30 May 1932 30, Letter from Henry Hogben Chief Ship Surveyor at Board of Trade on endorsement for Load Line Certificate of Mauretania, 8 June 1932 8, Letter on plans of Cunard liners no date, Lloyd's British testing information on Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Historical background on Mauretania no date )
Predominant material(s) utilised in a vessel’s construction.
Steel ( Letter from E W De Rusett enclosing diagrams of Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic for comment by H J Cornish, 9 June 1903 1903, Letter from H J Cornish to De Rusett on Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic, 23 June 1903 1903, Letter from E W De Rusett on diagrams of Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic for comment by H J Cornish, 4 July 1903 1903, Lloyd's British testing calculations for Mauretania, 8 March 1904 1904, Suggested equipment for Cunard's Lusitania and Mauritania, 1904 1904, Letter to Hunter including ammendments to plans for Cunard Steamers, 8 March 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H J Cornish on rivets for Mauretania, 3 May 1904 1904, Calculations on tonnage for Mauretania, 9 May 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 11 May 1904 1904, Statement re Stress Calculations for Cunard Liner Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing plans for Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Notes on changes to Mauretania plans, 21 June 1904 1904, Diagram of Mauretania, 24 June 1904 1904, Note on reply to telegram regarding Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram to Hunter on boilers for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from London Committee on approval of Mauretania boilers, 27 June 1904 1904, Two telegrams to London Committee on Cunard boiler plans for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Memo on confidentiality of Cunard plans for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on the building of the Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to T J Dodd on the building of the Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register on Mauretania plan errors, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from Lloyd's Register Committee to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania plan errors, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania photo print, 28 June 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania photo print, 2 July 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania plans, 4 July 1904 1904, Letter from H J Cornish to De Rusett on Cunard LinerMauretania, 2 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 5 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on plans for Mauretania, 5 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 7 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 7 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing designs for steel part of the steam for the Mauretania, 14 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing designs for steel part of the steam for the Mauretania, 15 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 19 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 18 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 19 July 1904 1904, Note on sketches for Mauretania, 20 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 22 August 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania and interview notes with Cornish, 3 September 1904 1904, Notes of interview with the representatives of Lloyd's and John Brown & Company in London, 25 August 1904 1904, Memo stating that De Rusett's notes agree with J Bruhn's except on the following points, 5 September 1904 1904, Copy of letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania and interview notes with Cornish, 3 September 1904 1904, Copy of memo stating that De Rusett's notes agree with J Bruhn's except on the following points, 5 September 1904 1904, Calculations related to design of Mauretania, 8 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 8 September 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle to London Committeee on Cunard plans for Mauretania, September 1904 1904, Telegram send from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson on Cunard plans, 8 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania plans, 12 September 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment calculations for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing corrections for notes on Mauretania design meeting, 12 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E W De Rusett on the building of the Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on bending moment for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the bending moment calculations for the Mauretania, 14 September 1904 1904, Letter from E G Champness to H Cornish, 16 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the bending moment calculations for the Mauretania, 22 September 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania, 22 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Letter to De Russett, likely from Lloyd's Register Secretary on designs for Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Notes on web frames for Mauretania, 26 September 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania web frames, 27 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the Mauretania, 27 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on curve bending moments for Mauretania, 29 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 30 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 3 October 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, High Tensile Steel note for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, Notes on designs for Mauretania, 5 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on curve bending moments for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on experimental tests for Mauretania designs, 6 October 1904 1904, Memo on high tensile steel for Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Memo on design of web frames for Mauretania, 8 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on bulkheads for Mauretania, 7 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on testing for Mauretania designs, 10 October 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Receipt of telegram from London to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle surveyors to London committee on Mauretania steel, 8 October 1904 1904, Letter on steel tests for Mauretania from the Lloyd's Register Secretary to Champness, 14 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment calculations for Mauretania, 17 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania bending moments, 15 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment for steel in Mauretania, 19 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment for steel in Mauretania, 24 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania, 20 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to E C Champness on Mauretania, 20 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on Mauretania, 21 October 1904 1904, Letter to E C Champness on Mauretania, 24 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Letter to E C Champness on Mauretania, 26 October 1904 1904, Memo on testing of steel for Mauretania, 27 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 27 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 28 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on rivetting for Mauretania, 28 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 3 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Cornish on Mauretania, 1 November 1904 1904, Letter to Mr De Rusett on Mauretania, 2 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 3 November 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Memo on thickness of plates for Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Calculations of diagonal connection relating to the Mauretania, 5 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H J Cornish on Mauretania bulkheads, 7 November 1904 1904, Letter pro the Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary relating to forwarded builder's sections of Mauretania, 7 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Newcastle's Chief Surveyor on Mauretania bulkheads, 7 November 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania designs, 9 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 9 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 11 November 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania designs, 16 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 16 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on steel test pieces for Mauretania, 17 November 1904 1904, Letter from H Cornish to E C Champness on steel testing for the Mauretania, 19 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania prints, 22 November 1904 1904, Memo on openings in plans for Mauretania, 22 November 1904 1904, Memo on design of Mauretania, 24 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 24 November 1904 1904, Memo on builder's plans for Mauretania, 28 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 25 November 1904 1904, Telegram from London Committee to Hunter, Wallsend on Mauretania, 26 November 1904 1904, Telegram received from London committee on Mauretania correspondence, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania design, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from Works Manager and Secretary of British Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd to Lloyd's Register Swansea on stamping tubes before they are cut for the Mauretania, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to G C Vaux and Swansea Surveyors on testing of tubes from British Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from G C Vaux to London Secretary on Mauretania tubes, 26 November 1904 1904, Memo on tubuar pillows to Swansea surveyors, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania design modification, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania sketch, 28 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 1 December 1904 1904, Memo on approved plans for Mauretania, 1 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 2 December 1904 1904, Memo on builder's proposal for Mauretania design, 2 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 6 December 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania plans, 6 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania designs, 6 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania telegram, 7 December 1904 1904, Copy of telegrams between London Committee and Hunter Wallsend on Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania planning proposal, 7 December 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle to London Committeee on Cunard plans for Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania sketch, 9 December 1904 1904, Memo relating to sketch of Mauretania design, 9 December 1904 1904, Conditions under which bending moment was calculated for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Stress calculation for Mauretania, 15 September 1904 1904, Confirmation of telegram to Hunter Wallsend from London Committee on Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plan, 8 December 1904 1904, Plan of stress diagram for Mauretania, 14 April 1904 1904, Midship Section plan for Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Midship Section plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Profile plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Shelter deck plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Upper Deck Plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Main deck plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Plan of curve on bending moments, vessel on wave crest, at end of voyage, for Mauretania, September 1904 1904, Plan of ship on wave crest for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Calculations of rudder relating to Mauretania, 11 January 1905 1905, Topside plating calculations for Mauretania, 21 February 1905 1905, Doubling calculations for Mauretania, 24 February 1905 1905, Calculations for Mauretania around, 24 February 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 27 February 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 27 February 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 23 March 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 23 March 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 4 April 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 4 April 1905 1905, Notes on Mauretania plans, 22 May 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 29 May 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 6 June 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 15 August 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 15 August 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 28 December 1905 1905, Boiler plan for Mauretania, 6 April 1905 1905, Boiler plan for Mauretania, 6 April 1905 1905, Shafting plan for Mauretania, 30 May 1905 1905, Plan of proposed arrangement of shell and deck plating and doublings for Mauretania, 8 July 1905 1905, Calculations for steel testing for Mauretania, 10 April 1906 1906, Letter from P F Morton to London Secretary on Mauretania, 27 January 1906 1906, Memo on anchors for Mauretania, 27 January 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Sheffield Surveyor on Mauretania, 30 January 1906 1906, Memo on Mauretania anchors, 9 February 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 9 February 1906 1906, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register Secretary, 12 February 1906 1906, Notes on Mauretania, 5 March 1906 1906, Anchors, Cables and wire and Manila Ropes for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Anchors, Cables and wire and Manila Ropes for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Proposed equipment for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on anchors and cables for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 18 April 1906 1906, Proposed equipment for Mauretania around, April 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania equipment, 12 April 1906 1906, Letter from Brown, Lenox & Co pro Jas B Richardson on cable testing for Cunard, 12 June 1906 1906, Telegram from Bate Dks Cardiff to London Committee on cable testing, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Cardiff office to London Committee on cable tests, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Cardiff office to London Committee on cable tests, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegram from Redman to Scott on cable testing, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter to Andrew Scott on cable testing telegrams, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary on proving house telegrams, 13 June 1906 1906, Memo on proving houses, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Stenoch Rt Glasgow, Scott to Redman & London Committee on telegram on Mauretania, 14 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from London Committee to Cardiff proving house on cable testing for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from Andrew K Hamilton pro Cardiff surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on cable testing for Cunard, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to G W Penn, Cardiff proving house on steel tests for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Cardiff surveyors on chain cable for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 15 June 1906 1906, Letter from James Richardson to G W Penn to G W Penn on swivel pieces for Mauretania, 18 July 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 20 July 1906 1906, Memo on cable testing for Mauretania at Cardiff Proving House, 21 July 1906 1906, Memo to inform surveyors that W Hamilton's report on chain testing has come in, 21 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Peter Samson, Board of Trade on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 21 July 1906 1906, Letter from Peter Samson, Board of Trade to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 23 July 1906 1906, Memo on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania with information from Board of Trade, 24 July 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to George W Penn on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 25 July 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Peter Samson, Board of Trade on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 25 July 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing swivel pieces for Mauretania, 26 July 1906 1906, Letter from Andrew K Hamilton to Lloyd's Register Secretary on results of cable testing for Mauretania, 25 August 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Cardiff surveyors on results from testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 30 August 1906 1906, Profile plan for Mauretania, 3 March 1906 1906, Particulars of Boilers for Mauretania, 18 September 1907 1907, Letter from H Green to H J Cornish on interests of Cornish during his visit to Netherton proving house, 25 September 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to H Green on visit to Netherton proving house, 26 September 1907 1907, Query Formon official registration of Mauretania, 28 October 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register secretary on registered dimensions of Mauretania, 25 October 1907 1907, Registered dimensions of Lusitania and Mauretania, 24 October 1907 1907, Request for registered depths for the Mauretania from Registrar General of Shipping, 28 October 1907 1907, Memo on date of build and date of launch for Mauretania, 9 November 1907 1907, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor on class of Mauretania, 8 November 1907 1907, Letter from Newcastle Surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania first entry report, 7 November 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania first entry report, 6 November 1907 1907, First entry report "Iron or Steel Steamer" for Mauretania, 22 October 1907 1907, Letter from J T Findlay on Mauretania's sea cock, 13 November 1907 1907, Memo requesting shafting plans from Newccastle surveyors, 8 November 1907 1907, Report on Machinery for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Report on boilers for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Note accompanying Mauretania documents, 12 November 1907 1907, Particulars of passenger certificate for Mauretania, 15 November 1907 1907, Form for vessels of 100 tons and upwards for Mauretania, 14 November 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 31 October 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs of engines and boilers for Mauretania, 1 November 1907 1907, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 4 September 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champess on Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Memo on Freeboard Form for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Application for Certificate of Approval of disc and lines used in connection with the Provisions of the International Load Line Conention 1930 for Mauretania, 24 April 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania, 24 April 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania plans, 2 April 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 28 March 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 28 March 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard, 26 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E C Champness on freeboard survey for Mauretania, 23 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E W DeRusset on diagram mistake for Mauretania, 7 March 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to H J Cornish on Mauretania freeboard, 6 March 1907 1907, Letter from Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd to H J Cornish on Mauretania, 27 February 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to G Hunter, Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 25 February 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 20 February 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard, 19 February 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on freeboard report for Mauretania, 23 April 1907 1907, Memo on measurements of Mauretania, 22 April 1907 1907, Note of measurements relating to Mauretania, 13 May 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 19 April 1907 1907, Plan of midship section showing thicknesses of shell for Mauretania, 5 November 1907 1907, Midship section plan for Mauretania, 7 November 1907 1907, Midship section plan for Mauretania, 3 December 1907 1907, The Electrical Equipment of the Cunard Express Turbine Steamship “Mauretania”, 1908 1908, Plan of general arrangement for Mauretania, 19 January 1915 1915, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to the Liverpool Secretary on Mauretania, 3 February 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 3 February 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to the Liverpool Secretary on Mauretania, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from W L Clark, Liverpool Committee Secretary to Lloyd's Register Secretary on freeboard certificate for Mauretania, 19 January 1921 1921, Letter from R Bruce, Cunard to Liverpool Office on Load Line Certificate for Mauretania, 19 January 1921 1921, List of dimensions for Mauretania, 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Freeboard Verification Form on Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Fresh Water Line for Mauretania, 24 September 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard for Mauretania, 23 September 1931 1931, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Freeboard for Mauretania, 22 September 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on marking of Fresh Water for Mauretania, 21 September 1931 1931, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 20 May 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancelling old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 3 January 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancelling old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 9 July 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancellation of old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 8 July 1932 1932, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 10 June 1932 1932, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Mauretania, 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 13 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 11 June 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Assistant Secretary of Mercantile Marine Deoartment in Board of Trade on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 9 June 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Assistant Secretary of Mercantile Marine Deoartment in Board of Trade on endorsement for Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Memo on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Letter from S R Davies pro Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania shelter deck, 1 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing applications for Freeboard Certificates for Mauretania and Aquitania, 16 April 1932 1932, Application for Certificate of Approval of disc and lines used in connection with the Provisions of the International Load Line Conention 1930 for Mauretania, 11 April 1932 1932, Telegram from Newcastle office to London Committee on shelter deck of Mauretania, 1 June 1932 1932, Telegram from Newcastle office to London Committee on shelter deck of Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Telegram from London Committee to Newcastle office on shelter deck of Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Memo on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Translation of Telegram from London Office to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania shelter deck, 30 May 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 27 May 1932 1932, List of dimensions for Mauretania, 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard of Mauretania, 12 April 1932 1932, Plan of freeboard deck for Mauretania, 7 April 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Convention Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 22 June 1933 1933, Memo on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 22 June 1933 1933, Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard certificate, 21 June 1933 1933, Record of renewal survey for Mauretania freeboard, 21 June 1933 1933, Letter from W Watt to McMillan on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 11 May 1933 1933, Letter from McMillan to W Watt on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 9 May 1933 1933, Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Mauretania old freeboard certificate, 2 January 1933 1933, Record of annual survey for Mauretania freeboard, 30 June 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to Classification Committee to Southampton Surveyors on Mauretania boiler survey, 18 December 1934 1934, Notification of postponed survey for Mauretania, 17 October 1934 1934, Information on Mauretania from surveyors at Southampton, 12 December 1934 1934, Remarks of Chief Ship Surveyor on Mauretania, 17 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 10 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 19 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 19 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 1934 1934, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 7 July 1934 1934, Report of sale and breaking up of Mauretania, 24 September 1935 1935, Information on Mauretania, 6 September 1935 1935, Information on Mauretania from surveyors at Southampton, 21 March 1935 1935, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo and/or Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 28 February 1937 1937, Letter from S R Davies pro Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboards, 30 May 1932 30, Letter from Henry Hogben Chief Ship Surveyor at Board of Trade on endorsement for Load Line Certificate of Mauretania, 8 June 1932 8, Letter on plans of Cunard liners no date, Lloyd's British testing information on Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Historical background on Mauretania no date )
A ship’s total internal volume in ‘register tons’ (replaced by gross tonnage post 1982).
31938 ( Letter from E W De Rusett enclosing diagrams of Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic for comment by H J Cornish, 9 June 1903 1903, Letter from H J Cornish to De Rusett on Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic, 23 June 1903 1903, Letter from E W De Rusett on diagrams of Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic for comment by H J Cornish, 4 July 1903 1903, Lloyd's British testing calculations for Mauretania, 8 March 1904 1904, Suggested equipment for Cunard's Lusitania and Mauritania, 1904 1904, Letter to Hunter including ammendments to plans for Cunard Steamers, 8 March 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H J Cornish on rivets for Mauretania, 3 May 1904 1904, Calculations on tonnage for Mauretania, 9 May 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 11 May 1904 1904, Statement re Stress Calculations for Cunard Liner Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing plans for Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Notes on changes to Mauretania plans, 21 June 1904 1904, Diagram of Mauretania, 24 June 1904 1904, Note on reply to telegram regarding Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram to Hunter on boilers for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from London Committee on approval of Mauretania boilers, 27 June 1904 1904, Two telegrams to London Committee on Cunard boiler plans for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Memo on confidentiality of Cunard plans for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on the building of the Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to T J Dodd on the building of the Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register on Mauretania plan errors, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from Lloyd's Register Committee to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania plan errors, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania photo print, 28 June 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania photo print, 2 July 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania plans, 4 July 1904 1904, Letter from H J Cornish to De Rusett on Cunard LinerMauretania, 2 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 5 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on plans for Mauretania, 5 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 7 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 7 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing designs for steel part of the steam for the Mauretania, 14 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing designs for steel part of the steam for the Mauretania, 15 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 19 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 18 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 19 July 1904 1904, Note on sketches for Mauretania, 20 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania and interview notes with Cornish, 3 September 1904 1904, Notes of interview with the representatives of Lloyd's and John Brown & Company in London, 25 August 1904 1904, Memo stating that De Rusett's notes agree with J Bruhn's except on the following points, 5 September 1904 1904, Copy of letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania and interview notes with Cornish, 3 September 1904 1904, Copy of memo stating that De Rusett's notes agree with J Bruhn's except on the following points, 5 September 1904 1904, Calculations related to design of Mauretania, 8 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 8 September 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle to London Committeee on Cunard plans for Mauretania, September 1904 1904, Telegram send from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson on Cunard plans, 8 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania plans, 12 September 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment calculations for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing corrections for notes on Mauretania design meeting, 12 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E W De Rusett on the building of the Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on bending moment for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the bending moment calculations for the Mauretania, 14 September 1904 1904, Letter from E G Champness to H Cornish, 16 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the bending moment calculations for the Mauretania, 22 September 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania, 22 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Letter to De Russett, likely from Lloyd's Register Secretary on designs for Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Notes on web frames for Mauretania, 26 September 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania web frames, 27 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the Mauretania, 27 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on curve bending moments for Mauretania, 29 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 30 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 3 October 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, High Tensile Steel note for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, Notes on designs for Mauretania, 5 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on curve bending moments for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on experimental tests for Mauretania designs, 6 October 1904 1904, Memo on high tensile steel for Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Memo on design of web frames for Mauretania, 8 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on bulkheads for Mauretania, 7 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on testing for Mauretania designs, 10 October 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Receipt of telegram from London to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle surveyors to London committee on Mauretania steel, 8 October 1904 1904, Letter on steel tests for Mauretania from the Lloyd's Register Secretary to Champness, 14 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment calculations for Mauretania, 17 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania bending moments, 15 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment for steel in Mauretania, 19 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment for steel in Mauretania, 24 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania, 20 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to E C Champness on Mauretania, 20 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on Mauretania, 21 October 1904 1904, Letter to E C Champness on Mauretania, 24 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Letter to E C Champness on Mauretania, 26 October 1904 1904, Memo on testing of steel for Mauretania, 27 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 27 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 28 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on rivetting for Mauretania, 28 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 3 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Cornish on Mauretania, 1 November 1904 1904, Letter to Mr De Rusett on Mauretania, 2 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 3 November 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Memo on thickness of plates for Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Calculations of diagonal connection relating to the Mauretania, 5 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H J Cornish on Mauretania bulkheads, 7 November 1904 1904, Letter pro the Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary relating to forwarded builder's sections of Mauretania, 7 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Newcastle's Chief Surveyor on Mauretania bulkheads, 7 November 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania designs, 9 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 9 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 11 November 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania designs, 16 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 16 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on steel test pieces for Mauretania, 17 November 1904 1904, Letter from H Cornish to E C Champness on steel testing for the Mauretania, 19 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania prints, 22 November 1904 1904, Memo on openings in plans for Mauretania, 22 November 1904 1904, Memo on design of Mauretania, 24 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 24 November 1904 1904, Memo on builder's plans for Mauretania, 28 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 25 November 1904 1904, Telegram from London Committee to Hunter, Wallsend on Mauretania, 26 November 1904 1904, Telegram received from London committee on Mauretania correspondence, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania design, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from Works Manager and Secretary of British Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd to Lloyd's Register Swansea on stamping tubes before they are cut for the Mauretania, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to G C Vaux and Swansea Surveyors on testing of tubes from British Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from G C Vaux to London Secretary on Mauretania tubes, 26 November 1904 1904, Memo on tubuar pillows to Swansea surveyors, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania design modification, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania sketch, 28 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 1 December 1904 1904, Memo on approved plans for Mauretania, 1 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 2 December 1904 1904, Memo on builder's proposal for Mauretania design, 2 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 6 December 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania plans, 6 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania designs, 6 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania telegram, 7 December 1904 1904, Copy of telegrams between London Committee and Hunter Wallsend on Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania planning proposal, 7 December 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle to London Committeee on Cunard plans for Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania sketch, 9 December 1904 1904, Memo relating to sketch of Mauretania design, 9 December 1904 1904, Conditions under which bending moment was calculated for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Stress calculation for Mauretania, 15 September 1904 1904, Confirmation of telegram to Hunter Wallsend from London Committee on Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plan, 8 December 1904 1904, Plan of stress diagram for Mauretania, 14 April 1904 1904, Midship Section plan for Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Midship Section plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Profile plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Shelter deck plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Upper Deck Plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Main deck plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Plan of curve on bending moments, vessel on wave crest, at end of voyage, for Mauretania, September 1904 1904, Plan of ship on wave crest for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Calculations of rudder relating to Mauretania, 11 January 1905 1905, Topside plating calculations for Mauretania, 21 February 1905 1905, Doubling calculations for Mauretania, 24 February 1905 1905, Calculations for Mauretania around, 24 February 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 27 February 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 27 February 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 23 March 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 23 March 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 4 April 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 4 April 1905 1905, Notes on Mauretania plans, 22 May 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 29 May 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 6 June 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 15 August 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 15 August 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 28 December 1905 1905, Boiler plan for Mauretania, 6 April 1905 1905, Boiler plan for Mauretania, 6 April 1905 1905, Shafting plan for Mauretania, 30 May 1905 1905, Plan of proposed arrangement of shell and deck plating and doublings for Mauretania, 8 July 1905 1905, Calculations for steel testing for Mauretania, 10 April 1906 1906, Letter from P F Morton to London Secretary on Mauretania, 27 January 1906 1906, Memo on anchors for Mauretania, 27 January 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Sheffield Surveyor on Mauretania, 30 January 1906 1906, Memo on Mauretania anchors, 9 February 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 9 February 1906 1906, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register Secretary, 12 February 1906 1906, Notes on Mauretania, 5 March 1906 1906, Anchors, Cables and wire and Manila Ropes for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Anchors, Cables and wire and Manila Ropes for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Proposed equipment for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on anchors and cables for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 18 April 1906 1906, Proposed equipment for Mauretania around, April 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania equipment, 12 April 1906 1906, Letter from Brown, Lenox & Co pro Jas B Richardson on cable testing for Cunard, 12 June 1906 1906, Telegram from Bate Dks Cardiff to London Committee on cable testing, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Cardiff office to London Committee on cable tests, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Cardiff office to London Committee on cable tests, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegram from Redman to Scott on cable testing, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter to Andrew Scott on cable testing telegrams, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary on proving house telegrams, 13 June 1906 1906, Memo on proving houses, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Stenoch Rt Glasgow, Scott to Redman & London Committee on telegram on Mauretania, 14 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from London Committee to Cardiff proving house on cable testing for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from Andrew K Hamilton pro Cardiff surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on cable testing for Cunard, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to G W Penn, Cardiff proving house on steel tests for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Cardiff surveyors on chain cable for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 15 June 1906 1906, Letter from James Richardson to G W Penn to G W Penn on swivel pieces for Mauretania, 18 July 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 20 July 1906 1906, Memo on cable testing for Mauretania at Cardiff Proving House, 21 July 1906 1906, Memo to inform surveyors that W Hamilton's report on chain testing has come in, 21 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Peter Samson, Board of Trade on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 21 July 1906 1906, Letter from Peter Samson, Board of Trade to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 23 July 1906 1906, Memo on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania with information from Board of Trade, 24 July 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to George W Penn on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 25 July 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Peter Samson, Board of Trade on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 25 July 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing swivel pieces for Mauretania, 26 July 1906 1906, Letter from Andrew K Hamilton to Lloyd's Register Secretary on results of cable testing for Mauretania, 25 August 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Cardiff surveyors on results from testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 30 August 1906 1906, Profile plan for Mauretania, 3 March 1906 1906, Particulars of Boilers for Mauretania, 18 September 1907 1907, Letter from H Green to H J Cornish on interests of Cornish during his visit to Netherton proving house, 25 September 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to H Green on visit to Netherton proving house, 26 September 1907 1907, Query Formon official registration of Mauretania, 28 October 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register secretary on registered dimensions of Mauretania, 25 October 1907 1907, Registered dimensions of Lusitania and Mauretania, 24 October 1907 1907, Request for registered depths for the Mauretania from Registrar General of Shipping, 28 October 1907 1907, Memo on date of build and date of launch for Mauretania, 9 November 1907 1907, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor on class of Mauretania, 8 November 1907 1907, Letter from Newcastle Surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania first entry report, 7 November 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania first entry report, 6 November 1907 1907, First entry report "Iron or Steel Steamer" for Mauretania, 22 October 1907 1907, Letter from J T Findlay on Mauretania's sea cock, 13 November 1907 1907, Memo requesting shafting plans from Newccastle surveyors, 8 November 1907 1907, Report on Machinery for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Report on boilers for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Note accompanying Mauretania documents, 12 November 1907 1907, Particulars of passenger certificate for Mauretania, 15 November 1907 1907, Form for vessels of 100 tons and upwards for Mauretania, 14 November 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 31 October 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs of engines and boilers for Mauretania, 1 November 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 19 April 1907 1907, Plan of midship section showing thicknesses of shell for Mauretania, 5 November 1907 1907, Midship section plan for Mauretania, 7 November 1907 1907, Midship section plan for Mauretania, 3 December 1907 1907, The Electrical Equipment of the Cunard Express Turbine Steamship “Mauretania”, 1908 1908, Plan of general arrangement for Mauretania, 19 January 1915 1915, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 20 May 1932 1932, Letter on plans of Cunard liners no date, Lloyd's British testing information on Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Historical background on Mauretania no date )
30696 ( 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 4 September 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champess on Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Memo on Freeboard Form for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Application for Certificate of Approval of disc and lines used in connection with the Provisions of the International Load Line Conention 1930 for Mauretania, 24 April 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania, 24 April 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania plans, 2 April 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 28 March 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 28 March 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard, 26 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E C Champness on freeboard survey for Mauretania, 23 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E W DeRusset on diagram mistake for Mauretania, 7 March 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to H J Cornish on Mauretania freeboard, 6 March 1907 1907, Letter from Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd to H J Cornish on Mauretania, 27 February 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to G Hunter, Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 25 February 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 20 February 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard, 19 February 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on freeboard report for Mauretania, 23 April 1907 1907, Memo on measurements of Mauretania, 22 April 1907 1907, Note of measurements relating to Mauretania, 13 May 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to the Liverpool Secretary on Mauretania, 3 February 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 3 February 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to the Liverpool Secretary on Mauretania, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from W L Clark, Liverpool Committee Secretary to Lloyd's Register Secretary on freeboard certificate for Mauretania, 19 January 1921 1921, Letter from R Bruce, Cunard to Liverpool Office on Load Line Certificate for Mauretania, 19 January 1921 1921, List of dimensions for Mauretania, 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Freeboard Verification Form on Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Fresh Water Line for Mauretania, 24 September 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard for Mauretania, 23 September 1931 1931, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Freeboard for Mauretania, 22 September 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on marking of Fresh Water for Mauretania, 21 September 1931 1931, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancelling old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 3 January 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancelling old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 9 July 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancellation of old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 8 July 1932 1932, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 10 June 1932 1932, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Mauretania, 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 13 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 11 June 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Assistant Secretary of Mercantile Marine Deoartment in Board of Trade on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 9 June 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Assistant Secretary of Mercantile Marine Deoartment in Board of Trade on endorsement for Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Memo on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Letter from S R Davies pro Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania shelter deck, 1 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing applications for Freeboard Certificates for Mauretania and Aquitania, 16 April 1932 1932, Application for Certificate of Approval of disc and lines used in connection with the Provisions of the International Load Line Conention 1930 for Mauretania, 11 April 1932 1932, Telegram from Newcastle office to London Committee on shelter deck of Mauretania, 1 June 1932 1932, Telegram from Newcastle office to London Committee on shelter deck of Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Telegram from London Committee to Newcastle office on shelter deck of Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Memo on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Translation of Telegram from London Office to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania shelter deck, 30 May 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 27 May 1932 1932, List of dimensions for Mauretania, 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard of Mauretania, 12 April 1932 1932, Plan of freeboard deck for Mauretania, 7 April 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Convention Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 22 June 1933 1933, Memo on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 22 June 1933 1933, Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard certificate, 21 June 1933 1933, Record of renewal survey for Mauretania freeboard, 21 June 1933 1933, Letter from W Watt to McMillan on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 11 May 1933 1933, Letter from McMillan to W Watt on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 9 May 1933 1933, Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Mauretania old freeboard certificate, 2 January 1933 1933, Record of annual survey for Mauretania freeboard, 30 June 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to Classification Committee to Southampton Surveyors on Mauretania boiler survey, 18 December 1934 1934, Notification of postponed survey for Mauretania, 17 October 1934 1934, Information on Mauretania from surveyors at Southampton, 12 December 1934 1934, Remarks of Chief Ship Surveyor on Mauretania, 17 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 10 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 19 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 19 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 1934 1934, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 7 July 1934 1934, Report of sale and breaking up of Mauretania, 24 September 1935 1935, Information on Mauretania, 6 September 1935 1935, Information on Mauretania from surveyors at Southampton, 21 March 1935 1935, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo and/or Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 28 February 1937 1937, Letter from S R Davies pro Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboards, 30 May 1932 30, Letter from Henry Hogben Chief Ship Surveyor at Board of Trade on endorsement for Load Line Certificate of Mauretania, 8 June 1932 8 )
Is machinery fitted at the aft of the vessel?
No ( Letter from E W De Rusett enclosing diagrams of Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic for comment by H J Cornish, 9 June 1903 1903, Letter from H J Cornish to De Rusett on Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic, 23 June 1903 1903, Letter from E W De Rusett on diagrams of Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic for comment by H J Cornish, 4 July 1903 1903, Lloyd's British testing calculations for Mauretania, 8 March 1904 1904, Suggested equipment for Cunard's Lusitania and Mauritania, 1904 1904, Letter to Hunter including ammendments to plans for Cunard Steamers, 8 March 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H J Cornish on rivets for Mauretania, 3 May 1904 1904, Calculations on tonnage for Mauretania, 9 May 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 11 May 1904 1904, Statement re Stress Calculations for Cunard Liner Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing plans for Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Notes on changes to Mauretania plans, 21 June 1904 1904, Diagram of Mauretania, 24 June 1904 1904, Note on reply to telegram regarding Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram to Hunter on boilers for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from London Committee on approval of Mauretania boilers, 27 June 1904 1904, Two telegrams to London Committee on Cunard boiler plans for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Memo on confidentiality of Cunard plans for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on the building of the Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to T J Dodd on the building of the Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register on Mauretania plan errors, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from Lloyd's Register Committee to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania plan errors, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania photo print, 28 June 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania photo print, 2 July 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania plans, 4 July 1904 1904, Letter from H J Cornish to De Rusett on Cunard LinerMauretania, 2 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 5 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on plans for Mauretania, 5 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 7 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 7 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing designs for steel part of the steam for the Mauretania, 14 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing designs for steel part of the steam for the Mauretania, 15 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 19 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 18 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 19 July 1904 1904, Note on sketches for Mauretania, 20 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 22 August 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania and interview notes with Cornish, 3 September 1904 1904, Notes of interview with the representatives of Lloyd's and John Brown & Company in London, 25 August 1904 1904, Memo stating that De Rusett's notes agree with J Bruhn's except on the following points, 5 September 1904 1904, Copy of letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania and interview notes with Cornish, 3 September 1904 1904, Copy of memo stating that De Rusett's notes agree with J Bruhn's except on the following points, 5 September 1904 1904, Calculations related to design of Mauretania, 8 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 8 September 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle to London Committeee on Cunard plans for Mauretania, September 1904 1904, Telegram send from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson on Cunard plans, 8 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania plans, 12 September 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment calculations for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing corrections for notes on Mauretania design meeting, 12 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E W De Rusett on the building of the Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on bending moment for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the bending moment calculations for the Mauretania, 14 September 1904 1904, Letter from E G Champness to H Cornish, 16 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the bending moment calculations for the Mauretania, 22 September 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania, 22 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Letter to De Russett, likely from Lloyd's Register Secretary on designs for Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Notes on web frames for Mauretania, 26 September 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania web frames, 27 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the Mauretania, 27 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on curve bending moments for Mauretania, 29 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 30 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 3 October 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, High Tensile Steel note for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, Notes on designs for Mauretania, 5 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on curve bending moments for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on experimental tests for Mauretania designs, 6 October 1904 1904, Memo on high tensile steel for Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Memo on design of web frames for Mauretania, 8 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on bulkheads for Mauretania, 7 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on testing for Mauretania designs, 10 October 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Receipt of telegram from London to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle surveyors to London committee on Mauretania steel, 8 October 1904 1904, Letter on steel tests for Mauretania from the Lloyd's Register Secretary to Champness, 14 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment calculations for Mauretania, 17 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania bending moments, 15 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment for steel in Mauretania, 19 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment for steel in Mauretania, 24 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania, 20 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to E C Champness on Mauretania, 20 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on Mauretania, 21 October 1904 1904, Letter to E C Champness on Mauretania, 24 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Letter to E C Champness on Mauretania, 26 October 1904 1904, Memo on testing of steel for Mauretania, 27 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 27 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 28 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on rivetting for Mauretania, 28 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 3 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Cornish on Mauretania, 1 November 1904 1904, Letter to Mr De Rusett on Mauretania, 2 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 3 November 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Memo on thickness of plates for Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Calculations of diagonal connection relating to the Mauretania, 5 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H J Cornish on Mauretania bulkheads, 7 November 1904 1904, Letter pro the Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary relating to forwarded builder's sections of Mauretania, 7 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Newcastle's Chief Surveyor on Mauretania bulkheads, 7 November 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania designs, 9 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 9 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 11 November 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania designs, 16 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 16 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on steel test pieces for Mauretania, 17 November 1904 1904, Letter from H Cornish to E C Champness on steel testing for the Mauretania, 19 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania prints, 22 November 1904 1904, Memo on openings in plans for Mauretania, 22 November 1904 1904, Memo on design of Mauretania, 24 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 24 November 1904 1904, Memo on builder's plans for Mauretania, 28 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 25 November 1904 1904, Telegram from London Committee to Hunter, Wallsend on Mauretania, 26 November 1904 1904, Telegram received from London committee on Mauretania correspondence, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania design, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from Works Manager and Secretary of British Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd to Lloyd's Register Swansea on stamping tubes before they are cut for the Mauretania, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to G C Vaux and Swansea Surveyors on testing of tubes from British Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from G C Vaux to London Secretary on Mauretania tubes, 26 November 1904 1904, Memo on tubuar pillows to Swansea surveyors, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania design modification, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania sketch, 28 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 1 December 1904 1904, Memo on approved plans for Mauretania, 1 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 2 December 1904 1904, Memo on builder's proposal for Mauretania design, 2 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 6 December 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania plans, 6 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania designs, 6 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania telegram, 7 December 1904 1904, Copy of telegrams between London Committee and Hunter Wallsend on Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania planning proposal, 7 December 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle to London Committeee on Cunard plans for Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania sketch, 9 December 1904 1904, Memo relating to sketch of Mauretania design, 9 December 1904 1904, Conditions under which bending moment was calculated for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Stress calculation for Mauretania, 15 September 1904 1904, Confirmation of telegram to Hunter Wallsend from London Committee on Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plan, 8 December 1904 1904, Plan of stress diagram for Mauretania, 14 April 1904 1904, Midship Section plan for Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Midship Section plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Profile plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Shelter deck plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Upper Deck Plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Main deck plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Plan of curve on bending moments, vessel on wave crest, at end of voyage, for Mauretania, September 1904 1904, Plan of ship on wave crest for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Calculations of rudder relating to Mauretania, 11 January 1905 1905, Topside plating calculations for Mauretania, 21 February 1905 1905, Doubling calculations for Mauretania, 24 February 1905 1905, Calculations for Mauretania around, 24 February 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 27 February 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 27 February 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 23 March 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 23 March 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 4 April 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 4 April 1905 1905, Notes on Mauretania plans, 22 May 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 29 May 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 6 June 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 15 August 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 15 August 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 28 December 1905 1905, Boiler plan for Mauretania, 6 April 1905 1905, Boiler plan for Mauretania, 6 April 1905 1905, Shafting plan for Mauretania, 30 May 1905 1905, Plan of proposed arrangement of shell and deck plating and doublings for Mauretania, 8 July 1905 1905, Calculations for steel testing for Mauretania, 10 April 1906 1906, Letter from P F Morton to London Secretary on Mauretania, 27 January 1906 1906, Memo on anchors for Mauretania, 27 January 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Sheffield Surveyor on Mauretania, 30 January 1906 1906, Memo on Mauretania anchors, 9 February 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 9 February 1906 1906, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register Secretary, 12 February 1906 1906, Notes on Mauretania, 5 March 1906 1906, Anchors, Cables and wire and Manila Ropes for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Anchors, Cables and wire and Manila Ropes for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Proposed equipment for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on anchors and cables for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 18 April 1906 1906, Proposed equipment for Mauretania around, April 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania equipment, 12 April 1906 1906, Letter from Brown, Lenox & Co pro Jas B Richardson on cable testing for Cunard, 12 June 1906 1906, Telegram from Bate Dks Cardiff to London Committee on cable testing, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Cardiff office to London Committee on cable tests, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Cardiff office to London Committee on cable tests, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegram from Redman to Scott on cable testing, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter to Andrew Scott on cable testing telegrams, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary on proving house telegrams, 13 June 1906 1906, Memo on proving houses, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Stenoch Rt Glasgow, Scott to Redman & London Committee on telegram on Mauretania, 14 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from London Committee to Cardiff proving house on cable testing for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from Andrew K Hamilton pro Cardiff surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on cable testing for Cunard, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to G W Penn, Cardiff proving house on steel tests for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Cardiff surveyors on chain cable for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 15 June 1906 1906, Letter from James Richardson to G W Penn to G W Penn on swivel pieces for Mauretania, 18 July 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 20 July 1906 1906, Memo on cable testing for Mauretania at Cardiff Proving House, 21 July 1906 1906, Memo to inform surveyors that W Hamilton's report on chain testing has come in, 21 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Peter Samson, Board of Trade on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 21 July 1906 1906, Letter from Peter Samson, Board of Trade to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 23 July 1906 1906, Memo on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania with information from Board of Trade, 24 July 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to George W Penn on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 25 July 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Peter Samson, Board of Trade on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 25 July 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing swivel pieces for Mauretania, 26 July 1906 1906, Letter from Andrew K Hamilton to Lloyd's Register Secretary on results of cable testing for Mauretania, 25 August 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Cardiff surveyors on results from testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 30 August 1906 1906, Profile plan for Mauretania, 3 March 1906 1906, Particulars of Boilers for Mauretania, 18 September 1907 1907, Letter from H Green to H J Cornish on interests of Cornish during his visit to Netherton proving house, 25 September 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to H Green on visit to Netherton proving house, 26 September 1907 1907, Query Formon official registration of Mauretania, 28 October 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register secretary on registered dimensions of Mauretania, 25 October 1907 1907, Registered dimensions of Lusitania and Mauretania, 24 October 1907 1907, Request for registered depths for the Mauretania from Registrar General of Shipping, 28 October 1907 1907, Memo on date of build and date of launch for Mauretania, 9 November 1907 1907, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor on class of Mauretania, 8 November 1907 1907, Letter from Newcastle Surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania first entry report, 7 November 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania first entry report, 6 November 1907 1907, First entry report "Iron or Steel Steamer" for Mauretania, 22 October 1907 1907, Letter from J T Findlay on Mauretania's sea cock, 13 November 1907 1907, Memo requesting shafting plans from Newccastle surveyors, 8 November 1907 1907, Report on Machinery for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Report on boilers for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Note accompanying Mauretania documents, 12 November 1907 1907, Particulars of passenger certificate for Mauretania, 15 November 1907 1907, Form for vessels of 100 tons and upwards for Mauretania, 14 November 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 31 October 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs of engines and boilers for Mauretania, 1 November 1907 1907, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 4 September 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champess on Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Memo on Freeboard Form for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Application for Certificate of Approval of disc and lines used in connection with the Provisions of the International Load Line Conention 1930 for Mauretania, 24 April 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania, 24 April 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania plans, 2 April 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 28 March 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 28 March 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard, 26 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E C Champness on freeboard survey for Mauretania, 23 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E W DeRusset on diagram mistake for Mauretania, 7 March 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to H J Cornish on Mauretania freeboard, 6 March 1907 1907, Letter from Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd to H J Cornish on Mauretania, 27 February 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to G Hunter, Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 25 February 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 20 February 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard, 19 February 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on freeboard report for Mauretania, 23 April 1907 1907, Memo on measurements of Mauretania, 22 April 1907 1907, Note of measurements relating to Mauretania, 13 May 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 19 April 1907 1907, Plan of midship section showing thicknesses of shell for Mauretania, 5 November 1907 1907, Midship section plan for Mauretania, 7 November 1907 1907, Midship section plan for Mauretania, 3 December 1907 1907, The Electrical Equipment of the Cunard Express Turbine Steamship “Mauretania”, 1908 1908, Plan of general arrangement for Mauretania, 19 January 1915 1915, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to the Liverpool Secretary on Mauretania, 3 February 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 3 February 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to the Liverpool Secretary on Mauretania, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from W L Clark, Liverpool Committee Secretary to Lloyd's Register Secretary on freeboard certificate for Mauretania, 19 January 1921 1921, Letter from R Bruce, Cunard to Liverpool Office on Load Line Certificate for Mauretania, 19 January 1921 1921, List of dimensions for Mauretania, 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Freeboard Verification Form on Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Fresh Water Line for Mauretania, 24 September 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard for Mauretania, 23 September 1931 1931, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Freeboard for Mauretania, 22 September 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on marking of Fresh Water for Mauretania, 21 September 1931 1931, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 20 May 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancelling old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 3 January 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancelling old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 9 July 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancellation of old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 8 July 1932 1932, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 10 June 1932 1932, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Mauretania, 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 13 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 11 June 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Assistant Secretary of Mercantile Marine Deoartment in Board of Trade on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 9 June 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Assistant Secretary of Mercantile Marine Deoartment in Board of Trade on endorsement for Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Memo on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Letter from S R Davies pro Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania shelter deck, 1 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing applications for Freeboard Certificates for Mauretania and Aquitania, 16 April 1932 1932, Application for Certificate of Approval of disc and lines used in connection with the Provisions of the International Load Line Conention 1930 for Mauretania, 11 April 1932 1932, Telegram from Newcastle office to London Committee on shelter deck of Mauretania, 1 June 1932 1932, Telegram from Newcastle office to London Committee on shelter deck of Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Telegram from London Committee to Newcastle office on shelter deck of Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Memo on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Translation of Telegram from London Office to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania shelter deck, 30 May 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 27 May 1932 1932, List of dimensions for Mauretania, 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard of Mauretania, 12 April 1932 1932, Plan of freeboard deck for Mauretania, 7 April 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Convention Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 22 June 1933 1933, Memo on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 22 June 1933 1933, Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard certificate, 21 June 1933 1933, Record of renewal survey for Mauretania freeboard, 21 June 1933 1933, Letter from W Watt to McMillan on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 11 May 1933 1933, Letter from McMillan to W Watt on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 9 May 1933 1933, Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Mauretania old freeboard certificate, 2 January 1933 1933, Record of annual survey for Mauretania freeboard, 30 June 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to Classification Committee to Southampton Surveyors on Mauretania boiler survey, 18 December 1934 1934, Notification of postponed survey for Mauretania, 17 October 1934 1934, Information on Mauretania from surveyors at Southampton, 12 December 1934 1934, Remarks of Chief Ship Surveyor on Mauretania, 17 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 10 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 19 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 19 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 1934 1934, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 7 July 1934 1934, Report of sale and breaking up of Mauretania, 24 September 1935 1935, Information on Mauretania, 6 September 1935 1935, Information on Mauretania from surveyors at Southampton, 21 March 1935 1935, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo and/or Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 28 February 1937 1937, Letter from S R Davies pro Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboards, 30 May 1932 30, Letter from Henry Hogben Chief Ship Surveyor at Board of Trade on endorsement for Load Line Certificate of Mauretania, 8 June 1932 8, Letter on plans of Cunard liners no date, Lloyd's British testing information on Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Historical background on Mauretania no date )
Generally a smaller additional auxiliary boiler (often used while the vessel is at port).
No ( Letter from E W De Rusett enclosing diagrams of Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic for comment by H J Cornish, 9 June 1903 1903, Letter from H J Cornish to De Rusett on Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic, 23 June 1903 1903, Letter from E W De Rusett on diagrams of Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic for comment by H J Cornish, 4 July 1903 1903, Lloyd's British testing calculations for Mauretania, 8 March 1904 1904, Suggested equipment for Cunard's Lusitania and Mauritania, 1904 1904, Letter to Hunter including ammendments to plans for Cunard Steamers, 8 March 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H J Cornish on rivets for Mauretania, 3 May 1904 1904, Calculations on tonnage for Mauretania, 9 May 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 11 May 1904 1904, Statement re Stress Calculations for Cunard Liner Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing plans for Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Notes on changes to Mauretania plans, 21 June 1904 1904, Diagram of Mauretania, 24 June 1904 1904, Note on reply to telegram regarding Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram to Hunter on boilers for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from London Committee on approval of Mauretania boilers, 27 June 1904 1904, Two telegrams to London Committee on Cunard boiler plans for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Memo on confidentiality of Cunard plans for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on the building of the Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to T J Dodd on the building of the Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register on Mauretania plan errors, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from Lloyd's Register Committee to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania plan errors, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania photo print, 28 June 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania photo print, 2 July 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania plans, 4 July 1904 1904, Letter from H J Cornish to De Rusett on Cunard LinerMauretania, 2 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 5 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on plans for Mauretania, 5 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 7 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 7 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing designs for steel part of the steam for the Mauretania, 14 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing designs for steel part of the steam for the Mauretania, 15 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 19 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 18 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 19 July 1904 1904, Note on sketches for Mauretania, 20 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 22 August 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania and interview notes with Cornish, 3 September 1904 1904, Notes of interview with the representatives of Lloyd's and John Brown & Company in London, 25 August 1904 1904, Memo stating that De Rusett's notes agree with J Bruhn's except on the following points, 5 September 1904 1904, Copy of letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania and interview notes with Cornish, 3 September 1904 1904, Copy of memo stating that De Rusett's notes agree with J Bruhn's except on the following points, 5 September 1904 1904, Calculations related to design of Mauretania, 8 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 8 September 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle to London Committeee on Cunard plans for Mauretania, September 1904 1904, Telegram send from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson on Cunard plans, 8 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania plans, 12 September 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment calculations for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing corrections for notes on Mauretania design meeting, 12 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E W De Rusett on the building of the Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on bending moment for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the bending moment calculations for the Mauretania, 14 September 1904 1904, Letter from E G Champness to H Cornish, 16 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the bending moment calculations for the Mauretania, 22 September 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania, 22 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Letter to De Russett, likely from Lloyd's Register Secretary on designs for Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Notes on web frames for Mauretania, 26 September 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania web frames, 27 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the Mauretania, 27 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on curve bending moments for Mauretania, 29 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 30 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 3 October 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, High Tensile Steel note for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, Notes on designs for Mauretania, 5 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on curve bending moments for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on experimental tests for Mauretania designs, 6 October 1904 1904, Memo on high tensile steel for Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Memo on design of web frames for Mauretania, 8 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on bulkheads for Mauretania, 7 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on testing for Mauretania designs, 10 October 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Receipt of telegram from London to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle surveyors to London committee on Mauretania steel, 8 October 1904 1904, Letter on steel tests for Mauretania from the Lloyd's Register Secretary to Champness, 14 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment calculations for Mauretania, 17 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania bending moments, 15 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment for steel in Mauretania, 19 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment for steel in Mauretania, 24 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania, 20 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to E C Champness on Mauretania, 20 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on Mauretania, 21 October 1904 1904, Letter to E C Champness on Mauretania, 24 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Letter to E C Champness on Mauretania, 26 October 1904 1904, Memo on testing of steel for Mauretania, 27 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 27 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 28 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on rivetting for Mauretania, 28 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 3 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Cornish on Mauretania, 1 November 1904 1904, Letter to Mr De Rusett on Mauretania, 2 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 3 November 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Memo on thickness of plates for Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Calculations of diagonal connection relating to the Mauretania, 5 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H J Cornish on Mauretania bulkheads, 7 November 1904 1904, Letter pro the Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary relating to forwarded builder's sections of Mauretania, 7 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Newcastle's Chief Surveyor on Mauretania bulkheads, 7 November 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania designs, 9 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 9 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 11 November 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania designs, 16 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 16 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on steel test pieces for Mauretania, 17 November 1904 1904, Letter from H Cornish to E C Champness on steel testing for the Mauretania, 19 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania prints, 22 November 1904 1904, Memo on openings in plans for Mauretania, 22 November 1904 1904, Memo on design of Mauretania, 24 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 24 November 1904 1904, Memo on builder's plans for Mauretania, 28 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 25 November 1904 1904, Telegram from London Committee to Hunter, Wallsend on Mauretania, 26 November 1904 1904, Telegram received from London committee on Mauretania correspondence, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania design, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from Works Manager and Secretary of British Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd to Lloyd's Register Swansea on stamping tubes before they are cut for the Mauretania, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to G C Vaux and Swansea Surveyors on testing of tubes from British Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from G C Vaux to London Secretary on Mauretania tubes, 26 November 1904 1904, Memo on tubuar pillows to Swansea surveyors, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania design modification, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania sketch, 28 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 1 December 1904 1904, Memo on approved plans for Mauretania, 1 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 2 December 1904 1904, Memo on builder's proposal for Mauretania design, 2 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 6 December 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania plans, 6 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania designs, 6 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania telegram, 7 December 1904 1904, Copy of telegrams between London Committee and Hunter Wallsend on Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania planning proposal, 7 December 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle to London Committeee on Cunard plans for Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania sketch, 9 December 1904 1904, Memo relating to sketch of Mauretania design, 9 December 1904 1904, Conditions under which bending moment was calculated for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Stress calculation for Mauretania, 15 September 1904 1904, Confirmation of telegram to Hunter Wallsend from London Committee on Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plan, 8 December 1904 1904, Plan of stress diagram for Mauretania, 14 April 1904 1904, Midship Section plan for Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Midship Section plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Profile plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Shelter deck plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Upper Deck Plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Main deck plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Plan of curve on bending moments, vessel on wave crest, at end of voyage, for Mauretania, September 1904 1904, Plan of ship on wave crest for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Calculations of rudder relating to Mauretania, 11 January 1905 1905, Topside plating calculations for Mauretania, 21 February 1905 1905, Doubling calculations for Mauretania, 24 February 1905 1905, Calculations for Mauretania around, 24 February 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 27 February 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 27 February 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 23 March 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 23 March 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 4 April 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 4 April 1905 1905, Notes on Mauretania plans, 22 May 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 29 May 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 6 June 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 15 August 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 15 August 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 28 December 1905 1905, Boiler plan for Mauretania, 6 April 1905 1905, Boiler plan for Mauretania, 6 April 1905 1905, Shafting plan for Mauretania, 30 May 1905 1905, Plan of proposed arrangement of shell and deck plating and doublings for Mauretania, 8 July 1905 1905, Calculations for steel testing for Mauretania, 10 April 1906 1906, Letter from P F Morton to London Secretary on Mauretania, 27 January 1906 1906, Memo on anchors for Mauretania, 27 January 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Sheffield Surveyor on Mauretania, 30 January 1906 1906, Memo on Mauretania anchors, 9 February 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 9 February 1906 1906, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register Secretary, 12 February 1906 1906, Notes on Mauretania, 5 March 1906 1906, Anchors, Cables and wire and Manila Ropes for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Anchors, Cables and wire and Manila Ropes for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Proposed equipment for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on anchors and cables for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 18 April 1906 1906, Proposed equipment for Mauretania around, April 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania equipment, 12 April 1906 1906, Letter from Brown, Lenox & Co pro Jas B Richardson on cable testing for Cunard, 12 June 1906 1906, Telegram from Bate Dks Cardiff to London Committee on cable testing, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Cardiff office to London Committee on cable tests, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Cardiff office to London Committee on cable tests, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegram from Redman to Scott on cable testing, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter to Andrew Scott on cable testing telegrams, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary on proving house telegrams, 13 June 1906 1906, Memo on proving houses, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Stenoch Rt Glasgow, Scott to Redman & London Committee on telegram on Mauretania, 14 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from London Committee to Cardiff proving house on cable testing for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from Andrew K Hamilton pro Cardiff surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on cable testing for Cunard, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to G W Penn, Cardiff proving house on steel tests for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Cardiff surveyors on chain cable for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 15 June 1906 1906, Letter from James Richardson to G W Penn to G W Penn on swivel pieces for Mauretania, 18 July 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 20 July 1906 1906, Memo on cable testing for Mauretania at Cardiff Proving House, 21 July 1906 1906, Memo to inform surveyors that W Hamilton's report on chain testing has come in, 21 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Peter Samson, Board of Trade on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 21 July 1906 1906, Letter from Peter Samson, Board of Trade to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 23 July 1906 1906, Memo on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania with information from Board of Trade, 24 July 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to George W Penn on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 25 July 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Peter Samson, Board of Trade on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 25 July 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing swivel pieces for Mauretania, 26 July 1906 1906, Letter from Andrew K Hamilton to Lloyd's Register Secretary on results of cable testing for Mauretania, 25 August 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Cardiff surveyors on results from testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 30 August 1906 1906, Profile plan for Mauretania, 3 March 1906 1906, Particulars of Boilers for Mauretania, 18 September 1907 1907, Letter from H Green to H J Cornish on interests of Cornish during his visit to Netherton proving house, 25 September 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to H Green on visit to Netherton proving house, 26 September 1907 1907, Query Formon official registration of Mauretania, 28 October 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register secretary on registered dimensions of Mauretania, 25 October 1907 1907, Registered dimensions of Lusitania and Mauretania, 24 October 1907 1907, Request for registered depths for the Mauretania from Registrar General of Shipping, 28 October 1907 1907, Memo on date of build and date of launch for Mauretania, 9 November 1907 1907, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor on class of Mauretania, 8 November 1907 1907, Letter from Newcastle Surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania first entry report, 7 November 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania first entry report, 6 November 1907 1907, First entry report "Iron or Steel Steamer" for Mauretania, 22 October 1907 1907, Letter from J T Findlay on Mauretania's sea cock, 13 November 1907 1907, Memo requesting shafting plans from Newccastle surveyors, 8 November 1907 1907, Report on Machinery for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Report on boilers for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Note accompanying Mauretania documents, 12 November 1907 1907, Particulars of passenger certificate for Mauretania, 15 November 1907 1907, Form for vessels of 100 tons and upwards for Mauretania, 14 November 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 31 October 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs of engines and boilers for Mauretania, 1 November 1907 1907, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 4 September 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champess on Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Memo on Freeboard Form for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Application for Certificate of Approval of disc and lines used in connection with the Provisions of the International Load Line Conention 1930 for Mauretania, 24 April 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania, 24 April 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania plans, 2 April 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 28 March 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 28 March 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard, 26 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E C Champness on freeboard survey for Mauretania, 23 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E W DeRusset on diagram mistake for Mauretania, 7 March 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to H J Cornish on Mauretania freeboard, 6 March 1907 1907, Letter from Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd to H J Cornish on Mauretania, 27 February 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to G Hunter, Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 25 February 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 20 February 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard, 19 February 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on freeboard report for Mauretania, 23 April 1907 1907, Memo on measurements of Mauretania, 22 April 1907 1907, Note of measurements relating to Mauretania, 13 May 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 19 April 1907 1907, Plan of midship section showing thicknesses of shell for Mauretania, 5 November 1907 1907, Midship section plan for Mauretania, 7 November 1907 1907, Midship section plan for Mauretania, 3 December 1907 1907, The Electrical Equipment of the Cunard Express Turbine Steamship “Mauretania”, 1908 1908, Plan of general arrangement for Mauretania, 19 January 1915 1915, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to the Liverpool Secretary on Mauretania, 3 February 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 3 February 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to the Liverpool Secretary on Mauretania, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from W L Clark, Liverpool Committee Secretary to Lloyd's Register Secretary on freeboard certificate for Mauretania, 19 January 1921 1921, Letter from R Bruce, Cunard to Liverpool Office on Load Line Certificate for Mauretania, 19 January 1921 1921, List of dimensions for Mauretania, 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Freeboard Verification Form on Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Fresh Water Line for Mauretania, 24 September 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard for Mauretania, 23 September 1931 1931, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Freeboard for Mauretania, 22 September 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on marking of Fresh Water for Mauretania, 21 September 1931 1931, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 20 May 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancelling old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 3 January 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancelling old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 9 July 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancellation of old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 8 July 1932 1932, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 10 June 1932 1932, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Mauretania, 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 13 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 11 June 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Assistant Secretary of Mercantile Marine Deoartment in Board of Trade on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 9 June 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Assistant Secretary of Mercantile Marine Deoartment in Board of Trade on endorsement for Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Memo on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Letter from S R Davies pro Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania shelter deck, 1 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing applications for Freeboard Certificates for Mauretania and Aquitania, 16 April 1932 1932, Application for Certificate of Approval of disc and lines used in connection with the Provisions of the International Load Line Conention 1930 for Mauretania, 11 April 1932 1932, Telegram from Newcastle office to London Committee on shelter deck of Mauretania, 1 June 1932 1932, Telegram from Newcastle office to London Committee on shelter deck of Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Telegram from London Committee to Newcastle office on shelter deck of Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Memo on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Translation of Telegram from London Office to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania shelter deck, 30 May 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 27 May 1932 1932, List of dimensions for Mauretania, 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard of Mauretania, 12 April 1932 1932, Plan of freeboard deck for Mauretania, 7 April 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Convention Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 22 June 1933 1933, Memo on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 22 June 1933 1933, Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard certificate, 21 June 1933 1933, Record of renewal survey for Mauretania freeboard, 21 June 1933 1933, Letter from W Watt to McMillan on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 11 May 1933 1933, Letter from McMillan to W Watt on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 9 May 1933 1933, Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Mauretania old freeboard certificate, 2 January 1933 1933, Record of annual survey for Mauretania freeboard, 30 June 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to Classification Committee to Southampton Surveyors on Mauretania boiler survey, 18 December 1934 1934, Notification of postponed survey for Mauretania, 17 October 1934 1934, Information on Mauretania from surveyors at Southampton, 12 December 1934 1934, Remarks of Chief Ship Surveyor on Mauretania, 17 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 10 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 19 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 19 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 1934 1934, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 7 July 1934 1934, Report of sale and breaking up of Mauretania, 24 September 1935 1935, Information on Mauretania, 6 September 1935 1935, Information on Mauretania from surveyors at Southampton, 21 March 1935 1935, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo and/or Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 28 February 1937 1937, Letter from S R Davies pro Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboards, 30 May 1932 30, Letter from Henry Hogben Chief Ship Surveyor at Board of Trade on endorsement for Load Line Certificate of Mauretania, 8 June 1932 8, Letter on plans of Cunard liners no date, Lloyd's British testing information on Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Historical background on Mauretania no date )
Name of the Proving House responsible for the public testing and certification of a vessel’s anchors and/or chain cables.
No ( Letter from E W De Rusett enclosing diagrams of Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic for comment by H J Cornish, 9 June 1903 1903, Letter from H J Cornish to De Rusett on Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic, 23 June 1903 1903, Letter from E W De Rusett on diagrams of Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic for comment by H J Cornish, 4 July 1903 1903, Lloyd's British testing calculations for Mauretania, 8 March 1904 1904, Suggested equipment for Cunard's Lusitania and Mauritania, 1904 1904, Letter to Hunter including ammendments to plans for Cunard Steamers, 8 March 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H J Cornish on rivets for Mauretania, 3 May 1904 1904, Calculations on tonnage for Mauretania, 9 May 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 11 May 1904 1904, Statement re Stress Calculations for Cunard Liner Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing plans for Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Notes on changes to Mauretania plans, 21 June 1904 1904, Diagram of Mauretania, 24 June 1904 1904, Note on reply to telegram regarding Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram to Hunter on boilers for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from London Committee on approval of Mauretania boilers, 27 June 1904 1904, Two telegrams to London Committee on Cunard boiler plans for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Memo on confidentiality of Cunard plans for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on the building of the Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to T J Dodd on the building of the Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register on Mauretania plan errors, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from Lloyd's Register Committee to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania plan errors, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania photo print, 28 June 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania photo print, 2 July 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania plans, 4 July 1904 1904, Letter from H J Cornish to De Rusett on Cunard LinerMauretania, 2 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 5 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on plans for Mauretania, 5 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 7 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 7 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing designs for steel part of the steam for the Mauretania, 14 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing designs for steel part of the steam for the Mauretania, 15 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 19 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 18 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 19 July 1904 1904, Note on sketches for Mauretania, 20 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 22 August 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania and interview notes with Cornish, 3 September 1904 1904, Notes of interview with the representatives of Lloyd's and John Brown & Company in London, 25 August 1904 1904, Memo stating that De Rusett's notes agree with J Bruhn's except on the following points, 5 September 1904 1904, Copy of letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania and interview notes with Cornish, 3 September 1904 1904, Copy of memo stating that De Rusett's notes agree with J Bruhn's except on the following points, 5 September 1904 1904, Calculations related to design of Mauretania, 8 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 8 September 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle to London Committeee on Cunard plans for Mauretania, September 1904 1904, Telegram send from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson on Cunard plans, 8 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania plans, 12 September 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment calculations for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing corrections for notes on Mauretania design meeting, 12 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E W De Rusett on the building of the Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on bending moment for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the bending moment calculations for the Mauretania, 14 September 1904 1904, Letter from E G Champness to H Cornish, 16 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the bending moment calculations for the Mauretania, 22 September 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania, 22 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Letter to De Russett, likely from Lloyd's Register Secretary on designs for Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Notes on web frames for Mauretania, 26 September 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania web frames, 27 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the Mauretania, 27 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on curve bending moments for Mauretania, 29 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 30 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 3 October 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, High Tensile Steel note for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, Notes on designs for Mauretania, 5 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on curve bending moments for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on experimental tests for Mauretania designs, 6 October 1904 1904, Memo on high tensile steel for Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Memo on design of web frames for Mauretania, 8 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on bulkheads for Mauretania, 7 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on testing for Mauretania designs, 10 October 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Receipt of telegram from London to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle surveyors to London committee on Mauretania steel, 8 October 1904 1904, Letter on steel tests for Mauretania from the Lloyd's Register Secretary to Champness, 14 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment calculations for Mauretania, 17 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania bending moments, 15 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment for steel in Mauretania, 19 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment for steel in Mauretania, 24 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania, 20 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to E C Champness on Mauretania, 20 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on Mauretania, 21 October 1904 1904, Letter to E C Champness on Mauretania, 24 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Letter to E C Champness on Mauretania, 26 October 1904 1904, Memo on testing of steel for Mauretania, 27 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 27 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 28 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on rivetting for Mauretania, 28 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 3 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Cornish on Mauretania, 1 November 1904 1904, Letter to Mr De Rusett on Mauretania, 2 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 3 November 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Memo on thickness of plates for Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Calculations of diagonal connection relating to the Mauretania, 5 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H J Cornish on Mauretania bulkheads, 7 November 1904 1904, Letter pro the Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary relating to forwarded builder's sections of Mauretania, 7 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Newcastle's Chief Surveyor on Mauretania bulkheads, 7 November 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania designs, 9 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 9 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 11 November 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania designs, 16 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 16 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on steel test pieces for Mauretania, 17 November 1904 1904, Letter from H Cornish to E C Champness on steel testing for the Mauretania, 19 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania prints, 22 November 1904 1904, Memo on openings in plans for Mauretania, 22 November 1904 1904, Memo on design of Mauretania, 24 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 24 November 1904 1904, Memo on builder's plans for Mauretania, 28 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 25 November 1904 1904, Telegram from London Committee to Hunter, Wallsend on Mauretania, 26 November 1904 1904, Telegram received from London committee on Mauretania correspondence, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania design, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from Works Manager and Secretary of British Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd to Lloyd's Register Swansea on stamping tubes before they are cut for the Mauretania, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to G C Vaux and Swansea Surveyors on testing of tubes from British Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from G C Vaux to London Secretary on Mauretania tubes, 26 November 1904 1904, Memo on tubuar pillows to Swansea surveyors, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania design modification, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania sketch, 28 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 1 December 1904 1904, Memo on approved plans for Mauretania, 1 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 2 December 1904 1904, Memo on builder's proposal for Mauretania design, 2 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 6 December 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania plans, 6 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania designs, 6 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania telegram, 7 December 1904 1904, Copy of telegrams between London Committee and Hunter Wallsend on Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania planning proposal, 7 December 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle to London Committeee on Cunard plans for Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania sketch, 9 December 1904 1904, Memo relating to sketch of Mauretania design, 9 December 1904 1904, Conditions under which bending moment was calculated for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Stress calculation for Mauretania, 15 September 1904 1904, Confirmation of telegram to Hunter Wallsend from London Committee on Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plan, 8 December 1904 1904, Plan of stress diagram for Mauretania, 14 April 1904 1904, Midship Section plan for Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Midship Section plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Profile plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Shelter deck plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Upper Deck Plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Main deck plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Plan of curve on bending moments, vessel on wave crest, at end of voyage, for Mauretania, September 1904 1904, Plan of ship on wave crest for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Calculations of rudder relating to Mauretania, 11 January 1905 1905, Topside plating calculations for Mauretania, 21 February 1905 1905, Doubling calculations for Mauretania, 24 February 1905 1905, Calculations for Mauretania around, 24 February 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 27 February 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 27 February 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 23 March 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 23 March 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 4 April 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 4 April 1905 1905, Notes on Mauretania plans, 22 May 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 29 May 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 6 June 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 15 August 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 15 August 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 28 December 1905 1905, Boiler plan for Mauretania, 6 April 1905 1905, Boiler plan for Mauretania, 6 April 1905 1905, Shafting plan for Mauretania, 30 May 1905 1905, Plan of proposed arrangement of shell and deck plating and doublings for Mauretania, 8 July 1905 1905, Calculations for steel testing for Mauretania, 10 April 1906 1906, Letter from P F Morton to London Secretary on Mauretania, 27 January 1906 1906, Memo on anchors for Mauretania, 27 January 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Sheffield Surveyor on Mauretania, 30 January 1906 1906, Memo on Mauretania anchors, 9 February 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 9 February 1906 1906, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register Secretary, 12 February 1906 1906, Notes on Mauretania, 5 March 1906 1906, Anchors, Cables and wire and Manila Ropes for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Anchors, Cables and wire and Manila Ropes for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Proposed equipment for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on anchors and cables for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 18 April 1906 1906, Proposed equipment for Mauretania around, April 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania equipment, 12 April 1906 1906, Letter from Brown, Lenox & Co pro Jas B Richardson on cable testing for Cunard, 12 June 1906 1906, Telegram from Bate Dks Cardiff to London Committee on cable testing, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Cardiff office to London Committee on cable tests, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Cardiff office to London Committee on cable tests, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegram from Redman to Scott on cable testing, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter to Andrew Scott on cable testing telegrams, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary on proving house telegrams, 13 June 1906 1906, Memo on proving houses, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Stenoch Rt Glasgow, Scott to Redman & London Committee on telegram on Mauretania, 14 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from London Committee to Cardiff proving house on cable testing for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from Andrew K Hamilton pro Cardiff surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on cable testing for Cunard, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to G W Penn, Cardiff proving house on steel tests for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Cardiff surveyors on chain cable for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 15 June 1906 1906, Letter from James Richardson to G W Penn to G W Penn on swivel pieces for Mauretania, 18 July 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 20 July 1906 1906, Memo on cable testing for Mauretania at Cardiff Proving House, 21 July 1906 1906, Memo to inform surveyors that W Hamilton's report on chain testing has come in, 21 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Peter Samson, Board of Trade on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 21 July 1906 1906, Letter from Peter Samson, Board of Trade to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 23 July 1906 1906, Memo on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania with information from Board of Trade, 24 July 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to George W Penn on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 25 July 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Peter Samson, Board of Trade on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 25 July 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing swivel pieces for Mauretania, 26 July 1906 1906, Letter from Andrew K Hamilton to Lloyd's Register Secretary on results of cable testing for Mauretania, 25 August 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Cardiff surveyors on results from testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 30 August 1906 1906, Profile plan for Mauretania, 3 March 1906 1906, Particulars of Boilers for Mauretania, 18 September 1907 1907, Letter from H Green to H J Cornish on interests of Cornish during his visit to Netherton proving house, 25 September 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to H Green on visit to Netherton proving house, 26 September 1907 1907, Query Formon official registration of Mauretania, 28 October 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register secretary on registered dimensions of Mauretania, 25 October 1907 1907, Registered dimensions of Lusitania and Mauretania, 24 October 1907 1907, Request for registered depths for the Mauretania from Registrar General of Shipping, 28 October 1907 1907, Memo on date of build and date of launch for Mauretania, 9 November 1907 1907, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor on class of Mauretania, 8 November 1907 1907, Letter from Newcastle Surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania first entry report, 7 November 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania first entry report, 6 November 1907 1907, First entry report "Iron or Steel Steamer" for Mauretania, 22 October 1907 1907, Letter from J T Findlay on Mauretania's sea cock, 13 November 1907 1907, Memo requesting shafting plans from Newccastle surveyors, 8 November 1907 1907, Report on Machinery for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Report on boilers for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Note accompanying Mauretania documents, 12 November 1907 1907, Particulars of passenger certificate for Mauretania, 15 November 1907 1907, Form for vessels of 100 tons and upwards for Mauretania, 14 November 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 31 October 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs of engines and boilers for Mauretania, 1 November 1907 1907, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 4 September 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champess on Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Memo on Freeboard Form for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Application for Certificate of Approval of disc and lines used in connection with the Provisions of the International Load Line Conention 1930 for Mauretania, 24 April 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania, 24 April 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania plans, 2 April 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 28 March 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 28 March 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard, 26 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E C Champness on freeboard survey for Mauretania, 23 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E W DeRusset on diagram mistake for Mauretania, 7 March 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to H J Cornish on Mauretania freeboard, 6 March 1907 1907, Letter from Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd to H J Cornish on Mauretania, 27 February 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to G Hunter, Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 25 February 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 20 February 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard, 19 February 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on freeboard report for Mauretania, 23 April 1907 1907, Memo on measurements of Mauretania, 22 April 1907 1907, Note of measurements relating to Mauretania, 13 May 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 19 April 1907 1907, Plan of midship section showing thicknesses of shell for Mauretania, 5 November 1907 1907, Midship section plan for Mauretania, 7 November 1907 1907, Midship section plan for Mauretania, 3 December 1907 1907, The Electrical Equipment of the Cunard Express Turbine Steamship “Mauretania”, 1908 1908, Plan of general arrangement for Mauretania, 19 January 1915 1915, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to the Liverpool Secretary on Mauretania, 3 February 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 3 February 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to the Liverpool Secretary on Mauretania, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from W L Clark, Liverpool Committee Secretary to Lloyd's Register Secretary on freeboard certificate for Mauretania, 19 January 1921 1921, Letter from R Bruce, Cunard to Liverpool Office on Load Line Certificate for Mauretania, 19 January 1921 1921, List of dimensions for Mauretania, 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Freeboard Verification Form on Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Fresh Water Line for Mauretania, 24 September 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard for Mauretania, 23 September 1931 1931, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Freeboard for Mauretania, 22 September 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on marking of Fresh Water for Mauretania, 21 September 1931 1931, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 20 May 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancelling old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 3 January 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancelling old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 9 July 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancellation of old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 8 July 1932 1932, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 10 June 1932 1932, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Mauretania, 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 13 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 11 June 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Assistant Secretary of Mercantile Marine Deoartment in Board of Trade on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 9 June 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Assistant Secretary of Mercantile Marine Deoartment in Board of Trade on endorsement for Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Memo on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Letter from S R Davies pro Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania shelter deck, 1 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing applications for Freeboard Certificates for Mauretania and Aquitania, 16 April 1932 1932, Application for Certificate of Approval of disc and lines used in connection with the Provisions of the International Load Line Conention 1930 for Mauretania, 11 April 1932 1932, Telegram from Newcastle office to London Committee on shelter deck of Mauretania, 1 June 1932 1932, Telegram from Newcastle office to London Committee on shelter deck of Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Telegram from London Committee to Newcastle office on shelter deck of Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Memo on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Translation of Telegram from London Office to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania shelter deck, 30 May 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 27 May 1932 1932, List of dimensions for Mauretania, 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard of Mauretania, 12 April 1932 1932, Plan of freeboard deck for Mauretania, 7 April 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Convention Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 22 June 1933 1933, Memo on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 22 June 1933 1933, Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard certificate, 21 June 1933 1933, Record of renewal survey for Mauretania freeboard, 21 June 1933 1933, Letter from W Watt to McMillan on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 11 May 1933 1933, Letter from McMillan to W Watt on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 9 May 1933 1933, Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Mauretania old freeboard certificate, 2 January 1933 1933, Record of annual survey for Mauretania freeboard, 30 June 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to Classification Committee to Southampton Surveyors on Mauretania boiler survey, 18 December 1934 1934, Notification of postponed survey for Mauretania, 17 October 1934 1934, Information on Mauretania from surveyors at Southampton, 12 December 1934 1934, Remarks of Chief Ship Surveyor on Mauretania, 17 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 10 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 19 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 19 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 1934 1934, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 7 July 1934 1934, Report of sale and breaking up of Mauretania, 24 September 1935 1935, Information on Mauretania, 6 September 1935 1935, Information on Mauretania from surveyors at Southampton, 21 March 1935 1935, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo and/or Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 28 February 1937 1937, Letter from S R Davies pro Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboards, 30 May 1932 30, Letter from Henry Hogben Chief Ship Surveyor at Board of Trade on endorsement for Load Line Certificate of Mauretania, 8 June 1932 8, Letter on plans of Cunard liners no date, Lloyd's British testing information on Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Historical background on Mauretania no date )
Classification symbol assigned to a vessel by Lloyd’s Register’s Classing Committee denoting the quality of construction and maintenance.
2 ( Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 11 November 1904 1904, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing swivel pieces for Mauretania, 26 July 1906 1906 )
+100A1 LMC 10.07 ( First entry report "Iron or Steel Steamer" for Mauretania, 22 October 1907 1907, Report on Machinery for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Report on boilers for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 31 October 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs of engines and boilers for Mauretania, 1 November 1907 1907 )
+100A1 ( Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 19 April 1907 1907, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 20 May 1932 1932 )
+100A1 SS Sm 2 no. 3 2.02 ( Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 7 July 1934 1934 )
Broken up ( Report of sale and breaking up of Mauretania, 24 September 1935 1935 )
An officially licensed mariner (post 1850) holding ultimate command and responsibility for a vessel.
J Pritchard ( First entry report "Iron or Steel Steamer" for Mauretania, 22 October 1907 1907, Report on Machinery for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Report on boilers for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Form for vessels of 100 tons and upwards for Mauretania, 14 November 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 31 October 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs of engines and boilers for Mauretania, 1 November 1907 1907 )
The name of the port/place of destination given.
New York ( Report of survey for repairs of engines and boilers for Mauretania, 1 November 1907 1907 )
The year in which a vessel’s construction is completed.
1907 ( Letter from E W De Rusett enclosing diagrams of Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic for comment by H J Cornish, 9 June 1903 1903, Letter from H J Cornish to De Rusett on Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic, 23 June 1903 1903, Letter from E W De Rusett on diagrams of Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic for comment by H J Cornish, 4 July 1903 1903, Lloyd's British testing calculations for Mauretania, 8 March 1904 1904, Suggested equipment for Cunard's Lusitania and Mauritania, 1904 1904, Letter to Hunter including ammendments to plans for Cunard Steamers, 8 March 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H J Cornish on rivets for Mauretania, 3 May 1904 1904, Calculations on tonnage for Mauretania, 9 May 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 11 May 1904 1904, Statement re Stress Calculations for Cunard Liner Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing plans for Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Notes on changes to Mauretania plans, 21 June 1904 1904, Diagram of Mauretania, 24 June 1904 1904, Note on reply to telegram regarding Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram to Hunter on boilers for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from London Committee on approval of Mauretania boilers, 27 June 1904 1904, Two telegrams to London Committee on Cunard boiler plans for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Memo on confidentiality of Cunard plans for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on the building of the Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to T J Dodd on the building of the Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register on Mauretania plan errors, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from Lloyd's Register Committee to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania plan errors, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania photo print, 28 June 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania photo print, 2 July 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania plans, 4 July 1904 1904, Letter from H J Cornish to De Rusett on Cunard LinerMauretania, 2 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 5 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on plans for Mauretania, 5 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 7 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 7 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing designs for steel part of the steam for the Mauretania, 14 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing designs for steel part of the steam for the Mauretania, 15 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 19 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 18 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 19 July 1904 1904, Note on sketches for Mauretania, 20 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 22 August 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania and interview notes with Cornish, 3 September 1904 1904, Notes of interview with the representatives of Lloyd's and John Brown & Company in London, 25 August 1904 1904, Memo stating that De Rusett's notes agree with J Bruhn's except on the following points, 5 September 1904 1904, Copy of letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania and interview notes with Cornish, 3 September 1904 1904, Copy of memo stating that De Rusett's notes agree with J Bruhn's except on the following points, 5 September 1904 1904, Calculations related to design of Mauretania, 8 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 8 September 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle to London Committeee on Cunard plans for Mauretania, September 1904 1904, Telegram send from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson on Cunard plans, 8 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania plans, 12 September 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment calculations for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing corrections for notes on Mauretania design meeting, 12 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E W De Rusett on the building of the Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on bending moment for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the bending moment calculations for the Mauretania, 14 September 1904 1904, Letter from E G Champness to H Cornish, 16 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the bending moment calculations for the Mauretania, 22 September 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania, 22 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Letter to De Russett, likely from Lloyd's Register Secretary on designs for Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Notes on web frames for Mauretania, 26 September 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania web frames, 27 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the Mauretania, 27 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on curve bending moments for Mauretania, 29 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 30 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 3 October 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, High Tensile Steel note for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, Notes on designs for Mauretania, 5 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on curve bending moments for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on experimental tests for Mauretania designs, 6 October 1904 1904, Memo on high tensile steel for Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Memo on design of web frames for Mauretania, 8 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on bulkheads for Mauretania, 7 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on testing for Mauretania designs, 10 October 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Receipt of telegram from London to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle surveyors to London committee on Mauretania steel, 8 October 1904 1904, Letter on steel tests for Mauretania from the Lloyd's Register Secretary to Champness, 14 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment calculations for Mauretania, 17 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania bending moments, 15 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment for steel in Mauretania, 19 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment for steel in Mauretania, 24 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania, 20 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to E C Champness on Mauretania, 20 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on Mauretania, 21 October 1904 1904, Letter to E C Champness on Mauretania, 24 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Letter to E C Champness on Mauretania, 26 October 1904 1904, Memo on testing of steel for Mauretania, 27 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 27 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 28 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on rivetting for Mauretania, 28 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 3 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Cornish on Mauretania, 1 November 1904 1904, Letter to Mr De Rusett on Mauretania, 2 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 3 November 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Memo on thickness of plates for Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Calculations of diagonal connection relating to the Mauretania, 5 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H J Cornish on Mauretania bulkheads, 7 November 1904 1904, Letter pro the Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary relating to forwarded builder's sections of Mauretania, 7 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Newcastle's Chief Surveyor on Mauretania bulkheads, 7 November 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania designs, 9 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 9 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 11 November 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania designs, 16 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 16 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on steel test pieces for Mauretania, 17 November 1904 1904, Letter from H Cornish to E C Champness on steel testing for the Mauretania, 19 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania prints, 22 November 1904 1904, Memo on openings in plans for Mauretania, 22 November 1904 1904, Memo on design of Mauretania, 24 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 24 November 1904 1904, Memo on builder's plans for Mauretania, 28 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 25 November 1904 1904, Telegram from London Committee to Hunter, Wallsend on Mauretania, 26 November 1904 1904, Telegram received from London committee on Mauretania correspondence, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania design, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from Works Manager and Secretary of British Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd to Lloyd's Register Swansea on stamping tubes before they are cut for the Mauretania, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to G C Vaux and Swansea Surveyors on testing of tubes from British Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from G C Vaux to London Secretary on Mauretania tubes, 26 November 1904 1904, Memo on tubuar pillows to Swansea surveyors, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania design modification, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania sketch, 28 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 1 December 1904 1904, Memo on approved plans for Mauretania, 1 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 2 December 1904 1904, Memo on builder's proposal for Mauretania design, 2 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 6 December 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania plans, 6 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania designs, 6 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania telegram, 7 December 1904 1904, Copy of telegrams between London Committee and Hunter Wallsend on Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania planning proposal, 7 December 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle to London Committeee on Cunard plans for Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania sketch, 9 December 1904 1904, Memo relating to sketch of Mauretania design, 9 December 1904 1904, Conditions under which bending moment was calculated for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Stress calculation for Mauretania, 15 September 1904 1904, Confirmation of telegram to Hunter Wallsend from London Committee on Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plan, 8 December 1904 1904, Plan of stress diagram for Mauretania, 14 April 1904 1904, Midship Section plan for Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Midship Section plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Profile plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Shelter deck plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Upper Deck Plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Main deck plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Plan of curve on bending moments, vessel on wave crest, at end of voyage, for Mauretania, September 1904 1904, Plan of ship on wave crest for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Calculations of rudder relating to Mauretania, 11 January 1905 1905, Topside plating calculations for Mauretania, 21 February 1905 1905, Doubling calculations for Mauretania, 24 February 1905 1905, Calculations for Mauretania around, 24 February 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 27 February 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 27 February 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 23 March 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 23 March 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 4 April 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 4 April 1905 1905, Notes on Mauretania plans, 22 May 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 29 May 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 6 June 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 15 August 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 15 August 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 28 December 1905 1905, Boiler plan for Mauretania, 6 April 1905 1905, Boiler plan for Mauretania, 6 April 1905 1905, Shafting plan for Mauretania, 30 May 1905 1905, Plan of proposed arrangement of shell and deck plating and doublings for Mauretania, 8 July 1905 1905, Calculations for steel testing for Mauretania, 10 April 1906 1906, Letter from P F Morton to London Secretary on Mauretania, 27 January 1906 1906, Memo on anchors for Mauretania, 27 January 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Sheffield Surveyor on Mauretania, 30 January 1906 1906, Memo on Mauretania anchors, 9 February 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 9 February 1906 1906, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register Secretary, 12 February 1906 1906, Notes on Mauretania, 5 March 1906 1906, Anchors, Cables and wire and Manila Ropes for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Anchors, Cables and wire and Manila Ropes for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Proposed equipment for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on anchors and cables for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 18 April 1906 1906, Proposed equipment for Mauretania around, April 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania equipment, 12 April 1906 1906, Letter from Brown, Lenox & Co pro Jas B Richardson on cable testing for Cunard, 12 June 1906 1906, Telegram from Bate Dks Cardiff to London Committee on cable testing, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Cardiff office to London Committee on cable tests, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Cardiff office to London Committee on cable tests, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegram from Redman to Scott on cable testing, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter to Andrew Scott on cable testing telegrams, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary on proving house telegrams, 13 June 1906 1906, Memo on proving houses, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Stenoch Rt Glasgow, Scott to Redman & London Committee on telegram on Mauretania, 14 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from London Committee to Cardiff proving house on cable testing for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from Andrew K Hamilton pro Cardiff surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on cable testing for Cunard, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to G W Penn, Cardiff proving house on steel tests for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Cardiff surveyors on chain cable for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 15 June 1906 1906, Letter from James Richardson to G W Penn to G W Penn on swivel pieces for Mauretania, 18 July 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 20 July 1906 1906, Memo on cable testing for Mauretania at Cardiff Proving House, 21 July 1906 1906, Memo to inform surveyors that W Hamilton's report on chain testing has come in, 21 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Peter Samson, Board of Trade on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 21 July 1906 1906, Letter from Peter Samson, Board of Trade to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 23 July 1906 1906, Memo on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania with information from Board of Trade, 24 July 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to George W Penn on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 25 July 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Peter Samson, Board of Trade on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 25 July 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing swivel pieces for Mauretania, 26 July 1906 1906, Letter from Andrew K Hamilton to Lloyd's Register Secretary on results of cable testing for Mauretania, 25 August 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Cardiff surveyors on results from testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 30 August 1906 1906, Profile plan for Mauretania, 3 March 1906 1906, Particulars of Boilers for Mauretania, 18 September 1907 1907, Letter from H Green to H J Cornish on interests of Cornish during his visit to Netherton proving house, 25 September 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to H Green on visit to Netherton proving house, 26 September 1907 1907, Query Formon official registration of Mauretania, 28 October 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register secretary on registered dimensions of Mauretania, 25 October 1907 1907, Registered dimensions of Lusitania and Mauretania, 24 October 1907 1907, Request for registered depths for the Mauretania from Registrar General of Shipping, 28 October 1907 1907, Memo on date of build and date of launch for Mauretania, 9 November 1907 1907, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor on class of Mauretania, 8 November 1907 1907, Letter from Newcastle Surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania first entry report, 7 November 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania first entry report, 6 November 1907 1907, First entry report "Iron or Steel Steamer" for Mauretania, 22 October 1907 1907, Letter from J T Findlay on Mauretania's sea cock, 13 November 1907 1907, Memo requesting shafting plans from Newccastle surveyors, 8 November 1907 1907, Report on Machinery for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Report on boilers for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Note accompanying Mauretania documents, 12 November 1907 1907, Particulars of passenger certificate for Mauretania, 15 November 1907 1907, Form for vessels of 100 tons and upwards for Mauretania, 14 November 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 31 October 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs of engines and boilers for Mauretania, 1 November 1907 1907, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 4 September 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champess on Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Memo on Freeboard Form for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Application for Certificate of Approval of disc and lines used in connection with the Provisions of the International Load Line Conention 1930 for Mauretania, 24 April 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania, 24 April 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania plans, 2 April 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 28 March 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 28 March 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard, 26 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E C Champness on freeboard survey for Mauretania, 23 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E W DeRusset on diagram mistake for Mauretania, 7 March 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to H J Cornish on Mauretania freeboard, 6 March 1907 1907, Letter from Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd to H J Cornish on Mauretania, 27 February 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to G Hunter, Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 25 February 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 20 February 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard, 19 February 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on freeboard report for Mauretania, 23 April 1907 1907, Memo on measurements of Mauretania, 22 April 1907 1907, Note of measurements relating to Mauretania, 13 May 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 19 April 1907 1907, Plan of midship section showing thicknesses of shell for Mauretania, 5 November 1907 1907, Midship section plan for Mauretania, 7 November 1907 1907, Midship section plan for Mauretania, 3 December 1907 1907, The Electrical Equipment of the Cunard Express Turbine Steamship “Mauretania”, 1908 1908, Plan of general arrangement for Mauretania, 19 January 1915 1915, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to the Liverpool Secretary on Mauretania, 3 February 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 3 February 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to the Liverpool Secretary on Mauretania, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from W L Clark, Liverpool Committee Secretary to Lloyd's Register Secretary on freeboard certificate for Mauretania, 19 January 1921 1921, Letter from R Bruce, Cunard to Liverpool Office on Load Line Certificate for Mauretania, 19 January 1921 1921, List of dimensions for Mauretania, 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Freeboard Verification Form on Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Fresh Water Line for Mauretania, 24 September 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard for Mauretania, 23 September 1931 1931, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Freeboard for Mauretania, 22 September 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on marking of Fresh Water for Mauretania, 21 September 1931 1931, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 20 May 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancelling old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 3 January 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancelling old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 9 July 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancellation of old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 8 July 1932 1932, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 10 June 1932 1932, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Mauretania, 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 13 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 11 June 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Assistant Secretary of Mercantile Marine Deoartment in Board of Trade on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 9 June 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Assistant Secretary of Mercantile Marine Deoartment in Board of Trade on endorsement for Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Memo on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Letter from S R Davies pro Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania shelter deck, 1 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing applications for Freeboard Certificates for Mauretania and Aquitania, 16 April 1932 1932, Application for Certificate of Approval of disc and lines used in connection with the Provisions of the International Load Line Conention 1930 for Mauretania, 11 April 1932 1932, Telegram from Newcastle office to London Committee on shelter deck of Mauretania, 1 June 1932 1932, Telegram from Newcastle office to London Committee on shelter deck of Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Telegram from London Committee to Newcastle office on shelter deck of Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Memo on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Translation of Telegram from London Office to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania shelter deck, 30 May 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 27 May 1932 1932, List of dimensions for Mauretania, 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard of Mauretania, 12 April 1932 1932, Plan of freeboard deck for Mauretania, 7 April 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Convention Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 22 June 1933 1933, Memo on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 22 June 1933 1933, Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard certificate, 21 June 1933 1933, Record of renewal survey for Mauretania freeboard, 21 June 1933 1933, Letter from W Watt to McMillan on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 11 May 1933 1933, Letter from McMillan to W Watt on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 9 May 1933 1933, Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Mauretania old freeboard certificate, 2 January 1933 1933, Record of annual survey for Mauretania freeboard, 30 June 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to Classification Committee to Southampton Surveyors on Mauretania boiler survey, 18 December 1934 1934, Notification of postponed survey for Mauretania, 17 October 1934 1934, Information on Mauretania from surveyors at Southampton, 12 December 1934 1934, Remarks of Chief Ship Surveyor on Mauretania, 17 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 10 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 19 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 19 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 1934 1934, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 7 July 1934 1934, Report of sale and breaking up of Mauretania, 24 September 1935 1935, Information on Mauretania, 6 September 1935 1935, Information on Mauretania from surveyors at Southampton, 21 March 1935 1935, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo and/or Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 28 February 1937 1937, Letter from S R Davies pro Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboards, 30 May 1932 30, Letter from Henry Hogben Chief Ship Surveyor at Board of Trade on endorsement for Load Line Certificate of Mauretania, 8 June 1932 8, Letter on plans of Cunard liners no date, Lloyd's British testing information on Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Historical background on Mauretania no date )
The individual and/or organisation listed as having been responsible for constructing the vessel. This can/may be the same as the owner and/or manager.
Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd ( Letter from E W De Rusett enclosing diagrams of Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic for comment by H J Cornish, 9 June 1903 1903, Letter from H J Cornish to De Rusett on Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic, 23 June 1903 1903, Letter from E W De Rusett on diagrams of Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic for comment by H J Cornish, 4 July 1903 1903, Lloyd's British testing calculations for Mauretania, 8 March 1904 1904, Suggested equipment for Cunard's Lusitania and Mauritania, 1904 1904, Letter to Hunter including ammendments to plans for Cunard Steamers, 8 March 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H J Cornish on rivets for Mauretania, 3 May 1904 1904, Calculations on tonnage for Mauretania, 9 May 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 11 May 1904 1904, Statement re Stress Calculations for Cunard Liner Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing plans for Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Notes on changes to Mauretania plans, 21 June 1904 1904, Diagram of Mauretania, 24 June 1904 1904, Note on reply to telegram regarding Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram to Hunter on boilers for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from London Committee on approval of Mauretania boilers, 27 June 1904 1904, Two telegrams to London Committee on Cunard boiler plans for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Memo on confidentiality of Cunard plans for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on the building of the Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to T J Dodd on the building of the Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register on Mauretania plan errors, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from Lloyd's Register Committee to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania plan errors, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania photo print, 28 June 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania photo print, 2 July 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania plans, 4 July 1904 1904, Letter from H J Cornish to De Rusett on Cunard LinerMauretania, 2 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 5 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on plans for Mauretania, 5 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 7 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 7 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing designs for steel part of the steam for the Mauretania, 14 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing designs for steel part of the steam for the Mauretania, 15 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 19 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 18 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 19 July 1904 1904, Note on sketches for Mauretania, 20 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 22 August 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania and interview notes with Cornish, 3 September 1904 1904, Notes of interview with the representatives of Lloyd's and John Brown & Company in London, 25 August 1904 1904, Memo stating that De Rusett's notes agree with J Bruhn's except on the following points, 5 September 1904 1904, Copy of letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania and interview notes with Cornish, 3 September 1904 1904, Copy of memo stating that De Rusett's notes agree with J Bruhn's except on the following points, 5 September 1904 1904, Calculations related to design of Mauretania, 8 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 8 September 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle to London Committeee on Cunard plans for Mauretania, September 1904 1904, Telegram send from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson on Cunard plans, 8 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania plans, 12 September 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment calculations for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing corrections for notes on Mauretania design meeting, 12 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E W De Rusett on the building of the Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on bending moment for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the bending moment calculations for the Mauretania, 14 September 1904 1904, Letter from E G Champness to H Cornish, 16 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the bending moment calculations for the Mauretania, 22 September 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania, 22 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Letter to De Russett, likely from Lloyd's Register Secretary on designs for Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Notes on web frames for Mauretania, 26 September 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania web frames, 27 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the Mauretania, 27 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on curve bending moments for Mauretania, 29 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 30 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 3 October 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, High Tensile Steel note for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, Notes on designs for Mauretania, 5 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on curve bending moments for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on experimental tests for Mauretania designs, 6 October 1904 1904, Memo on high tensile steel for Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Memo on design of web frames for Mauretania, 8 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on bulkheads for Mauretania, 7 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on testing for Mauretania designs, 10 October 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Receipt of telegram from London to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle surveyors to London committee on Mauretania steel, 8 October 1904 1904, Letter on steel tests for Mauretania from the Lloyd's Register Secretary to Champness, 14 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment calculations for Mauretania, 17 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania bending moments, 15 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment for steel in Mauretania, 19 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment for steel in Mauretania, 24 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania, 20 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to E C Champness on Mauretania, 20 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on Mauretania, 21 October 1904 1904, Letter to E C Champness on Mauretania, 24 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Letter to E C Champness on Mauretania, 26 October 1904 1904, Memo on testing of steel for Mauretania, 27 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 27 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 28 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on rivetting for Mauretania, 28 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 3 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Cornish on Mauretania, 1 November 1904 1904, Letter to Mr De Rusett on Mauretania, 2 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 3 November 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Memo on thickness of plates for Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Calculations of diagonal connection relating to the Mauretania, 5 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H J Cornish on Mauretania bulkheads, 7 November 1904 1904, Letter pro the Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary relating to forwarded builder's sections of Mauretania, 7 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Newcastle's Chief Surveyor on Mauretania bulkheads, 7 November 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania designs, 9 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 9 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 11 November 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania designs, 16 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 16 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on steel test pieces for Mauretania, 17 November 1904 1904, Letter from H Cornish to E C Champness on steel testing for the Mauretania, 19 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania prints, 22 November 1904 1904, Memo on openings in plans for Mauretania, 22 November 1904 1904, Memo on design of Mauretania, 24 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 24 November 1904 1904, Memo on builder's plans for Mauretania, 28 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 25 November 1904 1904, Telegram from London Committee to Hunter, Wallsend on Mauretania, 26 November 1904 1904, Telegram received from London committee on Mauretania correspondence, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania design, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from Works Manager and Secretary of British Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd to Lloyd's Register Swansea on stamping tubes before they are cut for the Mauretania, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to G C Vaux and Swansea Surveyors on testing of tubes from British Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from G C Vaux to London Secretary on Mauretania tubes, 26 November 1904 1904, Memo on tubuar pillows to Swansea surveyors, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania design modification, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania sketch, 28 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 1 December 1904 1904, Memo on approved plans for Mauretania, 1 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 2 December 1904 1904, Memo on builder's proposal for Mauretania design, 2 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 6 December 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania plans, 6 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania designs, 6 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania telegram, 7 December 1904 1904, Copy of telegrams between London Committee and Hunter Wallsend on Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania planning proposal, 7 December 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle to London Committeee on Cunard plans for Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania sketch, 9 December 1904 1904, Memo relating to sketch of Mauretania design, 9 December 1904 1904, Conditions under which bending moment was calculated for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Stress calculation for Mauretania, 15 September 1904 1904, Confirmation of telegram to Hunter Wallsend from London Committee on Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plan, 8 December 1904 1904, Plan of stress diagram for Mauretania, 14 April 1904 1904, Midship Section plan for Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Midship Section plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Profile plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Shelter deck plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Upper Deck Plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Main deck plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Plan of curve on bending moments, vessel on wave crest, at end of voyage, for Mauretania, September 1904 1904, Plan of ship on wave crest for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Calculations of rudder relating to Mauretania, 11 January 1905 1905, Topside plating calculations for Mauretania, 21 February 1905 1905, Doubling calculations for Mauretania, 24 February 1905 1905, Calculations for Mauretania around, 24 February 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 27 February 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 27 February 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 23 March 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 23 March 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 4 April 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 4 April 1905 1905, Notes on Mauretania plans, 22 May 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 29 May 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 6 June 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 15 August 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 15 August 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 28 December 1905 1905, Boiler plan for Mauretania, 6 April 1905 1905, Boiler plan for Mauretania, 6 April 1905 1905, Shafting plan for Mauretania, 30 May 1905 1905, Plan of proposed arrangement of shell and deck plating and doublings for Mauretania, 8 July 1905 1905, Calculations for steel testing for Mauretania, 10 April 1906 1906, Letter from P F Morton to London Secretary on Mauretania, 27 January 1906 1906, Memo on anchors for Mauretania, 27 January 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Sheffield Surveyor on Mauretania, 30 January 1906 1906, Memo on Mauretania anchors, 9 February 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 9 February 1906 1906, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register Secretary, 12 February 1906 1906, Notes on Mauretania, 5 March 1906 1906, Anchors, Cables and wire and Manila Ropes for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Anchors, Cables and wire and Manila Ropes for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Proposed equipment for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on anchors and cables for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 18 April 1906 1906, Proposed equipment for Mauretania around, April 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania equipment, 12 April 1906 1906, Letter from Brown, Lenox & Co pro Jas B Richardson on cable testing for Cunard, 12 June 1906 1906, Telegram from Bate Dks Cardiff to London Committee on cable testing, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Cardiff office to London Committee on cable tests, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Cardiff office to London Committee on cable tests, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegram from Redman to Scott on cable testing, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter to Andrew Scott on cable testing telegrams, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary on proving house telegrams, 13 June 1906 1906, Memo on proving houses, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Stenoch Rt Glasgow, Scott to Redman & London Committee on telegram on Mauretania, 14 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from London Committee to Cardiff proving house on cable testing for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from Andrew K Hamilton pro Cardiff surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on cable testing for Cunard, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to G W Penn, Cardiff proving house on steel tests for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Cardiff surveyors on chain cable for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 15 June 1906 1906, Letter from James Richardson to G W Penn to G W Penn on swivel pieces for Mauretania, 18 July 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 20 July 1906 1906, Memo on cable testing for Mauretania at Cardiff Proving House, 21 July 1906 1906, Memo to inform surveyors that W Hamilton's report on chain testing has come in, 21 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Peter Samson, Board of Trade on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 21 July 1906 1906, Letter from Peter Samson, Board of Trade to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 23 July 1906 1906, Memo on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania with information from Board of Trade, 24 July 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to George W Penn on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 25 July 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Peter Samson, Board of Trade on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 25 July 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing swivel pieces for Mauretania, 26 July 1906 1906, Letter from Andrew K Hamilton to Lloyd's Register Secretary on results of cable testing for Mauretania, 25 August 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Cardiff surveyors on results from testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 30 August 1906 1906, Profile plan for Mauretania, 3 March 1906 1906, Particulars of Boilers for Mauretania, 18 September 1907 1907, Letter from H Green to H J Cornish on interests of Cornish during his visit to Netherton proving house, 25 September 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to H Green on visit to Netherton proving house, 26 September 1907 1907, Query Formon official registration of Mauretania, 28 October 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register secretary on registered dimensions of Mauretania, 25 October 1907 1907, Registered dimensions of Lusitania and Mauretania, 24 October 1907 1907, Request for registered depths for the Mauretania from Registrar General of Shipping, 28 October 1907 1907, Memo on date of build and date of launch for Mauretania, 9 November 1907 1907, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor on class of Mauretania, 8 November 1907 1907, Letter from Newcastle Surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania first entry report, 7 November 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania first entry report, 6 November 1907 1907, First entry report "Iron or Steel Steamer" for Mauretania, 22 October 1907 1907, Letter from J T Findlay on Mauretania's sea cock, 13 November 1907 1907, Memo requesting shafting plans from Newccastle surveyors, 8 November 1907 1907, Report on Machinery for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Report on boilers for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Note accompanying Mauretania documents, 12 November 1907 1907, Particulars of passenger certificate for Mauretania, 15 November 1907 1907, Form for vessels of 100 tons and upwards for Mauretania, 14 November 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 31 October 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs of engines and boilers for Mauretania, 1 November 1907 1907, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 4 September 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champess on Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Memo on Freeboard Form for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Application for Certificate of Approval of disc and lines used in connection with the Provisions of the International Load Line Conention 1930 for Mauretania, 24 April 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania, 24 April 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania plans, 2 April 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 28 March 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 28 March 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard, 26 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E C Champness on freeboard survey for Mauretania, 23 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E W DeRusset on diagram mistake for Mauretania, 7 March 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to H J Cornish on Mauretania freeboard, 6 March 1907 1907, Letter from Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd to H J Cornish on Mauretania, 27 February 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to G Hunter, Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 25 February 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 20 February 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard, 19 February 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on freeboard report for Mauretania, 23 April 1907 1907, Memo on measurements of Mauretania, 22 April 1907 1907, Note of measurements relating to Mauretania, 13 May 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 19 April 1907 1907, Plan of midship section showing thicknesses of shell for Mauretania, 5 November 1907 1907, Midship section plan for Mauretania, 7 November 1907 1907, Midship section plan for Mauretania, 3 December 1907 1907, The Electrical Equipment of the Cunard Express Turbine Steamship “Mauretania”, 1908 1908, Plan of general arrangement for Mauretania, 19 January 1915 1915, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to the Liverpool Secretary on Mauretania, 3 February 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 3 February 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to the Liverpool Secretary on Mauretania, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from W L Clark, Liverpool Committee Secretary to Lloyd's Register Secretary on freeboard certificate for Mauretania, 19 January 1921 1921, Letter from R Bruce, Cunard to Liverpool Office on Load Line Certificate for Mauretania, 19 January 1921 1921, List of dimensions for Mauretania, 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Freeboard Verification Form on Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Fresh Water Line for Mauretania, 24 September 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard for Mauretania, 23 September 1931 1931, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Freeboard for Mauretania, 22 September 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on marking of Fresh Water for Mauretania, 21 September 1931 1931, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 20 May 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancelling old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 3 January 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancelling old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 9 July 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancellation of old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 8 July 1932 1932, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 10 June 1932 1932, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Mauretania, 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 13 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 11 June 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Assistant Secretary of Mercantile Marine Deoartment in Board of Trade on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 9 June 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Assistant Secretary of Mercantile Marine Deoartment in Board of Trade on endorsement for Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Memo on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Letter from S R Davies pro Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania shelter deck, 1 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing applications for Freeboard Certificates for Mauretania and Aquitania, 16 April 1932 1932, Application for Certificate of Approval of disc and lines used in connection with the Provisions of the International Load Line Conention 1930 for Mauretania, 11 April 1932 1932, Telegram from Newcastle office to London Committee on shelter deck of Mauretania, 1 June 1932 1932, Telegram from Newcastle office to London Committee on shelter deck of Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Telegram from London Committee to Newcastle office on shelter deck of Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Memo on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Translation of Telegram from London Office to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania shelter deck, 30 May 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 27 May 1932 1932, List of dimensions for Mauretania, 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard of Mauretania, 12 April 1932 1932, Plan of freeboard deck for Mauretania, 7 April 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Convention Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 22 June 1933 1933, Memo on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 22 June 1933 1933, Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard certificate, 21 June 1933 1933, Record of renewal survey for Mauretania freeboard, 21 June 1933 1933, Letter from W Watt to McMillan on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 11 May 1933 1933, Letter from McMillan to W Watt on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 9 May 1933 1933, Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Mauretania old freeboard certificate, 2 January 1933 1933, Record of annual survey for Mauretania freeboard, 30 June 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to Classification Committee to Southampton Surveyors on Mauretania boiler survey, 18 December 1934 1934, Notification of postponed survey for Mauretania, 17 October 1934 1934, Information on Mauretania from surveyors at Southampton, 12 December 1934 1934, Remarks of Chief Ship Surveyor on Mauretania, 17 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 10 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 19 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 19 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 1934 1934, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 7 July 1934 1934, Report of sale and breaking up of Mauretania, 24 September 1935 1935, Information on Mauretania, 6 September 1935 1935, Information on Mauretania from surveyors at Southampton, 21 March 1935 1935, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo and/or Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 28 February 1937 1937, Letter from S R Davies pro Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboards, 30 May 1932 30, Letter from Henry Hogben Chief Ship Surveyor at Board of Trade on endorsement for Load Line Certificate of Mauretania, 8 June 1932 8, Letter on plans of Cunard liners no date, Lloyd's British testing information on Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Historical background on Mauretania no date )
The port or place in which the vessel’s construction took place, at the time of writing.
Liverpool ( Letter from E W De Rusett enclosing diagrams of Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic for comment by H J Cornish, 9 June 1903 1903, Letter from H J Cornish to De Rusett on Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic, 23 June 1903 1903, Letter from E W De Rusett on diagrams of Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic for comment by H J Cornish, 4 July 1903 1903, Lloyd's British testing calculations for Mauretania, 8 March 1904 1904, Suggested equipment for Cunard's Lusitania and Mauritania, 1904 1904, Letter to Hunter including ammendments to plans for Cunard Steamers, 8 March 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H J Cornish on rivets for Mauretania, 3 May 1904 1904, Calculations on tonnage for Mauretania, 9 May 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 11 May 1904 1904, Statement re Stress Calculations for Cunard Liner Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing plans for Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Notes on changes to Mauretania plans, 21 June 1904 1904, Diagram of Mauretania, 24 June 1904 1904, Note on reply to telegram regarding Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram to Hunter on boilers for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from London Committee on approval of Mauretania boilers, 27 June 1904 1904, Two telegrams to London Committee on Cunard boiler plans for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Memo on confidentiality of Cunard plans for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on the building of the Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to T J Dodd on the building of the Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register on Mauretania plan errors, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from Lloyd's Register Committee to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania plan errors, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania photo print, 28 June 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania photo print, 2 July 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania plans, 4 July 1904 1904, Letter from H J Cornish to De Rusett on Cunard LinerMauretania, 2 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 5 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on plans for Mauretania, 5 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 7 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 7 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing designs for steel part of the steam for the Mauretania, 14 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing designs for steel part of the steam for the Mauretania, 15 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 19 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 18 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 19 July 1904 1904, Note on sketches for Mauretania, 20 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 22 August 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania and interview notes with Cornish, 3 September 1904 1904, Notes of interview with the representatives of Lloyd's and John Brown & Company in London, 25 August 1904 1904, Memo stating that De Rusett's notes agree with J Bruhn's except on the following points, 5 September 1904 1904, Copy of letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania and interview notes with Cornish, 3 September 1904 1904, Copy of memo stating that De Rusett's notes agree with J Bruhn's except on the following points, 5 September 1904 1904, Calculations related to design of Mauretania, 8 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 8 September 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle to London Committeee on Cunard plans for Mauretania, September 1904 1904, Telegram send from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson on Cunard plans, 8 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania plans, 12 September 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment calculations for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing corrections for notes on Mauretania design meeting, 12 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E W De Rusett on the building of the Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on bending moment for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the bending moment calculations for the Mauretania, 14 September 1904 1904, Letter from E G Champness to H Cornish, 16 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the bending moment calculations for the Mauretania, 22 September 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania, 22 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Letter to De Russett, likely from Lloyd's Register Secretary on designs for Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Notes on web frames for Mauretania, 26 September 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania web frames, 27 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the Mauretania, 27 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on curve bending moments for Mauretania, 29 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 30 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 3 October 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, High Tensile Steel note for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, Notes on designs for Mauretania, 5 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on curve bending moments for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on experimental tests for Mauretania designs, 6 October 1904 1904, Memo on high tensile steel for Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Memo on design of web frames for Mauretania, 8 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on bulkheads for Mauretania, 7 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on testing for Mauretania designs, 10 October 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Receipt of telegram from London to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle surveyors to London committee on Mauretania steel, 8 October 1904 1904, Letter on steel tests for Mauretania from the Lloyd's Register Secretary to Champness, 14 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment calculations for Mauretania, 17 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania bending moments, 15 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment for steel in Mauretania, 19 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment for steel in Mauretania, 24 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania, 20 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to E C Champness on Mauretania, 20 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on Mauretania, 21 October 1904 1904, Letter to E C Champness on Mauretania, 24 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Letter to E C Champness on Mauretania, 26 October 1904 1904, Memo on testing of steel for Mauretania, 27 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 27 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 28 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on rivetting for Mauretania, 28 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 3 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Cornish on Mauretania, 1 November 1904 1904, Letter to Mr De Rusett on Mauretania, 2 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 3 November 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Memo on thickness of plates for Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Calculations of diagonal connection relating to the Mauretania, 5 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H J Cornish on Mauretania bulkheads, 7 November 1904 1904, Letter pro the Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary relating to forwarded builder's sections of Mauretania, 7 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Newcastle's Chief Surveyor on Mauretania bulkheads, 7 November 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania designs, 9 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 9 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 11 November 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania designs, 16 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 16 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on steel test pieces for Mauretania, 17 November 1904 1904, Letter from H Cornish to E C Champness on steel testing for the Mauretania, 19 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania prints, 22 November 1904 1904, Memo on openings in plans for Mauretania, 22 November 1904 1904, Memo on design of Mauretania, 24 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 24 November 1904 1904, Memo on builder's plans for Mauretania, 28 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 25 November 1904 1904, Telegram from London Committee to Hunter, Wallsend on Mauretania, 26 November 1904 1904, Telegram received from London committee on Mauretania correspondence, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania design, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from Works Manager and Secretary of British Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd to Lloyd's Register Swansea on stamping tubes before they are cut for the Mauretania, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to G C Vaux and Swansea Surveyors on testing of tubes from British Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from G C Vaux to London Secretary on Mauretania tubes, 26 November 1904 1904, Memo on tubuar pillows to Swansea surveyors, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania design modification, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania sketch, 28 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 1 December 1904 1904, Memo on approved plans for Mauretania, 1 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 2 December 1904 1904, Memo on builder's proposal for Mauretania design, 2 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 6 December 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania plans, 6 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania designs, 6 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania telegram, 7 December 1904 1904, Copy of telegrams between London Committee and Hunter Wallsend on Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania planning proposal, 7 December 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle to London Committeee on Cunard plans for Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania sketch, 9 December 1904 1904, Memo relating to sketch of Mauretania design, 9 December 1904 1904, Conditions under which bending moment was calculated for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Stress calculation for Mauretania, 15 September 1904 1904, Confirmation of telegram to Hunter Wallsend from London Committee on Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plan, 8 December 1904 1904, Plan of stress diagram for Mauretania, 14 April 1904 1904, Midship Section plan for Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Midship Section plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Profile plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Shelter deck plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Upper Deck Plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Main deck plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Plan of curve on bending moments, vessel on wave crest, at end of voyage, for Mauretania, September 1904 1904, Plan of ship on wave crest for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Calculations of rudder relating to Mauretania, 11 January 1905 1905, Topside plating calculations for Mauretania, 21 February 1905 1905, Doubling calculations for Mauretania, 24 February 1905 1905, Calculations for Mauretania around, 24 February 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 27 February 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 27 February 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 23 March 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 23 March 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 4 April 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 4 April 1905 1905, Notes on Mauretania plans, 22 May 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 29 May 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 6 June 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 15 August 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 15 August 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 28 December 1905 1905, Boiler plan for Mauretania, 6 April 1905 1905, Boiler plan for Mauretania, 6 April 1905 1905, Shafting plan for Mauretania, 30 May 1905 1905, Plan of proposed arrangement of shell and deck plating and doublings for Mauretania, 8 July 1905 1905, Calculations for steel testing for Mauretania, 10 April 1906 1906, Letter from P F Morton to London Secretary on Mauretania, 27 January 1906 1906, Memo on anchors for Mauretania, 27 January 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Sheffield Surveyor on Mauretania, 30 January 1906 1906, Memo on Mauretania anchors, 9 February 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 9 February 1906 1906, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register Secretary, 12 February 1906 1906, Notes on Mauretania, 5 March 1906 1906, Anchors, Cables and wire and Manila Ropes for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Anchors, Cables and wire and Manila Ropes for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Proposed equipment for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on anchors and cables for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 18 April 1906 1906, Proposed equipment for Mauretania around, April 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania equipment, 12 April 1906 1906, Letter from Brown, Lenox & Co pro Jas B Richardson on cable testing for Cunard, 12 June 1906 1906, Telegram from Bate Dks Cardiff to London Committee on cable testing, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Cardiff office to London Committee on cable tests, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Cardiff office to London Committee on cable tests, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegram from Redman to Scott on cable testing, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter to Andrew Scott on cable testing telegrams, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary on proving house telegrams, 13 June 1906 1906, Memo on proving houses, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Stenoch Rt Glasgow, Scott to Redman & London Committee on telegram on Mauretania, 14 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from London Committee to Cardiff proving house on cable testing for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from Andrew K Hamilton pro Cardiff surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on cable testing for Cunard, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to G W Penn, Cardiff proving house on steel tests for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Cardiff surveyors on chain cable for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 15 June 1906 1906, Letter from James Richardson to G W Penn to G W Penn on swivel pieces for Mauretania, 18 July 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 20 July 1906 1906, Memo on cable testing for Mauretania at Cardiff Proving House, 21 July 1906 1906, Memo to inform surveyors that W Hamilton's report on chain testing has come in, 21 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Peter Samson, Board of Trade on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 21 July 1906 1906, Letter from Peter Samson, Board of Trade to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 23 July 1906 1906, Memo on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania with information from Board of Trade, 24 July 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to George W Penn on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 25 July 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Peter Samson, Board of Trade on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 25 July 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing swivel pieces for Mauretania, 26 July 1906 1906, Letter from Andrew K Hamilton to Lloyd's Register Secretary on results of cable testing for Mauretania, 25 August 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Cardiff surveyors on results from testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 30 August 1906 1906, Profile plan for Mauretania, 3 March 1906 1906, Particulars of Boilers for Mauretania, 18 September 1907 1907, Letter from H Green to H J Cornish on interests of Cornish during his visit to Netherton proving house, 25 September 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to H Green on visit to Netherton proving house, 26 September 1907 1907, Query Formon official registration of Mauretania, 28 October 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register secretary on registered dimensions of Mauretania, 25 October 1907 1907, Registered dimensions of Lusitania and Mauretania, 24 October 1907 1907, Request for registered depths for the Mauretania from Registrar General of Shipping, 28 October 1907 1907, Memo on date of build and date of launch for Mauretania, 9 November 1907 1907, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor on class of Mauretania, 8 November 1907 1907, Letter from Newcastle Surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania first entry report, 7 November 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania first entry report, 6 November 1907 1907, First entry report "Iron or Steel Steamer" for Mauretania, 22 October 1907 1907, Letter from J T Findlay on Mauretania's sea cock, 13 November 1907 1907, Memo requesting shafting plans from Newccastle surveyors, 8 November 1907 1907, Report on Machinery for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Report on boilers for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Note accompanying Mauretania documents, 12 November 1907 1907, Particulars of passenger certificate for Mauretania, 15 November 1907 1907, Form for vessels of 100 tons and upwards for Mauretania, 14 November 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 31 October 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs of engines and boilers for Mauretania, 1 November 1907 1907, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 4 September 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champess on Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Memo on Freeboard Form for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Application for Certificate of Approval of disc and lines used in connection with the Provisions of the International Load Line Conention 1930 for Mauretania, 24 April 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania, 24 April 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania plans, 2 April 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 28 March 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 28 March 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard, 26 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E C Champness on freeboard survey for Mauretania, 23 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E W DeRusset on diagram mistake for Mauretania, 7 March 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to H J Cornish on Mauretania freeboard, 6 March 1907 1907, Letter from Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd to H J Cornish on Mauretania, 27 February 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to G Hunter, Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 25 February 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 20 February 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard, 19 February 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on freeboard report for Mauretania, 23 April 1907 1907, Memo on measurements of Mauretania, 22 April 1907 1907, Note of measurements relating to Mauretania, 13 May 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 19 April 1907 1907, Plan of midship section showing thicknesses of shell for Mauretania, 5 November 1907 1907, Midship section plan for Mauretania, 7 November 1907 1907, Midship section plan for Mauretania, 3 December 1907 1907, The Electrical Equipment of the Cunard Express Turbine Steamship “Mauretania”, 1908 1908, Plan of general arrangement for Mauretania, 19 January 1915 1915, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to the Liverpool Secretary on Mauretania, 3 February 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 3 February 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to the Liverpool Secretary on Mauretania, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from W L Clark, Liverpool Committee Secretary to Lloyd's Register Secretary on freeboard certificate for Mauretania, 19 January 1921 1921, Letter from R Bruce, Cunard to Liverpool Office on Load Line Certificate for Mauretania, 19 January 1921 1921, List of dimensions for Mauretania, 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Freeboard Verification Form on Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Fresh Water Line for Mauretania, 24 September 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard for Mauretania, 23 September 1931 1931, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Freeboard for Mauretania, 22 September 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on marking of Fresh Water for Mauretania, 21 September 1931 1931, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 20 May 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancelling old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 3 January 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancelling old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 9 July 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancellation of old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 8 July 1932 1932, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 10 June 1932 1932, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Mauretania, 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 13 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 11 June 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Assistant Secretary of Mercantile Marine Deoartment in Board of Trade on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 9 June 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Assistant Secretary of Mercantile Marine Deoartment in Board of Trade on endorsement for Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Memo on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Letter from S R Davies pro Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania shelter deck, 1 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing applications for Freeboard Certificates for Mauretania and Aquitania, 16 April 1932 1932, Application for Certificate of Approval of disc and lines used in connection with the Provisions of the International Load Line Conention 1930 for Mauretania, 11 April 1932 1932, Telegram from Newcastle office to London Committee on shelter deck of Mauretania, 1 June 1932 1932, Telegram from Newcastle office to London Committee on shelter deck of Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Telegram from London Committee to Newcastle office on shelter deck of Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Memo on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Translation of Telegram from London Office to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania shelter deck, 30 May 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 27 May 1932 1932, List of dimensions for Mauretania, 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard of Mauretania, 12 April 1932 1932, Plan of freeboard deck for Mauretania, 7 April 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Convention Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 22 June 1933 1933, Memo on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 22 June 1933 1933, Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard certificate, 21 June 1933 1933, Record of renewal survey for Mauretania freeboard, 21 June 1933 1933, Letter from W Watt to McMillan on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 11 May 1933 1933, Letter from McMillan to W Watt on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 9 May 1933 1933, Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Mauretania old freeboard certificate, 2 January 1933 1933, Record of annual survey for Mauretania freeboard, 30 June 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to Classification Committee to Southampton Surveyors on Mauretania boiler survey, 18 December 1934 1934, Notification of postponed survey for Mauretania, 17 October 1934 1934, Information on Mauretania from surveyors at Southampton, 12 December 1934 1934, Remarks of Chief Ship Surveyor on Mauretania, 17 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 10 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 19 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 19 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 1934 1934, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 7 July 1934 1934, Report of sale and breaking up of Mauretania, 24 September 1935 1935, Information on Mauretania, 6 September 1935 1935, Information on Mauretania from surveyors at Southampton, 21 March 1935 1935, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo and/or Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 28 February 1937 1937, Letter from S R Davies pro Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboards, 30 May 1932 30, Letter from Henry Hogben Chief Ship Surveyor at Board of Trade on endorsement for Load Line Certificate of Mauretania, 8 June 1932 8, Letter on plans of Cunard liners no date, Lloyd's British testing information on Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Historical background on Mauretania no date )
The country (flag) that a vessel is registered to, at the time of writing.
United Kingdom ( Letter from E W De Rusett enclosing diagrams of Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic for comment by H J Cornish, 9 June 1903 1903, Letter from H J Cornish to De Rusett on Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic, 23 June 1903 1903, Letter from E W De Rusett on diagrams of Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic for comment by H J Cornish, 4 July 1903 1903, Lloyd's British testing calculations for Mauretania, 8 March 1904 1904, Suggested equipment for Cunard's Lusitania and Mauritania, 1904 1904, Letter to Hunter including ammendments to plans for Cunard Steamers, 8 March 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H J Cornish on rivets for Mauretania, 3 May 1904 1904, Calculations on tonnage for Mauretania, 9 May 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 11 May 1904 1904, Statement re Stress Calculations for Cunard Liner Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing plans for Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Notes on changes to Mauretania plans, 21 June 1904 1904, Diagram of Mauretania, 24 June 1904 1904, Note on reply to telegram regarding Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram to Hunter on boilers for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from London Committee on approval of Mauretania boilers, 27 June 1904 1904, Two telegrams to London Committee on Cunard boiler plans for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Memo on confidentiality of Cunard plans for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on the building of the Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to T J Dodd on the building of the Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register on Mauretania plan errors, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from Lloyd's Register Committee to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania plan errors, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania photo print, 28 June 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania photo print, 2 July 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania plans, 4 July 1904 1904, Letter from H J Cornish to De Rusett on Cunard LinerMauretania, 2 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 5 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on plans for Mauretania, 5 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 7 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 7 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing designs for steel part of the steam for the Mauretania, 14 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing designs for steel part of the steam for the Mauretania, 15 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 19 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 18 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 19 July 1904 1904, Note on sketches for Mauretania, 20 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 22 August 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania and interview notes with Cornish, 3 September 1904 1904, Notes of interview with the representatives of Lloyd's and John Brown & Company in London, 25 August 1904 1904, Memo stating that De Rusett's notes agree with J Bruhn's except on the following points, 5 September 1904 1904, Copy of letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania and interview notes with Cornish, 3 September 1904 1904, Copy of memo stating that De Rusett's notes agree with J Bruhn's except on the following points, 5 September 1904 1904, Calculations related to design of Mauretania, 8 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 8 September 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle to London Committeee on Cunard plans for Mauretania, September 1904 1904, Telegram send from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson on Cunard plans, 8 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania plans, 12 September 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment calculations for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing corrections for notes on Mauretania design meeting, 12 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E W De Rusett on the building of the Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on bending moment for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the bending moment calculations for the Mauretania, 14 September 1904 1904, Letter from E G Champness to H Cornish, 16 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the bending moment calculations for the Mauretania, 22 September 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania, 22 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Letter to De Russett, likely from Lloyd's Register Secretary on designs for Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Notes on web frames for Mauretania, 26 September 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania web frames, 27 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the Mauretania, 27 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on curve bending moments for Mauretania, 29 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 30 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 3 October 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, High Tensile Steel note for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, Notes on designs for Mauretania, 5 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on curve bending moments for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on experimental tests for Mauretania designs, 6 October 1904 1904, Memo on high tensile steel for Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Memo on design of web frames for Mauretania, 8 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on bulkheads for Mauretania, 7 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on testing for Mauretania designs, 10 October 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Receipt of telegram from London to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle surveyors to London committee on Mauretania steel, 8 October 1904 1904, Letter on steel tests for Mauretania from the Lloyd's Register Secretary to Champness, 14 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment calculations for Mauretania, 17 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania bending moments, 15 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment for steel in Mauretania, 19 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment for steel in Mauretania, 24 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania, 20 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to E C Champness on Mauretania, 20 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on Mauretania, 21 October 1904 1904, Letter to E C Champness on Mauretania, 24 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Letter to E C Champness on Mauretania, 26 October 1904 1904, Memo on testing of steel for Mauretania, 27 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 27 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 28 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on rivetting for Mauretania, 28 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 3 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Cornish on Mauretania, 1 November 1904 1904, Letter to Mr De Rusett on Mauretania, 2 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 3 November 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Memo on thickness of plates for Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Calculations of diagonal connection relating to the Mauretania, 5 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H J Cornish on Mauretania bulkheads, 7 November 1904 1904, Letter pro the Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary relating to forwarded builder's sections of Mauretania, 7 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Newcastle's Chief Surveyor on Mauretania bulkheads, 7 November 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania designs, 9 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 9 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 11 November 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania designs, 16 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 16 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on steel test pieces for Mauretania, 17 November 1904 1904, Letter from H Cornish to E C Champness on steel testing for the Mauretania, 19 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania prints, 22 November 1904 1904, Memo on openings in plans for Mauretania, 22 November 1904 1904, Memo on design of Mauretania, 24 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 24 November 1904 1904, Memo on builder's plans for Mauretania, 28 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 25 November 1904 1904, Telegram from London Committee to Hunter, Wallsend on Mauretania, 26 November 1904 1904, Telegram received from London committee on Mauretania correspondence, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania design, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from Works Manager and Secretary of British Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd to Lloyd's Register Swansea on stamping tubes before they are cut for the Mauretania, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to G C Vaux and Swansea Surveyors on testing of tubes from British Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from G C Vaux to London Secretary on Mauretania tubes, 26 November 1904 1904, Memo on tubuar pillows to Swansea surveyors, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania design modification, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania sketch, 28 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 1 December 1904 1904, Memo on approved plans for Mauretania, 1 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 2 December 1904 1904, Memo on builder's proposal for Mauretania design, 2 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 6 December 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania plans, 6 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania designs, 6 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania telegram, 7 December 1904 1904, Copy of telegrams between London Committee and Hunter Wallsend on Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania planning proposal, 7 December 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle to London Committeee on Cunard plans for Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania sketch, 9 December 1904 1904, Memo relating to sketch of Mauretania design, 9 December 1904 1904, Conditions under which bending moment was calculated for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Stress calculation for Mauretania, 15 September 1904 1904, Confirmation of telegram to Hunter Wallsend from London Committee on Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plan, 8 December 1904 1904, Plan of stress diagram for Mauretania, 14 April 1904 1904, Midship Section plan for Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Midship Section plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Profile plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Shelter deck plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Upper Deck Plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Main deck plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Plan of curve on bending moments, vessel on wave crest, at end of voyage, for Mauretania, September 1904 1904, Plan of ship on wave crest for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Calculations of rudder relating to Mauretania, 11 January 1905 1905, Topside plating calculations for Mauretania, 21 February 1905 1905, Doubling calculations for Mauretania, 24 February 1905 1905, Calculations for Mauretania around, 24 February 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 27 February 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 27 February 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 23 March 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 23 March 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 4 April 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 4 April 1905 1905, Notes on Mauretania plans, 22 May 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 29 May 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 6 June 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 15 August 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 15 August 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 28 December 1905 1905, Boiler plan for Mauretania, 6 April 1905 1905, Boiler plan for Mauretania, 6 April 1905 1905, Shafting plan for Mauretania, 30 May 1905 1905, Plan of proposed arrangement of shell and deck plating and doublings for Mauretania, 8 July 1905 1905, Calculations for steel testing for Mauretania, 10 April 1906 1906, Letter from P F Morton to London Secretary on Mauretania, 27 January 1906 1906, Memo on anchors for Mauretania, 27 January 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Sheffield Surveyor on Mauretania, 30 January 1906 1906, Memo on Mauretania anchors, 9 February 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 9 February 1906 1906, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register Secretary, 12 February 1906 1906, Notes on Mauretania, 5 March 1906 1906, Anchors, Cables and wire and Manila Ropes for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Anchors, Cables and wire and Manila Ropes for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Proposed equipment for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on anchors and cables for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 18 April 1906 1906, Proposed equipment for Mauretania around, April 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania equipment, 12 April 1906 1906, Letter from Brown, Lenox & Co pro Jas B Richardson on cable testing for Cunard, 12 June 1906 1906, Telegram from Bate Dks Cardiff to London Committee on cable testing, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Cardiff office to London Committee on cable tests, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Cardiff office to London Committee on cable tests, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegram from Redman to Scott on cable testing, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter to Andrew Scott on cable testing telegrams, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary on proving house telegrams, 13 June 1906 1906, Memo on proving houses, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Stenoch Rt Glasgow, Scott to Redman & London Committee on telegram on Mauretania, 14 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from London Committee to Cardiff proving house on cable testing for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from Andrew K Hamilton pro Cardiff surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on cable testing for Cunard, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to G W Penn, Cardiff proving house on steel tests for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Cardiff surveyors on chain cable for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 15 June 1906 1906, Letter from James Richardson to G W Penn to G W Penn on swivel pieces for Mauretania, 18 July 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 20 July 1906 1906, Memo on cable testing for Mauretania at Cardiff Proving House, 21 July 1906 1906, Memo to inform surveyors that W Hamilton's report on chain testing has come in, 21 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Peter Samson, Board of Trade on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 21 July 1906 1906, Letter from Peter Samson, Board of Trade to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 23 July 1906 1906, Memo on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania with information from Board of Trade, 24 July 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to George W Penn on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 25 July 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Peter Samson, Board of Trade on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 25 July 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing swivel pieces for Mauretania, 26 July 1906 1906, Letter from Andrew K Hamilton to Lloyd's Register Secretary on results of cable testing for Mauretania, 25 August 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Cardiff surveyors on results from testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 30 August 1906 1906, Profile plan for Mauretania, 3 March 1906 1906, Particulars of Boilers for Mauretania, 18 September 1907 1907, Letter from H Green to H J Cornish on interests of Cornish during his visit to Netherton proving house, 25 September 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to H Green on visit to Netherton proving house, 26 September 1907 1907, Query Formon official registration of Mauretania, 28 October 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register secretary on registered dimensions of Mauretania, 25 October 1907 1907, Registered dimensions of Lusitania and Mauretania, 24 October 1907 1907, Request for registered depths for the Mauretania from Registrar General of Shipping, 28 October 1907 1907, Memo on date of build and date of launch for Mauretania, 9 November 1907 1907, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor on class of Mauretania, 8 November 1907 1907, Letter from Newcastle Surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania first entry report, 7 November 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania first entry report, 6 November 1907 1907, First entry report "Iron or Steel Steamer" for Mauretania, 22 October 1907 1907, Letter from J T Findlay on Mauretania's sea cock, 13 November 1907 1907, Memo requesting shafting plans from Newccastle surveyors, 8 November 1907 1907, Report on Machinery for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Report on boilers for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Note accompanying Mauretania documents, 12 November 1907 1907, Particulars of passenger certificate for Mauretania, 15 November 1907 1907, Form for vessels of 100 tons and upwards for Mauretania, 14 November 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 31 October 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs of engines and boilers for Mauretania, 1 November 1907 1907, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 4 September 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champess on Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Memo on Freeboard Form for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Application for Certificate of Approval of disc and lines used in connection with the Provisions of the International Load Line Conention 1930 for Mauretania, 24 April 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania, 24 April 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania plans, 2 April 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 28 March 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 28 March 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard, 26 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E C Champness on freeboard survey for Mauretania, 23 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E W DeRusset on diagram mistake for Mauretania, 7 March 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to H J Cornish on Mauretania freeboard, 6 March 1907 1907, Letter from Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd to H J Cornish on Mauretania, 27 February 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to G Hunter, Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 25 February 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 20 February 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard, 19 February 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on freeboard report for Mauretania, 23 April 1907 1907, Memo on measurements of Mauretania, 22 April 1907 1907, Note of measurements relating to Mauretania, 13 May 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 19 April 1907 1907, Plan of midship section showing thicknesses of shell for Mauretania, 5 November 1907 1907, Midship section plan for Mauretania, 7 November 1907 1907, Midship section plan for Mauretania, 3 December 1907 1907, The Electrical Equipment of the Cunard Express Turbine Steamship “Mauretania”, 1908 1908, Plan of general arrangement for Mauretania, 19 January 1915 1915, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to the Liverpool Secretary on Mauretania, 3 February 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 3 February 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to the Liverpool Secretary on Mauretania, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from W L Clark, Liverpool Committee Secretary to Lloyd's Register Secretary on freeboard certificate for Mauretania, 19 January 1921 1921, Letter from R Bruce, Cunard to Liverpool Office on Load Line Certificate for Mauretania, 19 January 1921 1921, List of dimensions for Mauretania, 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Freeboard Verification Form on Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Fresh Water Line for Mauretania, 24 September 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard for Mauretania, 23 September 1931 1931, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Freeboard for Mauretania, 22 September 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on marking of Fresh Water for Mauretania, 21 September 1931 1931, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 20 May 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancelling old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 3 January 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancelling old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 9 July 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancellation of old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 8 July 1932 1932, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 10 June 1932 1932, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Mauretania, 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 13 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 11 June 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Assistant Secretary of Mercantile Marine Deoartment in Board of Trade on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 9 June 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Assistant Secretary of Mercantile Marine Deoartment in Board of Trade on endorsement for Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Memo on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Letter from S R Davies pro Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania shelter deck, 1 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing applications for Freeboard Certificates for Mauretania and Aquitania, 16 April 1932 1932, Application for Certificate of Approval of disc and lines used in connection with the Provisions of the International Load Line Conention 1930 for Mauretania, 11 April 1932 1932, Telegram from Newcastle office to London Committee on shelter deck of Mauretania, 1 June 1932 1932, Telegram from Newcastle office to London Committee on shelter deck of Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Telegram from London Committee to Newcastle office on shelter deck of Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Memo on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Translation of Telegram from London Office to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania shelter deck, 30 May 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 27 May 1932 1932, List of dimensions for Mauretania, 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard of Mauretania, 12 April 1932 1932, Plan of freeboard deck for Mauretania, 7 April 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Convention Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 22 June 1933 1933, Memo on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 22 June 1933 1933, Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard certificate, 21 June 1933 1933, Record of renewal survey for Mauretania freeboard, 21 June 1933 1933, Letter from W Watt to McMillan on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 11 May 1933 1933, Letter from McMillan to W Watt on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 9 May 1933 1933, Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Mauretania old freeboard certificate, 2 January 1933 1933, Record of annual survey for Mauretania freeboard, 30 June 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to Classification Committee to Southampton Surveyors on Mauretania boiler survey, 18 December 1934 1934, Notification of postponed survey for Mauretania, 17 October 1934 1934, Information on Mauretania from surveyors at Southampton, 12 December 1934 1934, Remarks of Chief Ship Surveyor on Mauretania, 17 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 10 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 19 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 19 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 1934 1934, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 7 July 1934 1934, Report of sale and breaking up of Mauretania, 24 September 1935 1935, Information on Mauretania, 6 September 1935 1935, Information on Mauretania from surveyors at Southampton, 21 March 1935 1935, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo and/or Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 28 February 1937 1937, Letter from S R Davies pro Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboards, 30 May 1932 30, Letter from Henry Hogben Chief Ship Surveyor at Board of Trade on endorsement for Load Line Certificate of Mauretania, 8 June 1932 8, Letter on plans of Cunard liners no date, Lloyd's British testing information on Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Historical background on Mauretania no date )
The individual and/or organisation listed
Cunard Steamship Co Ltd ( Letter from E W De Rusett enclosing diagrams of Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic for comment by H J Cornish, 9 June 1903 1903, Letter from H J Cornish to De Rusett on Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic, 23 June 1903 1903, Letter from E W De Rusett on diagrams of Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic for comment by H J Cornish, 4 July 1903 1903, Lloyd's British testing calculations for Mauretania, 8 March 1904 1904, Suggested equipment for Cunard's Lusitania and Mauritania, 1904 1904, Letter to Hunter including ammendments to plans for Cunard Steamers, 8 March 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H J Cornish on rivets for Mauretania, 3 May 1904 1904, Calculations on tonnage for Mauretania, 9 May 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 11 May 1904 1904, Statement re Stress Calculations for Cunard Liner Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing plans for Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Notes on changes to Mauretania plans, 21 June 1904 1904, Diagram of Mauretania, 24 June 1904 1904, Note on reply to telegram regarding Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram to Hunter on boilers for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from London Committee on approval of Mauretania boilers, 27 June 1904 1904, Two telegrams to London Committee on Cunard boiler plans for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Memo on confidentiality of Cunard plans for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on the building of the Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to T J Dodd on the building of the Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register on Mauretania plan errors, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from Lloyd's Register Committee to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania plan errors, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania photo print, 28 June 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania photo print, 2 July 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania plans, 4 July 1904 1904, Letter from H J Cornish to De Rusett on Cunard LinerMauretania, 2 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 5 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on plans for Mauretania, 5 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 7 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 7 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing designs for steel part of the steam for the Mauretania, 14 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing designs for steel part of the steam for the Mauretania, 15 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 19 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 18 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 19 July 1904 1904, Note on sketches for Mauretania, 20 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 22 August 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania and interview notes with Cornish, 3 September 1904 1904, Notes of interview with the representatives of Lloyd's and John Brown & Company in London, 25 August 1904 1904, Memo stating that De Rusett's notes agree with J Bruhn's except on the following points, 5 September 1904 1904, Copy of letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania and interview notes with Cornish, 3 September 1904 1904, Copy of memo stating that De Rusett's notes agree with J Bruhn's except on the following points, 5 September 1904 1904, Calculations related to design of Mauretania, 8 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 8 September 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle to London Committeee on Cunard plans for Mauretania, September 1904 1904, Telegram send from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson on Cunard plans, 8 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania plans, 12 September 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment calculations for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing corrections for notes on Mauretania design meeting, 12 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E W De Rusett on the building of the Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on bending moment for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the bending moment calculations for the Mauretania, 14 September 1904 1904, Letter from E G Champness to H Cornish, 16 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the bending moment calculations for the Mauretania, 22 September 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania, 22 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Letter to De Russett, likely from Lloyd's Register Secretary on designs for Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Notes on web frames for Mauretania, 26 September 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania web frames, 27 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the Mauretania, 27 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on curve bending moments for Mauretania, 29 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 30 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 3 October 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, High Tensile Steel note for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, Notes on designs for Mauretania, 5 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on curve bending moments for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on experimental tests for Mauretania designs, 6 October 1904 1904, Memo on high tensile steel for Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Memo on design of web frames for Mauretania, 8 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on bulkheads for Mauretania, 7 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on testing for Mauretania designs, 10 October 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Receipt of telegram from London to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle surveyors to London committee on Mauretania steel, 8 October 1904 1904, Letter on steel tests for Mauretania from the Lloyd's Register Secretary to Champness, 14 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment calculations for Mauretania, 17 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania bending moments, 15 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment for steel in Mauretania, 19 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment for steel in Mauretania, 24 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania, 20 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to E C Champness on Mauretania, 20 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on Mauretania, 21 October 1904 1904, Letter to E C Champness on Mauretania, 24 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Letter to E C Champness on Mauretania, 26 October 1904 1904, Memo on testing of steel for Mauretania, 27 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 27 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 28 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on rivetting for Mauretania, 28 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 3 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Cornish on Mauretania, 1 November 1904 1904, Letter to Mr De Rusett on Mauretania, 2 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 3 November 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Memo on thickness of plates for Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Calculations of diagonal connection relating to the Mauretania, 5 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H J Cornish on Mauretania bulkheads, 7 November 1904 1904, Letter pro the Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary relating to forwarded builder's sections of Mauretania, 7 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Newcastle's Chief Surveyor on Mauretania bulkheads, 7 November 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania designs, 9 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 9 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 11 November 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania designs, 16 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 16 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on steel test pieces for Mauretania, 17 November 1904 1904, Letter from H Cornish to E C Champness on steel testing for the Mauretania, 19 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania prints, 22 November 1904 1904, Memo on openings in plans for Mauretania, 22 November 1904 1904, Memo on design of Mauretania, 24 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 24 November 1904 1904, Memo on builder's plans for Mauretania, 28 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 25 November 1904 1904, Telegram from London Committee to Hunter, Wallsend on Mauretania, 26 November 1904 1904, Telegram received from London committee on Mauretania correspondence, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania design, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from Works Manager and Secretary of British Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd to Lloyd's Register Swansea on stamping tubes before they are cut for the Mauretania, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to G C Vaux and Swansea Surveyors on testing of tubes from British Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from G C Vaux to London Secretary on Mauretania tubes, 26 November 1904 1904, Memo on tubuar pillows to Swansea surveyors, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania design modification, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania sketch, 28 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 1 December 1904 1904, Memo on approved plans for Mauretania, 1 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 2 December 1904 1904, Memo on builder's proposal for Mauretania design, 2 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 6 December 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania plans, 6 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania designs, 6 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania telegram, 7 December 1904 1904, Copy of telegrams between London Committee and Hunter Wallsend on Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania planning proposal, 7 December 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle to London Committeee on Cunard plans for Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania sketch, 9 December 1904 1904, Memo relating to sketch of Mauretania design, 9 December 1904 1904, Conditions under which bending moment was calculated for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Stress calculation for Mauretania, 15 September 1904 1904, Confirmation of telegram to Hunter Wallsend from London Committee on Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plan, 8 December 1904 1904, Plan of stress diagram for Mauretania, 14 April 1904 1904, Midship Section plan for Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Midship Section plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Profile plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Shelter deck plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Upper Deck Plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Main deck plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Plan of curve on bending moments, vessel on wave crest, at end of voyage, for Mauretania, September 1904 1904, Plan of ship on wave crest for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Calculations of rudder relating to Mauretania, 11 January 1905 1905, Topside plating calculations for Mauretania, 21 February 1905 1905, Doubling calculations for Mauretania, 24 February 1905 1905, Calculations for Mauretania around, 24 February 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 27 February 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 27 February 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 23 March 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 23 March 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 4 April 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 4 April 1905 1905, Notes on Mauretania plans, 22 May 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 29 May 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 6 June 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 15 August 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 15 August 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 28 December 1905 1905, Boiler plan for Mauretania, 6 April 1905 1905, Boiler plan for Mauretania, 6 April 1905 1905, Shafting plan for Mauretania, 30 May 1905 1905, Plan of proposed arrangement of shell and deck plating and doublings for Mauretania, 8 July 1905 1905, Calculations for steel testing for Mauretania, 10 April 1906 1906, Letter from P F Morton to London Secretary on Mauretania, 27 January 1906 1906, Memo on anchors for Mauretania, 27 January 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Sheffield Surveyor on Mauretania, 30 January 1906 1906, Memo on Mauretania anchors, 9 February 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 9 February 1906 1906, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register Secretary, 12 February 1906 1906, Notes on Mauretania, 5 March 1906 1906, Anchors, Cables and wire and Manila Ropes for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Anchors, Cables and wire and Manila Ropes for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Proposed equipment for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on anchors and cables for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 18 April 1906 1906, Proposed equipment for Mauretania around, April 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania equipment, 12 April 1906 1906, Letter from Brown, Lenox & Co pro Jas B Richardson on cable testing for Cunard, 12 June 1906 1906, Telegram from Bate Dks Cardiff to London Committee on cable testing, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Cardiff office to London Committee on cable tests, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Cardiff office to London Committee on cable tests, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegram from Redman to Scott on cable testing, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter to Andrew Scott on cable testing telegrams, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary on proving house telegrams, 13 June 1906 1906, Memo on proving houses, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Stenoch Rt Glasgow, Scott to Redman & London Committee on telegram on Mauretania, 14 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from London Committee to Cardiff proving house on cable testing for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from Andrew K Hamilton pro Cardiff surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on cable testing for Cunard, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to G W Penn, Cardiff proving house on steel tests for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Cardiff surveyors on chain cable for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 15 June 1906 1906, Letter from James Richardson to G W Penn to G W Penn on swivel pieces for Mauretania, 18 July 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 20 July 1906 1906, Memo on cable testing for Mauretania at Cardiff Proving House, 21 July 1906 1906, Memo to inform surveyors that W Hamilton's report on chain testing has come in, 21 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Peter Samson, Board of Trade on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 21 July 1906 1906, Letter from Peter Samson, Board of Trade to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 23 July 1906 1906, Memo on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania with information from Board of Trade, 24 July 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to George W Penn on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 25 July 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Peter Samson, Board of Trade on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 25 July 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing swivel pieces for Mauretania, 26 July 1906 1906, Letter from Andrew K Hamilton to Lloyd's Register Secretary on results of cable testing for Mauretania, 25 August 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Cardiff surveyors on results from testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 30 August 1906 1906, Profile plan for Mauretania, 3 March 1906 1906, Particulars of Boilers for Mauretania, 18 September 1907 1907, Letter from H Green to H J Cornish on interests of Cornish during his visit to Netherton proving house, 25 September 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to H Green on visit to Netherton proving house, 26 September 1907 1907, Query Formon official registration of Mauretania, 28 October 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register secretary on registered dimensions of Mauretania, 25 October 1907 1907, Registered dimensions of Lusitania and Mauretania, 24 October 1907 1907, Request for registered depths for the Mauretania from Registrar General of Shipping, 28 October 1907 1907, Memo on date of build and date of launch for Mauretania, 9 November 1907 1907, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor on class of Mauretania, 8 November 1907 1907, Letter from Newcastle Surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania first entry report, 7 November 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania first entry report, 6 November 1907 1907, First entry report "Iron or Steel Steamer" for Mauretania, 22 October 1907 1907, Letter from J T Findlay on Mauretania's sea cock, 13 November 1907 1907, Memo requesting shafting plans from Newccastle surveyors, 8 November 1907 1907, Report on Machinery for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Report on boilers for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Note accompanying Mauretania documents, 12 November 1907 1907, Particulars of passenger certificate for Mauretania, 15 November 1907 1907, Form for vessels of 100 tons and upwards for Mauretania, 14 November 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 31 October 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs of engines and boilers for Mauretania, 1 November 1907 1907, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 4 September 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champess on Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Memo on Freeboard Form for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Application for Certificate of Approval of disc and lines used in connection with the Provisions of the International Load Line Conention 1930 for Mauretania, 24 April 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania, 24 April 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania plans, 2 April 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 28 March 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 28 March 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard, 26 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E C Champness on freeboard survey for Mauretania, 23 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E W DeRusset on diagram mistake for Mauretania, 7 March 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to H J Cornish on Mauretania freeboard, 6 March 1907 1907, Letter from Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd to H J Cornish on Mauretania, 27 February 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to G Hunter, Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 25 February 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 20 February 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard, 19 February 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on freeboard report for Mauretania, 23 April 1907 1907, Memo on measurements of Mauretania, 22 April 1907 1907, Note of measurements relating to Mauretania, 13 May 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 19 April 1907 1907, Plan of midship section showing thicknesses of shell for Mauretania, 5 November 1907 1907, Midship section plan for Mauretania, 7 November 1907 1907, Midship section plan for Mauretania, 3 December 1907 1907, The Electrical Equipment of the Cunard Express Turbine Steamship “Mauretania”, 1908 1908, Plan of general arrangement for Mauretania, 19 January 1915 1915, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to the Liverpool Secretary on Mauretania, 3 February 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 3 February 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to the Liverpool Secretary on Mauretania, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from W L Clark, Liverpool Committee Secretary to Lloyd's Register Secretary on freeboard certificate for Mauretania, 19 January 1921 1921, Letter from R Bruce, Cunard to Liverpool Office on Load Line Certificate for Mauretania, 19 January 1921 1921, List of dimensions for Mauretania, 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Freeboard Verification Form on Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Fresh Water Line for Mauretania, 24 September 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard for Mauretania, 23 September 1931 1931, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Freeboard for Mauretania, 22 September 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on marking of Fresh Water for Mauretania, 21 September 1931 1931, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 20 May 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancelling old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 3 January 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancelling old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 9 July 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancellation of old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 8 July 1932 1932, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 10 June 1932 1932, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Mauretania, 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 13 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 11 June 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Assistant Secretary of Mercantile Marine Deoartment in Board of Trade on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 9 June 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Assistant Secretary of Mercantile Marine Deoartment in Board of Trade on endorsement for Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Memo on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Letter from S R Davies pro Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania shelter deck, 1 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing applications for Freeboard Certificates for Mauretania and Aquitania, 16 April 1932 1932, Application for Certificate of Approval of disc and lines used in connection with the Provisions of the International Load Line Conention 1930 for Mauretania, 11 April 1932 1932, Telegram from Newcastle office to London Committee on shelter deck of Mauretania, 1 June 1932 1932, Telegram from Newcastle office to London Committee on shelter deck of Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Telegram from London Committee to Newcastle office on shelter deck of Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Memo on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Translation of Telegram from London Office to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania shelter deck, 30 May 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 27 May 1932 1932, List of dimensions for Mauretania, 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard of Mauretania, 12 April 1932 1932, Plan of freeboard deck for Mauretania, 7 April 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Convention Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 22 June 1933 1933, Memo on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 22 June 1933 1933, Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard certificate, 21 June 1933 1933, Record of renewal survey for Mauretania freeboard, 21 June 1933 1933, Letter from W Watt to McMillan on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 11 May 1933 1933, Letter from McMillan to W Watt on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 9 May 1933 1933, Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Mauretania old freeboard certificate, 2 January 1933 1933, Record of annual survey for Mauretania freeboard, 30 June 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to Classification Committee to Southampton Surveyors on Mauretania boiler survey, 18 December 1934 1934, Notification of postponed survey for Mauretania, 17 October 1934 1934, Information on Mauretania from surveyors at Southampton, 12 December 1934 1934, Remarks of Chief Ship Surveyor on Mauretania, 17 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 10 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 19 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 19 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 1934 1934, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 7 July 1934 1934, Report of sale and breaking up of Mauretania, 24 September 1935 1935, Information on Mauretania, 6 September 1935 1935, Information on Mauretania from surveyors at Southampton, 21 March 1935 1935, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo and/or Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 28 February 1937 1937, Letter from S R Davies pro Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboards, 30 May 1932 30, Letter from Henry Hogben Chief Ship Surveyor at Board of Trade on endorsement for Load Line Certificate of Mauretania, 8 June 1932 8, Letter on plans of Cunard liners no date, Lloyd's British testing information on Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Historical background on Mauretania no date )
Broad categories and subdivisions of vessels related to their purpose or function.
Passenger Liner ( Letter from E W De Rusett enclosing diagrams of Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic for comment by H J Cornish, 9 June 1903 1903, Letter from H J Cornish to De Rusett on Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic, 23 June 1903 1903, Letter from E W De Rusett on diagrams of Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic for comment by H J Cornish, 4 July 1903 1903, Lloyd's British testing calculations for Mauretania, 8 March 1904 1904, Suggested equipment for Cunard's Lusitania and Mauritania, 1904 1904, Letter to Hunter including ammendments to plans for Cunard Steamers, 8 March 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H J Cornish on rivets for Mauretania, 3 May 1904 1904, Calculations on tonnage for Mauretania, 9 May 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 11 May 1904 1904, Statement re Stress Calculations for Cunard Liner Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing plans for Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Notes on changes to Mauretania plans, 21 June 1904 1904, Diagram of Mauretania, 24 June 1904 1904, Note on reply to telegram regarding Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram to Hunter on boilers for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from London Committee on approval of Mauretania boilers, 27 June 1904 1904, Two telegrams to London Committee on Cunard boiler plans for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Memo on confidentiality of Cunard plans for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on the building of the Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to T J Dodd on the building of the Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register on Mauretania plan errors, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from Lloyd's Register Committee to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania plan errors, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania photo print, 28 June 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania photo print, 2 July 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania plans, 4 July 1904 1904, Letter from H J Cornish to De Rusett on Cunard LinerMauretania, 2 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 5 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on plans for Mauretania, 5 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 7 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 7 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing designs for steel part of the steam for the Mauretania, 14 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing designs for steel part of the steam for the Mauretania, 15 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 19 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 18 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 19 July 1904 1904, Note on sketches for Mauretania, 20 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 22 August 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania and interview notes with Cornish, 3 September 1904 1904, Notes of interview with the representatives of Lloyd's and John Brown & Company in London, 25 August 1904 1904, Memo stating that De Rusett's notes agree with J Bruhn's except on the following points, 5 September 1904 1904, Copy of letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania and interview notes with Cornish, 3 September 1904 1904, Copy of memo stating that De Rusett's notes agree with J Bruhn's except on the following points, 5 September 1904 1904, Calculations related to design of Mauretania, 8 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 8 September 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle to London Committeee on Cunard plans for Mauretania, September 1904 1904, Telegram send from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson on Cunard plans, 8 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania plans, 12 September 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment calculations for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing corrections for notes on Mauretania design meeting, 12 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E W De Rusett on the building of the Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on bending moment for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the bending moment calculations for the Mauretania, 14 September 1904 1904, Letter from E G Champness to H Cornish, 16 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the bending moment calculations for the Mauretania, 22 September 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania, 22 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Letter to De Russett, likely from Lloyd's Register Secretary on designs for Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Notes on web frames for Mauretania, 26 September 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania web frames, 27 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the Mauretania, 27 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on curve bending moments for Mauretania, 29 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 30 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 3 October 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, High Tensile Steel note for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, Notes on designs for Mauretania, 5 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on curve bending moments for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on experimental tests for Mauretania designs, 6 October 1904 1904, Memo on high tensile steel for Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Memo on design of web frames for Mauretania, 8 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on bulkheads for Mauretania, 7 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on testing for Mauretania designs, 10 October 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Receipt of telegram from London to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle surveyors to London committee on Mauretania steel, 8 October 1904 1904, Letter on steel tests for Mauretania from the Lloyd's Register Secretary to Champness, 14 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment calculations for Mauretania, 17 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania bending moments, 15 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment for steel in Mauretania, 19 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment for steel in Mauretania, 24 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania, 20 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to E C Champness on Mauretania, 20 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on Mauretania, 21 October 1904 1904, Letter to E C Champness on Mauretania, 24 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Letter to E C Champness on Mauretania, 26 October 1904 1904, Memo on testing of steel for Mauretania, 27 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 27 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 28 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on rivetting for Mauretania, 28 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 3 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Cornish on Mauretania, 1 November 1904 1904, Letter to Mr De Rusett on Mauretania, 2 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 3 November 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Memo on thickness of plates for Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Calculations of diagonal connection relating to the Mauretania, 5 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H J Cornish on Mauretania bulkheads, 7 November 1904 1904, Letter pro the Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary relating to forwarded builder's sections of Mauretania, 7 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Newcastle's Chief Surveyor on Mauretania bulkheads, 7 November 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania designs, 9 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 9 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 11 November 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania designs, 16 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 16 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on steel test pieces for Mauretania, 17 November 1904 1904, Letter from H Cornish to E C Champness on steel testing for the Mauretania, 19 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania prints, 22 November 1904 1904, Memo on openings in plans for Mauretania, 22 November 1904 1904, Memo on design of Mauretania, 24 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 24 November 1904 1904, Memo on builder's plans for Mauretania, 28 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 25 November 1904 1904, Telegram from London Committee to Hunter, Wallsend on Mauretania, 26 November 1904 1904, Telegram received from London committee on Mauretania correspondence, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania design, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from Works Manager and Secretary of British Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd to Lloyd's Register Swansea on stamping tubes before they are cut for the Mauretania, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to G C Vaux and Swansea Surveyors on testing of tubes from British Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from G C Vaux to London Secretary on Mauretania tubes, 26 November 1904 1904, Memo on tubuar pillows to Swansea surveyors, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania design modification, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania sketch, 28 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 1 December 1904 1904, Memo on approved plans for Mauretania, 1 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 2 December 1904 1904, Memo on builder's proposal for Mauretania design, 2 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 6 December 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania plans, 6 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania designs, 6 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania telegram, 7 December 1904 1904, Copy of telegrams between London Committee and Hunter Wallsend on Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania planning proposal, 7 December 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle to London Committeee on Cunard plans for Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania sketch, 9 December 1904 1904, Memo relating to sketch of Mauretania design, 9 December 1904 1904, Conditions under which bending moment was calculated for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Stress calculation for Mauretania, 15 September 1904 1904, Confirmation of telegram to Hunter Wallsend from London Committee on Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plan, 8 December 1904 1904, Plan of stress diagram for Mauretania, 14 April 1904 1904, Midship Section plan for Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Midship Section plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Profile plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Shelter deck plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Upper Deck Plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Main deck plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Plan of curve on bending moments, vessel on wave crest, at end of voyage, for Mauretania, September 1904 1904, Plan of ship on wave crest for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Calculations of rudder relating to Mauretania, 11 January 1905 1905, Topside plating calculations for Mauretania, 21 February 1905 1905, Doubling calculations for Mauretania, 24 February 1905 1905, Calculations for Mauretania around, 24 February 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 27 February 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 27 February 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 23 March 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 23 March 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 4 April 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 4 April 1905 1905, Notes on Mauretania plans, 22 May 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 29 May 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 6 June 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 15 August 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 15 August 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 28 December 1905 1905, Boiler plan for Mauretania, 6 April 1905 1905, Boiler plan for Mauretania, 6 April 1905 1905, Shafting plan for Mauretania, 30 May 1905 1905, Plan of proposed arrangement of shell and deck plating and doublings for Mauretania, 8 July 1905 1905, Calculations for steel testing for Mauretania, 10 April 1906 1906, Letter from P F Morton to London Secretary on Mauretania, 27 January 1906 1906, Memo on anchors for Mauretania, 27 January 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Sheffield Surveyor on Mauretania, 30 January 1906 1906, Memo on Mauretania anchors, 9 February 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 9 February 1906 1906, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register Secretary, 12 February 1906 1906, Notes on Mauretania, 5 March 1906 1906, Anchors, Cables and wire and Manila Ropes for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Anchors, Cables and wire and Manila Ropes for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Proposed equipment for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on anchors and cables for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 18 April 1906 1906, Proposed equipment for Mauretania around, April 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania equipment, 12 April 1906 1906, Letter from Brown, Lenox & Co pro Jas B Richardson on cable testing for Cunard, 12 June 1906 1906, Telegram from Bate Dks Cardiff to London Committee on cable testing, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Cardiff office to London Committee on cable tests, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Cardiff office to London Committee on cable tests, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegram from Redman to Scott on cable testing, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter to Andrew Scott on cable testing telegrams, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary on proving house telegrams, 13 June 1906 1906, Memo on proving houses, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Stenoch Rt Glasgow, Scott to Redman & London Committee on telegram on Mauretania, 14 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from London Committee to Cardiff proving house on cable testing for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from Andrew K Hamilton pro Cardiff surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on cable testing for Cunard, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to G W Penn, Cardiff proving house on steel tests for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Cardiff surveyors on chain cable for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 15 June 1906 1906, Letter from James Richardson to G W Penn to G W Penn on swivel pieces for Mauretania, 18 July 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 20 July 1906 1906, Memo on cable testing for Mauretania at Cardiff Proving House, 21 July 1906 1906, Memo to inform surveyors that W Hamilton's report on chain testing has come in, 21 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Peter Samson, Board of Trade on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 21 July 1906 1906, Letter from Peter Samson, Board of Trade to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 23 July 1906 1906, Memo on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania with information from Board of Trade, 24 July 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to George W Penn on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 25 July 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Peter Samson, Board of Trade on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 25 July 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing swivel pieces for Mauretania, 26 July 1906 1906, Letter from Andrew K Hamilton to Lloyd's Register Secretary on results of cable testing for Mauretania, 25 August 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Cardiff surveyors on results from testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 30 August 1906 1906, Profile plan for Mauretania, 3 March 1906 1906, Particulars of Boilers for Mauretania, 18 September 1907 1907, Letter from H Green to H J Cornish on interests of Cornish during his visit to Netherton proving house, 25 September 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to H Green on visit to Netherton proving house, 26 September 1907 1907, Query Formon official registration of Mauretania, 28 October 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register secretary on registered dimensions of Mauretania, 25 October 1907 1907, Registered dimensions of Lusitania and Mauretania, 24 October 1907 1907, Request for registered depths for the Mauretania from Registrar General of Shipping, 28 October 1907 1907, Memo on date of build and date of launch for Mauretania, 9 November 1907 1907, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor on class of Mauretania, 8 November 1907 1907, Letter from Newcastle Surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania first entry report, 7 November 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania first entry report, 6 November 1907 1907, First entry report "Iron or Steel Steamer" for Mauretania, 22 October 1907 1907, Letter from J T Findlay on Mauretania's sea cock, 13 November 1907 1907, Memo requesting shafting plans from Newccastle surveyors, 8 November 1907 1907, Report on Machinery for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Report on boilers for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Note accompanying Mauretania documents, 12 November 1907 1907, Particulars of passenger certificate for Mauretania, 15 November 1907 1907, Form for vessels of 100 tons and upwards for Mauretania, 14 November 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 31 October 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs of engines and boilers for Mauretania, 1 November 1907 1907, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 4 September 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champess on Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Memo on Freeboard Form for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Application for Certificate of Approval of disc and lines used in connection with the Provisions of the International Load Line Conention 1930 for Mauretania, 24 April 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania, 24 April 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania plans, 2 April 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 28 March 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 28 March 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard, 26 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E C Champness on freeboard survey for Mauretania, 23 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E W DeRusset on diagram mistake for Mauretania, 7 March 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to H J Cornish on Mauretania freeboard, 6 March 1907 1907, Letter from Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd to H J Cornish on Mauretania, 27 February 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to G Hunter, Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 25 February 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 20 February 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard, 19 February 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on freeboard report for Mauretania, 23 April 1907 1907, Memo on measurements of Mauretania, 22 April 1907 1907, Note of measurements relating to Mauretania, 13 May 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 19 April 1907 1907, Plan of midship section showing thicknesses of shell for Mauretania, 5 November 1907 1907, Midship section plan for Mauretania, 7 November 1907 1907, Midship section plan for Mauretania, 3 December 1907 1907, The Electrical Equipment of the Cunard Express Turbine Steamship “Mauretania”, 1908 1908, Plan of general arrangement for Mauretania, 19 January 1915 1915, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to the Liverpool Secretary on Mauretania, 3 February 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 3 February 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to the Liverpool Secretary on Mauretania, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from W L Clark, Liverpool Committee Secretary to Lloyd's Register Secretary on freeboard certificate for Mauretania, 19 January 1921 1921, Letter from R Bruce, Cunard to Liverpool Office on Load Line Certificate for Mauretania, 19 January 1921 1921, List of dimensions for Mauretania, 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Freeboard Verification Form on Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Fresh Water Line for Mauretania, 24 September 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard for Mauretania, 23 September 1931 1931, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Freeboard for Mauretania, 22 September 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on marking of Fresh Water for Mauretania, 21 September 1931 1931, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 20 May 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancelling old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 3 January 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancelling old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 9 July 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancellation of old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 8 July 1932 1932, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 10 June 1932 1932, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Mauretania, 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 13 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 11 June 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Assistant Secretary of Mercantile Marine Deoartment in Board of Trade on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 9 June 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Assistant Secretary of Mercantile Marine Deoartment in Board of Trade on endorsement for Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Memo on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Letter from S R Davies pro Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania shelter deck, 1 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing applications for Freeboard Certificates for Mauretania and Aquitania, 16 April 1932 1932, Application for Certificate of Approval of disc and lines used in connection with the Provisions of the International Load Line Conention 1930 for Mauretania, 11 April 1932 1932, Telegram from Newcastle office to London Committee on shelter deck of Mauretania, 1 June 1932 1932, Telegram from Newcastle office to London Committee on shelter deck of Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Telegram from London Committee to Newcastle office on shelter deck of Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Memo on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Translation of Telegram from London Office to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania shelter deck, 30 May 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 27 May 1932 1932, List of dimensions for Mauretania, 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard of Mauretania, 12 April 1932 1932, Plan of freeboard deck for Mauretania, 7 April 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Convention Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 22 June 1933 1933, Memo on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 22 June 1933 1933, Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard certificate, 21 June 1933 1933, Record of renewal survey for Mauretania freeboard, 21 June 1933 1933, Letter from W Watt to McMillan on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 11 May 1933 1933, Letter from McMillan to W Watt on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 9 May 1933 1933, Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Mauretania old freeboard certificate, 2 January 1933 1933, Record of annual survey for Mauretania freeboard, 30 June 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to Classification Committee to Southampton Surveyors on Mauretania boiler survey, 18 December 1934 1934, Notification of postponed survey for Mauretania, 17 October 1934 1934, Information on Mauretania from surveyors at Southampton, 12 December 1934 1934, Remarks of Chief Ship Surveyor on Mauretania, 17 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 10 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 19 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 19 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 1934 1934, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 7 July 1934 1934, Report of sale and breaking up of Mauretania, 24 September 1935 1935, Information on Mauretania, 6 September 1935 1935, Information on Mauretania from surveyors at Southampton, 21 March 1935 1935, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo and/or Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 28 February 1937 1937, Letter from S R Davies pro Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboards, 30 May 1932 30, Letter from Henry Hogben Chief Ship Surveyor at Board of Trade on endorsement for Load Line Certificate of Mauretania, 8 June 1932 8, Letter on plans of Cunard liners no date, Lloyd's British testing information on Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Historical background on Mauretania no date )
Type of fuel used onboard a vessel.
Steam - Coal ( Letter from E W De Rusett enclosing diagrams of Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic for comment by H J Cornish, 9 June 1903 1903, Letter from H J Cornish to De Rusett on Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic, 23 June 1903 1903, Letter from E W De Rusett on diagrams of Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic for comment by H J Cornish, 4 July 1903 1903, Lloyd's British testing calculations for Mauretania, 8 March 1904 1904, Suggested equipment for Cunard's Lusitania and Mauritania, 1904 1904, Letter to Hunter including ammendments to plans for Cunard Steamers, 8 March 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H J Cornish on rivets for Mauretania, 3 May 1904 1904, Calculations on tonnage for Mauretania, 9 May 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 11 May 1904 1904, Statement re Stress Calculations for Cunard Liner Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing plans for Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Notes on changes to Mauretania plans, 21 June 1904 1904, Diagram of Mauretania, 24 June 1904 1904, Note on reply to telegram regarding Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram to Hunter on boilers for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from London Committee on approval of Mauretania boilers, 27 June 1904 1904, Two telegrams to London Committee on Cunard boiler plans for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Memo on confidentiality of Cunard plans for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on the building of the Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to T J Dodd on the building of the Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register on Mauretania plan errors, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from Lloyd's Register Committee to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania plan errors, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania photo print, 28 June 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania photo print, 2 July 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania plans, 4 July 1904 1904, Letter from H J Cornish to De Rusett on Cunard LinerMauretania, 2 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 5 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on plans for Mauretania, 5 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 7 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 7 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing designs for steel part of the steam for the Mauretania, 14 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing designs for steel part of the steam for the Mauretania, 15 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 19 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 18 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 19 July 1904 1904, Note on sketches for Mauretania, 20 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania and interview notes with Cornish, 3 September 1904 1904, Notes of interview with the representatives of Lloyd's and John Brown & Company in London, 25 August 1904 1904, Memo stating that De Rusett's notes agree with J Bruhn's except on the following points, 5 September 1904 1904, Copy of letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania and interview notes with Cornish, 3 September 1904 1904, Copy of memo stating that De Rusett's notes agree with J Bruhn's except on the following points, 5 September 1904 1904, Calculations related to design of Mauretania, 8 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 8 September 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle to London Committeee on Cunard plans for Mauretania, September 1904 1904, Telegram send from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson on Cunard plans, 8 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania plans, 12 September 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment calculations for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing corrections for notes on Mauretania design meeting, 12 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E W De Rusett on the building of the Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on bending moment for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the bending moment calculations for the Mauretania, 14 September 1904 1904, Letter from E G Champness to H Cornish, 16 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the bending moment calculations for the Mauretania, 22 September 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania, 22 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Letter to De Russett, likely from Lloyd's Register Secretary on designs for Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Notes on web frames for Mauretania, 26 September 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania web frames, 27 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the Mauretania, 27 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on curve bending moments for Mauretania, 29 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 30 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 3 October 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, High Tensile Steel note for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, Notes on designs for Mauretania, 5 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on curve bending moments for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on experimental tests for Mauretania designs, 6 October 1904 1904, Memo on high tensile steel for Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Memo on design of web frames for Mauretania, 8 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on bulkheads for Mauretania, 7 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on testing for Mauretania designs, 10 October 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Receipt of telegram from London to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle surveyors to London committee on Mauretania steel, 8 October 1904 1904, Letter on steel tests for Mauretania from the Lloyd's Register Secretary to Champness, 14 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment calculations for Mauretania, 17 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania bending moments, 15 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment for steel in Mauretania, 19 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment for steel in Mauretania, 24 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania, 20 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to E C Champness on Mauretania, 20 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on Mauretania, 21 October 1904 1904, Letter to E C Champness on Mauretania, 24 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Letter to E C Champness on Mauretania, 26 October 1904 1904, Memo on testing of steel for Mauretania, 27 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 27 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 28 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on rivetting for Mauretania, 28 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 3 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Cornish on Mauretania, 1 November 1904 1904, Letter to Mr De Rusett on Mauretania, 2 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 3 November 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Memo on thickness of plates for Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Calculations of diagonal connection relating to the Mauretania, 5 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H J Cornish on Mauretania bulkheads, 7 November 1904 1904, Letter pro the Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary relating to forwarded builder's sections of Mauretania, 7 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Newcastle's Chief Surveyor on Mauretania bulkheads, 7 November 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania designs, 9 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 9 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 11 November 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania designs, 16 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 16 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on steel test pieces for Mauretania, 17 November 1904 1904, Letter from H Cornish to E C Champness on steel testing for the Mauretania, 19 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania prints, 22 November 1904 1904, Memo on openings in plans for Mauretania, 22 November 1904 1904, Memo on design of Mauretania, 24 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 24 November 1904 1904, Memo on builder's plans for Mauretania, 28 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 25 November 1904 1904, Telegram from London Committee to Hunter, Wallsend on Mauretania, 26 November 1904 1904, Telegram received from London committee on Mauretania correspondence, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania design, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from Works Manager and Secretary of British Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd to Lloyd's Register Swansea on stamping tubes before they are cut for the Mauretania, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to G C Vaux and Swansea Surveyors on testing of tubes from British Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from G C Vaux to London Secretary on Mauretania tubes, 26 November 1904 1904, Memo on tubuar pillows to Swansea surveyors, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania design modification, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania sketch, 28 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 1 December 1904 1904, Memo on approved plans for Mauretania, 1 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 2 December 1904 1904, Memo on builder's proposal for Mauretania design, 2 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 6 December 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania plans, 6 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania designs, 6 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania telegram, 7 December 1904 1904, Copy of telegrams between London Committee and Hunter Wallsend on Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania planning proposal, 7 December 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle to London Committeee on Cunard plans for Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania sketch, 9 December 1904 1904, Memo relating to sketch of Mauretania design, 9 December 1904 1904, Conditions under which bending moment was calculated for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Stress calculation for Mauretania, 15 September 1904 1904, Confirmation of telegram to Hunter Wallsend from London Committee on Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plan, 8 December 1904 1904, Plan of stress diagram for Mauretania, 14 April 1904 1904, Midship Section plan for Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Midship Section plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Profile plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Shelter deck plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Upper Deck Plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Main deck plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Plan of curve on bending moments, vessel on wave crest, at end of voyage, for Mauretania, September 1904 1904, Plan of ship on wave crest for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Calculations of rudder relating to Mauretania, 11 January 1905 1905, Topside plating calculations for Mauretania, 21 February 1905 1905, Doubling calculations for Mauretania, 24 February 1905 1905, Calculations for Mauretania around, 24 February 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 27 February 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 27 February 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 23 March 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 23 March 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 4 April 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 4 April 1905 1905, Notes on Mauretania plans, 22 May 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 29 May 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 6 June 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 15 August 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 15 August 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 28 December 1905 1905, Boiler plan for Mauretania, 6 April 1905 1905, Boiler plan for Mauretania, 6 April 1905 1905, Shafting plan for Mauretania, 30 May 1905 1905, Plan of proposed arrangement of shell and deck plating and doublings for Mauretania, 8 July 1905 1905, Calculations for steel testing for Mauretania, 10 April 1906 1906, Letter from P F Morton to London Secretary on Mauretania, 27 January 1906 1906, Memo on anchors for Mauretania, 27 January 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Sheffield Surveyor on Mauretania, 30 January 1906 1906, Memo on Mauretania anchors, 9 February 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 9 February 1906 1906, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register Secretary, 12 February 1906 1906, Notes on Mauretania, 5 March 1906 1906, Anchors, Cables and wire and Manila Ropes for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Anchors, Cables and wire and Manila Ropes for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Proposed equipment for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on anchors and cables for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 18 April 1906 1906, Proposed equipment for Mauretania around, April 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania equipment, 12 April 1906 1906, Letter from Brown, Lenox & Co pro Jas B Richardson on cable testing for Cunard, 12 June 1906 1906, Telegram from Bate Dks Cardiff to London Committee on cable testing, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Cardiff office to London Committee on cable tests, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Cardiff office to London Committee on cable tests, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegram from Redman to Scott on cable testing, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter to Andrew Scott on cable testing telegrams, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary on proving house telegrams, 13 June 1906 1906, Memo on proving houses, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Stenoch Rt Glasgow, Scott to Redman & London Committee on telegram on Mauretania, 14 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from London Committee to Cardiff proving house on cable testing for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from Andrew K Hamilton pro Cardiff surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on cable testing for Cunard, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to G W Penn, Cardiff proving house on steel tests for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Cardiff surveyors on chain cable for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 15 June 1906 1906, Letter from James Richardson to G W Penn to G W Penn on swivel pieces for Mauretania, 18 July 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 20 July 1906 1906, Memo on cable testing for Mauretania at Cardiff Proving House, 21 July 1906 1906, Memo to inform surveyors that W Hamilton's report on chain testing has come in, 21 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Peter Samson, Board of Trade on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 21 July 1906 1906, Letter from Peter Samson, Board of Trade to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 23 July 1906 1906, Memo on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania with information from Board of Trade, 24 July 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to George W Penn on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 25 July 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Peter Samson, Board of Trade on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 25 July 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing swivel pieces for Mauretania, 26 July 1906 1906, Letter from Andrew K Hamilton to Lloyd's Register Secretary on results of cable testing for Mauretania, 25 August 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Cardiff surveyors on results from testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 30 August 1906 1906, Profile plan for Mauretania, 3 March 1906 1906, Particulars of Boilers for Mauretania, 18 September 1907 1907, Letter from H Green to H J Cornish on interests of Cornish during his visit to Netherton proving house, 25 September 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to H Green on visit to Netherton proving house, 26 September 1907 1907, Query Formon official registration of Mauretania, 28 October 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register secretary on registered dimensions of Mauretania, 25 October 1907 1907, Registered dimensions of Lusitania and Mauretania, 24 October 1907 1907, Request for registered depths for the Mauretania from Registrar General of Shipping, 28 October 1907 1907, Memo on date of build and date of launch for Mauretania, 9 November 1907 1907, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor on class of Mauretania, 8 November 1907 1907, Letter from Newcastle Surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania first entry report, 7 November 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania first entry report, 6 November 1907 1907, First entry report "Iron or Steel Steamer" for Mauretania, 22 October 1907 1907, Letter from J T Findlay on Mauretania's sea cock, 13 November 1907 1907, Memo requesting shafting plans from Newccastle surveyors, 8 November 1907 1907, Report on Machinery for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Report on boilers for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Note accompanying Mauretania documents, 12 November 1907 1907, Particulars of passenger certificate for Mauretania, 15 November 1907 1907, Form for vessels of 100 tons and upwards for Mauretania, 14 November 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 31 October 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs of engines and boilers for Mauretania, 1 November 1907 1907, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 4 September 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champess on Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Memo on Freeboard Form for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Application for Certificate of Approval of disc and lines used in connection with the Provisions of the International Load Line Conention 1930 for Mauretania, 24 April 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania, 24 April 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania plans, 2 April 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 28 March 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 28 March 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard, 26 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E C Champness on freeboard survey for Mauretania, 23 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E W DeRusset on diagram mistake for Mauretania, 7 March 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to H J Cornish on Mauretania freeboard, 6 March 1907 1907, Letter from Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd to H J Cornish on Mauretania, 27 February 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to G Hunter, Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 25 February 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 20 February 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard, 19 February 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on freeboard report for Mauretania, 23 April 1907 1907, Memo on measurements of Mauretania, 22 April 1907 1907, Note of measurements relating to Mauretania, 13 May 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 19 April 1907 1907, Plan of midship section showing thicknesses of shell for Mauretania, 5 November 1907 1907, Midship section plan for Mauretania, 7 November 1907 1907, Midship section plan for Mauretania, 3 December 1907 1907, The Electrical Equipment of the Cunard Express Turbine Steamship “Mauretania”, 1908 1908, Plan of general arrangement for Mauretania, 19 January 1915 1915, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to the Liverpool Secretary on Mauretania, 3 February 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 3 February 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to the Liverpool Secretary on Mauretania, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from W L Clark, Liverpool Committee Secretary to Lloyd's Register Secretary on freeboard certificate for Mauretania, 19 January 1921 1921, Letter from R Bruce, Cunard to Liverpool Office on Load Line Certificate for Mauretania, 19 January 1921 1921, List of dimensions for Mauretania, 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Freeboard Verification Form on Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Fresh Water Line for Mauretania, 24 September 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard for Mauretania, 23 September 1931 1931, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Freeboard for Mauretania, 22 September 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on marking of Fresh Water for Mauretania, 21 September 1931 1931, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 20 May 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancelling old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 3 January 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancelling old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 9 July 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancellation of old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 8 July 1932 1932, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 10 June 1932 1932, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Mauretania, 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 13 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 11 June 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Assistant Secretary of Mercantile Marine Deoartment in Board of Trade on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 9 June 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Assistant Secretary of Mercantile Marine Deoartment in Board of Trade on endorsement for Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Memo on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Letter from S R Davies pro Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania shelter deck, 1 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing applications for Freeboard Certificates for Mauretania and Aquitania, 16 April 1932 1932, Application for Certificate of Approval of disc and lines used in connection with the Provisions of the International Load Line Conention 1930 for Mauretania, 11 April 1932 1932, Telegram from Newcastle office to London Committee on shelter deck of Mauretania, 1 June 1932 1932, Telegram from Newcastle office to London Committee on shelter deck of Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Telegram from London Committee to Newcastle office on shelter deck of Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Memo on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Translation of Telegram from London Office to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania shelter deck, 30 May 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 27 May 1932 1932, List of dimensions for Mauretania, 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard of Mauretania, 12 April 1932 1932, Plan of freeboard deck for Mauretania, 7 April 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Convention Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 22 June 1933 1933, Memo on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 22 June 1933 1933, Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard certificate, 21 June 1933 1933, Record of renewal survey for Mauretania freeboard, 21 June 1933 1933, Letter from W Watt to McMillan on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 11 May 1933 1933, Letter from McMillan to W Watt on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 9 May 1933 1933, Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Mauretania old freeboard certificate, 2 January 1933 1933, Record of annual survey for Mauretania freeboard, 30 June 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to Classification Committee to Southampton Surveyors on Mauretania boiler survey, 18 December 1934 1934, Notification of postponed survey for Mauretania, 17 October 1934 1934, Information on Mauretania from surveyors at Southampton, 12 December 1934 1934, Remarks of Chief Ship Surveyor on Mauretania, 17 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 10 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 19 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 19 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 1934 1934, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 7 July 1934 1934, Report of sale and breaking up of Mauretania, 24 September 1935 1935, Information on Mauretania, 6 September 1935 1935, Information on Mauretania from surveyors at Southampton, 21 March 1935 1935, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo and/or Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 28 February 1937 1937, Letter from S R Davies pro Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboards, 30 May 1932 30, Letter from Henry Hogben Chief Ship Surveyor at Board of Trade on endorsement for Load Line Certificate of Mauretania, 8 June 1932 8, Letter on plans of Cunard liners no date, Lloyd's British testing information on Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Historical background on Mauretania no date )
Is the steamer assisted by sail?
No ( Letter from E W De Rusett enclosing diagrams of Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic for comment by H J Cornish, 9 June 1903 1903, Letter from H J Cornish to De Rusett on Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic, 23 June 1903 1903, Letter from E W De Rusett on diagrams of Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic for comment by H J Cornish, 4 July 1903 1903, Lloyd's British testing calculations for Mauretania, 8 March 1904 1904, Suggested equipment for Cunard's Lusitania and Mauritania, 1904 1904, Letter to Hunter including ammendments to plans for Cunard Steamers, 8 March 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H J Cornish on rivets for Mauretania, 3 May 1904 1904, Calculations on tonnage for Mauretania, 9 May 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 11 May 1904 1904, Statement re Stress Calculations for Cunard Liner Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing plans for Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Notes on changes to Mauretania plans, 21 June 1904 1904, Diagram of Mauretania, 24 June 1904 1904, Note on reply to telegram regarding Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram to Hunter on boilers for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from London Committee on approval of Mauretania boilers, 27 June 1904 1904, Two telegrams to London Committee on Cunard boiler plans for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Memo on confidentiality of Cunard plans for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on the building of the Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to T J Dodd on the building of the Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register on Mauretania plan errors, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from Lloyd's Register Committee to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania plan errors, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania photo print, 28 June 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania photo print, 2 July 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania plans, 4 July 1904 1904, Letter from H J Cornish to De Rusett on Cunard LinerMauretania, 2 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 5 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on plans for Mauretania, 5 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 7 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 7 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing designs for steel part of the steam for the Mauretania, 14 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing designs for steel part of the steam for the Mauretania, 15 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 19 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 18 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 19 July 1904 1904, Note on sketches for Mauretania, 20 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 22 August 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania and interview notes with Cornish, 3 September 1904 1904, Notes of interview with the representatives of Lloyd's and John Brown & Company in London, 25 August 1904 1904, Memo stating that De Rusett's notes agree with J Bruhn's except on the following points, 5 September 1904 1904, Copy of letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania and interview notes with Cornish, 3 September 1904 1904, Copy of memo stating that De Rusett's notes agree with J Bruhn's except on the following points, 5 September 1904 1904, Calculations related to design of Mauretania, 8 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 8 September 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle to London Committeee on Cunard plans for Mauretania, September 1904 1904, Telegram send from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson on Cunard plans, 8 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania plans, 12 September 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment calculations for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing corrections for notes on Mauretania design meeting, 12 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E W De Rusett on the building of the Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on bending moment for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the bending moment calculations for the Mauretania, 14 September 1904 1904, Letter from E G Champness to H Cornish, 16 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the bending moment calculations for the Mauretania, 22 September 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania, 22 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Letter to De Russett, likely from Lloyd's Register Secretary on designs for Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Notes on web frames for Mauretania, 26 September 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania web frames, 27 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the Mauretania, 27 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on curve bending moments for Mauretania, 29 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 30 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 3 October 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, High Tensile Steel note for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, Notes on designs for Mauretania, 5 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on curve bending moments for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on experimental tests for Mauretania designs, 6 October 1904 1904, Memo on high tensile steel for Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Memo on design of web frames for Mauretania, 8 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on bulkheads for Mauretania, 7 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on testing for Mauretania designs, 10 October 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Receipt of telegram from London to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle surveyors to London committee on Mauretania steel, 8 October 1904 1904, Letter on steel tests for Mauretania from the Lloyd's Register Secretary to Champness, 14 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment calculations for Mauretania, 17 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania bending moments, 15 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment for steel in Mauretania, 19 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment for steel in Mauretania, 24 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania, 20 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to E C Champness on Mauretania, 20 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on Mauretania, 21 October 1904 1904, Letter to E C Champness on Mauretania, 24 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Letter to E C Champness on Mauretania, 26 October 1904 1904, Memo on testing of steel for Mauretania, 27 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 27 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 28 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on rivetting for Mauretania, 28 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 3 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Cornish on Mauretania, 1 November 1904 1904, Letter to Mr De Rusett on Mauretania, 2 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 3 November 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Memo on thickness of plates for Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Calculations of diagonal connection relating to the Mauretania, 5 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H J Cornish on Mauretania bulkheads, 7 November 1904 1904, Letter pro the Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary relating to forwarded builder's sections of Mauretania, 7 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Newcastle's Chief Surveyor on Mauretania bulkheads, 7 November 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania designs, 9 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 9 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 11 November 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania designs, 16 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 16 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on steel test pieces for Mauretania, 17 November 1904 1904, Letter from H Cornish to E C Champness on steel testing for the Mauretania, 19 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania prints, 22 November 1904 1904, Memo on openings in plans for Mauretania, 22 November 1904 1904, Memo on design of Mauretania, 24 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 24 November 1904 1904, Memo on builder's plans for Mauretania, 28 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 25 November 1904 1904, Telegram from London Committee to Hunter, Wallsend on Mauretania, 26 November 1904 1904, Telegram received from London committee on Mauretania correspondence, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania design, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from Works Manager and Secretary of British Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd to Lloyd's Register Swansea on stamping tubes before they are cut for the Mauretania, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to G C Vaux and Swansea Surveyors on testing of tubes from British Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from G C Vaux to London Secretary on Mauretania tubes, 26 November 1904 1904, Memo on tubuar pillows to Swansea surveyors, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania design modification, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania sketch, 28 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 1 December 1904 1904, Memo on approved plans for Mauretania, 1 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 2 December 1904 1904, Memo on builder's proposal for Mauretania design, 2 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 6 December 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania plans, 6 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania designs, 6 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania telegram, 7 December 1904 1904, Copy of telegrams between London Committee and Hunter Wallsend on Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania planning proposal, 7 December 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle to London Committeee on Cunard plans for Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania sketch, 9 December 1904 1904, Memo relating to sketch of Mauretania design, 9 December 1904 1904, Conditions under which bending moment was calculated for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Stress calculation for Mauretania, 15 September 1904 1904, Confirmation of telegram to Hunter Wallsend from London Committee on Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plan, 8 December 1904 1904, Plan of stress diagram for Mauretania, 14 April 1904 1904, Midship Section plan for Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Midship Section plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Profile plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Shelter deck plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Upper Deck Plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Main deck plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Plan of curve on bending moments, vessel on wave crest, at end of voyage, for Mauretania, September 1904 1904, Plan of ship on wave crest for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Calculations of rudder relating to Mauretania, 11 January 1905 1905, Topside plating calculations for Mauretania, 21 February 1905 1905, Doubling calculations for Mauretania, 24 February 1905 1905, Calculations for Mauretania around, 24 February 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 27 February 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 27 February 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 23 March 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 23 March 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 4 April 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 4 April 1905 1905, Notes on Mauretania plans, 22 May 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 29 May 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 6 June 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 15 August 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 15 August 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 28 December 1905 1905, Boiler plan for Mauretania, 6 April 1905 1905, Boiler plan for Mauretania, 6 April 1905 1905, Shafting plan for Mauretania, 30 May 1905 1905, Plan of proposed arrangement of shell and deck plating and doublings for Mauretania, 8 July 1905 1905, Calculations for steel testing for Mauretania, 10 April 1906 1906, Letter from P F Morton to London Secretary on Mauretania, 27 January 1906 1906, Memo on anchors for Mauretania, 27 January 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Sheffield Surveyor on Mauretania, 30 January 1906 1906, Memo on Mauretania anchors, 9 February 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 9 February 1906 1906, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register Secretary, 12 February 1906 1906, Notes on Mauretania, 5 March 1906 1906, Anchors, Cables and wire and Manila Ropes for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Anchors, Cables and wire and Manila Ropes for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Proposed equipment for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on anchors and cables for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 18 April 1906 1906, Proposed equipment for Mauretania around, April 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania equipment, 12 April 1906 1906, Letter from Brown, Lenox & Co pro Jas B Richardson on cable testing for Cunard, 12 June 1906 1906, Telegram from Bate Dks Cardiff to London Committee on cable testing, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Cardiff office to London Committee on cable tests, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Cardiff office to London Committee on cable tests, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegram from Redman to Scott on cable testing, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter to Andrew Scott on cable testing telegrams, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary on proving house telegrams, 13 June 1906 1906, Memo on proving houses, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Stenoch Rt Glasgow, Scott to Redman & London Committee on telegram on Mauretania, 14 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from London Committee to Cardiff proving house on cable testing for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from Andrew K Hamilton pro Cardiff surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on cable testing for Cunard, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to G W Penn, Cardiff proving house on steel tests for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Cardiff surveyors on chain cable for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 15 June 1906 1906, Letter from James Richardson to G W Penn to G W Penn on swivel pieces for Mauretania, 18 July 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 20 July 1906 1906, Memo on cable testing for Mauretania at Cardiff Proving House, 21 July 1906 1906, Memo to inform surveyors that W Hamilton's report on chain testing has come in, 21 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Peter Samson, Board of Trade on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 21 July 1906 1906, Letter from Peter Samson, Board of Trade to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 23 July 1906 1906, Memo on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania with information from Board of Trade, 24 July 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to George W Penn on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 25 July 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Peter Samson, Board of Trade on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 25 July 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing swivel pieces for Mauretania, 26 July 1906 1906, Letter from Andrew K Hamilton to Lloyd's Register Secretary on results of cable testing for Mauretania, 25 August 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Cardiff surveyors on results from testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 30 August 1906 1906, Profile plan for Mauretania, 3 March 1906 1906, Particulars of Boilers for Mauretania, 18 September 1907 1907, Letter from H Green to H J Cornish on interests of Cornish during his visit to Netherton proving house, 25 September 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to H Green on visit to Netherton proving house, 26 September 1907 1907, Query Formon official registration of Mauretania, 28 October 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register secretary on registered dimensions of Mauretania, 25 October 1907 1907, Registered dimensions of Lusitania and Mauretania, 24 October 1907 1907, Request for registered depths for the Mauretania from Registrar General of Shipping, 28 October 1907 1907, Memo on date of build and date of launch for Mauretania, 9 November 1907 1907, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor on class of Mauretania, 8 November 1907 1907, Letter from Newcastle Surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania first entry report, 7 November 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania first entry report, 6 November 1907 1907, First entry report "Iron or Steel Steamer" for Mauretania, 22 October 1907 1907, Letter from J T Findlay on Mauretania's sea cock, 13 November 1907 1907, Memo requesting shafting plans from Newccastle surveyors, 8 November 1907 1907, Report on Machinery for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Report on boilers for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Note accompanying Mauretania documents, 12 November 1907 1907, Particulars of passenger certificate for Mauretania, 15 November 1907 1907, Form for vessels of 100 tons and upwards for Mauretania, 14 November 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 31 October 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs of engines and boilers for Mauretania, 1 November 1907 1907, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 4 September 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champess on Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Memo on Freeboard Form for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Application for Certificate of Approval of disc and lines used in connection with the Provisions of the International Load Line Conention 1930 for Mauretania, 24 April 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania, 24 April 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania plans, 2 April 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 28 March 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 28 March 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard, 26 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E C Champness on freeboard survey for Mauretania, 23 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E W DeRusset on diagram mistake for Mauretania, 7 March 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to H J Cornish on Mauretania freeboard, 6 March 1907 1907, Letter from Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd to H J Cornish on Mauretania, 27 February 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to G Hunter, Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 25 February 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 20 February 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard, 19 February 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on freeboard report for Mauretania, 23 April 1907 1907, Memo on measurements of Mauretania, 22 April 1907 1907, Note of measurements relating to Mauretania, 13 May 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 19 April 1907 1907, Plan of midship section showing thicknesses of shell for Mauretania, 5 November 1907 1907, Midship section plan for Mauretania, 7 November 1907 1907, Midship section plan for Mauretania, 3 December 1907 1907, The Electrical Equipment of the Cunard Express Turbine Steamship “Mauretania”, 1908 1908, Plan of general arrangement for Mauretania, 19 January 1915 1915, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to the Liverpool Secretary on Mauretania, 3 February 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 3 February 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to the Liverpool Secretary on Mauretania, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from W L Clark, Liverpool Committee Secretary to Lloyd's Register Secretary on freeboard certificate for Mauretania, 19 January 1921 1921, Letter from R Bruce, Cunard to Liverpool Office on Load Line Certificate for Mauretania, 19 January 1921 1921, List of dimensions for Mauretania, 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Freeboard Verification Form on Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Fresh Water Line for Mauretania, 24 September 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard for Mauretania, 23 September 1931 1931, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Freeboard for Mauretania, 22 September 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on marking of Fresh Water for Mauretania, 21 September 1931 1931, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 20 May 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancelling old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 3 January 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancelling old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 9 July 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancellation of old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 8 July 1932 1932, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 10 June 1932 1932, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Mauretania, 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 13 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 11 June 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Assistant Secretary of Mercantile Marine Deoartment in Board of Trade on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 9 June 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Assistant Secretary of Mercantile Marine Deoartment in Board of Trade on endorsement for Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Memo on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Letter from S R Davies pro Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania shelter deck, 1 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing applications for Freeboard Certificates for Mauretania and Aquitania, 16 April 1932 1932, Application for Certificate of Approval of disc and lines used in connection with the Provisions of the International Load Line Conention 1930 for Mauretania, 11 April 1932 1932, Telegram from Newcastle office to London Committee on shelter deck of Mauretania, 1 June 1932 1932, Telegram from Newcastle office to London Committee on shelter deck of Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Telegram from London Committee to Newcastle office on shelter deck of Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Memo on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Translation of Telegram from London Office to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania shelter deck, 30 May 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 27 May 1932 1932, List of dimensions for Mauretania, 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard of Mauretania, 12 April 1932 1932, Plan of freeboard deck for Mauretania, 7 April 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Convention Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 22 June 1933 1933, Memo on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 22 June 1933 1933, Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard certificate, 21 June 1933 1933, Record of renewal survey for Mauretania freeboard, 21 June 1933 1933, Letter from W Watt to McMillan on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 11 May 1933 1933, Letter from McMillan to W Watt on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 9 May 1933 1933, Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Mauretania old freeboard certificate, 2 January 1933 1933, Record of annual survey for Mauretania freeboard, 30 June 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to Classification Committee to Southampton Surveyors on Mauretania boiler survey, 18 December 1934 1934, Notification of postponed survey for Mauretania, 17 October 1934 1934, Information on Mauretania from surveyors at Southampton, 12 December 1934 1934, Remarks of Chief Ship Surveyor on Mauretania, 17 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 10 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 19 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 19 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 1934 1934, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 7 July 1934 1934, Report of sale and breaking up of Mauretania, 24 September 1935 1935, Information on Mauretania, 6 September 1935 1935, Information on Mauretania from surveyors at Southampton, 21 March 1935 1935, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo and/or Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 28 February 1937 1937, Letter from S R Davies pro Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboards, 30 May 1932 30, Letter from Henry Hogben Chief Ship Surveyor at Board of Trade on endorsement for Load Line Certificate of Mauretania, 8 June 1932 8, Letter on plans of Cunard liners no date, Lloyd's British testing information on Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Historical background on Mauretania no date )
Confirmation as to whether the vessel was equipped with refrigeration machinery to aid in the transport of frozen or chilled cargo/goods.
No ( Letter from E W De Rusett enclosing diagrams of Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic for comment by H J Cornish, 9 June 1903 1903, Letter from H J Cornish to De Rusett on Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic, 23 June 1903 1903, Letter from E W De Rusett on diagrams of Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic for comment by H J Cornish, 4 July 1903 1903, Lloyd's British testing calculations for Mauretania, 8 March 1904 1904, Suggested equipment for Cunard's Lusitania and Mauritania, 1904 1904, Letter to Hunter including ammendments to plans for Cunard Steamers, 8 March 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H J Cornish on rivets for Mauretania, 3 May 1904 1904, Calculations on tonnage for Mauretania, 9 May 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 11 May 1904 1904, Statement re Stress Calculations for Cunard Liner Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing plans for Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Notes on changes to Mauretania plans, 21 June 1904 1904, Diagram of Mauretania, 24 June 1904 1904, Note on reply to telegram regarding Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram to Hunter on boilers for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from London Committee on approval of Mauretania boilers, 27 June 1904 1904, Two telegrams to London Committee on Cunard boiler plans for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Memo on confidentiality of Cunard plans for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on the building of the Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to T J Dodd on the building of the Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register on Mauretania plan errors, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from Lloyd's Register Committee to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania plan errors, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania photo print, 28 June 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania photo print, 2 July 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania plans, 4 July 1904 1904, Letter from H J Cornish to De Rusett on Cunard LinerMauretania, 2 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 5 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on plans for Mauretania, 5 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 7 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 7 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing designs for steel part of the steam for the Mauretania, 14 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing designs for steel part of the steam for the Mauretania, 15 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 19 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 18 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 19 July 1904 1904, Note on sketches for Mauretania, 20 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 22 August 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania and interview notes with Cornish, 3 September 1904 1904, Notes of interview with the representatives of Lloyd's and John Brown & Company in London, 25 August 1904 1904, Memo stating that De Rusett's notes agree with J Bruhn's except on the following points, 5 September 1904 1904, Copy of letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania and interview notes with Cornish, 3 September 1904 1904, Copy of memo stating that De Rusett's notes agree with J Bruhn's except on the following points, 5 September 1904 1904, Calculations related to design of Mauretania, 8 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 8 September 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle to London Committeee on Cunard plans for Mauretania, September 1904 1904, Telegram send from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson on Cunard plans, 8 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania plans, 12 September 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment calculations for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing corrections for notes on Mauretania design meeting, 12 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E W De Rusett on the building of the Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on bending moment for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the bending moment calculations for the Mauretania, 14 September 1904 1904, Letter from E G Champness to H Cornish, 16 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the bending moment calculations for the Mauretania, 22 September 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania, 22 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Letter to De Russett, likely from Lloyd's Register Secretary on designs for Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Notes on web frames for Mauretania, 26 September 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania web frames, 27 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the Mauretania, 27 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on curve bending moments for Mauretania, 29 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 30 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 3 October 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, High Tensile Steel note for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, Notes on designs for Mauretania, 5 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on curve bending moments for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on experimental tests for Mauretania designs, 6 October 1904 1904, Memo on high tensile steel for Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Memo on design of web frames for Mauretania, 8 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on bulkheads for Mauretania, 7 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on testing for Mauretania designs, 10 October 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Receipt of telegram from London to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle surveyors to London committee on Mauretania steel, 8 October 1904 1904, Letter on steel tests for Mauretania from the Lloyd's Register Secretary to Champness, 14 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment calculations for Mauretania, 17 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania bending moments, 15 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment for steel in Mauretania, 19 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment for steel in Mauretania, 24 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania, 20 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to E C Champness on Mauretania, 20 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on Mauretania, 21 October 1904 1904, Letter to E C Champness on Mauretania, 24 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Letter to E C Champness on Mauretania, 26 October 1904 1904, Memo on testing of steel for Mauretania, 27 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 27 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 28 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on rivetting for Mauretania, 28 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 3 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Cornish on Mauretania, 1 November 1904 1904, Letter to Mr De Rusett on Mauretania, 2 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 3 November 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Memo on thickness of plates for Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Calculations of diagonal connection relating to the Mauretania, 5 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H J Cornish on Mauretania bulkheads, 7 November 1904 1904, Letter pro the Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary relating to forwarded builder's sections of Mauretania, 7 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Newcastle's Chief Surveyor on Mauretania bulkheads, 7 November 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania designs, 9 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 9 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 11 November 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania designs, 16 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 16 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on steel test pieces for Mauretania, 17 November 1904 1904, Letter from H Cornish to E C Champness on steel testing for the Mauretania, 19 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania prints, 22 November 1904 1904, Memo on openings in plans for Mauretania, 22 November 1904 1904, Memo on design of Mauretania, 24 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 24 November 1904 1904, Memo on builder's plans for Mauretania, 28 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 25 November 1904 1904, Telegram from London Committee to Hunter, Wallsend on Mauretania, 26 November 1904 1904, Telegram received from London committee on Mauretania correspondence, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania design, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from Works Manager and Secretary of British Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd to Lloyd's Register Swansea on stamping tubes before they are cut for the Mauretania, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to G C Vaux and Swansea Surveyors on testing of tubes from British Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from G C Vaux to London Secretary on Mauretania tubes, 26 November 1904 1904, Memo on tubuar pillows to Swansea surveyors, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania design modification, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania sketch, 28 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 1 December 1904 1904, Memo on approved plans for Mauretania, 1 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 2 December 1904 1904, Memo on builder's proposal for Mauretania design, 2 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 6 December 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania plans, 6 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania designs, 6 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania telegram, 7 December 1904 1904, Copy of telegrams between London Committee and Hunter Wallsend on Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania planning proposal, 7 December 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle to London Committeee on Cunard plans for Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania sketch, 9 December 1904 1904, Memo relating to sketch of Mauretania design, 9 December 1904 1904, Conditions under which bending moment was calculated for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Stress calculation for Mauretania, 15 September 1904 1904, Confirmation of telegram to Hunter Wallsend from London Committee on Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plan, 8 December 1904 1904, Plan of stress diagram for Mauretania, 14 April 1904 1904, Midship Section plan for Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Midship Section plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Profile plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Shelter deck plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Upper Deck Plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Main deck plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Plan of curve on bending moments, vessel on wave crest, at end of voyage, for Mauretania, September 1904 1904, Plan of ship on wave crest for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Calculations of rudder relating to Mauretania, 11 January 1905 1905, Topside plating calculations for Mauretania, 21 February 1905 1905, Doubling calculations for Mauretania, 24 February 1905 1905, Calculations for Mauretania around, 24 February 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 27 February 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 27 February 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 23 March 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 23 March 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 4 April 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 4 April 1905 1905, Notes on Mauretania plans, 22 May 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 29 May 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 6 June 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 15 August 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 15 August 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 28 December 1905 1905, Boiler plan for Mauretania, 6 April 1905 1905, Boiler plan for Mauretania, 6 April 1905 1905, Shafting plan for Mauretania, 30 May 1905 1905, Plan of proposed arrangement of shell and deck plating and doublings for Mauretania, 8 July 1905 1905, Calculations for steel testing for Mauretania, 10 April 1906 1906, Letter from P F Morton to London Secretary on Mauretania, 27 January 1906 1906, Memo on anchors for Mauretania, 27 January 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Sheffield Surveyor on Mauretania, 30 January 1906 1906, Memo on Mauretania anchors, 9 February 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 9 February 1906 1906, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register Secretary, 12 February 1906 1906, Notes on Mauretania, 5 March 1906 1906, Anchors, Cables and wire and Manila Ropes for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Anchors, Cables and wire and Manila Ropes for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Proposed equipment for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on anchors and cables for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 18 April 1906 1906, Proposed equipment for Mauretania around, April 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania equipment, 12 April 1906 1906, Letter from Brown, Lenox & Co pro Jas B Richardson on cable testing for Cunard, 12 June 1906 1906, Telegram from Bate Dks Cardiff to London Committee on cable testing, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Cardiff office to London Committee on cable tests, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Cardiff office to London Committee on cable tests, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegram from Redman to Scott on cable testing, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter to Andrew Scott on cable testing telegrams, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary on proving house telegrams, 13 June 1906 1906, Memo on proving houses, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Stenoch Rt Glasgow, Scott to Redman & London Committee on telegram on Mauretania, 14 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from London Committee to Cardiff proving house on cable testing for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from Andrew K Hamilton pro Cardiff surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on cable testing for Cunard, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to G W Penn, Cardiff proving house on steel tests for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Cardiff surveyors on chain cable for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 15 June 1906 1906, Letter from James Richardson to G W Penn to G W Penn on swivel pieces for Mauretania, 18 July 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 20 July 1906 1906, Memo on cable testing for Mauretania at Cardiff Proving House, 21 July 1906 1906, Memo to inform surveyors that W Hamilton's report on chain testing has come in, 21 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Peter Samson, Board of Trade on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 21 July 1906 1906, Letter from Peter Samson, Board of Trade to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 23 July 1906 1906, Memo on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania with information from Board of Trade, 24 July 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to George W Penn on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 25 July 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Peter Samson, Board of Trade on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 25 July 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing swivel pieces for Mauretania, 26 July 1906 1906, Letter from Andrew K Hamilton to Lloyd's Register Secretary on results of cable testing for Mauretania, 25 August 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Cardiff surveyors on results from testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 30 August 1906 1906, Profile plan for Mauretania, 3 March 1906 1906, Particulars of Boilers for Mauretania, 18 September 1907 1907, Letter from H Green to H J Cornish on interests of Cornish during his visit to Netherton proving house, 25 September 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to H Green on visit to Netherton proving house, 26 September 1907 1907, Query Formon official registration of Mauretania, 28 October 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register secretary on registered dimensions of Mauretania, 25 October 1907 1907, Registered dimensions of Lusitania and Mauretania, 24 October 1907 1907, Request for registered depths for the Mauretania from Registrar General of Shipping, 28 October 1907 1907, Memo on date of build and date of launch for Mauretania, 9 November 1907 1907, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor on class of Mauretania, 8 November 1907 1907, Letter from Newcastle Surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania first entry report, 7 November 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania first entry report, 6 November 1907 1907, First entry report "Iron or Steel Steamer" for Mauretania, 22 October 1907 1907, Letter from J T Findlay on Mauretania's sea cock, 13 November 1907 1907, Memo requesting shafting plans from Newccastle surveyors, 8 November 1907 1907, Report on Machinery for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Report on boilers for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Note accompanying Mauretania documents, 12 November 1907 1907, Particulars of passenger certificate for Mauretania, 15 November 1907 1907, Form for vessels of 100 tons and upwards for Mauretania, 14 November 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 31 October 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs of engines and boilers for Mauretania, 1 November 1907 1907, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 4 September 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champess on Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Memo on Freeboard Form for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Application for Certificate of Approval of disc and lines used in connection with the Provisions of the International Load Line Conention 1930 for Mauretania, 24 April 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania, 24 April 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania plans, 2 April 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 28 March 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 28 March 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard, 26 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E C Champness on freeboard survey for Mauretania, 23 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E W DeRusset on diagram mistake for Mauretania, 7 March 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to H J Cornish on Mauretania freeboard, 6 March 1907 1907, Letter from Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd to H J Cornish on Mauretania, 27 February 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to G Hunter, Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 25 February 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 20 February 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard, 19 February 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on freeboard report for Mauretania, 23 April 1907 1907, Memo on measurements of Mauretania, 22 April 1907 1907, Note of measurements relating to Mauretania, 13 May 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 19 April 1907 1907, Plan of midship section showing thicknesses of shell for Mauretania, 5 November 1907 1907, Midship section plan for Mauretania, 7 November 1907 1907, Midship section plan for Mauretania, 3 December 1907 1907, The Electrical Equipment of the Cunard Express Turbine Steamship “Mauretania”, 1908 1908, Plan of general arrangement for Mauretania, 19 January 1915 1915, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to the Liverpool Secretary on Mauretania, 3 February 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 3 February 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to the Liverpool Secretary on Mauretania, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from W L Clark, Liverpool Committee Secretary to Lloyd's Register Secretary on freeboard certificate for Mauretania, 19 January 1921 1921, Letter from R Bruce, Cunard to Liverpool Office on Load Line Certificate for Mauretania, 19 January 1921 1921, List of dimensions for Mauretania, 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Freeboard Verification Form on Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Fresh Water Line for Mauretania, 24 September 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard for Mauretania, 23 September 1931 1931, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Freeboard for Mauretania, 22 September 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on marking of Fresh Water for Mauretania, 21 September 1931 1931, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 20 May 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancelling old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 3 January 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancelling old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 9 July 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancellation of old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 8 July 1932 1932, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 10 June 1932 1932, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Mauretania, 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 13 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 11 June 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Assistant Secretary of Mercantile Marine Deoartment in Board of Trade on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 9 June 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Assistant Secretary of Mercantile Marine Deoartment in Board of Trade on endorsement for Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Memo on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Letter from S R Davies pro Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania shelter deck, 1 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing applications for Freeboard Certificates for Mauretania and Aquitania, 16 April 1932 1932, Application for Certificate of Approval of disc and lines used in connection with the Provisions of the International Load Line Conention 1930 for Mauretania, 11 April 1932 1932, Telegram from Newcastle office to London Committee on shelter deck of Mauretania, 1 June 1932 1932, Telegram from Newcastle office to London Committee on shelter deck of Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Telegram from London Committee to Newcastle office on shelter deck of Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Memo on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Translation of Telegram from London Office to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania shelter deck, 30 May 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 27 May 1932 1932, List of dimensions for Mauretania, 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard of Mauretania, 12 April 1932 1932, Plan of freeboard deck for Mauretania, 7 April 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Convention Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 22 June 1933 1933, Memo on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 22 June 1933 1933, Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard certificate, 21 June 1933 1933, Record of renewal survey for Mauretania freeboard, 21 June 1933 1933, Letter from W Watt to McMillan on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 11 May 1933 1933, Letter from McMillan to W Watt on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 9 May 1933 1933, Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Mauretania old freeboard certificate, 2 January 1933 1933, Record of annual survey for Mauretania freeboard, 30 June 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to Classification Committee to Southampton Surveyors on Mauretania boiler survey, 18 December 1934 1934, Notification of postponed survey for Mauretania, 17 October 1934 1934, Information on Mauretania from surveyors at Southampton, 12 December 1934 1934, Remarks of Chief Ship Surveyor on Mauretania, 17 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 10 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 19 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 19 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 1934 1934, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 7 July 1934 1934, Report of sale and breaking up of Mauretania, 24 September 1935 1935, Information on Mauretania, 6 September 1935 1935, Information on Mauretania from surveyors at Southampton, 21 March 1935 1935, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo and/or Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 28 February 1937 1937, Letter from S R Davies pro Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboards, 30 May 1932 30, Letter from Henry Hogben Chief Ship Surveyor at Board of Trade on endorsement for Load Line Certificate of Mauretania, 8 June 1932 8, Letter on plans of Cunard liners no date, Lloyd's British testing information on Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Historical background on Mauretania no date )
Does the vessel possess an auxiliary power source?
No ( Letter from E W De Rusett enclosing diagrams of Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic for comment by H J Cornish, 9 June 1903 1903, Letter from H J Cornish to De Rusett on Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic, 23 June 1903 1903, Letter from E W De Rusett on diagrams of Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic for comment by H J Cornish, 4 July 1903 1903, Lloyd's British testing calculations for Mauretania, 8 March 1904 1904, Suggested equipment for Cunard's Lusitania and Mauritania, 1904 1904, Letter to Hunter including ammendments to plans for Cunard Steamers, 8 March 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H J Cornish on rivets for Mauretania, 3 May 1904 1904, Calculations on tonnage for Mauretania, 9 May 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 11 May 1904 1904, Statement re Stress Calculations for Cunard Liner Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing plans for Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Notes on changes to Mauretania plans, 21 June 1904 1904, Diagram of Mauretania, 24 June 1904 1904, Note on reply to telegram regarding Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram to Hunter on boilers for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from London Committee on approval of Mauretania boilers, 27 June 1904 1904, Two telegrams to London Committee on Cunard boiler plans for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Memo on confidentiality of Cunard plans for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on the building of the Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to T J Dodd on the building of the Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register on Mauretania plan errors, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from Lloyd's Register Committee to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania plan errors, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania photo print, 28 June 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania photo print, 2 July 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania plans, 4 July 1904 1904, Letter from H J Cornish to De Rusett on Cunard LinerMauretania, 2 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 5 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on plans for Mauretania, 5 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 7 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 7 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing designs for steel part of the steam for the Mauretania, 14 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing designs for steel part of the steam for the Mauretania, 15 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 19 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 18 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 19 July 1904 1904, Note on sketches for Mauretania, 20 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 22 August 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania and interview notes with Cornish, 3 September 1904 1904, Notes of interview with the representatives of Lloyd's and John Brown & Company in London, 25 August 1904 1904, Memo stating that De Rusett's notes agree with J Bruhn's except on the following points, 5 September 1904 1904, Copy of letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania and interview notes with Cornish, 3 September 1904 1904, Copy of memo stating that De Rusett's notes agree with J Bruhn's except on the following points, 5 September 1904 1904, Calculations related to design of Mauretania, 8 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 8 September 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle to London Committeee on Cunard plans for Mauretania, September 1904 1904, Telegram send from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson on Cunard plans, 8 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania plans, 12 September 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment calculations for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing corrections for notes on Mauretania design meeting, 12 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E W De Rusett on the building of the Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on bending moment for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the bending moment calculations for the Mauretania, 14 September 1904 1904, Letter from E G Champness to H Cornish, 16 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the bending moment calculations for the Mauretania, 22 September 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania, 22 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Letter to De Russett, likely from Lloyd's Register Secretary on designs for Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Notes on web frames for Mauretania, 26 September 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania web frames, 27 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the Mauretania, 27 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on curve bending moments for Mauretania, 29 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 30 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 3 October 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, High Tensile Steel note for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, Notes on designs for Mauretania, 5 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on curve bending moments for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on experimental tests for Mauretania designs, 6 October 1904 1904, Memo on high tensile steel for Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Memo on design of web frames for Mauretania, 8 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on bulkheads for Mauretania, 7 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on testing for Mauretania designs, 10 October 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Receipt of telegram from London to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle surveyors to London committee on Mauretania steel, 8 October 1904 1904, Letter on steel tests for Mauretania from the Lloyd's Register Secretary to Champness, 14 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment calculations for Mauretania, 17 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania bending moments, 15 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment for steel in Mauretania, 19 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment for steel in Mauretania, 24 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania, 20 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to E C Champness on Mauretania, 20 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on Mauretania, 21 October 1904 1904, Letter to E C Champness on Mauretania, 24 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Letter to E C Champness on Mauretania, 26 October 1904 1904, Memo on testing of steel for Mauretania, 27 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 27 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 28 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on rivetting for Mauretania, 28 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 3 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Cornish on Mauretania, 1 November 1904 1904, Letter to Mr De Rusett on Mauretania, 2 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 3 November 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Memo on thickness of plates for Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Calculations of diagonal connection relating to the Mauretania, 5 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H J Cornish on Mauretania bulkheads, 7 November 1904 1904, Letter pro the Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary relating to forwarded builder's sections of Mauretania, 7 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Newcastle's Chief Surveyor on Mauretania bulkheads, 7 November 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania designs, 9 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 9 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 11 November 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania designs, 16 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 16 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on steel test pieces for Mauretania, 17 November 1904 1904, Letter from H Cornish to E C Champness on steel testing for the Mauretania, 19 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania prints, 22 November 1904 1904, Memo on openings in plans for Mauretania, 22 November 1904 1904, Memo on design of Mauretania, 24 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 24 November 1904 1904, Memo on builder's plans for Mauretania, 28 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 25 November 1904 1904, Telegram from London Committee to Hunter, Wallsend on Mauretania, 26 November 1904 1904, Telegram received from London committee on Mauretania correspondence, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania design, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from Works Manager and Secretary of British Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd to Lloyd's Register Swansea on stamping tubes before they are cut for the Mauretania, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to G C Vaux and Swansea Surveyors on testing of tubes from British Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from G C Vaux to London Secretary on Mauretania tubes, 26 November 1904 1904, Memo on tubuar pillows to Swansea surveyors, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania design modification, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania sketch, 28 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 1 December 1904 1904, Memo on approved plans for Mauretania, 1 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 2 December 1904 1904, Memo on builder's proposal for Mauretania design, 2 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 6 December 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania plans, 6 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania designs, 6 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania telegram, 7 December 1904 1904, Copy of telegrams between London Committee and Hunter Wallsend on Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania planning proposal, 7 December 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle to London Committeee on Cunard plans for Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania sketch, 9 December 1904 1904, Memo relating to sketch of Mauretania design, 9 December 1904 1904, Conditions under which bending moment was calculated for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Stress calculation for Mauretania, 15 September 1904 1904, Confirmation of telegram to Hunter Wallsend from London Committee on Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plan, 8 December 1904 1904, Plan of stress diagram for Mauretania, 14 April 1904 1904, Midship Section plan for Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Midship Section plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Profile plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Shelter deck plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Upper Deck Plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Main deck plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Plan of curve on bending moments, vessel on wave crest, at end of voyage, for Mauretania, September 1904 1904, Plan of ship on wave crest for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Calculations of rudder relating to Mauretania, 11 January 1905 1905, Topside plating calculations for Mauretania, 21 February 1905 1905, Doubling calculations for Mauretania, 24 February 1905 1905, Calculations for Mauretania around, 24 February 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 27 February 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 27 February 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 23 March 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 23 March 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 4 April 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 4 April 1905 1905, Notes on Mauretania plans, 22 May 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 29 May 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 6 June 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 15 August 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 15 August 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 28 December 1905 1905, Boiler plan for Mauretania, 6 April 1905 1905, Boiler plan for Mauretania, 6 April 1905 1905, Shafting plan for Mauretania, 30 May 1905 1905, Plan of proposed arrangement of shell and deck plating and doublings for Mauretania, 8 July 1905 1905, Calculations for steel testing for Mauretania, 10 April 1906 1906, Letter from P F Morton to London Secretary on Mauretania, 27 January 1906 1906, Memo on anchors for Mauretania, 27 January 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Sheffield Surveyor on Mauretania, 30 January 1906 1906, Memo on Mauretania anchors, 9 February 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 9 February 1906 1906, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register Secretary, 12 February 1906 1906, Notes on Mauretania, 5 March 1906 1906, Anchors, Cables and wire and Manila Ropes for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Anchors, Cables and wire and Manila Ropes for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Proposed equipment for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on anchors and cables for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 18 April 1906 1906, Proposed equipment for Mauretania around, April 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania equipment, 12 April 1906 1906, Letter from Brown, Lenox & Co pro Jas B Richardson on cable testing for Cunard, 12 June 1906 1906, Telegram from Bate Dks Cardiff to London Committee on cable testing, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Cardiff office to London Committee on cable tests, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Cardiff office to London Committee on cable tests, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegram from Redman to Scott on cable testing, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter to Andrew Scott on cable testing telegrams, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary on proving house telegrams, 13 June 1906 1906, Memo on proving houses, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Stenoch Rt Glasgow, Scott to Redman & London Committee on telegram on Mauretania, 14 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from London Committee to Cardiff proving house on cable testing for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from Andrew K Hamilton pro Cardiff surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on cable testing for Cunard, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to G W Penn, Cardiff proving house on steel tests for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Cardiff surveyors on chain cable for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 15 June 1906 1906, Letter from James Richardson to G W Penn to G W Penn on swivel pieces for Mauretania, 18 July 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 20 July 1906 1906, Memo on cable testing for Mauretania at Cardiff Proving House, 21 July 1906 1906, Memo to inform surveyors that W Hamilton's report on chain testing has come in, 21 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Peter Samson, Board of Trade on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 21 July 1906 1906, Letter from Peter Samson, Board of Trade to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 23 July 1906 1906, Memo on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania with information from Board of Trade, 24 July 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to George W Penn on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 25 July 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Peter Samson, Board of Trade on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 25 July 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing swivel pieces for Mauretania, 26 July 1906 1906, Letter from Andrew K Hamilton to Lloyd's Register Secretary on results of cable testing for Mauretania, 25 August 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Cardiff surveyors on results from testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 30 August 1906 1906, Profile plan for Mauretania, 3 March 1906 1906, Particulars of Boilers for Mauretania, 18 September 1907 1907, Letter from H Green to H J Cornish on interests of Cornish during his visit to Netherton proving house, 25 September 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to H Green on visit to Netherton proving house, 26 September 1907 1907, Query Formon official registration of Mauretania, 28 October 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register secretary on registered dimensions of Mauretania, 25 October 1907 1907, Registered dimensions of Lusitania and Mauretania, 24 October 1907 1907, Request for registered depths for the Mauretania from Registrar General of Shipping, 28 October 1907 1907, Memo on date of build and date of launch for Mauretania, 9 November 1907 1907, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor on class of Mauretania, 8 November 1907 1907, Letter from Newcastle Surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania first entry report, 7 November 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania first entry report, 6 November 1907 1907, First entry report "Iron or Steel Steamer" for Mauretania, 22 October 1907 1907, Letter from J T Findlay on Mauretania's sea cock, 13 November 1907 1907, Memo requesting shafting plans from Newccastle surveyors, 8 November 1907 1907, Report on Machinery for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Report on boilers for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Note accompanying Mauretania documents, 12 November 1907 1907, Particulars of passenger certificate for Mauretania, 15 November 1907 1907, Form for vessels of 100 tons and upwards for Mauretania, 14 November 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 31 October 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs of engines and boilers for Mauretania, 1 November 1907 1907, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 4 September 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champess on Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Memo on Freeboard Form for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Application for Certificate of Approval of disc and lines used in connection with the Provisions of the International Load Line Conention 1930 for Mauretania, 24 April 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania, 24 April 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania plans, 2 April 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 28 March 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 28 March 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard, 26 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E C Champness on freeboard survey for Mauretania, 23 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E W DeRusset on diagram mistake for Mauretania, 7 March 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to H J Cornish on Mauretania freeboard, 6 March 1907 1907, Letter from Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd to H J Cornish on Mauretania, 27 February 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to G Hunter, Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 25 February 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 20 February 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard, 19 February 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on freeboard report for Mauretania, 23 April 1907 1907, Memo on measurements of Mauretania, 22 April 1907 1907, Note of measurements relating to Mauretania, 13 May 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 19 April 1907 1907, Plan of midship section showing thicknesses of shell for Mauretania, 5 November 1907 1907, Midship section plan for Mauretania, 7 November 1907 1907, Midship section plan for Mauretania, 3 December 1907 1907, The Electrical Equipment of the Cunard Express Turbine Steamship “Mauretania”, 1908 1908, Plan of general arrangement for Mauretania, 19 January 1915 1915, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to the Liverpool Secretary on Mauretania, 3 February 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 3 February 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to the Liverpool Secretary on Mauretania, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from W L Clark, Liverpool Committee Secretary to Lloyd's Register Secretary on freeboard certificate for Mauretania, 19 January 1921 1921, Letter from R Bruce, Cunard to Liverpool Office on Load Line Certificate for Mauretania, 19 January 1921 1921, List of dimensions for Mauretania, 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Freeboard Verification Form on Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Fresh Water Line for Mauretania, 24 September 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard for Mauretania, 23 September 1931 1931, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Freeboard for Mauretania, 22 September 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on marking of Fresh Water for Mauretania, 21 September 1931 1931, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 20 May 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancelling old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 3 January 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancelling old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 9 July 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancellation of old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 8 July 1932 1932, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 10 June 1932 1932, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Mauretania, 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 13 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 11 June 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Assistant Secretary of Mercantile Marine Deoartment in Board of Trade on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 9 June 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Assistant Secretary of Mercantile Marine Deoartment in Board of Trade on endorsement for Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Memo on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Letter from S R Davies pro Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania shelter deck, 1 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing applications for Freeboard Certificates for Mauretania and Aquitania, 16 April 1932 1932, Application for Certificate of Approval of disc and lines used in connection with the Provisions of the International Load Line Conention 1930 for Mauretania, 11 April 1932 1932, Telegram from Newcastle office to London Committee on shelter deck of Mauretania, 1 June 1932 1932, Telegram from Newcastle office to London Committee on shelter deck of Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Telegram from London Committee to Newcastle office on shelter deck of Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Memo on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Translation of Telegram from London Office to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania shelter deck, 30 May 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 27 May 1932 1932, List of dimensions for Mauretania, 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard of Mauretania, 12 April 1932 1932, Plan of freeboard deck for Mauretania, 7 April 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Convention Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 22 June 1933 1933, Memo on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 22 June 1933 1933, Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard certificate, 21 June 1933 1933, Record of renewal survey for Mauretania freeboard, 21 June 1933 1933, Letter from W Watt to McMillan on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 11 May 1933 1933, Letter from McMillan to W Watt on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 9 May 1933 1933, Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Mauretania old freeboard certificate, 2 January 1933 1933, Record of annual survey for Mauretania freeboard, 30 June 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to Classification Committee to Southampton Surveyors on Mauretania boiler survey, 18 December 1934 1934, Notification of postponed survey for Mauretania, 17 October 1934 1934, Information on Mauretania from surveyors at Southampton, 12 December 1934 1934, Remarks of Chief Ship Surveyor on Mauretania, 17 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 10 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 19 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 19 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 1934 1934, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 7 July 1934 1934, Report of sale and breaking up of Mauretania, 24 September 1935 1935, Information on Mauretania, 6 September 1935 1935, Information on Mauretania from surveyors at Southampton, 21 March 1935 1935, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo and/or Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 28 February 1937 1937, Letter from S R Davies pro Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboards, 30 May 1932 30, Letter from Henry Hogben Chief Ship Surveyor at Board of Trade on endorsement for Load Line Certificate of Mauretania, 8 June 1932 8, Letter on plans of Cunard liners no date, Lloyd's British testing information on Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Historical background on Mauretania no date )
Is electric lighting fitted to the vessel?
No ( Letter from E W De Rusett enclosing diagrams of Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic for comment by H J Cornish, 9 June 1903 1903, Letter from H J Cornish to De Rusett on Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic, 23 June 1903 1903, Letter from E W De Rusett on diagrams of Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic for comment by H J Cornish, 4 July 1903 1903, Lloyd's British testing calculations for Mauretania, 8 March 1904 1904, Suggested equipment for Cunard's Lusitania and Mauritania, 1904 1904, Letter to Hunter including ammendments to plans for Cunard Steamers, 8 March 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H J Cornish on rivets for Mauretania, 3 May 1904 1904, Calculations on tonnage for Mauretania, 9 May 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 11 May 1904 1904, Statement re Stress Calculations for Cunard Liner Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing plans for Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Notes on changes to Mauretania plans, 21 June 1904 1904, Diagram of Mauretania, 24 June 1904 1904, Note on reply to telegram regarding Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram to Hunter on boilers for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from London Committee on approval of Mauretania boilers, 27 June 1904 1904, Two telegrams to London Committee on Cunard boiler plans for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Memo on confidentiality of Cunard plans for Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on the building of the Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to T J Dodd on the building of the Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register on Mauretania plan errors, 27 June 1904 1904, Telegram from Lloyd's Register Committee to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania plan errors, 27 June 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania photo print, 28 June 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania photo print, 2 July 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania plans, 4 July 1904 1904, Letter from H J Cornish to De Rusett on Cunard LinerMauretania, 2 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 5 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on plans for Mauretania, 5 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 7 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 7 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing designs for steel part of the steam for the Mauretania, 14 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing designs for steel part of the steam for the Mauretania, 15 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 19 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 16 July 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 18 July 1904 1904, Memo on designs for Mauretania, 19 July 1904 1904, Note on sketches for Mauretania, 20 July 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 22 August 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania and interview notes with Cornish, 3 September 1904 1904, Notes of interview with the representatives of Lloyd's and John Brown & Company in London, 25 August 1904 1904, Memo stating that De Rusett's notes agree with J Bruhn's except on the following points, 5 September 1904 1904, Copy of letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania and interview notes with Cornish, 3 September 1904 1904, Copy of memo stating that De Rusett's notes agree with J Bruhn's except on the following points, 5 September 1904 1904, Calculations related to design of Mauretania, 8 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on plans for Mauretania, 8 September 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle to London Committeee on Cunard plans for Mauretania, September 1904 1904, Telegram send from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson on Cunard plans, 8 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania plans, 12 September 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment calculations for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 12 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary enclosing corrections for notes on Mauretania design meeting, 12 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E W De Rusett on the building of the Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on bending moment for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the bending moment calculations for the Mauretania, 14 September 1904 1904, Letter from E G Champness to H Cornish, 16 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the bending moment calculations for the Mauretania, 22 September 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania, 22 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 23 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H Cornish on Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Letter to De Russett, likely from Lloyd's Register Secretary on designs for Mauretania, 24 September 1904 1904, Notes on web frames for Mauretania, 26 September 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania web frames, 27 September 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham-Richardson Ltd on the Mauretania, 27 September 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on curve bending moments for Mauretania, 29 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 30 September 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 3 October 1904 1904, Moment of inertia calculation for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, High Tensile Steel note for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, Notes on designs for Mauretania, 5 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on curve bending moments for Mauretania, 4 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on experimental tests for Mauretania designs, 6 October 1904 1904, Memo on high tensile steel for Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Memo on design of web frames for Mauretania, 8 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on bulkheads for Mauretania, 7 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on testing for Mauretania designs, 10 October 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Receipt of telegram from London to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania, 10 October 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle surveyors to London committee on Mauretania steel, 8 October 1904 1904, Letter on steel tests for Mauretania from the Lloyd's Register Secretary to Champness, 14 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment calculations for Mauretania, 17 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania bending moments, 15 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment for steel in Mauretania, 19 October 1904 1904, Memo on bending moment for steel in Mauretania, 24 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania, 20 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to E C Champness on Mauretania, 20 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on Mauretania, 21 October 1904 1904, Letter to E C Champness on Mauretania, 24 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Results of steel tests for Mauretania, 25 October 1904 1904, Letter to E C Champness on Mauretania, 26 October 1904 1904, Memo on testing of steel for Mauretania, 27 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 27 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 28 October 1904 1904, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd to Lloyd's Register Secretary on rivetting for Mauretania, 28 October 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 3 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Cornish on Mauretania, 1 November 1904 1904, Letter to Mr De Rusett on Mauretania, 2 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 3 November 1904 1904, Letter from Lloyd's Register secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Memo on thickness of plates for Mauretania, 4 November 1904 1904, Calculations of diagonal connection relating to the Mauretania, 5 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to H J Cornish on Mauretania bulkheads, 7 November 1904 1904, Letter pro the Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary relating to forwarded builder's sections of Mauretania, 7 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Newcastle's Chief Surveyor on Mauretania bulkheads, 7 November 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania designs, 9 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 9 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 11 November 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania designs, 16 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 16 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on steel test pieces for Mauretania, 17 November 1904 1904, Letter from H Cornish to E C Champness on steel testing for the Mauretania, 19 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania prints, 22 November 1904 1904, Memo on openings in plans for Mauretania, 22 November 1904 1904, Memo on design of Mauretania, 24 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 24 November 1904 1904, Memo on builder's plans for Mauretania, 28 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 25 November 1904 1904, Telegram from London Committee to Hunter, Wallsend on Mauretania, 26 November 1904 1904, Telegram received from London committee on Mauretania correspondence, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania design, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from Works Manager and Secretary of British Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd to Lloyd's Register Swansea on stamping tubes before they are cut for the Mauretania, 23 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to G C Vaux and Swansea Surveyors on testing of tubes from British Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from G C Vaux to London Secretary on Mauretania tubes, 26 November 1904 1904, Memo on tubuar pillows to Swansea surveyors, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania design modification, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania sketch, 28 November 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 1 December 1904 1904, Memo on approved plans for Mauretania, 1 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 2 December 1904 1904, Memo on builder's proposal for Mauretania design, 2 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plans, 6 December 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania plans, 6 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania designs, 6 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania telegram, 7 December 1904 1904, Copy of telegrams between London Committee and Hunter Wallsend on Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Memo on Mauretania planning proposal, 7 December 1904 1904, Telegram from Newcastle to London Committeee on Cunard plans for Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania sketch, 9 December 1904 1904, Memo relating to sketch of Mauretania design, 9 December 1904 1904, Conditions under which bending moment was calculated for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Stress calculation for Mauretania, 15 September 1904 1904, Confirmation of telegram to Hunter Wallsend from London Committee on Mauretania, 7 December 1904 1904, Letter from E W De Rusett to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania plan, 8 December 1904 1904, Plan of stress diagram for Mauretania, 14 April 1904 1904, Midship Section plan for Mauretania, 21 June 1904 1904, Midship Section plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Profile plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Shelter deck plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Upper Deck Plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Main deck plan for Mauretania, 7 September 1904 1904, Plan of curve on bending moments, vessel on wave crest, at end of voyage, for Mauretania, September 1904 1904, Plan of ship on wave crest for Mauretania, 13 September 1904 1904, Calculations of rudder relating to Mauretania, 11 January 1905 1905, Topside plating calculations for Mauretania, 21 February 1905 1905, Doubling calculations for Mauretania, 24 February 1905 1905, Calculations for Mauretania around, 24 February 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 27 February 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 27 February 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 23 March 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 23 March 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 4 April 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 4 April 1905 1905, Notes on Mauretania plans, 22 May 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 29 May 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 6 June 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 15 August 1905 1905, Moment of Inertia Calculations for Mauretania, 15 August 1905 1905, Calculations relating to design of Mauretania, 28 December 1905 1905, Boiler plan for Mauretania, 6 April 1905 1905, Boiler plan for Mauretania, 6 April 1905 1905, Shafting plan for Mauretania, 30 May 1905 1905, Plan of proposed arrangement of shell and deck plating and doublings for Mauretania, 8 July 1905 1905, Calculations for steel testing for Mauretania, 10 April 1906 1906, Letter from P F Morton to London Secretary on Mauretania, 27 January 1906 1906, Memo on anchors for Mauretania, 27 January 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Sheffield Surveyor on Mauretania, 30 January 1906 1906, Memo on Mauretania anchors, 9 February 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 9 February 1906 1906, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register Secretary, 12 February 1906 1906, Notes on Mauretania, 5 March 1906 1906, Anchors, Cables and wire and Manila Ropes for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Anchors, Cables and wire and Manila Ropes for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Proposed equipment for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Letter from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on anchors and cables for Mauretania, 9 April 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 18 April 1906 1906, Proposed equipment for Mauretania around, April 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania equipment, 12 April 1906 1906, Letter from Brown, Lenox & Co pro Jas B Richardson on cable testing for Cunard, 12 June 1906 1906, Telegram from Bate Dks Cardiff to London Committee on cable testing, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Cardiff office to London Committee on cable tests, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Cardiff office to London Committee on cable tests, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegram from Redman to Scott on cable testing, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter to Andrew Scott on cable testing telegrams, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary on proving house telegrams, 13 June 1906 1906, Memo on proving houses, 13 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from Stenoch Rt Glasgow, Scott to Redman & London Committee on telegram on Mauretania, 14 June 1906 1906, Telegraph from London Committee to Cardiff proving house on cable testing for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from Andrew K Hamilton pro Cardiff surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on cable testing for Cunard, 13 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to G W Penn, Cardiff proving house on steel tests for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Cardiff surveyors on chain cable for Cunard, 14 June 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 15 June 1906 1906, Letter from James Richardson to G W Penn to G W Penn on swivel pieces for Mauretania, 18 July 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 20 July 1906 1906, Memo on cable testing for Mauretania at Cardiff Proving House, 21 July 1906 1906, Memo to inform surveyors that W Hamilton's report on chain testing has come in, 21 June 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Peter Samson, Board of Trade on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 21 July 1906 1906, Letter from Peter Samson, Board of Trade to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 23 July 1906 1906, Memo on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania with information from Board of Trade, 24 July 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to George W Penn on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 25 July 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Peter Samson, Board of Trade on testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 25 July 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing swivel pieces for Mauretania, 26 July 1906 1906, Letter from Andrew K Hamilton to Lloyd's Register Secretary on results of cable testing for Mauretania, 25 August 1906 1906, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Cardiff surveyors on results from testing of swivel pieces for Mauretania, 30 August 1906 1906, Profile plan for Mauretania, 3 March 1906 1906, Particulars of Boilers for Mauretania, 18 September 1907 1907, Letter from H Green to H J Cornish on interests of Cornish during his visit to Netherton proving house, 25 September 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to H Green on visit to Netherton proving house, 26 September 1907 1907, Query Formon official registration of Mauretania, 28 October 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register secretary on registered dimensions of Mauretania, 25 October 1907 1907, Registered dimensions of Lusitania and Mauretania, 24 October 1907 1907, Request for registered depths for the Mauretania from Registrar General of Shipping, 28 October 1907 1907, Memo on date of build and date of launch for Mauretania, 9 November 1907 1907, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor on class of Mauretania, 8 November 1907 1907, Letter from Newcastle Surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania first entry report, 7 November 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania first entry report, 6 November 1907 1907, First entry report "Iron or Steel Steamer" for Mauretania, 22 October 1907 1907, Letter from J T Findlay on Mauretania's sea cock, 13 November 1907 1907, Memo requesting shafting plans from Newccastle surveyors, 8 November 1907 1907, Report on Machinery for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Report on boilers for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Note accompanying Mauretania documents, 12 November 1907 1907, Particulars of passenger certificate for Mauretania, 15 November 1907 1907, Form for vessels of 100 tons and upwards for Mauretania, 14 November 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 31 October 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs of engines and boilers for Mauretania, 1 November 1907 1907, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 4 September 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champess on Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Memo on Freeboard Form for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Application for Certificate of Approval of disc and lines used in connection with the Provisions of the International Load Line Conention 1930 for Mauretania, 24 April 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania, 24 April 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania plans, 2 April 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on Mauretania, 28 March 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 28 March 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard, 26 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E C Champness on freeboard survey for Mauretania, 23 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E W DeRusset on diagram mistake for Mauretania, 7 March 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to H J Cornish on Mauretania freeboard, 6 March 1907 1907, Letter from Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd to H J Cornish on Mauretania, 27 February 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to G Hunter, Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 25 February 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 20 February 1907 1907, Letter from E W DeRusett to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard, 19 February 1907 1907, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to E C Champness on freeboard report for Mauretania, 23 April 1907 1907, Memo on measurements of Mauretania, 22 April 1907 1907, Note of measurements relating to Mauretania, 13 May 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 19 April 1907 1907, Plan of midship section showing thicknesses of shell for Mauretania, 5 November 1907 1907, Midship section plan for Mauretania, 7 November 1907 1907, Midship section plan for Mauretania, 3 December 1907 1907, The Electrical Equipment of the Cunard Express Turbine Steamship “Mauretania”, 1908 1908, Plan of general arrangement for Mauretania, 19 January 1915 1915, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to the Liverpool Secretary on Mauretania, 3 February 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 3 February 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to the Liverpool Secretary on Mauretania, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors, 20 January 1921 1921, Letter from W L Clark, Liverpool Committee Secretary to Lloyd's Register Secretary on freeboard certificate for Mauretania, 19 January 1921 1921, Letter from R Bruce, Cunard to Liverpool Office on Load Line Certificate for Mauretania, 19 January 1921 1921, List of dimensions for Mauretania, 1921 1921, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Freeboard Verification Form on Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Fresh Water Line for Mauretania, 24 September 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard for Mauretania, 23 September 1931 1931, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Freeboard for Mauretania, 22 September 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on marking of Fresh Water for Mauretania, 21 September 1931 1931, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 20 May 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancelling old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 3 January 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancelling old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 9 July 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancellation of old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 8 July 1932 1932, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 10 June 1932 1932, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Mauretania, 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 13 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 11 June 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Assistant Secretary of Mercantile Marine Deoartment in Board of Trade on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 9 June 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Assistant Secretary of Mercantile Marine Deoartment in Board of Trade on endorsement for Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Memo on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Letter from S R Davies pro Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania shelter deck, 1 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing applications for Freeboard Certificates for Mauretania and Aquitania, 16 April 1932 1932, Application for Certificate of Approval of disc and lines used in connection with the Provisions of the International Load Line Conention 1930 for Mauretania, 11 April 1932 1932, Telegram from Newcastle office to London Committee on shelter deck of Mauretania, 1 June 1932 1932, Telegram from Newcastle office to London Committee on shelter deck of Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Telegram from London Committee to Newcastle office on shelter deck of Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Memo on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 30 May 1932 1932, Translation of Telegram from London Office to Newcastle surveyors on Mauretania shelter deck, 30 May 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 27 May 1932 1932, List of dimensions for Mauretania, 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard of Mauretania, 12 April 1932 1932, Plan of freeboard deck for Mauretania, 7 April 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on Convention Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 22 June 1933 1933, Memo on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 22 June 1933 1933, Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard certificate, 21 June 1933 1933, Record of renewal survey for Mauretania freeboard, 21 June 1933 1933, Letter from W Watt to McMillan on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 11 May 1933 1933, Letter from McMillan to W Watt on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 9 May 1933 1933, Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Mauretania old freeboard certificate, 2 January 1933 1933, Record of annual survey for Mauretania freeboard, 30 June 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to Classification Committee to Southampton Surveyors on Mauretania boiler survey, 18 December 1934 1934, Notification of postponed survey for Mauretania, 17 October 1934 1934, Information on Mauretania from surveyors at Southampton, 12 December 1934 1934, Remarks of Chief Ship Surveyor on Mauretania, 17 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 10 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 19 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 19 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 1934 1934, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 7 July 1934 1934, Report of sale and breaking up of Mauretania, 24 September 1935 1935, Information on Mauretania, 6 September 1935 1935, Information on Mauretania from surveyors at Southampton, 21 March 1935 1935, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo and/or Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 28 February 1937 1937, Letter from S R Davies pro Newcastle surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboards, 30 May 1932 30, Letter from Henry Hogben Chief Ship Surveyor at Board of Trade on endorsement for Load Line Certificate of Mauretania, 8 June 1932 8, Letter on plans of Cunard liners no date, Lloyd's British testing information on Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Diagram of steel for Mauretania no date, Historical background on Mauretania no date )
Name of surveyor.
Harry John Cornish ( Letter from H J Cornish to De Rusett on Cunard Liners Milwaukee, Korea, Invernia, Campania, Deutschland and Oceanic, 23 June 1903 1903, Letter from H Cornish to E C Champness on steel testing for the Mauretania, 19 November 1904 1904, Letter from H J Cornish to H Green on visit to Netherton proving house, 26 September 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E C Champness on freeboard survey for Mauretania, 23 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to E W DeRusset on diagram mistake for Mauretania, 7 March 1907 1907, Letter from H J Cornish to G Hunter, Swan, Hunter, Wigham Richardson Ltd on Mauretania, 25 February 1907 1907 )
E C Champness ( Letter from E G Champness to H Cornish, 16 September 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on experimental tests for Mauretania designs, 6 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on testing for Mauretania designs, 10 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on Mauretania, 21 October 1904 1904, Letter to E C Champness on Mauretania, 26 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 27 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 28 October 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania, 3 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 9 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register secretary on Mauretania bulkhead tests, 11 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Cornish on steel test pieces for Mauretania, 17 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to G C Vaux and Swansea Surveyors on testing of tubes from British Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd, 26 November 1904 1904, Letter from E C Champness to Lloyd's Register Secretary, 12 February 1906 1906 )
George Clark Vaux ( Letter from G C Vaux to London Secretary on Mauretania tubes, 26 November 1904 1904 )
George W Penn ( Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 15 June 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing chain cables for Cunard, 20 July 1906 1906, Letter from George W Penn to Lloyd's Register Secretary on testing swivel pieces for Mauretania, 26 July 1906 1906 )
Andrew K Hamilton ( Letter from Andrew K Hamilton to Lloyd's Register Secretary on results of cable testing for Mauretania, 25 August 1906 1906 )
A Campbell Holms ( Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register secretary on registered dimensions of Mauretania, 25 October 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania first entry report, 6 November 1907 1907, First entry report "Iron or Steel Steamer" for Mauretania, 22 October 1907 1907, 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 4 September 1907 1907, Letter from A Campbell-Holms to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania, 24 April 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 19 April 1907 1907 )
John Taylor Findlay ( Letter from J T Findlay on Mauretania's sea cock, 13 November 1907 1907, Report on Machinery for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Report on boilers for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907 )
James Bradley ( Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 31 October 1907 1907 )
H H Ashton ( Report of survey for repairs of engines and boilers for Mauretania, 1 November 1907 1907 )
R Elliott ( 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 3 February 1921 1921 )
George Augustine Dryden Toyne ( 12 Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Freeboard Verification Form on Mauretania, 10 October 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard for Mauretania, 23 September 1931 1931, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on marking of Fresh Water for Mauretania, 21 September 1931 1931, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 20 May 1932 1932, Letter from Lloyd's Register Secretary to Southampton Surveyors on cancellation of old Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 8 July 1932 1932, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 10 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Certificate for Mauretania, 11 June 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing applications for Freeboard Certificates for Mauretania and Aquitania, 16 April 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard Report for Mauretania, 27 May 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Freeboard of Mauretania, 12 April 1932 1932 )
John McMillan ( Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary on Mauretania freeboard certificate, 21 June 1933 1933, Record of renewal survey for Mauretania freeboard, 21 June 1933 1933, Letter from McMillan to W Watt on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 9 May 1933 1933, Letter from J McMillan pro Southampton surveyors to Lloyd's Register Secretary enclosing Mauretania old freeboard certificate, 2 January 1933 1933, Record of annual survey for Mauretania freeboard, 30 June 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 10 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 19 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 19 July 1934 1934, Report of survey findings for Mauretania, 1934 1934, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 7 July 1934 1934, C12(a) Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo and/or Passenger Ships for Mauretania, 28 February 1937 1937 )
William Watt ( Letter from W Watt to McMillan on Mauretania annual freeboard survey, 11 May 1933 1933 )
Abbreviations of the names of ports with Lloyd’s Register survey offices.
Nwc ( First entry report "Iron or Steel Steamer" for Mauretania, 22 October 1907 1907, Report on Machinery for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Report on boilers for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 19 April 1907 1907 )
Liv ( Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 31 October 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs of engines and boilers for Mauretania, 1 November 1907 1907 )
Sou ( Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 2 June 1932 1932, Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 20 May 1932 1932, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 7 July 1934 1934 )
Recorded information related to a vessel’s movements.
Newcastle upon Tyne ( First entry report "Iron or Steel Steamer" for Mauretania, 22 October 1907 1907, Report on Machinery for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Report on boilers for Mauretania, 23 October 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 14 May 1907 1907, Surveys for Freeboard for Mauretania, 19 April 1907 1907 )
Liverpool ( Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 31 October 1907 1907, Report of survey for repairs of engines and boilers for Mauretania, 1 November 1907 1907 )
Southampton ( Surveys for freeboard for Mauretania, 20 May 1932 1932, Report of survey for repairs for Mauretania, 7 July 1934 1934 )
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